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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    Nine buildings constructed using hemp that show the biomaterial's potential

    Byl uz konopny beton? Vypada to jako zajimava nizkouhlikova alternativa k porobetonu atp. Nema to takovou nosnost, ale ba pricky asi dobre.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: tohle se vyresi do par let trhem

    Napr nize.

    Performance and energy efficiency: a new AI chip for edge computing - Hello Future Orange

    - An innovative chip architecture that can run on 44 times less energy than the graphics processors used for AI.

    Nebo skrze breakdown LLM modelu na spefializovane modely

    AI energy consumption: Can we produce efficient models?

    - The study shows that by opting for other types of models or by adjusting models, AI energy consumption can be reduced by 70-80% during the training and deployment phase, with only a 1% or less decrease in performance.

    Spis me zajma jak dopadne btc. Nekde uz tezbu regulujou, nekde se nevyplaci, ale trzni greed porad umoznuje preziti, za vzrustajici energy...
    TUHO --- ---
    Germany is a case study — perhaps the case study — of a Western middle power which made a strategic bet on a full embrace of interdependence and globalization in the late 20th century: it outsourced its security to the U.S., its export-led growth to China, and its energy needs to Russia. It is now finding itself excruciatingly vulnerable in an early 21st century characterized by great power competition and an increasing weaponization of interdependence by allies and adversaries alike. The war in Ukraine, which touches on almost every one of Germany’s bilateral, regional, and global interests, only accentuates its exposure. That this horrific conflict is taking place in the region that was part of the “Bloodlands” (the term coined by Yale historian Timothy Snyder), where Hitler and (to a lesser degree) Stalin murdered tens of millions of people is lost on few of my fellow citizens.

    For much of the three decades after German reunification in 1990, Berlin saw Moscow (as well as Beijing) as a reliable strategic partner in a two-way bargain: Germany would import cheap energy, and export good governance in much the way that Eastern Europe had been transformed through entry into NATO and the EU. Ultimately, German policymakers hoped, this would transform not only these countries’ economies but also their political systems. And they believed — in an attempt to reconfigure West Germany’s Cold War Ostpolitik for a united Germany in the middle of Europe — that NATO and the European Union could and should be encompassed in a pan-European security architecture that included Russia.

    The Kremlin, for its part, saw Germany as a friend, a partner, and as a strategic bridgehead into Europe — not least because it was importing roughly a third of its oil and gas from Russia. What the Germans called their “modernization partnership” with Moscow made for excellent business for a while; but in every other way, it proved to be a failure. Economic integration turned out to be strictly downstream, while many German businesses got burned by corruption and organized crime; political reform remained elusive.

    Putin’s war and European energy security: A German perspective on decoupling from Russian fossil fuels | Brookings
    TUHO --- ---
    The report where experts around the world boldly reimagine sustainable development finance

    Discover how GPI addressed major criticisms of the international public finance system and aid. Global Public Investment is the closest thing to a new and shared vision for a universal and lasting transformation of the international development architecture

    Report: Time for GPI - Global Public Investment Network
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Abstract—In this paper, we present Pangu-Weather, a deep learning based system for fast and accurate global weather forecast. For this purpose, we establish a data-driven environment by downloading 43 years of hourly global weather data from the 5th generation of ECMWF reanalysis (ERA5) data and train a few deep neural networks with about 256 million parameters in total. The spatial resolution of forecast is 0.25◦ × 0.25◦, comparable to the ECMWF Integrated Forecast Systems (IFS). More importantly, for the first time, an AI-based method outperforms state-of-the-art numerical weather prediction (NWP) methods in terms of accuracy (latitude-weighted RMSE and ACC) of all factors (e.g., geopotential, specific humidity, wind speed, temperature, etc.) and in all time ranges (from one hour to one week). There are two key strategies to improve the prediction accuracy: (i) designing a 3D Earth Specific Transformer (3DEST) architecture that formulates the height (pressure level) information into cubic data, and (ii) applying a hierarchical temporal aggregation algorithm to alleviate cumulative forecast errors. In deterministic forecast, Pangu-Weather shows great advantages for short to medium-range forecast (i.e., forecast time ranges from one hour to one week). Pangu-Weather supports a wide range of downstream forecast scenarios, including extreme weather forecast (e.g., tropical cyclone tracking) and large-member ensemble forecast in real-time. Pangu-Weather not only ends the debate on whether AI-based methods can surpass conventional NWP methods, but also reveals novel directions for improving deep learning weather forecast systems.e
    TADEAS --- ---
    COVID-19: the case for prosociality - The Lancet

    The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic, published on Sept 15, lays bare what has been nothing less than a massive global failure—a failure of rationality, transparency, norms of public health practice, operational coordination, and international solidarity.
    The Commission gives recommendations in three main areas.
    Third, ambitious proposals to ignite a renaissance in multilateralism, integrating the global response to the risk of future pandemics with actions to address the climate crisis and reversals in sustainable development. In this way, the Commission boldly sets out a vision of a different future, defined by a properly financed and better-prepared global architecture that is driven by cooperation and shared responsibility rather than globalised profit-seeking.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Solar facade designed to exceed office building's electricity needs

    Energetická senzace? Vestavěné solární panely generují 50krát více energie než běžné solární panely – Techsvět.cz

    Budova ve výstavbě v Austrálii bude jako první vybavena „solární fasádou“, která jí pomůže vyrábět více energie, než potřebuje.
    Zároveň zabrání vzniku 70 tun emisí uhlíku ročně.

    projekt 550 Spencer není pouhou montáží standardních solárních panelů na fasádu, jako je tomu u kodaňské International School. Místo toho bude solární fasáda vypadat jako skleněná, ale bude získávat energii ze slunečních paprsků pomocí 1 182 integrovaných solárních panelů. Ačkoli se nejedná o nic neobvyklého, solární fasády stále nejsou běžné a Kennon uvedl, že tento projekt bude první budovou se solární fasádou v Austrálii. Firma musela vynaložit velké úsilí, aby se to podařilo, a pověřila německou firmu Avancis, aby dodala panely, protože žádné nebyly k dispozici na místě.

    INK_FLO --- ---

    Following the Saudi Arabian government's unveiling of plans for an enormous linear megacity in the desert, urban design experts have expressed skepticism about whether its utopian vision is realistic.

    "There would be so many physical and environmental phenomena that would have to be dealt with to achieve the incredible minimal and singular character that the renderings propose," said Marshall Brown, director of the Princeton Urban Imagination Center and an associate professor of architecture at Princeton University.

    Philip Oldfield, head of the built environment school at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney, warned that the huge embodied carbon cost of construction "will overwhelm any environmental benefits".

    C40 Cities director of urban planning and design Hélène Chartier argued she would not "want to live in a place where it's so narrow", while architect Winy Maas said he "would love to live in such a kind of environment".

    TADEAS --- ---
    MY-CO BUILD | >top

    The steadily growing population and the associated need for more building activities pose almost insurmountable challenges for architecture and the industry as a whole, on the one hand, and on the other hand enormous CO2 emissions. The construction industry is one of the world’s biggest climate killers. Sustainable growing materials such as mushrooms could therefore be a promising alternative. This is because composites made from mushrooms could be produced in the near future in a way that is both climate-friendly and cost-effective. In addition, mushroom mycelium can be easily separated and fully composted after the end of a building material’s life. Thus, the use of fungi could create a lightweight and fully circular building system.
    NOIK --- ---

    V současné době je cement po vodě nejpoužívanějším materiálem; prodává se buď v pytlích jako nejmenší jednotka pro kutily, nebo jako plná nákladní auta s hotovou betonovou směsí pro velké stavby. Vzhledem k tomu, že budoucnost betonu je více než kdy jindy zpochybňována kvůli jeho vlivu na oteplování atmosféry, se tato přednáška zabývá tím, jak by mohly architektonické humanitní vědy přistupovat k cementu jako k mezinárodně obchodované komoditě. Cement, kdysi kritický stavební materiál modernity 20. století, který se nyní naturalizoval, bude rozebrán z hlediska jeho minulosti, přítomnosti a budoucnosti: budeme se věnovat architektonické historii pece, která je centrem technologického systému; nedávným dominantním představám budoucích architektonických materiálů, procesů a technologií; a ekologickým přístupům k rekultivaci nepoužívaného lomu, čtenými jako podobenství o zacházení se všemi systémy Země. Je-li beton nejrozšířenějším geologickým znakem antropocénu a architektura na něm zůstává závislá, znalost globální historie cementu je nutná pro planetární přežití a spravedlnost.

    Kim Förster je historik architektury, publicista a pedagog, od roku 2019 přednáší na Manchesterské univerzitě, kde je součástí MARG (Manchester Architecture Research Group). Ve svém výzkumu a výuce se zabývá ekologií v architektuře, environmentálními, energetickými a materiálovými dějinami a také humanitním pohledem na cement jako kritický stavební materiál. http://www.kimfoerster.com

    Událost proběhne prostřednictvím platformy Zoom, registrace na https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqd-moqD4jHte_FXiu0whl2gOs3KB2ULIO

    Kim Förster: Uncementing Modernity: From the Kiln to the Quarry (on-line)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #positive #futureTech

    Recycled concrete and CO2 from the air are made into a new building material -- ScienceDaily

    A new way to reduce emissions levels caused by concrete use has been proposed and proven to work by Professor Ippei Maruyama and C4S (Calcium Carbonate Circulation System for Construction) project manager Professor Takafumi Noguchi, both from the Department of Architecture at the University of Tokyo. They have found a way to take waste concrete and captured carbon dioxide, and combine them in a novel process into a usable form of concrete called calcium carbonate concrete.


    "Our concept is to acquire calcium from discarded concrete, which is otherwise going to waste," said Maruyama. "We combine this with carbon dioxide from industrial exhaust or even from the air. And we do this at much lower temperatures than those used to extract calcium from limestone at present."
    MARSHUS --- ---
    nevim jestli tohle tema uz tu probehlo

    An overlooked climate strategy: Denser cities - The Globe and Mail
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #architecture #climateFriendly

    IKEA dokončuje obchod budoucnosti. Parkoviště u něj nenajdete, nehrozí už ani fronty - Aktuálně.cz

    Nový obchod IKEA je zcela bez aut - celý koncept se zaměřuje na pěší, cyklisty a cestující městské hromadné dopravy. Tím ušetří celkem 350 tisíc cest autem, a tudíž 1000 tun CO2, které připadají na obvyklou prodejnu," upřesňuje Mosserová.

    Zákazníci si podle ní budou moct odvézt pouze takový sortiment, který sami unesou nebo jsou schopni přepravit metrem či na kole. Větší zboží pak bude možné objednat přes službu Klikni a vyzvedni s dopravou domů.

    Budovu za spolupráce IKEA navrhlo architektonické studio Querkraft architekten. Na celkem čtyřech fasádách se nachází dohromady 160 stromů a keřů, které mají přispět k ochlazení mikroklimatu města. V horký den má podle společnosti instalovaná zeleň ochladit okolní čtvrť až o 1,5 stupně Celsia. O udržitelnost budovy se podle IKEA postarají také i fotovoltaické panely s výkonem 88 kWp a váhou 13 tun, které zaberou až 800 metrů čtverečních plochy střechy.
    NOIK --- ---

    Thermal Practice aims to reposition familiar narratives and protagonists of modern architectural history, now revolving around climate and carbon as organizing figures of thought. Case studies of the thermal interior – as an aggregate of distinct designed spaces and as the experiential condition of politics and inequity – will serve as evidence for a history of architecture as a device of climatic adaptability; other concepts for rethinking forms of practice, models, methods and habits will encourage some collective speculation on architecture after carbon – its contours and principles, its obstacles and opportunities.

    The presentation will focus on decentering narratives of modern architectural development through a discussion of the brise soleil in Brazil – through buildings and projects that elaborated inter-war design principles to produce dynamic facade systems. On the one hand, these systems mitigated the effects of diurnal and seasonal solar patterns; on the other hand they aimed to produce normative spaces that drew the flow of capital further south. A subsequent globalization of the international style led to a proliferation of climate design strategies, too often used as methods of neo- or endo-colonialism. Such practices offer a complex counter-narrative as well as novel design strategies for the move away from fossil fuels in the present.

    Daniel A. Barber is Associate Professor and Chair of the PhD Program in Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. His most recent book is Modern Architecture and Climate: Design before Air Conditioning (Princeton UP, 2020); an article “Active Passive: Heat Storage and the Solar Imaginary” recently appeared in South Atlantic Quarterly. His research and teaching narrate eco-critical histories of architecture and seek pathways into the post-carbon future. He is a 2021–22 Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies at Universität Heidelberg. Daniel edits the Accumulation series on e-flux architecture and is co-founder of Current: Collective on Environment and Architectural History.

    Daniel A. Barber: Thermal Practice (on-line)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Governing In The Planetary Age

    If we’ve learned one lesson from the pandemic, it’s that nation-states don’t govern well at the planetary level or at the local level. The same is true for other planetary phenomena like climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions operate at a planetary level, but consequences vary dramatically from one locality to another. Neither the problem nor its impacts align with national boundaries.


    nation-states are also not the right institution for climate change adaptation: Los Angeles, Miami and Minneapolis are all impacted by climate change, but in vastly different ways that require vastly different policies. In fact, these cities’ climate impacts have more in common with cities in other nation-states (for example, Cape Town, Dhaka and Moscow, respectively) than they do with each other. Yet nation-states are wired for coordination and collaboration among the subnational entities contained within them, not across them.

    This dynamic is found across a range of major issues. From economic precarity to public health, the nation-state is ill-equipped to manage the planetary roots of the problems and the local consequences for communities.


    Solving these twin crises of ineffective and illegitimate governance requires a fundamental restructuring of our governing institutions. In particular, it requires stripping the nation-state of many of its powers and governance functions, moving some up to planetary institutions and others down to local institutions.


    The “planetary” refers to issues, processes and conditions that span the Earth and transcend nation-states. “Global” and “globalization” are the currently popular terms for describing world-scale issues. But the planet is not the globe: The globe is a conceptual category that frames the Earth in human terms. Globalization, likewise, adopts a fundamentally human-centric understanding of the “integration” that has happened over the last few decades — the accelerating flow of people, goods, ideas, money and more.

    The planet, by contrast, frames Earth without specific reference to humans. “To encounter the planet,” explains Dipesh Chakrabarty, “is to encounter something that is the condition of human existence and yet profoundly indifferent to that existence.” The Earth is not ours alone. Worldwide integration is not merely the intentional work of humans. Humans are embedded and codependent with microbes, the climate and technologically enabled emergent trans-species communities.

    Planetary thinking emerges from ongoing transformations in the fields of ontology, or the nature of being, and epistemology


    Like Galileo and Darwin in earlier eras, the planetary represents a paradigm shift. It is neither empirically nor normatively adequate to assume, as the idea of globalization does, that humans top the global hierarchy and all else must and can bend to the march of human progress. We are but one (very recent) component in the biogeochemical ferment of the Earth, caught up in feedback loops of the carbon cycle and microbial and multispecies codependency.


    By planetary governance institutions, we do not mean the traditional institutions of global governance. The U.N., I.M.F. and World Health Organization, among other contemporary global governance institutions, are multilateral member-state institutions that focus on human-specific flows and represent the interests of their member states. They don’t respond directly to planetary challenges or answer directly to citizens.

    The planetary demands new binding institutions at the planetary scale, not simply member state institutions that operate on a voluntarist basis. This does not mean a single world state. We envision a specifically delimited authority at the planetary level over specifically planetary things.

    In practice, this means we need binding planetary institutions that go beyond the Paris accord for climate, beyond the W.H.O. for syndromic surveillance and health, beyond the U.N. Environmental Program to deal with biodiversity and a wholly new planetary institution to deal with tech-related risks. Together, these would form a new planetary tier of governance, above and beyond the nation-state.


    Together, nested and interlocking planetary, national and local institutions would form a system of multilevel governance. This system architecture allows for governance bodies to be better suited to the scale of the issue they are tasked with governing. Rather than default to the nation-state (and then wring our hands when the nation-state fails), as we do now, the principle of subsidiarity provides a rule of thumb for determining which governing institutions should be assigned to deal with which challenges.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Inicio - Sustraiak Habitat Design

    Sustraiak Habitat Design is a small cooperative registered in Vitoria-Gasteiz, created at the beginning of 2016.

    The cooperative's corporate purpose is to design and implement sustainable projects in urban and rural spaces, as well as to carry out ecological and technical advisory work.

    We are a multidisciplinary team that we come from different professional branches, ranging from agriculture and livestock to architecture, through landscaping, chemistry or environmental education and all from the perspective of Permaculture. This means that our knowledge and professional trajectory allow us to approach projects from a comprehensive and resilient perspective.

    Recarga de acuiferos en sistema agrosilvopastoral

    The rains this winter leave us a good supply of water in the catchment areas that will undoubtedly be of great help when the heat hits.

    #ManagementAgroecológicaTerritorio #KeylineDesign #Agrosilvopastoral
    TUHO --- ---
    The European Union can significantly increase its climate protection target for 2030. According to a new study by Agora Energiewende, it is technically and economically possible for EU Member States to achieve a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. Currently, the EU aims to achieve a 40% reduction by 2030. Increased climate protection efforts are necessary to limit the rise in average global temperatures to well below 2 degrees Celsius and thus fulfill the goal set forth by the 2015 Paris Agreement.

    For emissions from industry and the energy sector, which are regulated by the EU emissions trading scheme, the study proposes a greenhouse gas reduction of 59 to 63% compared to 2005 – a tightening of 16 to 20 percentage points. Emissions in the other sectors – particularly transport, buildings and agriculture – could be reduced by 45 to 49 percent compared to 2005 – that is, 15 to 19 percentage points more than previously envisioned.

    The study was prepared against the backdrop of current debate surrounding a higher climate protection target for 2030. A new target is to be adopted under the German EU Council Presidency by the end of the year, and subsequently presented to the international community at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow in 2021. In the run up to the conference, the European Commission also intends to submit proposals for modifying the EU’s policy architecture for climate protection.

    News Archive - How the EU can achieve a climate target of -55% by 2030
    TADEAS --- ---
    Global Climate Action III:
    The Power of Consciousness


    Access to what the Wuppertal Institute’s Uwe Schneidewind calls “transformation literacy” is highly restricted, which is even more true for vertical literacy, as I have argued before. Both of these capacities happen to be in the blind spot of higher education today. Yet access to them is more critical than ever before. What could scale, and amplify vertical transformation literacy at a level of scale that is commensurate with the challenges we face? What might be a real game changer in addressing this blind spot of our learning and leadership systems today?


    Today, our main issue is no longer how to bring cutting-edge design into the construction of physical architecture, but how to bring state-of-the-art systems change methods to the evolution of new social architectures — social architectures that would be critical to accelerate the civilizational renewal and planetary healing called for today.

    What if we reimagined a 21st century Bauhaus for transformation literacy? What if such a social Bauhaus would focus on the development and dissemination of vertical transformation literacy, that is, on methods and tools for awareness-based systems change? What if such a school, unlike the one a hundred years earlier, were available for not only the few, but in principal for each and everyone? What if all the prototypes for such a new school were already here? What if the methods and tools, the living examples, the inspired pioneers, the ecosystems of hubs, the innovation labs and all the new platforms for high-quality online-offline learning — what if all these strategic assets of a new Bauhaus school were already here?

    What if the only thing we needed to do to activate this dormant school of transformation were the following three things: a set of intentional places that would host the inaugural regional hubs of this school; a small core group that would refine and clarify the conceptual cornerstones; and some seed funding that would allow for creating an infrastructure that is built for purpose — to support the civilizational renewal and planetary healing — and designed for replication at all levels of scale.


    At the Presencing Institute, an outgrowth of the MIT Learning and Leadership Centers, we have already been prototyping new whole-person, whole-systems learning environments for many years. These free and open-source-based, online-to-offline learning infrastructures have attracted more than 150,000 registered users over the past five years and have activated a global ecosystem of change makers for awareness-based systems change (see MITx u.lab, Societal Transformation Lab).


    The first two articles in this three-part series explored two blind spots in the response to global climate change: soil and democracy. The third one is consciousness.

    January 2020, Northern Germany: Farmer’s Conference On Creating From Nothing
    On the last day of the gathering, I was asked to sum up my take on our discussions over the previous two days. Here is what I shared:

    1. First: Action Confidence. All profound change starts with a deep trust in our own capacities to rise to the occasion. My colleague Shobi Lawalata articulated this the other day when she said, reflecting on the larger challenges of her community and country: “This is the moment I was born for.” Thus, the first thing we need is the awareness and courage that makes us turn toward the problem, rather than away from it.

    2. The Goal: Reach 100% Regenerative Agriculture by 2040. Anyone who reads the climate science with an open mind will reach the same conclusion: the goal is to be 100% regenerative by 2040, both in our farming and in our energy systems worldwide. Granted, given our institutional realities, it might take a few more years. Maybe it won’t happen until 2050. But the goal remains the same.

    3. How: Direct Dialogic Democracy. How do we make progress toward this goal? By building new coalitions — Fridays For Future, Scientists For Future, Farmers For Future, etc. — and by making our democracy more dialogic, distributed, and direct. The problem today is not that we have too many options, but that we have too few. We have private choices as consumers, but we lack true public choices as citizens to debate and decide about the future we want to co-shape. What we need today is citizens’ assemblies, focusing on what will be essential in 2040. Then, after extensive public dialogue, the best ideas should be voted on in a citizens’ referendum. The resulting roadmap would be passed on to the legislative and executive bodies to refine and incorporate into the public policy framework, all in consultation with the relevant stakeholder groups. Much of this is already beginning to happen in a variety of places and communities around the world, including Ireland, France, England, Scotland, Spain, Canada, and Taiwan. But these are tiny beginnings. A lot more needs to happen now…

    4. Transforming the Economy from Ego to Eco. Currently, our economies use an operating system based on egosystem awareness. Changing that operating system from ego to eco would transform it in almost every way imaginable, and transform one of the most important root issues of these problems. For example community-supported agriculture (CSA) connects farmers more closely and more intentionally with those who consume what they grow. Rather than getting paid for every apple or carrot, the farmer receives a fixed amount per week or per month from me (and from the other members of the CSA). In return, I receive a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables that are produced using the principles and practices of regenerative organic farming. The model changes how consumers relate to the farm, from transactional to transformative or intentional. This model exists in many places on a small scale today but going forward this model of solidarity-based agriculture could also be scaled to reshape the whole system. Thomas Jorberg, CEO of GLS Bank, a socially responsible bank in Germany, asked: “How can we take what’s working in the CSA model to the regional or the national level of solidarity-based farming? That is where the next wave of social and economic innovation will be coming from.” And that is exactly where we need new forms of direct, dialogue-based democratic decision-making.

    5. Vertical Impact. My parents converted to regenerative organic farming some 60+ years ago. For decades, young people visited the farm to learn about regenerative farming practices. Today, many of them have taken these principles and practices to their own farms across Germany, Europe, and the world. You might call this the “horizontal impact.” But some of those farmers also describe a deeper level of impact. They describe a process of being seen for who they really are, of waking up to their deeper purpose or intention in life. The phrase that came to mind when listening to these descriptions is vertical impact or vertical efficacy (vertikale Wirksamkeit).
    The vertical impact of regenerative organic farming in this context, even though it’s a subtle process, may well be its most important role in the long run. In society today, we lack places that help people wake up to their true aspirations, to their highest future potential, to what they really want to do with their lives going forward. Vertical impact farming connects people to the living beings that are the farm’s ecosystem: the soil, the plants, and the animals. This deep sensing and listening experience could serve as a gateway to the deeper territories of human development and with that to the deeper dimension of leadership and self-leadership. That subtle impact, allowing people to sense and listen deeply beyond the boundaries of their own bubble, and to wake up to their deeper intentions in life, may well be one of the most important functions that the “farmers for future” can deliver for the healing of people and the planet today.

    Innovation happens in places. The same is true for civilizational renewal. Where are these places? Regenerative organic farms could serve as one type of place for societal renewal.


    Another upcoming movement building event in Berlin that has the potential to blend the deeper leverage points at issue here — soil, democracy, consciousness — is the Olympia 2020 event on June 12, 2020, that, co-inspired and supported by Fridays For Future Berlin and Scientists For Future, will bring together 70,000 or so citizens and change makers in the Berlin Olympia Stadium. Even though the place has some deeply dark page in its history, like so many places in Berlin, it might be quite an interesting venue to stage such a radically new type of event. The intention of the event, as I understood from the organizers, is to create a blend between a cultural festival and a citizens’ event that activates collective action around climate change, biodiversity, social justice, and the future of democracy. The intended results include three to four specific petitions that will be delivered to the German Bundestag. Personally, I hope that events like this and the ones mentioned earlier, will help to explore new formats of deep learning-based movement building to activate the awareness-based agency that is called for today.
    TUHO --- ---
    As we plot our political, design, and cultural interventions in response to climate crisis and global pandemics, we should always ask: For what Earth do we design? Tomorrow we’ll talk on this with Lukáš Likavčan — a researcher and theorist, writing on philosophy of technology, political ecology and visual cultures. He teaches at Center for Audiovisual Studies FAMU in Prague, and at The Terraforming programme at Strelka Institute for Media Architecture and Design in Moscow.

    Follow the link:
    Introduction to Comparative Planetology. Lecture by Lukáš Likavčan
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