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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TADEAS --- ---
    Revealed: how the fossil fuel industry helps spread anti-protest laws across the US | Protest | The Guardian

    Records obtained by the Guardian show that lobbyists working for major North American oil and gas companies were key architects of anti-protest laws that increase penalties and could lead to non-violent environmental and climate activists being imprisoned up to 10 years.

    Emails between fossil fuel lobbyists and lawmakers in Utah, West Virginia, Idaho and Ohio suggest a nationwide strategy to deter people frustrated by government failure to tackle the climate crisis from peacefully disrupting the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure by enacting tough laws with lengthy jail sentences.

    “Draft bill attached,” wrote a lobbyist representing two influential fossil fuel trade groups to the lead counsel for the West Virginia state energy committee in January 2020.

    The law, which carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence, was later used to charge at least eight peaceful climate protesters including six senior citizens.

    Amid ongoing record oil and gas expansion in the US, activists say they have turned to protests and non-violent civil disobedience such as blocking roads and chaining themselves to trees, machinery and equipment as a way to slow down construction, raise public awareness, and press for more urgent climate action by governments and corporations.
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    Ohledne https://situational-awareness.ai/ a Aschenbrennera: jestli bude AI spotrebovavat 20% elektriny nebo ne neni vubec point tech eseji (ktere mmch doporucuju procist, good read); jeho hlavni point je ten, ze AGI je mozna (ne nevyhnutelna, je tam mnoho nejistot) a ze nikdo moc neresi, jaky dopad to bude mit na bezpectnost, tedy alignment. V tom s nim souhlasim - pokud by se to nahodou opravdu stalo takto brzy (mluvi o '27/'28), tak budeme mit peknej turmoil a klima nas moc zajimat nebude, protoze budeme resit pravdepodobne takovy hospodarskopoliticky prevrat (rozvrat?), jako jsme nikdy nezazili. Jen si predstavte, co by se stalo s high-skilled a high-salary ekonomikou EU ve chvili, kdy si velkou cast mezd bilych limecku vezme US big tech. Zdanime sice mozna roboty, ale to vyjde tak mozna na zebracenky pro programatory, nikoliv na jejich hezke platy v soucasnosti ... [Mozna fakt neni od veci si koupit ty akcie NVidie, i kdyz jsou prepalene ...]

    Aschenbrenner je ovsem matematik/ekonom a ne informatik. Myslim, ze nektere veci vidi hodne povrchne a jen prostrednictvim svych regresi a extrapolaci. Jsou to super uvahy, ale i on sam priznava, ze jeho predikce pres nekolik radu a let jsou zatizeny velkymi nejistotami (budeme mit dostatek dat? nevycerpa se fundamentalne nase schopnost je tezit? nenarazime na totalni odpor populace?). Cili stat se to mozna muze, ale mozna taky ne.

    Pokud bude AGI, tak to bude znamenat tak velkou revoluci, ze nikdo neni schopny domyslet, co bude dal. Postaveni neandrtalcu v usvitu clouveka moudreho me ale moc nelaka ... Pokud ovsem AGI nebude, ale bude cim dal kvalitnejsi AI (coz je jiste), tak spotreba elektriny poroste tak jako tak. Jestli se to vyplati tim, ze bude o to vice akcelerovan vyzkum OZE/sekvestrace atp nevim (a imho to nevi nikdo).
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: jeste teda doplnim okolnosti. Aschenbrenner ma asi pravdu v tom, ze je fakt jen par lidi, kteri maji v tom AGI nastupu situacni awareness a on je jeden z nich. Odesel/vyhozen z Open AI a nevzal si odstupne, aby nemusel podepsat NDA, takze ted muze psat tyto veci. Jestli ale ma "pravdu" to nemuze nikdo z nas laiku vedet.. vlastne ten radikalismus s jakym to vidi odpovida nize zminenemu Rogerovi Hallamovi, oba se snazi burcovat lidi. No tak uvidime, stejne se s tim neda nic moc delat
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    jeho situational awareness ohledne elektriny

    (43) Page 84: To most, this seems completely out of the question. Some are betting on Middle Eastern autocracies, who have been going around offering boundless power and giant clusters to get their rulers a seat at the AGI-table.

    But it’s totally possible to do this in the United States: we have abundant natural gas.

    (44) Page 85: We’re going to drive the AGI datacenters to the Middle East, under the thumb of brutal, capricious autocrats. I’d prefer clean energy too—but this is simply too important for US national security. We will need a new level of determination to make this happen. The power constraint can, must, and will be solved.

    The clusters can be built in the US, and we have to get our act together to make sure it happens in the US. American national security must come first, before the allure of free-flowing Middle Eastern cash, arcane regulation, or even, yes, admirable climate commitments. We face a real system competition— can the requisite industrial mobilization only be done in “topdown” autocracies? If American business is unshackled, America can build like none other (at least in red states). Being willing to use natural gas, or at the very least a broad-based deregulatory agenda—NEPA exemptions, fixing FERC and transmission permitting at the federal level, overriding utility regulation, using federal authorities to unlock land and rights of way—is a national security priority.

    ale dal si mysli ze to ukradne CIna (US vlada nebude schopna rychle z toho udelat Manhattan project) a konci uvahou o svete kde se prejde od AGI k ASI behem roku.. (to uz asi bude jedno, zda v americe nebo v cine)

    (89) Conclusion: And so by 27/28, the endgame will be on. By 28/29 the intelligence explosion will be underway; by 2030, we will have summoned superintelligence, in all its power and might.

    For those of us who get the call to come along for the ride, it’ll be . . . stressful. But it will be our duty to serve the free world—and all of humanity. If we make it through and get to look back on those years, it will be the most important thing we ever did. And while whatever secure facility they find probably won’t have the pleasantries of today’s ridiculouslyovercomped-AI-researcher-lifestyle, it won’t be so bad. SF already feels like a peculiar AI-researcher-college-town; probably this won’t be so different. It’ll be the same weirdly-small circle sweating the scaling curves during the day and hanging out over the weekend, kibitzing over AGI and the lab-politics-of-the-day.

    Except, well—the stakes will be all too real.

    See you in the desert, friends.

    pardon za mirne/vetsi OT, ale ty grafy jak vzrusta teplota oceanu jsou porad dokola

    CHOSIE --- ---
    I když to není klima, znečištění si s extrémním počasím hraje do karet. Není to poprvé co čtu o působení mikroplastů/nanoplastů na rostliny a jejich růst.
    Připomíná mi to i jak jsem kdysi zjistil, že se některá syntetická hnojiva obalují v plastu, aby se do půdy uvolnily pomaleji.

    Study: Microplastics found in Agriculture Clog Soil Pores, Prevent Aeration, and Cause Plant Roots to Die | by HR NEWS | Age of Awareness | May, 2024 | Medium
    TADEAS --- ---
    As Beijing swelters, activists hope the heat will prompt climate action | China | The Guardian

    although there is some limited education about climate change, permitted discourse stops short of talking about major policy shifts, such as reducing China’s coal emissions more rapidly. The government has pledged to become carbon neutral by 2060, but concerns about energy security and the need for economic growth mean that local authorities are showing no sign of backing down on building new coal power.

    Also, says Zhao, “even if people link heatwaves and climate change, they don’t think it’s something that the individual should pay attention to.” Most people see it as being the government’s responsibility – and therefore out of the hands of the public, she says.

    Still, awareness of climate change, and discussion about how it can be managed, is ticking up. The topic is increasingly discussed in state media. Analysis by Sixth Tone, a state-backed outlet, found that mentions of key words relating to climate change jumped from about 750,000 in 2019 to nearly 3.3m in 2021.

    Surveys suggest that, compared with the US, a slightly higher proportion of Chinese people accept that climate change is happening and that it is caused by human activity.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Experience exceeds awareness of anthropogenic climate change in Greenland | Nature Climate Change

    Greenlanders are more likely than residents of top oil-producing Arctic countries to perceive that climate change is happening and about twice as likely to have personally experienced its effects. However, half are unaware that climate change is human-caused and those who are most affected appear to be least aware
    TADEAS --- ---
    New climate paper calls for charging big US oil firms with homicide | Oil | The Guardian

    The paper is rooted in part in the growing body of evidence fossil fuel companies knew of the harm their products caused and misled the public about them.

    Attorneys general and cities have used that information to sue oil companies for financial damages caused by rising seas, wildfires and heat. But the new paper argues that oil companies’ climate research and continued fight to delay climate regulations amount to a “culpable mental state” that has inflicted harm on people, including death.

    “Once you start using those terms, you come to realize that’s criminal law,” said Donald Braman, a law professor at George Washington University and Arkush’s co-author. “Culpable mental state causing harm is criminal conduct, and if they kill anybody, that’s homicide.”

    Braman argued that pursuing homicide charges would have a greater impact on fossil fuel companies than the cases currently wending their way through court in part because the penalties would be steeper. Rather than paying a fine, homicide charges could open up an array of other outcomes that could materially alter how companies operate.

    Climate Homicide: Prosecuting Big Oil For Climate Deaths by David Arkush, Donald Braman :: SSRN

    Prosecutors regularly bring homicide charges against individuals and corporations whose reckless or negligent acts or omissions cause unintentional deaths, as well as those whose misdemeanors or felonies cause unintentional deaths. Fossil fuel companies learned decades ago that what they produced, marketed, and sold would generate “globally catastrophic” climate change. Rather than alert the public and curtail their operations, they worked to deceive the public about these harms and to prevent regulation of their lethal conduct. They funded efforts to call sound science into doubt and to confuse their shareholders, consumers, and regulators. And they poured money into political campaigns to elect or install judges, legislators, and executive officials hostile to any litigation, regulation, or competition that might limit their profits.

    Today, the climate change that they forecast has already killed thousands of people in the United States, and it is expected to become increasingly lethal for the foreseeable future. Given the extreme lethality of the conduct and the awareness of the catastrophic risk on the part of fossil fuel companies, should they be charged with homicide? Could they be convicted?

    In answering these questions, this Article makes several contributions to our understanding of criminal law and the role it could play in combating crimes committed at a massive scale. It describes the doctrinal and social predicates of homicide prosecutions where corporate conduct endangers much or all of the public. It also identifies important advantages of homicide prosecutions relative to civil and regulatory remedies, and it details how and why prosecution for homicide may be the most effective legal remedy available in cases like this. Finally, it argues that, if our criminal legal system cannot focus more intently on climate crimes—and soon—we may leave future generations with significantly less for the law to protect.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: + neco aktualnejsiho

    - Heymann, Matthias, Gramelsberger, Gabriele and Mahony, Martin. (eds.) (2017). Cultures of Prediction in Atmospheric and Climate Science: Epistemic and Cultural Shifts in Computer-based Modelling and Simulation (Routledge Environmental Humanities). London: Routledge/Francis & Taylor.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele, Lenhard, Johannes and Parker, Wendy (2020). Philosophical Perspectives on Earth System Modeling: Truth, Adequacy and Understanding. In: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12(1). DOI: e2019MS001720.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2018). Climate and Simulation. In: Oxford Research Encyclopdia Climate Science. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.52.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2015). Symbol Systems as Cognitive and Performative Hybrids: A Reply to Axel Gelfert. In: Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 4(8), 89-94.
    - Mahony, Martin, Heymann, Matthias and Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2019). Cultures of prediction in climate science. In: Feola, Giuseppe et al. (eds.): Climate and Culture, 29-38. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2017). Calculating the weather – Emerging cultures of prediction in late 19th- and early 20th-century Europe. In: Matthias Heymann, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Martin Mahony (eds.): Cultures of Prediction in Atmospheric and Climate Science, 45-67. London: Routledge/Francis & Taylor.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2017). Mathematical Images of Planet Earth. In: Nitzke, Solvejg and Pethes, Nicolas. (eds.): Imaging Earth. Concepts of Wholeness in Cultural Constructions of Our Home Planet, 23-44. Bielefeld: Transcript.

    A trochu obecnejs k AI, modelum, komputacim etc.

    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2020). Affective Computing. In: Hessler, Martina and Liggeri, Kevin. (eds): Handbuch für Technikanthropologie, 445-452. Baden-Baden: Nomos/Edition Sigma.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2020). Algorithm Awareness. Towards a Philosophy of Artifactuality. In: Bösel, Bernd and Wiemer, Serjoscha. (eds.): Affective Media and Policy, 41-49. Lüneburg: Meson Press.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2020). Augmenting Human Intellect. In: Thomas, Paul and Dewes, Tobias (eds.): Vergangenheit analysieren - Zukunft gestalten (Aachener Studien zur Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Technikgeschichte 20), 51-64. Düren: Shaker Verlag.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2013). Simulation and Systems Understanding. In: Andersen, Hanne, Dieks, Dennis, Gonzalez, Wenceslao J. et al. (eds.): New Challenges to Philosophy of Science The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective, vol. 4, 151-161. Dordrecht: Springer.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele and Mansnerus, Erika (2012). The inner world of models and its epistemic diversity. The cases of infectious disease and climate modelling. In: Bissell, Chris and Dillon, Chris. (eds.): Ways of Thinking, Ways of Seeing. Mathematical and Other Modelling in Engineering and Technology, 167-195. Dordrecht: Springer.
    - Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2011). From Computation with Experiments to Experiments on Computation. In: Gramelsberger, Gabriele. (ed.): From Science to Computational Sciences, 131-142. Zürich, Berlin: diaphanes.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate Honesty – are we ‘beyond catastrophe’? – Professor Jem Bendell

    David Wallace Wells, in the New York Times, in Beyond Catastrophe, argues that whereas the bad news is that climate impacts are worse than anticipated and we are heading for a disrupted future, the good news is that both action on climate change and some recalculations mean that the future looks less apocalyptic. I wondered if there was new evidence for this recalibrating of expectations, so I looked at the evidence he uses. Aside from the heartening data and expert opinions he shares on how climate awareness and action has been growing, just three scientific sources are offered for the view that humanity is already acting on climate enough to offer some hope of avoiding catastrophe. In this article I will look at those sources, and compare them with other authoritative analysis, to show that such claims for renewed hope are, sadly, insubstantial. Instead, reframing our situation to offer an emotional escape from the dire reality could be counter-productive, by giving people an excuse for remaining in service of the current systems that are destroying life on Earth. Instead, a more realistic understanding of the tragedy that humanity faces is already producing forms of reassessment and radicalisation that offer a basis for resilient social action in pursuit of lesser dystopias.
    RADIQAL --- ---
    The 7 Stages of Climate Awareness | Frankly #10

    Happyend se nekoná.
    Asi je třeba dospět.
    TADEAS --- ---
    forced energy awareness (levna energie nas rozmazlila)

    sdili znamej z anglie

    TADEAS --- ---
    2021 Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet

    Where is humanity going? How realistic is a future of fusion and space colonies? What constraints are imposed by physics, by resource availability, and by human psychology? Are default expectations grounded in reality?

    This textbook, written for a general-education audience, aims to address these questions without either the hype or the indifference typical of many books. The message throughout is that humanity faces a broad sweep of foundational problems as we inevitably transition away from fossil fuels and confront planetary limits in a host of unprecedented ways—a shift whose scale and probable rapidity offers little historical guidance.

    Salvaging a decent future requires keen awareness, quantitative assessment, deliberate preventive action, and—above all—recognition that prevailing assumptions about human identity and destiny have been cruelly misshapen by the profoundly unsustainable trajectory of the last 150 years. The goal is to shake off unfounded and unexamined expectations, while elucidating the relevant physics and encouraging greater facility in quantitative reasoning.

    After addressing limits to growth, population dynamics, uncooperative space environments, and the current fossil underpinnings of modern civilization, various sources of alternative energy are considered in detail— assessing how they stack up against each other, and which show the greatest potential. Following this is an exploration of systemic human impediments to effective and timely responses, capped by guidelines for individual adaptations resulting in reduced energy and material demands on the planet’s groaning capacity. Appendices provide refreshers on math and chemistry, as well as supplementary material of potential interest relating to cosmology, electric transportation, and an evolutionary perspective on humanity’s place in nature.
    DZODZO --- ---
    iba taka perlicka, mapa poziarov v US

    National Fire Situational Awareness
    TADEAS --- ---

    our desire to be right, the comfort of confirmation that everything you learned can assumed to be correct and that our struggle is the only one that matters - it is getting in the way of understanding the world around us, or understanding others, all too easily.

    the cornucopians, they have no bad intentions - they just want our wonderful, magical world to continue. their gaze is focused on the beauty of human ingenuity. who could blame them? we could explore space together, in peace, till the end of times.

    the climate youth, they are not mislead or naive. they are maybe the most aware generation of our species that ever existed. they see humanities lost future in all its terrifying clearness, because they will have to live, or survive in it. who could blame them?

    the fossil fuel extraction culture, they know they have been providing the energy for this wonderful human experiment. this knowledge is the core of their identity. they are proud of themselves for it. can you blame them for your consumption of what they provided to you?

    the political class, who has to negotiate between all these groups, which is for sure no fun, they won't think anything different than that they have done their best. they see that confirmed, every time they get re-elected. so can you blame them?

    so at the end of the day, no one is to blame. every group will tell themselves that their assumptions were right and they have done their very best to resolve the situation. yet still, it persists. so what now? every group keeping on rambling in their respective incomplete ways?

    and here is my little lie, what i am telling myself to justify my insignificant existence: what if we learned listening to each other, in humility and awareness that our POV will always be incomplete, and try to understand each other instead of seeking to validate our lives?
    TADEAS --- ---
    “The public should be terrified by these findings, (Tierra) Curry told me. … “It has to become part of daily conversation & awareness, and it’s not right now.”

    ‘Apocalypse Papers’: Scientists Call for Paradigm Shift as Biodiversity Loss Worsens - Inside Climate News
    TADEAS --- ---

    Years of industrialized agriculture have brought the world to the brink of climate disaster. TO WHICH WE BELONG follows a new generation of farmers and ranchers who seek to rebuild their businesses and their planet by embracing the interconnectedness of living things.

    On land long depleted by monocultured crops, Trey Hill fills the fields with colorful tangles of plant life, revivifying the soil and bringing new richness to the harvest. In Chihuahua, Mexico ranchers like Alejandro Carrillo practice revolutionary techniques in cattle herding, carving out space for wildlife to thrive again. And off the coast of Connecticut, Bren Smith re-seeds the ocean with kelp, mussels, oysters, and scallops, restoring ecosystems ravaged by commercial fishing.

    Despite their difference in culture and location, these farmers and ranchers are rooted in the same belief: that to work with nature, not against it, is the answer.

    Science is showing that if we draw down enough carbon from the sky back into the soil through regenerative agricultural practices, we can actually reverse climate change bringing carbon dioxide down to pre-industrial revolution levels.

    So, now it’s our turn: to bring awareness and support to the ranchers and farmers doing the work to renew the earth through these simple, yet profound practices.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Regenerative Agriculture | EIT Food

    The Regenerative Agriculture Revolution is a series of activities whose overall aim is to help farmers and agrifood businesses adopt more regenerative farming practices and raise public awareness about the important health, environmental and economic benefits of eating regeneratively produced food.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Just Stop Oil: behind the scenes with the activists | Just Stop Oil | The Guardian

    After a while, a police officer approaches the second tanker and tries to reason the occupiers down. “We’re trying to raise awareness of the climate emergency,” says one, lean and bearded.

    “Everybody’s aware,” the officer protests.

    The activist shrugs. “There’s a difference between awareness and action.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    Myles Byrne

    To all who have panned Adam McKay's #DontLookUp, i have another set of metaphors for you:

    The wreck of the Estonia in Sept. 1994:

    William Langewiesche: The Sinking of the Estonia - The Atlantic

    'Survival that night was a very tight race, & savagely simple. People who started early & moved fast had some chance of winning. People who started late or hesitated for any reason had no chance at all. Action paid. Contemplation did not. The mere act of getting dressed was enough to condemn people to death, & although many of those who escaped to the water succumbed to the cold, most of the ultimate winners endured the ordeal completely naked or in their underwear. The survivors all seem to have grasped the nature of this race, the first stage of which involved getting outside to the Deck 7 promenade without delay. There was no God to turn to for mercy. There was no government to provide order. Civilization was ancient history, Europe a faint and faraway place. Inside the ship, as the heel increased, even the most primitive social organization, the human chain, crumbled apart. Love only slowed people down. A pitiless clock was running. The ocean was completely in control. Oddly enough, the relative distance that people had to travel seems to have made little difference.'

    To all who praised #DontLookUp but called it 'the first great climate change film': Don't Look Up is great, but as many such as @neiltyson have said, it's a documentary, not a film. First Reformed, She Dies Tomorrow, and Silent Running are all great films.

    To all who have criticised Adam McKay for posting 'wrong answers' to climate change: 'Remember after watching #DontLookUp that WE HAVE THE SCIENCE TO SOLVE THE CLIMATE CRISIS. Renewables, carbon removal and capture. It just needs to be scaled up & developed. We are missing AWARENESS, WILL AND ACTION. Without those three things we are in SERIOUS trouble' .. it's hopeful that you see that the 'approved' answers are unworkable.

    But there are two further realisations i see very few of you making:

    1. Only a few researchers have consistently and rigorously pointed out that we have no workable solutions. The degrowth needed seems impossible without collapse. We'll have to sit in the fire for awhile longer and see how collapse changes the landscape before we can move en masse. The way through can only be emergent, and cannot be prestated. [More here: https://neuroplastic.github.io/climate_social_contract_2020.html ]

    2. Adam McKay et al. get something powerfully right, that most climate researchers get wrong: climate change at this scale is not a civilisation-ending event, it is a world-ending event. We do not in fact face 'climate change', but the Gaian Bottleneck: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26789354/
    On the other side of the bottleneck, the Earth fails as a life-bearing planet. Unless .. How we respond is the key, not to our own survival, but to the survival of Earth as a life-bearing planet.

    Now, if you want to argue that this is a scientifically unprovable claim, i refer you back to the metaphor of the wreck of the Estonia. My actual unprovable claim is that it was always meant to be this way: humanity was evolved to both trigger and manage the transition of the planetary biome to self-managing homeostasis.

    Like #DontLookUp, the sinking of the Estonia is a good metaphor for climate change, with this key difference: Your choices from now forward will not decide whether you survive or die, but simply whether it is possible for you *as a class* to survive.

    Here are two questions, your answers to which are closely related: Are you critical of #DontLookUp? Do 1 billion die and 7 billion survive, or do 7 billion die and 1 billion survive, as we traverse the Gaian Bottleneck?

    If the answer is 1:7, then rule of law manifests sustainable developmental justice in the form of a world court prosecuting ecocide. This gives us a chance at surviving, naked or in our underwear. If our answer is 1:7, then maybe 1 billion will make it into the 23rd century.

    If our answer is 7:1, then effectively none of us survive, and the Earth dies.

    Happy 2022!
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