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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---

    Years of industrialized agriculture have brought the world to the brink of climate disaster. TO WHICH WE BELONG follows a new generation of farmers and ranchers who seek to rebuild their businesses and their planet by embracing the interconnectedness of living things.

    On land long depleted by monocultured crops, Trey Hill fills the fields with colorful tangles of plant life, revivifying the soil and bringing new richness to the harvest. In Chihuahua, Mexico ranchers like Alejandro Carrillo practice revolutionary techniques in cattle herding, carving out space for wildlife to thrive again. And off the coast of Connecticut, Bren Smith re-seeds the ocean with kelp, mussels, oysters, and scallops, restoring ecosystems ravaged by commercial fishing.

    Despite their difference in culture and location, these farmers and ranchers are rooted in the same belief: that to work with nature, not against it, is the answer.

    Science is showing that if we draw down enough carbon from the sky back into the soil through regenerative agricultural practices, we can actually reverse climate change bringing carbon dioxide down to pre-industrial revolution levels.

    So, now it’s our turn: to bring awareness and support to the ranchers and farmers doing the work to renew the earth through these simple, yet profound practices.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Industry takes action to deter oil protests - GOV.UK

    Energy Minister Greg Hands said:

    While we value the right to peaceful protest, it is crucial that these do not cause disruption to people’s everyday lives.

    That’s why I’m pleased to see oil companies taking action to secure injunctions at their sites, working with local police forces to arrest those who break the law and ensure deliveries of fuel can continue as normal.

    Existing injunctions first granted in autumn 2021 also remain in place on the M25, M25 feeder roads, and Kent and Dover roads, deterring protesters from impeding traffic on those roads.

    Police forces across the country are taking a robust stance with protestors who interfere with and attempt to disrupt key infrastructure, and have made more than 600 arrests since the protests began.
    PER2 --- ---
    PER2 --- ---
    tohle zni slibne, bude zajimavy, az zjistime, jestli/za jakych vesmirnych podminek neco podobneho dokaze i nase Slunce :D
    Localized thermonuclear bursts from accreting magnetic white dwarfs | Nature


    TADEAS --- ---
    War in Ukraine is impacting global food security | DW News
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    SHEFIK: jedna z nejlepších malejch domů na týhle radnici byla oprava grebovky za miliardu plus. Tohle je cena místně obvyklá.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    DVA ROZHOVORY (2x25 min.)

    Klimatolog Tolasz: Snaha zatím na poklesu emisí vidět není. K uhlíkové neutralitě potřebujeme i krajinu | Plus

    Radim Tolasz, český zástupce při Mezivládním panelu pro změnu klimatu OSN (IPCC), klimatolog z Českého hydrometeorologického ústavu
    Petr Havlík, odborník na ekosystémový management a přírodní zdroje z mezinárodního institutu pro aplikovanou systémovou analýzu ve Vídni

    Přestože se lidstvo globálně snaží o snižování emisí skleníkových plynů a uzavírá k tomuto účelu různé dohody, za posledních třicet let k žádnému globálnímu snížení nedošlo, upozorňuje klimatolog Radim Tolasz: „Lidstvo ročně vyprodukovává neuvěřitelných 60 gigatun skleníkových plynů. To je za posledních deset let nárůst o dvanáct procent.“ „Od roku 1994 je to nárůst emisí o 54 procent. Od roku 1990 se lidstvo snaží, připravuje různé dohody, ale na globálních emisích to zatím není vidět,“ zdůrazňuje Tolasz, český zástupce při Mezivládním panelu pro změnu klimatu OSN (IPCC).

    Podle něj je nutné nejen snižovat emise skleníkových plynů, ale také se starat o krajinu: „Tedy dosáhnout toho, aby krajina v rámci uhlíkového cyklu uhlík pohlcovala tak, jak je přirozené, což znamená mít v pořádku lesy, dobře hospodařit na půdě a starat se jako lidstvo o to, aby oceán byl čistý.“
    SHEFIK --- ---

    20 stromu, 1,3 mil .) Vidim, ze sem byl na omylu, kdyz sem rikal, ze ekologicky prace nejsou stejne dobre placeny jako IT.

    Praha 2 vysadí v ulicích 22 stromů, výsadba přijde na 1,3 milionu Kč - Ekolist.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Bezdětné pro druhé. Hlavní důvod, proč ženy nechtějí děti, jsou obavy o klima, říká badatelka | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Macron unveils plan to address climate change ahead of French election

    President Emmanuel Macron promised to place the environment at the heart of his government if he is re-elected next weekend, in a speech in southern France on Saturday, April 16, designed to appeal to young and green-minded voters. Mr. Macron held a major rally in the port city of Marseille while his rival, far-right leader Marine Le Pen, visited a village west of Paris.

    "I hear the anxiety that exists in a lot of our young people," Mr. Macron told the rally. "I see young people, adolescents, who are fearful about the future of our planet." He said a "powerful message" had been sent in the first round of elections on April 10, when nearly eight million voters backed hard-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon and his ecology-heavy programme. "It's up to us to react and up to us to take action," Mr. Macron said.


    The idea of a prime minister tasked with "ecological planning" was first proposed by Mr. Mélenchon and Mr. Macron's team said adopting the idea was part of efforts to "enrich" the president's platform. Mr. Macron accused Ms. Le Pen of being "a climate change sceptic" and attacked her for proposing to dismantle wind turbines, which the far-right leader views as being costly, inefficient eyesores.

    Surveys show the environment as one of French voter's main priorities, but it has been overshadowed as an issue during the election campaign by the war in Ukraine and the spiraling cost of living. Several hundred activists from the Extinction Rebellion climate activist group blocked a main road in the center of Paris on Saturday to denounce the "inaction" of political leaders. "This is the only way of ensuring that everyone talks a bit about climate change," said Antoine, a young Extinction Rebellion activist who declined to give his surname.
    TADEAS --- ---
    "they" will die

    People are gasping for air in Karachi and Delhi due to an early continuous and brutal heatwave
    PER2 --- ---
    SEJDA: ano, na vrcholu, snih tam ted nekdy meli snad poprve po x letech a byl to velky svatek, jestli se nepletu
    SEJDA --- ---
    WOODMAKER: na vrcholech?

    DZODZO: myslim, ze to spise cili na znudence z egyptskych resortu.

    PER2: dinosauri meli vice jenom pokud veris vedcum ..
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: myslel jsem to tak pul na pul, nepopirateolny fakt je ten, ze se zivotu skvele darilo ;) a polarni cepicky jsou na polech zbytecna vec, na antarktide bude dobre treba, zmena je zivot

    lidi se nezmeni a vetsina ani nechce(k tomu potrebujes celosvetove vzdelanou spolecnost), az zdrazi energie a vsechno, radi jeste zvoli populistu, co hrabne poradne do zeme a spali vic uhli ... myslim si, ze tech par uvedomelych/mladych, nas nespasi vcas, at delaji co delaji(ted uz je pozde?) ... dont look up je tak nejak to co ocekavam :) krasny happyending
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: stara dobra ironie, ted jestli patri na stranu Lasky, jak se pta pan Hallam, a tedy jestli dava smysl...
    PER2 --- ---
    vy z toho nadelate, dinosauri meli mnohonasobne vic a jak se jim darilo :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    IOM_NUKSO: asi tak, viz TADEAS
    IOM_NUKSO --- ---
    TADEAS: jezisikriste :(
    TADEAS --- ---
    Atmospheric CO2 was at 420.87ppm on 17 April

    >420+ppm is highest level in 4 million years
    >270 to 280ppm took 5,000 years
    >280 to 290ppm took 100 years
    >290 to 300ppm took 40 years
    >400 to 410ppm took 4 years
    >410 to 420ppm took 2 years
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