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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    Jan Umsonst https://www.facebook.com/taoist.attack/posts/3422485977881946
    A look on the Southern Ocean marine heatwaves - doesn't look good, as they are also intensifying...
    Our main problem: ocean heat uptake remained even during the El Nino 2023/24 on record levels - insane the numbers of the last years!
    Important for this post: During La Ninas the oceans take up much more heat than during El Ninos.
    The central to eastern tropical Pacific being colder than normal during La NInas supports ocean heat uptake over the abnormal cold areas. During El Ninos the opposite happens as the oceans loose vast amounts of heat to the atmosphere during El Ninos when the central to eastern tropical Pacific is warmer than normal.
    The high rates of ocean heat uptake during the triple La Nina from 2020 to 2022 are thought to be one reason behind the exceptional ocean surface warming during 2023/24. Some of the take up heat resurfaced into the upper mixed layer during 2023/24 which caused this exceptional surface warming signal. The El Nino in 2023/24 played here a large role.
    Still the signal of heat resurfacing had been exceptional.
    But now we have the problem that ocean heat uptake did not decline or reversed during 2023/24 when we had the last El Nino emitting vast amounts of energy into the atmosphere.
    The rates of ocean heat uptake had been similar in 2023/24 to 2020-22, which should not be possible, at least not back on back...
    Lets talk about numbers...
    The numbers of ocean heat uptake (IAP/CAS dataset) in 2021 of 15Zj, 2022 of 19Zj, 2023 of 16Zj and 2024 of 16ZJ (1) have to be seen in relation to these numbers:
    Regardless of which estimate is used, there has been a two- to three- fold increase in the rate of increase in OHC since the late 1980s. For example, according to the IAP analy- sis, the OHC trend for 1958–1985 is 3.1 ± 0.5 ZJ yr−1, and since 1986, the OHC trend is 9.2 ± 0.5 ZJ yr−1 (Fig. 2). The IAP trend within 1958–1985 of 3.1 ± 0.5 ZJ yr−1 is higher than the previous release in Cheng et al. (2023) (2.3 ± 0.5 ZJ yr−1), mainly because the new inclusion of the bottle data bias correction. After 2007, with better global coverage of ocean subsurface data, OHC uncertainty is reduced. There is a significant warming trend of 10.8 ± 1.2 ZJ yr−1 and 10.3 ± 0.8 ZJ yr−1 from 2007–2023 for IAP/CAS and NCEI/NOAA (seasonal time series), respectively (Fig. 2). The NCEI three-month OHC estimate has a slightly stronger trend than the pentadal time series from 2005 to 2020, indicating the impact of sam- pling changes associated with the mapping approach. (2)
    (1) New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indicators in 2023"; https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00376-024-3378-5
    (2) "Record High Temperatures in the Ocean in 2024"; https://link.springer.com/.../10.1007/s00376-025-4541-3...
    These studies are important for what happens in the oceans (read them in the order):
    (1) "New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indichttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00376-024-3378-5
    (2) "A Glimpse into the Future: The 2023 Ocean Temperature and Sea Ice Extremes in the Context of Longer-Term Climate Change "; https://journals.ametsoc.org/.../105/3/BAMS-D-23-0209.1.xml
    (3) "Record High Temperatures in the Ocean in 2024"; https://link.springer.com/.../10.1007/s00376-025-4541-3...
    (4) "Quantifying the acceleration of multidecadal global sea surface warming driven by Earth's energy imbalance"; https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/adaa8a
    "Drivers of the 2023 record shattering marine heat extreme in the North Atlantic"; https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-5046018/v1
    CHOSIE --- ---
    In the last decade many publications have appeared on degrowth as a strategy to confront environmental and social problems. We undertake a systematic review of their content, data and methods. This involves the use of computational linguistics to identify main topics investigated. Based on a sample of 561 studies we conclude that: (1) content covers 11 main topics with the four dominant ones being Environmental justice, Sustainable wellbeing, Local/urban practices and Democracy and civil society; (2) the large majority (almost 90%) of studies are opinions rather than analysis; (3) few studies use quantitative or qualitative data, and even fewer ones use formal modelling; (4) the first and second type tend to include small samples or focus on non-representative cases; (5) most studies offer ad hoc and subjective policy advice, lacking policy evaluation and integration with insights from the literature on environmental/climate policies; (6) of the few studies on public support, a majority concludes that degrowth strategies and policies are socially-politically infeasible; (7) various studies represent a “reverse causality” confusion, i.e. use the term degrowth not for a deliberate strategy but to denote economic decline (in GDP terms) resulting from exogenous factors or public policies; (8) few studies adopt a system-wide perspective – instead most focus on small, local cases without a clear implication for the economy as a whole. We illustrate each of these findings for concrete studies.

    The weakness of degrowth studies in terms of data analysis – whether quantitative or qualitative - is understandable to some extent. The idea of degrowth is so far from reality that good empirical studies are hardly possible. Undertaking experiments with degrowth is also impossible as one cannot isolate one part of society from the rest and subject it to a completely different economic regime.
    PER2 --- ---
    onovitelne zdroje ve valce
    Ukraine has seen success in building clean energy, which is harder for Russia to destroy | AP News

    Attacks on two DTEK solar farms last spring are a good example. They destroyed many solar panels and some of the transformers, which step up voltage for long distances or step it down for use in homes. Replacing the transformers and swapping out destroyed panels allowed the farms, which generate 400 megawatts, to be back up in seven days.

    Timchenko said an attack on a thermal generating station, which experienced a similar amount of damage, took three to four months to rebuild.

    “That’s the difference between centralized and so-called decentralized generation. It’s much more resistant and difficult to destroy,” said Timchenko.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    nekdo random na redditu se snazi rozebrat dynamiku mezi ruznymi klimatology

    SS: We Study Climate Change. We Can’t Explain What We’re Seeing. - Gavin Schmidt (Head of GISS) and Zeke Hausfather (Berkeley Earth)

    This "opinion" piece in today's NYT is basically a position statement from the Moderate faction in Climate Science. Schmidt and Hausfather are the "serious science" voices in that faction. As opposed to people like Michael Mann who pushes "hopium" and has stated that he views "doomism" as a "mental illness".

    It's significant both for what it says and for what it doesn't say.

    What it says that's important:

    "The earth has been exceptionally warm of late, with every month from June 2023 until this past September breaking records."

    "It has been considerably hotter even than climate scientists expected."

    "Average temperatures during the past 12 months have also been above the goal set by the Paris climate agreement: to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius over preindustrial levels."

    -translation: We are now above +1.5°C, WAY sooner than the Moderates thought it was going to happen.

    "the unusual jump in global temperatures starting in mid-2023 appears to be higher than our models predicted (even as they generally remain within the expected range)."

    -translation: The temperatures are GENERALLY within "the expected range" of the Moderate General Climate Models BUT at the HIGH END of the models. Meaning "Climate Sensitivity" to 2XCO2 is probably higher than they thought.

    "While there have been many partial hypotheses — new low-sulfur fuel standards for marine shipping, a volcanic eruption in 2022, lower Chinese aerosol emissions and El Niño perhaps behaving differently than in the recent past."

    -translation: 4 years ago we COMPLETELY ignored James Hansen when he predicted up to +0.6°C of warming from the change in marine diesel. Zeke estimated only +0.06°C of warming would result from that change. We would rather DIE than admit Hansen was right, but NOTHING ELSE explains what's happened.

    "we remain far from a consensus explanation even more than a year after we first noticed the anomalies. And that makes us uneasy."

    -translation: We don't know what's going on and we're scared.

    "Why is it taking so long for climate scientists to grapple with these questions?"

    -translation: The theories and models of the Moderates aren't working is why BUT they cannot admit that the Alarmists might have been right all along. So now, they are spending a LOT of time trying out EVERY OTHER possible explanation.

    "It turns out that we do not have systems in place to explore the significance of shorter-term phenomena in the climate in anything approaching real time. But we need them badly. It’s now time for government science agencies to provide more timely updates in response to the rapid changes in the climate."

    -translation: We need MORE MONEY to build out a better climate monitoring system.

    Which is what the rest of the piece is a plea for.

    The graphs are interesting and give a good idea of just how much 2023 and 2024 have been OFF THE CHARTS bad.

    clanek zde https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/13/opinion/climate-change-heat-planet.html?unlocked_article_code=1.aU4.yUZL.WUVZeJCH6AiT&smid=re-share
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Tak dneskem muzeme asi vsechny nadeje na nejakou rozumnou hranici otepleni planety odpiskat. Good luck children
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Welfare for the rich’: how farm subsidies wrecked Europe’s landscapes | Farming | The Guardian

    the environmental aspects of the CAP changes have not worked. The European court of auditors in 2020 found little evidence of a positive impact on biodiversity from the CAP. The European Environment Agency, in its State of Nature report in 2023, found that the EU’s farmed environment had continued to decline, with the health of only 14% of habitats and about a quarter of non-bird species classed as “good”. The CAP is also making the climate worse: about 80% of the budget goes to support carbon-intensive animal food products, according to a paper published this month in Nature.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Ano, trochu už to pár týdnů sleduji, ne že by od toho mohl člověk moc očekávat. :shrug:
    “China and US push each other on priorities for UN COP29 climate talks…

    “Washington’s top climate diplomat John Podesta has pressed Chinese leaders to come up with ambitious plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2035 in one of the final meetings between the world’s two largest polluters ahead of the UN COP29 climate summit in November.”

    Subscribe to read
    “Good Cop, Bad COP29: Azerbaijan’s greenwashing ahead of crucial climate summit…

    “Since it was announced as this year’s host in November last year, Azerbaijan has intensified crackdowns on independent media and academics, arresting dozens on falsified charges this year alone. And concerns are intensifying around Azerbaijan’s commitments to expanding its fossil fuel industry.”
    "Satellite data shows an increase in gas flaring since Azerbaijan last reported its emissions six years ago, calling into question BP and state oil company’s pledge to eliminate methane flaring by 2030."

    "Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, countries are required to submit their emissions data every two years. Yet Azerbaijan, which will host the COP29 climate summit in November, has failed to do so since 2018. "

    "The Presidency of COP29 is headed by Mukhtar Babayev, who is currently serving as Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan, Babayev previously worked as the SOCAR’s Vice President for ecology."

    Several major oil-producing countries, including Saudi Arabia and Russia, are pushing back against talks on an agreement at the upcoming COP29 climate summit to mitigate the use of fossil fuels.

    “COP29 host’s own climate plans are ‘critically insufficient’, says expert group…

    “Campaigners have expressed concerns about the selection of yet another country that is heavily reliant on the sale of oil and gas to oversee the world’s most important climate negotiations. Questions about human rights followed after several arrests of government critics.”

    Subscribe to read
    TUHO --- ---
    Dnesni bodnuti do jater od Martina Abela z Klimatymu AMO.

    Martin Abel
    Navigating the Metacrisis since 2019.

    You may have heard.
    🇨🇿 The Czech government succumbed to the pressure and withdrew the long-term hashtag#climate strategy from its agenda, along with the updated hashtag#necp. Both are now being rewritten to ensure that all the sharper teeth they had are pulled out.

    This is bad.

    hashtag#Czechia is 🤯 mindblowingly 🤯 one of the LARGEST per capita historical contributors to the hashtag#greenhouse effect.

    👷 It has some of the most energy-intensive industries in the EU, with energy demand still heavily reliant on hashtag#coal. Equally concerning, Czech political leadership has not, according to many critics, delivered a single major structural reform in over a decade. And recently, when sh*it really hit the fan, we were not able to save human lives from covid-related deaths or sky-rocketing energy costs. Because it would hurt some businesses.

    With THAT track record, how on Earth are we hoping to transform the entire economy, in a fast and fair manner? 🤯

    👉 As my new policy paper reveals, the coalition's ‘Climate Protection Policy’ doesn’t have the answer. It’s a disappointing case of measures so poorly designed that they can’t even credibly deliver on goals that are already considered climatologically insufficient ❗
    👁️‍🗨️ Check it out: https://lnkd.in/ekYhiqNV

    But there’s more 🥲
    Success isn’t just about implementing the right set of hashtag#mitigation measures—it’s about ensuring that these solutions truly improve people’s lives. Without a clear focus on what people actually need for a good life, there’s a real risk of wasting resources on decarbonization efforts that don’t enhance well-being. A more thoughtful approach, centered around hashtag#sufficiency, would direct resources toward hashtag#sustainable technologies that both cut hashtag#emissions and improve quality of life.

    If all of this sounds radical, don't take my word for it. Read the resources produced by IPCC, European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change, International Energy Agency (IEA) and other authorities in the field that I cite in the policy paper.
    Feel free to read, cite and share the policy paper from here: https://lnkd.in/ekYhiqNV
    Draft Climate Protection Policy is only in Czech, but you can access the English version of hashtag#necp on EC's website: https://lnkd.in/ewjsUaDZ
    CHOSIE --- ---
    I read Michael Mann’s The New Climate War so you don’t have to. – Another End of the World is Possible

    GBU Episode 2: Good Bad & Ugly - Science Communicators - Michael Mann / Bill Nye Corporate Shills.
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: the Biden administration confirmed that developing large-scale AI data centers is a priority, announcing "a new Task Force on AI Datacenter Infrastructure to coordinate policy across government

    microsoft stargate - 5 gw do r. 2029, openai chce 5-7 5gw datacenter. good luck ,)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Kdysi tu probehl Tadeas Zdarsky a jeho Nerust. Dari se mu. Sice jeho spolek vyrost o 47mil ze statnich dotaci, ale HDP to nevylepsi, takze Good Job! :)

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ještě jsem dál promýšlela to téma jestli je problém v tom, že lidi potřebují stále větší telku. Maslow ještě používá vrstvu "esteem", kterou jsem nezmiňovala. "Kreativita" což jsem napsala já působí tak mírumilovně a volitelně a neproblematicky.

    Ale "esteem" (něco jsem dokázal, lidi si myslí, že jsem něco dokázal, jsem hodnotný člověk, jsem k něčemu, ...) to mi teď aktuálně připadá, že je to klíčové co tzv nefunguje. Nejsou rozpracovaný mechanismy, jak by si lidi mohli naplňovat tuto potřebu tak aby to celkově bylo pro greater good. Hodně energie jde do boje mezi lidma a do získávání achievements, které jsou problematické. (Symbolické statusové chování a pod.)

    "Esteem" přitom působí zrovna jako něco, v čem by mohli být humans dobře programovatelní - najít narativy, ve kterých určité mise a cíle a struggle kolem nich jsou atraktivní a vysoko společensky rozpoznávaný. A přitom to stabilizuje ekosystém atd.

    Peníze jsou jen prostředek k naplnění potřeb.
    CROME --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Prekvapive, ze, v New Yorku kriminalita klesa a napr v gun violence je nizsi nez jine US metropole, takze good job Sleepy Joe :)

    :”As of 2023, the New York Police Department reported that crime is down compared to the previous year. October 2023, when compared with the same month one year prior, saw an 8.1% decline in shootings, while 45 fewer people were murdered today than at the same time in 2022. The number of people shot in October 2023 was 384 fewer than the year before”
    SHEFIK --- ---
    To je naprostej idiot

    Be Wary What You Wish For: Trump 2.0 Will Retract Climate Laws - CleanTechnica

    Another Trump administration would revise nearly every forward-looking Biden-Harris administration action, including breakthrough legislation to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis. The Sierra Club warns that “everything from rules to curb hazardous air pollutants to programs that help make cleaner and more energy-efficient purchases affordable would be on the chopping block” if Trump 2.0 becomes a reality.


    Trump: The former president said, “In my opinion, you have a thing called weather, and you go up, and you go down. If you look into the 1920s, they were talking about a global freezing, okay? In other words, the globe was going to freeze.’”
    Trump: “The global warming hoax, it just never ends,” he said, also referring to the climate crisis as “nonexistent” and “created by the Chinese.”
    Trump: Trump has called renewable energy “a scam business.” His campaign asserts that, under the Trump administration, “without sacrificing any economic gains, American energy became cleaner than ever before.”
    Trump: “I hate wind,” Trump told the executives over a meal of chopped steak at his Mar-a-Lago Club and resort in Florida. “The windmills (sic) aren’t working, the most expensive form of energy ever.”
    Trump: “And we have other things that are also no good. It’s called the Green New Deal — I call it the Green New Hoax

    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    Ohledne https://situational-awareness.ai/ a Aschenbrennera: jestli bude AI spotrebovavat 20% elektriny nebo ne neni vubec point tech eseji (ktere mmch doporucuju procist, good read); jeho hlavni point je ten, ze AGI je mozna (ne nevyhnutelna, je tam mnoho nejistot) a ze nikdo moc neresi, jaky dopad to bude mit na bezpectnost, tedy alignment. V tom s nim souhlasim - pokud by se to nahodou opravdu stalo takto brzy (mluvi o '27/'28), tak budeme mit peknej turmoil a klima nas moc zajimat nebude, protoze budeme resit pravdepodobne takovy hospodarskopoliticky prevrat (rozvrat?), jako jsme nikdy nezazili. Jen si predstavte, co by se stalo s high-skilled a high-salary ekonomikou EU ve chvili, kdy si velkou cast mezd bilych limecku vezme US big tech. Zdanime sice mozna roboty, ale to vyjde tak mozna na zebracenky pro programatory, nikoliv na jejich hezke platy v soucasnosti ... [Mozna fakt neni od veci si koupit ty akcie NVidie, i kdyz jsou prepalene ...]

    Aschenbrenner je ovsem matematik/ekonom a ne informatik. Myslim, ze nektere veci vidi hodne povrchne a jen prostrednictvim svych regresi a extrapolaci. Jsou to super uvahy, ale i on sam priznava, ze jeho predikce pres nekolik radu a let jsou zatizeny velkymi nejistotami (budeme mit dostatek dat? nevycerpa se fundamentalne nase schopnost je tezit? nenarazime na totalni odpor populace?). Cili stat se to mozna muze, ale mozna taky ne.

    Pokud bude AGI, tak to bude znamenat tak velkou revoluci, ze nikdo neni schopny domyslet, co bude dal. Postaveni neandrtalcu v usvitu clouveka moudreho me ale moc nelaka ... Pokud ovsem AGI nebude, ale bude cim dal kvalitnejsi AI (coz je jiste), tak spotreba elektriny poroste tak jako tak. Jestli se to vyplati tim, ze bude o to vice akcelerovan vyzkum OZE/sekvestrace atp nevim (a imho to nevi nikdo).
    CHOSIE --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Roger doing Roger

    Economists at Harvard, who presumably know what they are talking about, have finally woken up to the fact that destroying the economy means the economy gets destroyed. Meaning there is not some supernatural separation between, you know - climate change "out there" in the natural world - and the real manly world of getting on and making good money.

    'A 3C temperature increase will cause “precipitous declines in output, capital and consumption that exceed 50% by 2100” the paper states.'

    But they get to the point when they say:

    “These magnitudes are comparable to the economic damage caused by fighting a war domestically and permanently.”

    So the war goes on for 100,000 years - give or take, of course.


    Economic damage from climate change six times worse than thought – report | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    What Happens When NASA Loses Eyes on Earth? We’re About to Find Out

    When the three orbiters — Terra, Aqua and Aura — are powered down, much of the data they’ve been collecting will end with them, and newer satellites won’t pick up all of the slack. Researchers will either have to rely on alternate sources that might not meet their exact needs or seek workarounds to allow their records to continue.

    With some of the data these satellites gather, the situation is even worse: No other instruments will keep collecting it. In a few short years, the fine features they reveal about our world will become much fuzzier.

    “Losing this irreplaceable data is simply tragic,” said Susan Solomon, an atmospheric chemist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Just when the planet most needs for us to focus on understanding how we are affected by it, and how we are affecting it, we seem to be disastrously asleep at the wheel.”

    The main area we’re losing eyes on is the stratosphere, the all-important home of the ozone layer.


    These days, with the rise of the private space industry and the proliferation of satellites around Earth, NASA and other agencies are exploring a different approach to keeping eyes on our planet. The future may lie with smaller, lighter instruments, ones that could be put into orbit more cheaply and nimbly than Terra, Aqua and Aura were back in their day.

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is developing such a fleet for monitoring weather and climate. Dr. Loeb and others at NASA are working on a lightweight instrument for continuing their measurements of Earth’s energy balance.

    But for such technologies to be useful, Dr. Loeb said, they have to start flying before today’s orbiters go dark.

    “You need a good, long period of overlap to understand the differences, work out the kinks,” he said. “If not, then it’s going to be really difficult to have trust in these measurements, if we haven’t had a chance to prove them against the current measurements.”

    TADEAS --- ---
    Ministers of Germany, Brazil, South Africa and Spain: why we need a global tax on billionaires | Svenja Schulze, Fernando Haddad, Enoch Godongwana, María Jesús Montero and Carlos Cuerpo | The Guardian...

    The renowned economist Gabriel Zucman sketched out how this might work. Currently, there are about 3,000 billionaires worldwide. The tax could be designed as a minimum levy equivalent to 2% of the wealth of the super-rich. It would not apply to billionaires who already contribute a fair share in income taxes. However, those who manage to avoid paying income tax would be obliged to contribute more towards the common good.

    The argument behind such tax is straightforward: we need to enhance the ability of our tax systems to fulfil the principle of fairness, such that contributions are in line with the capacity to pay. Persisting loopholes in the system imply that high-net-worth individuals can minimise their income taxes. Global billionaires pay only the equivalent of up to 0.5% of their wealth in personal income tax. It is crucial to ensure that our tax systems provide certainty, raise sufficient revenues, and treat all of our citizens fairly.
    MATT --- ---
    TADEAS: a vliv honga tonga myslej zanedbatelna ohledne vodni pary nebo prachovech a sirnejch castic?

    Trochu strasidelny mi prijde o kus niz

    “Good News:” Climate models show a fast response to forcing changes, so steps to lower the Earth energy Imbalance (EEI) [such as Sunlight Reflection Methods (SRM)] should result in a quick lowering of temperature.

    zvlast, kdyz predtim pisou, ze ten vliv moc studovanej neni (tweet 10/20)..
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam