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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate startups button up for a post-election freeze

    For the climate tech startups now navigating this stage, it’s going to be a rough six months. As the industry adjusts to a new energy policy regime under President-elect Donald Trump, there’ll be a chill in the air for project financing and major fundraising for companies in the line of fire.

    Potentially on the chopping block are key provisions of the US Inflation Reduction Act, the budget of the Department of Energy and Treasury guidelines on tax credits. Offshore wind and hydrogen projects are two areas that are thought by VCs to be especially precarious.

    And despite Trump’s cozy relationship with Tesla founder Elon Musk, the transition team is already planning to scrap a $7,500 EV tax credit for American consumers, according to Reuters.

    “It’s going to be challenging,” said Abe Yokell, managing partner at Congruent Ventures. “My general advice is, make sure you aren’t raising right now.”


    In the eight years since Trump’s first victory, early-stage investing in climate tech has become mainstream, as specialists like Breakthrough Energy Ventures and Lowercarbon Capital made their names on Sand Hill Road, bringing generalists along with them into climate rounds.

    Huge amounts of capital have flowed into infrastructure funds dedicated to the energy transition, driven by pressure from pension holders and students as well as a belief that the energy transition is a lucrative investment.

    “Most new infrastructure is clean infrastructure now,” said Yokell. Energy transition infrastructure funds raised $33.5 billion in 2024, compared to $9.5 billion for non-energy transition infrastructure funds, according to PitchBook research.

    Institutional investors think in decades, not in single election cycles.

    Plus, much of the climate policy cemented by the Biden administration has bipartisan support: namely, creating more resilient supply chains, nearshoring critical minerals production and creating clean-energy jobs in battleground states.

    Trump’s calls to deregulate and reduce permitting roadblocks may help clean energy projects in the long run, especially for new nuclear technologies that have been bogged down in red tape.

    For Yokell, there’s a strong case to stay bullish on climate-friendly projects:

    “There will be some collateral damage environmentally, which I’m not excited about, but the lack of regulations will in fact allow for a lot of clean infrastructure to be built.”
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Německo schválilo plány na výstavbu vodíkové sítě za přibližně 19 miliard eur, v přepočtu zhruba 459 miliard korun. Návrhy tamních provozovatelů přenosových soustav počítají s tím, že vodíková síť bude kompletně zprovozněna už do roku 2032. Projekt má zemi pomoci s dosažením klimatické neutrality do roku 2045.

    Délka německé vodíkové sítě má dosahovat na 9 040 kilometrů a očekává se, že bude plně funkční již do osmi let. Má propojit i klíčová průmyslová centra včetně důležitých výrobců oceli, kteří v posledních letech pracují na dekarbonizaci své výroby, píše agentura Bloomberg.

    Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
    Investice za půl bilionu. Německo schválilo plány na vybudování vodíkové sítě - iDNES.cz
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Asi jsem nedočetl dostatečně daleko, abych pochopil o čem přesně diskuze je, nicméně zde je nějaké info o vodíku:

    V průmyslu má mnohem důležitější využití než jako úložník energie, a nemáme za něj náhradu.

    99% vodíku je momentálně získáváno z fosilních paliv, pokud bychom měli vyrábět zelený/žlutý vodík, měli bychom hlavně nahrazovat momentální produkci, samotná výroba vodíku má momentálně na svědomí více emisí než letecká doprava

    Vodík také nepřímo ovlivňuje oteplování, vezměme v o jak lehký prvek se jedná, úniky jsou něco co se dá očekávat, skladování je tragédie.

    Často se mluví o průmyslovém využití, ale snad až na ocelářství není moc případů, kde by se to vyplatilo oproti přímému použití elektřiny, vzhledem k tomu, že se mluví hlavně o náhradě zemního plynu, který se používá na ohřev vody. Takže bychom možná našli hrstku průmyslů kde by to mělo nějaký význam, ale opět co nejdříve nahradit ten černý vodík.

    Mám pocit, že toto je (stejně jako další technologické naděje) hlavně hype, který se snaží nabalit investory a nic víc.

    Něco víc o vodíku -
    Distilled Thoughts On Hydrogen – Spitfire Research Inc.
    Distilled Thoughts On Hydrogen – Spitfire Research Inc.

    VOYTEX --- ---
    Green Farming | ACOM

    Energy Lab | NREL
    Innovative Hydrogen Storage solution project

    E-Charging | GKN Hydrogen

    Bio Gas | CEC

    Light Commercial | Elektro Bauer

    MINER: slévárnu jeste nenapajeji, takze se pravdepodobne MH neujmou, ze? :)
    VOYTEX --- ---
    MINER: maj mikrogrid a 0,5 - 4 MWh kontejnery

    Reference Projects | GKN Hydrogen

    Stored Energy
    833 kWh
    H2 Storage
    25 kg
    CO2 Saving
    68 t

    over a lifetime of 20 years

    (ale vojaci to maji davno a s nimi skutecna elita...)
    VOYTEX --- ---
    noční můra uhlo/plyno/urano-baronů:

    Metal Hydride and why it's so safe compared to liquid Hydrogen as a storage method?

    Why metal hydride hydrogen storage is 100% Recyclable versus compressed gas storage.

    Why is Solid-State Hydrogen Storage a Game Changer?


    MINER: Napis jim. Maji 5 let ten offgrid dum. Nejvetsi nasazeni je imho neverejne...
    VOYTEX --- ---
    Storing Hydrogen as Metal Hydride vs Lithium Battery
    VOYTEX --- ---
    Our Energy Storage System - Technology | GKN Hydrogen
    VOYTEX --- ---
    Ale vratme se k tematu. JE a fosil uz nepotrebujeme.


    Off-grid and self-sufficient since 2019 hydro and solar stored in a solid-state as safe hydrogen.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    NIEKT0: plus paroplynky pokud se postavi s dostatecne osvicenym zadanim/projektanty, muzou jet i na vodik. Jak jsem pochopil je to jen o turbine. Do transition (na zimu) ty paroplynky zapadaji daleko lip

    Letos v Kobe
    Hydrogen gas turbine offers promise of clean electricity

    Hydrogen-Fueled Gas Turbines | GE Gas Power

    Hydrogen Power Plants
    SHEFIK --- ---
    A jedna related z domova ;)

    Czech steel industry unprepared for EU decarbonisation – Euractiv

    The Czech steel industry is unprepared for decarbonisation, not only technologically but also financially, making it difficult to implement the EU’s decarbonisation plans, experts say.

    Experts polled by the Czech News Agency (CTK), also agreed that the state lacks green electricity, hydrogen and other resources – all elements necessary to meet EU plans to be carbon neutral and effectively achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

    There are options for low-emission steel production, including replacing coke with hydrogen as a reducing agent or making steel from scrap in an electric arc furnace.

    However, there is not enough scrap to meet all demand. The production process requires large amounts of electricity, the price of which has risen enormously in recent years, Daniel Urban, chairman of the Czech Steel Union, told CTK.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    ZAHRADKAR: ja nemel na mysli elektrolyzu, ale split s pomoci vyuzitim tepla v jaderkach.

    Treba tady strana 3.

    Ale i kdyby to byla vysoce teplotni elektrolyza, porad to bude nakladove vyrazne jinde, nez standardni low-temperature elektrolyzery.

    Co se tyka utilizace samotny jaderky, tak ta muze jet porad na max. Premena vodiku by holt mimo spicky renewables zahalela, ale to se ti v cechach zas az tolik stavat nebude. A mista pro skladovani je habadej v soucasnejch plynovejch zasobnicich, nebo v salt kavernach, navic se muze naddimenzovat a posilat vodik sousedum....

    Hydrogen storage in salt caverns – pv magazine International
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Octopus Project Combines Direct Air Capture With Water Recovery

    Capture6 provides a money-saving workaround by linking its technology with water treatment systems. They kindly emailed some additional technical details to CleanTechnica that clarify the difference.

    “The process involves splitting salt in brine waste through electrochemical processes, producing a base and an acid,” they explain. “The base absorbs CO2 from the air, forming carbonates for long-term storage.”

    That’s not quite the same thing as carbonite, but the basic idea is the same. Carbonates are the main ingredient in solid materials like seashells and limestone. Once locked into a carbonate, the airborne carbon can be put to use instead of being shunted underground.

    Among the money-saving features noted by Capture6, the process conserves water resources by producing fresh water from wastewater. In addition to a potential revenue stream from that source, the system also harvests valuable chemicals including lithium, hydrogen, and hydrochloric acid, which is the stuff in your stomach that dissolves food.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Za dva biliony euro by Evropa mohla být zelená a energeticky nezávislá - Seznam Zprávy

    Europe could become energy self-sufficient in $2 trillion push, study says | Reuters

    The report, led by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, said the continent would require annual investments of 140 billion euros by 2030 and 100 billion a year in the decade thereafter to get there.

    While most of the sum would be needed for onshore wind expansion, solar, hydrogen and geothermal resources would be additional pillars of a strategy that would enable Europe's electricity needs to be powered exclusively from renewables by 2030.

    It would take another decade to convert the entire energy system, including things such as heating currently powered by oil or gas, to renewables, according to the study, which was shared with Reuters.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: když země, tak země


    The Malian discovery was vivid evidence for what a small group of scientists, studying hints from seeps, mines, and abandoned wells, had been saying for years: Contrary to conventional wisdom, large stores of natural hydrogen may exist all over the world, like oil and gas—but not in the same places. These researchers say water-rock reactions deep within the Earth continuously generate hydrogen, which percolates up through the crust and sometimes accumulates in underground traps. There might be enough natural hydrogen to meet burgeoning global demand for thousands of years, according to a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) model that was presented in October 2022 at a meeting of the Geological Society of America.


    Geologic hydrogen (H2) has recently gained interest as a potential primary energy resource. To guide decision-making, policy makers, resource managers, exploration companies, and investors will need information as to the extent of the potential resource. However, the uncertainties associated with the generation, migration, accumulation, and preservation of H2 in the subsurface make it impossible to precisely determine potential resource volumes at this time. Despite the uncertainties, the occurrence and behavior of H2 in the subsurface is not completely unknown. Additional inferences on the occurrence of H2 in the subsurface can be made by employing knowledge derived from studies of fluid migration, accumulation, and preservation related to other geologic resources (e.g., petroleum, geothermal energy, noble gases, etc.). These factors can be combined to provide some constraints on the possible magnitude of geologic H2 resources in the subsurface.


    Stochastic model results indicate a greater than 98% probability of geologic H2 production meeting at least 50% of the forecast green H2 production by the year 2100 and beyond, with long-term renewable H2 production potentially in the range of 100s of Mt per year. Moreover, the model indicates that the residence time of H2 in reservoirs and the annual flux of H2 to the atmosphere are the most influential factors affecting the resource potential, whereas variations in biotic and abiotic consumption of H2 have relatively little effect. These results strongly suggest that additional investigation of the resource potential of natural H2 is warranted. This model provides an initial framework for assessing global H2 resource potential and can be an important tool for guiding future research initiatives.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Hydrogen Can Make Global Heating Worse, CICERO Study Shows - CleanTechnica

    Now CICERO is out with a report that says while the use of hydrogen may result in no emissions, leakage from the hydrogen distribution system can be twelve times as destructive to the environment as carbon dioxide.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Oil giants doing nothing

    Shell launches its first zero-emission electric ferry

    Shell has begun deploying EV charging stations to overcome this and establish a new revenue stream, starting with some of its first in 2017.

    Later that year, Shell followed up by acquiring New Motion, giving the oil giant instant access to over 30,000 charging ports across Europe.

    Shell has continued expanding its EV charging network over the years to include nearly 100,000 ports, with new buyouts and partnerships with big names in the EV industry, including NIO and BYD.

    Most recently, Shell acquired Volta, an EV charging and media company with infrastructure deployed around malls, grocery stores, banks, and other retail locations.

    Shell aims to operate over 500,000 EV charging ports by 2025 as the world moves to sustainable transportation.

    Meanwhile, Shell is also rolling out renewable energy sources, such as the super-hybrid offshore wind farm in the Netherlands with solar, battery storage, and green hydrogen production.

    Its latest innovation is another step toward a sustainable future as Shell unveils its first electric ferry in Singapore.
    TADEAS --- ---
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