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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    XCHAOS --- ---
    I've learned that in the past 10 days, the National Weather Service has had to halt radiosonde (atmospheric telemetry balloon) launches in at least four states (Alaska, Maine, Maryland and New York) due to NOAA layoffs. The telemetry from this equipment provides critical pressure, temperature, and relative humidity data.
    TADEAS --- ---

    DOGE Set to Cancel Lease on Weather 'Nerve Center' as Tornado Season Begins - Newsweek
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Rostliny a půda přijímají z ovzduší méně oxidu uhličitého než dříve, uvádí studie - Ekolist.cz

    Měření oxidu uhličitého ve vzduchu zjistilo, že půda a rostliny dosáhly svého vrcholu v ukládání uhlíku v roce 2008. Od té doby klesá jejich absorpční schopnost, napsal server The Guardian s odkazem na skotskou studii. Kvůli klimatické změně je tohoto bezbarvého plynu ve vzduchu stále více.

    Vyšší teploty sice umožňují delší vegetační období, na druhou stranu s sebou přinášejí také požáry, sucho, bouře, záplavy a nové choroby. Množství absorbovaného oxidu uhličitého snižuje také tepelný stres rostlin.

    Za tímto zjištěním publikovaném v odborném časopise Weather stojí James Curran, bývalý šéf skotské vládní agentury na ochranu životního prostředí (SEPA), jeho syn Sam. Ti uvádí, že absorpční schopnosti rostlin se každým rokem sníží o 0,25 procenta.

    "Závěry mluví jasně. Potřebujeme, aby emise skleníkových plynů ročně klesaly každý rok o 0,3 procenta, jen aby zůstaly na stejné úrovni jako nyní. To je ale téměř nemožný úkol vzhledem k tomu, že emise naopak každý rok stoupnou o 1,2 procenta," řekl serveru The Guardian James Curran.
    TUHO --- ---

    The Trump administration on Thursday informed hundreds of probationary employees responsible for producing critical weather forecasts, maintaining radar systems, gathering data from satellites and monitoring key commercial fisheries that they were fired.

    TUHO --- ---
    Robert Rohde
    I feel awful for the hundreds of hard-working NOAA & NWS staff that were fired today.

    Weather forecasting is a vital service for public safety, and these haphazard and destructive cuts will leave all of us less safe.
    TUHO --- ---

    Regrettably, I have to extend this post due to even more news. The assault on scientific funding and agencies continues, for one thing. Since I posted this, Elon Musk's team has entered the offices of NOAA, since their remit of weather forecasting and climate science has made them a target for the sort of people who believe that any talk of climate change is some sort of liberal plot. Granting opportunities having anything to do with diversity have disappeared from NIH sites, and I have seen reports that the option to request grant extensions has disappeared. There are reports of Musk staffers on the CDC campus today, and yesterday an NSF official said at an internal meeting that the agency is apparently planning to lay off up to half its staff over the next two months.

    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    Trump Moves to Dismantle NOAA, Putting Climate Data and Weather Forecasting at Risk
    What Happened: The Trump regime is reportedly working to break up and downsize NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), fulfilling a key objective of Project 2025. Former Trump officials behind the plan claim NOAA is “harmful to U.S. prosperity” due to its role in climate science. NOAA staff is being removed without legal authority, and its climate and weather forecasting data could be privatized for corporate use instead of remaining public.

    Why It Matters: NOAA plays a critical role in public safety, providing weather forecasts, storm alerts, and climate data essential for businesses, farmers, and disaster response. Gutting NOAA would weaken climate research, disrupt fisheries management, and increase reliance on private corporations for weather data.

    Source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/04/doge-noaa-headquarters

    Trump Tyranny Tracker: Day 16 - by Olga Lautman
    TADEAS --- ---
    Island Futures

    ISLANDS FOR THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY is a non-partisan collaborative think tank. We develop resilience options to help ensure island nations can weather the impact of global catastrophes.

    Our work includes evidence-based research reports, empirical studies, and events promoting approaches to mitigate risks such as nuclear war or extreme pandemics.

    We curate evidence, coordinate catastrophe research, and create engaging online and in-person gatherings. We act to inform and assist communities, central government, and essential services, in achieving societal resilience to global catastrophes.

    We are starting in New Zealand but hope all islands can learn from our work.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Trump plans to use emergency powers to fast-track generation co-located with AI | Utility Dive

    President Donald Trump plans to speed power plant development for co-located artificial intelligence data centers using his energy emergency declaration, he said Thursday.

    “I can get the approvals done myself without having to go through years of waiting,” Trump told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “I’m going to give emergency declarations so that they can start building them almost immediately.”


    “We need to double the energy we currently have in the United States … for AI to really be as big as we want to have it” to compete with China and other countries, Trump said


    Co-locating generation and data centers “was largely my idea,” Trump said. “Nobody thought this was possible … I told them that what I want you to do is build your electric generating plant right next to your plant as a separate building connected.”

    Coal-fired generation could be used as a backup for the data centers, according to Trump. “Nothing can destroy coal, not the weather, not a bomb, nothing,” Trump said. “It might make it a little smaller, might make it a little different shape, but coal is very strong as a backup.”
    SHEFIK --- ---
    First Tornado Warning Ever In San Francisco Issued Saturday - WeatherNation

    Residents in San Francisco had a rude awakening Saturday morning, thanks to the first ever tornado warning issued in the county and city. Tornado warnings have been issued just south in San Mateo county previously, but for San Francisco proper, this was a first since the National Weather Service began operating in the area.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    With more than 177K homes without electricity and multiple floods, #StormDarragh had an heavy impact on Ireland and UK,slamming with wind gusts over 150km/h.Now Darragh has reached France, reporting winds up to 180km/h.⬇️last 24hrs of MTGI1 (meteosat-12)

    @tonyveco.bsky.social on Bluesky

    Storm Darragh havoc not over yet as strong winds continue across UK | Extreme weather | The Guardian
    NIMBUS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: Já také trošku přemýšlím, jestli i to "globální oteplování" nepotřebuje cílený rebranding od novinárů, když třebas v Soulu sněží co nepamatují a v Africe jsou záplavy v poušti. Byť to samo je pojmenované dle nejlepšího indikátoru.
    Sleduji v poslední době nárůst užívání termitu "klimatické krize", což je trošku lepší, ale stále to není úplně přiléhající tomu, co mi v hlavě zní nejlépe jako "global shitstorm weather fuckup".
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Pardon za délku, líbilo se mi na redditu, ještě jsem výrazně zkrátila :)

    hyperobjects are a concept introduced by philosopher timothy morton to describe things so vast in scale, duration, or interconnectedness, existing through such vast expanses of space *and* time that they transcend the biological capabilities of human perception and comprehension. they are objects or phenomena that we interact with but cannot fully grasp due to their inherent complexity and distributed nature. hyperobjects include things like climate change, radioactive materials, global capitalism, or even the internet.

    hyperobjects exist on such expansive spatial and temporal scales that they are quite literally everywhere and nowhere all at once. for example, you can experience the effects of climate change (like extreme weather), but you can never point to a single, tangible "climate change" because it is dispersed across the entire globe and throughout time. hyperobjects persist over timeframes that dwarf human lifespans. radioactive waste and climate change remain dangerous for thousand of years, potentially outlasting human civilization.

    hyperobjects stick to you and are inescapable. you might try to avoid thinking about a hyperobject, but its presence infiltrates daily life like the slow creep of rising sea levels or the omnipresence microplastics in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the soil your food is grown in.

    hyperobjects exist not in isolation but in constant interaction with other objects and systems. for instance, the carbon cycle connects human industry, ecosystems, and atmospheric chemistry in ways that cannot be disentangled. hyperobjects are real, but they don’t appear fully at once. you can only perceive fragments of them through their effects (melting glaciers or sulfur dioxide in maritime shipping fuel) and through the models used to understand them (e.g., CMIP6).

    hyperobjects push beyond what is called humanity’s epistemic horizon, the boundary of what we can conceptually process. they are too vast in both space and time, existing beyond the direct experience of one human lifespan. the geological timescales of climate change make it challenging to fully perceive its urgency or consequences. the causes and effects of hyperobjects are enmeshed in complex systems, making them harder to discern. global warming involves atmospheric chemistry, ocean currents, human behavior, economic systems and things we aren't even aware of. all of which often manifests indirectly, requiring abstract models, simulations, and data interpretation over time for us to engage with them meaningfully.

    this sheer scale and complexity often leads to psychological overwhelm or cognitive dissonance, resulting in denial or inaction. humans often approach hyperobjects by breaking them into smaller, more manageable parts like focusing on reducing personal carbon footprints rather than addressing systemic industrial ecocide. even just recognizing a hyperobject requires collective action, interdisciplinary research, and systems-level thinking, again, over time. meaningfully addressing climate change would necessitate coordination between nations, localities, municipalities, industries, and individuals.

    art, literature, and philosophy are further ways humans historically seem to engage with hyperobjects. perhaps the abstract, individual, hyperobject-like elements of art itself help to make hyperobjects themselves more relatable and comprehensible, even if only metaphorically. art can influence individuals as well as entire cultures.

    COVID-19, UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena also known as ''the phenomena''), and AI all exhibit hyperobject-like characteristics. Also consciousness.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Cestovani do teplych krajin ziskava novy rozmer

    Iceland soars to 23°C at night – Weather News
    TUHO --- ---
    PER2: a hele

    This suggests that microplastics in the air may affect weather and climate by producing clouds in conditions where they would not form otherwise.

    We are atmospheric chemists who study how different types of particles form ice when they come into contact with liquid water. This process, which occurs constantly in the atmosphere, is called nucleation.

    Clouds in the atmosphere can be made up of liquid water droplets, ice particles or a mixture of the two. In clouds in the mid- to upper atmosphere where temperatures are between 32 and minus 36 F (0 to minus 38 C), ice crystals normally form around mineral dust particles from dry soils or biological particles, such as pollen or bacteria.

    Microplastics promote cloud formation, with likely effects on weather and climate
    TADEAS --- ---
    old news. a navic guardian a jak rika nejbohatsi osoba na svete "guardian of what?"

    US election 2024 live: Donald Trump defeats Kamala Harris to win historic second term as president | US elections 2024 | The Guardian

    An election that barely mentioned climate could end up being the most consequential for the planet in modern history. Donald Trump is expected to pull the US out of the Paris agreement, joining just three other countries, Iran, Libya and Yemen.

    He is also expected to cancel many of Biden’s climate policies and, as he said, “drill, baby, drill”, turbocharging oil and gas production.

    This will have dire consequences. CarbonBrief has estimated this will cause an additional 4bn tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e) by 2030 emitted from the US. This would negate twice over all of the savings from deploying wind, solar and other clean technologies around the world over the past five years.

    Experts believe a second Trump presidency would end all hope of keeping global warming below 1.5C, the limit agreed by scientists which would avoid the worst impacts of climate breakdown. These include extreme, deadly weather events which can wipe out populations and cause mass deaths, as well as temperatures rising to make some parts of the world uninhabitable, as well as climate related severe disruptions to the food supply as fertile lands become desert.

    It also has global impacts; when right wing parties falsely claim that lowering emissions and switching to a green economy is expensive, and the US is not participating in this effort, they can plausibly ask why other countries are doing that. This is likely to happen in the UK, where politicians are already falsely claiming the Labour government’s green policies will drive up energy bills and cause rationing
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Mimochodem koalice konzervativcu s far-right klima-popiraci z Vox ropzustili emergency unit, kterou zalozila pro tyhle pripady minula levicova vlada. Pry to bylo plytvani prostredky...

    The regional president of Valencia, the conservative Carlos Mazón, has been forced to defend his decision to eliminate the Valencia Emergency Unit (UVE) on the grounds that it was inefficient.
    The UVE was created by the previous, left-wing government, in order to respond to weather-related emergencies such as flooding or wildfires. On taking office last year, Mr Mazón immediately got rid of it, with his People’s Party (PP) describing the agency as “a shady outfit”.

    Timing of Spain flood alert under scrutiny as blame game rages
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Clanek od zakladatelky World Weather Attribution (asi jste v posledni dobe slyseli casto o rychlych atribucnich studiich, kdy v podstate tahle grupa v pripade extremnich udalosti spusti klimatickej model a porovna vysledky atmosfery s / bez klima zmeny a potom zjisti, jak tedy k nim pridala / ubrala)

    “As we’ve seen in Spain, forecasting is not enough. The warnings, when they finally came, did not include vital information on where to evacuate to and how.”

    Why did so many die in Spain? Because Europe still hasn’t accepted the realities of extreme weather | Friederike Otto | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    "Spanish weather service AEMET reported that Chiva, in the Valencia region, recorded 491mm of rain in just eight hours on Tuesday - the equivalent to a year's worth of rain." BBC - https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c93qlpp5gxvo
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