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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Agrivoltaic Arrays Will Win The Rural Solar War, With Insects

    We found increases over time for all habitat and biodiversity metrics: floral rank, flowering plant species richness, insect group diversity, native bee abundance, and total insect abundance, with the most noticeable temporal increases in native bee abundance,” the researchers reported earlier this week in the open access journal Environmental Research Letters.
    SEJDA --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: mozna zjistili, ze nechteji mit deti a ze clovek v kriminale ma mensi ekologickou stopu nez ekologicky aktivista. No a pokud to povede k enviromentalni vychove ve veznicich, tak je to win-win.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Z cyklu #doomed

    How the rise of C. auris was inevitable | Live Science

    Fifteen years ago, scientists discovered a new species of deadly, drug-resistant fungus: Candida auris. It is now considered one of the most dangerous fungal pathogens on Earth. In this excerpt from "What if Fungi Win?" (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024), author Arturo Casadevall looks at the rise of this deadly fungus, which could be the first to have emerged as a result of climate change.


    And C. auris laid low for a while, remaining an obscure unknown yeast in most parts of the planet — until it was found in hospitalized patients in all corners of the world, at roughly the same time. Strikingly, between 2012 and 2015, doctors in South Africa, Venezuela and on the Indian subcontinent simultaneously reported treating patients severely ill with what turned out to be C. auris infections (remember, no one had heard of this fungal species a few years earlier).

    With no contact or commonalities between them, these C. auris cases had appeared independently on three dif­ferent continents, with each fungus genetically distinct from the others.


    It quickly became clear that this fungus was remarkably resistant to treatment. More than one in three patients with invasive C. auris infections in their blood were dying. In hospitals where this invasive fungal disease had been nonexistent, it was now a significant cause of death.

    To this day, C. auris remains mostly resistant to the antifungal treatments we have at our disposal, so once patients (and hospitals) become infected, it's nearly impossible to get rid of. Usually, doctors diagnose fungal infections after ruling out other sources, say, when a hospitalized patient has a fever that doesn't go away after treatment with antibiotics. Blood tests will likely indicate high white blood cell counts, another sign of an infection, but doctors often can't tell what type of microbe is doing the damage — or necessarily know how to treat it.


    It could do this because, as doctors would learn, it can colonize human skin, last for weeks on surfaces and tolerate heavy-duty hospital disinfectants. Some hospitals have reported finding C. auris spores lingering in hospital rooms long after a patient was discharged or died, even after other fungal species have been eliminated by cleaning agents. C. auris didn't just stay overseas.


    Within a decade of it being identified, C. auris was killing people in 40 countries on six continents. We don't have exact numbers, as many cases go unreported or unrecognized, but the figure is certainly in the thousands. In the US alone, there were more than 2,000 infections in 27 states


    Body temperature may have long protected us from fungus, but we would quickly learn that C. auris was dif­ferent. Unlike most of its fungal cousins, it can grow at temperatures as high as 42 degrees Celsius (107.6 degrees Fahrenheit).


    "Global warming could have a significant effect on fungal populations," we wrote. "First, a warmer climate could change the distribution of heat-tolerant and susceptible species by favoring those that are more thermotolerant, and by creating conditions for more environmental fungi to spread and enter into closer contact with human populations. Second, under strong selective pressure, the prevalence of species adapted to heat tolerance may increase."

    It wasn't a matter of if fungi would adapt to temperatures high enough that they could threaten humans, we warned, but when.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Swiss pensioners win climate victory in Strasbourg | DW News
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: nevím proč to neprodaj a nepřestěhujou se

    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: delegovat 'vlastni' problemy na druhy bohuzel nikdy nefungovalo. Resenim je z toho udelat bud zaroven i jejich problem, nebo najit win-win situaci. Ani v jednom pripade se ale vyse uvedene nestane samo od sebe, tzn. pokud se k (castecne) zodpovednosti ostatni hlasit nebudou.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: souhlasim, jen dodam, ze navysovani 'zisku' je prirozenosti vsech zivych organismu, tedy i veskerych struktur lidskeho spolecenstvi. Je to treba brat jako fakt a oprostit se od symbolu penez.

    Nikdo z nas nejede dlouhodobe v situaci loose-loose, nebo loose-win, pac je to strategie, ktera nevede k preziti.

    Na konceptualni urovni jsme tedy v situaci, kdy jsme schopni identifikovat vyznamne 'uzly' lidskeho spolecenstvi, ktere smeruji kapital (financni/nefinancni) a potrebujeme dosahnout zisku stabilizace klimatu (win-win situace vsech stakeholderu).

    Co dal? :)
    PER2 --- ---
    SHEFIK: s mensim poctem aut budes mit vic letadel, ktery budou moc behem letu sypat nejakej dimming crap do atmosfery a jeste budes na puvonich mistech dalnic past kravy, win win

    jeste bych k tem letadlum poridil vic lodi a zakazal jim snizovat emise

    JIMIQ --- ---
    DZODZO: dík, to vypadá dobře, win-win :)
    TADEAS --- ---


    YMLADRIS --- ---
    jinak MinuteEarth ma ted upresnujici video k tem jadernym valkam

    15 vybuchu = pokles teploty o dva stupne

    odpalit vsechno = 16 stupnu, co se tyce toho hladomoru, tak jim to vychazi 5B lidi by hladovelo prvni, ovsem v severnich sirkach 99.9 procent populace. dal to nerozebiraji, jako jake jsou svetove zasoby potravin, jak dlouho se mrak udrzi atd. Cili porad je to lehce lepsi nez ty 4 stupne otepleni podle Postupimi :) ale tak jako, no

    Why It's Impossible To Win a Nuclear War

    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: ad 90 procentni zdaneni bohatych v USA po WW2

    Having already established a wealth tax in 1935 to help pay for policies to fight the Great Depression, the Roosevelt Administration pushed through a variety of tax changes during and following WWII. The top marginal rate for personal income taxes was pushed above 90 %and would stay there until the 1960s; the individual income tax was expanded beyond the very wealthy to apply to tens of millions of Americans; the corporate tax rate went up, and a 90% tax on excess corporate profits was created. All of these measures helped to pay for the war, but they also were designed to combat inflation by reducing excess consumer demand. - https://ncpolicywatch.com/2022/10/06/u-s-history-lesson-taxes-on-rich-people-helped-to-beat-inflation-and-win-wwii/

    chapu to tak, ze tim vysokym 'top marginal tax rate' defakto zastropovali vysoke prijmy. zaroven ale zacali danit prijem i lidi, kteri predtim skoro zadnou dan neplatili, takze ta danova povinnost se rozsirila. vic zdanili koporace a zastropovali neocekavane zisky. tzn. vyssi zdaneni vic napric, a stabilizace excesu. prijem ale nic nerika o vlastnictvi a i kdyz se to jmenuje 'wealth tax', zatim jsem se nedocetl, ze by skutecne slo o wealth tax v dnesnim slova smyslu, kdy se plati nejaka procentualne mala dan z celkoveho deklarovaneho majetku.

    ad "jeste pomerne nedavno v socialistickym bloku zadny miliardari nebyli"

    ano, to je pravda, ale netyka se to jen socialistickeho bloku ale i napr. tech USA, miliardarstvi je dusledek nejakych historickych politickych rozhodnuti, hraje v tom svoji roli financializace, financni a danovy inzenyrstvi, je to soucasti celkovy exploze civilizacni nerovnosti.

    ad 'pokud mluvime o rozbiti mocenskych struktur fosilnich miliardaru, tak tam myslim, ze je to asi pomerne jasny ne? Tyhle struktury maj proste biliony dolaru v tom, ze nam rozbijou klima a nastartujou klimatickou katastrofu. Za poslednich 30 let meli dost prilezitosti byznys opustit.'

    tady ale musis upozadit ten aspekt penez (miliardarstvi) a mluvis spis o moci. tzn. prelozeno, existuji struktury moci, ktere svymi rozhodnutimi rozbiji klima atd. ... v tehle problematice me ale neprijde klicove, ze existuji miliardari (a ze by bylo lepsi aby neexistovali), ze existuje extremne asymetricka moc (a ze je lepsi, aby neexistovala). spis me to vraci k tomu tematu (sebe)regulace, tj. individuum musi nachazet specificky formy seberegulace, aby dokazalo smerovat sve potreby nejakym smerem (a kdo to umi a stanovuje to vedome, ze), podobne spolecenstvi nachazi nejaky formy seberegulace, aby uspokojovalo svoje potreby v nejakem sirsim (nedestruktivnim) kontextu. ale ktere spolecenstvi to umi. ... ta energie obsazena v mocensky asymetrii a energie obsazena ve fosilnich palivech se pak vhodne doplnujou .) a seberegulace je obtiznejsi.
    TUHO --- ---
    Věnek Bonuš
    Stát chce v době bezprecedentní energetické krize a nejdražších cen elektřiny v EU zabít nadějný nový zdroj - agrivoltaiku.

    Ta na jedné ploše kombinuje zemědělství a fotovoltaické panely. Některé plodiny ocení méně přímého slunce, takže jde o moderní win - win řešení. /1
    Včera jsem se účastnil konference k vypořádání připomínek k novele zákona o ochraně zemědělského půdního fondu.

    Proti funkční agrivoltaice se postavily ministerstva životního prostředí, zemědělství, průmyslu a místního rozvoje. Nechtějí ve skutečnosti rozvoj, ale "testování". /2
    Za funkční agrivoltaiku se postavila překvapivá koalice Zeleného kruhu, Svazu průmyslu a dopravy, Hospodářské komory a Ministerstva práce a sociálních věcí (děkuji @MJureka). /3
    V čem konkrétně je problém? Dohoda 4 ministerstev počítá s tím, že agrivoltaika bude možná jen pro tzv. trvalé kultury - vinice, chmelnice a ovocné sady. To je nelogické, protože většina plodin z těchto kultur potřebuje všechno světlo, co v Česku dostane. /4
    Ptal jsem se na argumenty pro omezení na trvalé kultury a byly slabé - prý aby se nerozoraly kabely, že trvalé kultury jsou "vhodnější" a že se tak prostě dohodli. No dotaz proč nenechají starost o kabely na zemědělcích jsem odpověď nedostal.
    Zavedení agrivoltaiky by navíc vyžadovalo změnu územního plánu - tato náročná administrativní překážka má potenciál rozvoj zabít či přinejmenším hodně zdržet a omezit. /5
    Doufám, že relevantní aktéři ještě zabojují a funkční řešení prosadí - stále je čas. Ministři by měli prosadit rozvoj levného zdroje energie nezávislého na Rusku.
    Jaký je např. názor @PiratIvanBartos na podmínku změny územního plánu, kterou chce zachovat MMR? /konec
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: implications remain poorly understood

    the fascists are going to win the elections
    they're going to have us building walls
    they're going to send your children off to slaughter in war
    enter that
    that self-contempt
    that confusion
    that feeling of being lost
    TADEAS --- ---
    L4MA: opakuj po me

    the fascists are going to win the elections
    they're going to have us building walls
    they're going to send your children off to slaughter in war
    enter that
    that self-contempt
    that confusion
    that feeling of being lost

    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: imho kazdej mesic mrznuti je fakt prehnany na planete plny ohrivajici se vody, ale ono na produkci staci, aby byla takova udalost jednou, dvakrat na jare a produkce jde razantne dolu.

    Nicmene tenhle scenar by nebyl zas tak spatnej ne? Lidi by vzdali pestovani na rozlehly pude a vratili by ji zpatky prirode, ktera by se sama zacala regenerovat. Z urcityho pohledu win-win :)
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Fosilní Austrálie chce být supervelmocí obnovitelné energie. Slibuje to čerstvě zvolený premiér - VOXPOT

    (...) poblahopřál k vítězství Anthonymu Albanesemu. Ten vede Australskou stranu práce (labouristy), ale ani ta nemusí být po sečtení zbývajících hlasů schopna sestavit většinovou vládu sama. I když to tak zatím vypadá. Labouristé tak budou nejspíš potřebovat podporu ekologicky zaměřených nezávislých poslanců. I to může být důvod, proč se Albanese rozhodl volit velmi extrémní rétoriku směrem k boji s klimatickou krizí.

    „Společně můžeme ukončit klimatické války,“ řekl ve vítězném projevu. „Společně můžeme využít této příležitosti pro Austrálii, aby se stala supervelmocí obnovitelné energie,“ pronesl před svými skalními podporovateli.

    IN FULL: Anthony Albanese delivers victory speech after clinching win over Coalition | ABC News
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #legalWars #hope

    ...personally liable, ouch. No more dream jobs :)

    A Year After the Shell Ruling: Big Victories & Next Steps for Climate Litigation - CleanTechnica

    In March, a first-of-its-kind case was announced against Shell’s board of directors. The suit seeks to hold them personally liable for failing to adopt and implement a climate strategy that aligns with the Paris agreement. Failure to lead an effective transition, the suit argues, is a breach of board duties under the UK Companies Act. This suit points back to the earlier legal win against Shell in the Netherlands. That ruling ordered Shell to address emissions along the full value chain, including pollution from burning Shell products. Now, a year later, Shell’s board has tried to narrow its responsibility to address only the emissions from Shell’s production and manufacturing operations.
    TADEAS --- ---
    How China Plans to Win the Future of Energy
    TADEAS --- ---
    Bill McKibben

    In an election largely fought on climate, Australia tosses the Prime Minister who once brought a lump of coal to parliament.
    A huge win for Greens, and for activists who have fought for decades--and it will matter to the world! Such thanks!

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