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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOAlt Right a Jordan Peterson na benzacich
    HONDZIK --- ---
    NJAL: Já tedy nejsem odborník na Žižka, ale pokud vím, tak si dost jel syntézu Marxe s Freudem, což z něj (na rozdíl od většiny ostatních, kteří jsou tak bez jakéhokoliv přemýšlení označováni) dělá neomarxistu par excellence;))
    NJAL --- ---
    TUHO: Neomarxista? :-)
    TUHO --- ---
    jinak pokud vim, tak zizek coby prominentni neomarxista se navazi do pc "before it was cool" (a tipl bych, ze mozna i dlouho pred petersonem). to fakt celkem rozbiji celej ten (nejen) altright narativ o jednotny neomarxisticky fronte zavadejici genderovo / politicky korektni diktaturu ,)
    TUHO --- ---
    NJAL: nevim, kolik si timhle udelal pratel, ale rozhodne je to globalne nejpopularnejsi soucasnej neomarxista, takze pratel ma asi dost :))
    NJAL --- ---
    TUHO: No myslim, ze timhle si neudelal moc pratel. Mel by vykladat, ze Trumpa zvolili rusti "trollove" a on to svadi na politickou korektnost, chm chm chm :-D

    Slavoj Žižek: How Political Correctness Actually Elected Donald Trump
    OLGA73 --- ---
    DANCHEZ: ale ani mě nevadí JP úplně ve všem a v lecčems bych s ním souhlasil....ale meritum věci jsou discusssion with left a on několik debat s levičáky už odmítl, ale přitom si licoměrným tvrzením "oni se mnou nechtějí debatovat" budoval aureolu bojovníka proti neomarxismu, kterému se nikdo z těch zbabělců nechce postavit, což je blbost....proto provokuji se sráčem...jeho oddané fanoušky to často naštve :)
    Žižek je stejným kritikem identity politics jako Peterson, na tom se určitě shodnou.
    Tak jo, já už nebudu říkat sráč, budu říkat jen profesor Peterson a počkáme si na debatu :)
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    "leccemž" lol co jsem to vypotil za slovo:D to dělá to čtvrté kafe a žádný oběd
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    "The notion of “cultural Marxism” manipulated by some secret Communist centre and aiming to destroy Western freedoms" to někdy peterson řekl? .. asi taky hyperbola..
    každopádně si myslím že debata by byla rozhodně zajímavá a nakonec by se podle toho co žižek píše myslím na leccemž shodli
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    OLGA73: a co třeba si počkat až se Peterson vyjádří proč tu debatu odmítl než ho začneš nazývat sráčem?
    (mimochodem já ani nejsem moc Petersnův fanda, a naopak žižek občas.. když mu jde rozumět.. dává i smysl)
    TUHO --- ---
    Zizek o Petersonovi

    This brings me to Peterson. I see two levels in his work. First, there is his liberal analysis and critique of PC, LGBT+, etc., with regard to how they pose a danger to our freedoms, and although there are things I disagree with at this level, I also see in it some worthwhile observations. The difference with him is that, while critical of many stances and political practices of PC, identity politics and LGBT+, I nonetheless see in them an often inadequate and distorted expression of very real and pressing problems. Claims about women’s oppression cannot be dismissed by referring to Fifty Shades of Grey, the story of a woman who enjoys being dominated (as one of my critics claims), the suffering of transgender people is all too real, etc. The way racist and sexist oppression works in a developed liberal society is much more refined (but no less efficient) than in its direct brutal form, and the most dangerous mistake is to attribute women’s inferior position to their free choice.

    But I do wholeheartedly disagree with Peterson when he enters the domain of conspiracy theories. What I find really problematic is that he interprets PC (and his other targets) as the extreme outgrowth of “cultural Marxism” (a block which comprises Frankfurt School, the “French” poststructuralist deconstructionism, identity politics, gender and queer theories, etc.). He seems to imply that “cultural Marxism” is the result of a deliberate shift in Marxist (or Communist) strategy: after Communism lost the economic battle with liberal capitalism (waiting in vain for the revolution to arrive in the developed Western world), its leaders decided to move the terrain to cultural struggles (sexuality, feminism, racism, religion…), systematically undermining the cultural foundations and values of our freedoms. In the last decades, this new approach proved unexpectedly efficient: today, our societies are caught in the self-destructive circle of guilt, unable to defend their positive legacy…

    I see no necessary link between this line of thought and liberalism. The notion of “cultural Marxism” manipulated by some secret Communist centre and aiming to destroy Western freedoms is a pure alt-right conspiracy theory. And the fact that it can be mobilized as part of a liberal defence of our freedoms says something about the immanent weaknesses of the liberal project. First, there is no unified field of “cultural Marxism”: some of today’s representatives of the Frankfurt school are among the most vicious denigrators of “French thought”; many “cultural Marxists” are very critical of identity politics, etc. Second, any positive reference to the Frankfurt School or to “French thought” was prohibited in Socialist countries where the authorities were much more open towards Anglo-Saxon analytic thought (as I remember from my own youth), so the claim that both classic Marxism and its “cultural” version were somehow controlled by the same central agent has to rely on the very suspicious notion of a hidden Master who secretly pulls the strings. Finally, while I admit (and analyse in my books) the so-called “totalitarian” excesses of Political Correctness and some transgender orientations which bear witness to a weird will to legalize, prohibit and regulate, I see in this tendency no trace of the “radical Left” but, on the contrary, a version of liberalism gone astray in its effort to protect and guarantee freedom. Liberalism was always an inconsistent project ridden with antagonisms and tensions.

    If I were to engage in paranoiac speculations, I would be much more inclined to say that the Politically Correct obsessive regulations (like the obligatory naming of different sexual identities, with legal measures taken if one violates them) are rather a Left-liberal plot to destroy any actual radical Left movement. Suffice it to recall the animosity against Bernie Sanders among some LGBT+ and feminist circles, whose members have no problems with big corporate bosses supporting them. The “cultural” focus of PC and #MeToo is, to put it in a simplified way, a desperate attempt to avoid the confrontation with actual economic and political problems, i.e., to locate women’s oppression and racism in their socio-economic context. The moment one mentions these problems, one is accused of vulgar “class reductionism.” Walter Benn Michaels and others have written extensively on this, and in Europe, Robert Pfaller wrote books critical of PC’s patronizing stance and has now started a movement “adults for adults”. Liberals will have to take note that there is a growing radical Left critique of PC, identity politics and #MeToo…

    A Reply to my Critics Concerning an Engagement with Jordan Peterson - The Philosophical Salon
    OLGA73 --- ---
    TUHO: tak uvidíme...to by mohla být dobrá komedie, tidle dva :) Námluvy k té "debatě" vedou už snad rok
    TUHO --- ---
    DANCHEZ: Vsiml, jsem si ze lidi ve vasi grupe trpej nejakyma nutkavyma sebemrsckasckyma predstavama, ze je nekdo oznacuje za nacky, ale tady nikdo Petersona nackem nenazyva, tak klid :)

    Jordan Peterson Announces Debate with Slavoj Zizek
    OLGA73 --- ---
    DANCHEZ: Ale no tak....výkřiky nácek má přece vznášet protistrana, ne vy autentičtí konzervativci...a tak si tam toho nácka dosadíš sám... sráč je, protože tvrdí, že s ním nikdo nechce debatovat a přitom nechce on, ale nepochopil si to napoprvé, pochybuju, že ti to dojde teď :)
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    omg Peterson je takový sráč že odmítl debatu s šišlavým komunistou aby propagoval nějakej obskurní marxistickej blog, úplnej nácek tyvole
    TUHO --- ---

    „Pokud chcete přežít tento večer, už mi prosím nikdy neříkejte ‚profesor Žižek‘,“ poradil na podzim na univerzitě v Cambridge Slavoj Žižek moderátorovi debaty, který jej předtím představil jako hegeliánského filosofa, lacanovského psychoanalytika, samozvaného komplikovaného komunistu a politického aktivistu. Když chvíli poté moderátor zmínil kanadského psychologa Jordana Petersona, který byl v Cambridge hostem o měsíc dřív, zamumlal Žižek ironicky: „Ano, znám, náš velký duchovní vůdce.“ A vzápětí dodal: „Jemu klidně říkejte profesor, chápete to úplně správně.“

    Profesorský zápas v bahně? Jordan Peterson a Slavoj Žižek se domlouvají na společné debatě – A2larm
    TUHO --- ---
    OLGA73: achjo, jsem se celkem tesil.
    btw je nejaka debata, kdy peterson konfrontuje nejakou tezkou vahu?
    OLGA73 --- ---
    TUHO: neschyluje,zero books zveřejnili,že ten zbabělý šarlatánský sráč JP to odřekl,aby pak zase mohl vykládat: " já bych to tak rád probral s nějakým levičákem,ale oni se mě bojí"
    TUHO --- ---
    NJAL: kdy posledne? to mas asi dost spatnej odhad situace, zizek je spolu s chomskym "progresivisticka" superstar, jejiz popularity nikdo dalsi nalevo asi globalne nedosahuje.
    NJAL --- ---
    TUHO: Chudak Zizek, uz posledne si neudelal pratele mezi progresivisty, ted jeste tohle.... Nejak se to zeleny uzemi smrstuje ve svym roze :-)
    TUHO --- ---
    NJAL: hele prej se schyluje k debate mezi petersonem a zizekem .)

    How Slavoj Zizek TRIGGERED Jordan Peterson
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