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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TUHO: Protože jsem už v roce 1997 psal na toto téma bakalářskou práci („vliv solárních a klimatických cyklů na dějiny civilizace“) - to je jeden z nejepičtějších argumentů na internetech!
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: proc nejedeme klima osvetu normalnim starym streetartovym bombenim? :)
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    Lol, frontalni kampan na podporu dolu Turow i v ceskejch ulicich. Uz jsem videl i reklamu na webu, ale zapomnel jsem udelat screen...

    LINKOS --- ---
    TUHO: zajímavé, voda se odparenim mění na co2?
    TUHO --- ---
    LONDON, April 27 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Widespread mistrust of science and disputes over basic facts, tied to growing political polarisation and disinformation campaigns, are undermining efforts to tackle climate change globally, U.S. climate envoy John Kerry warned.

    During a virtual summit organised by the Nobel Foundation and major science academies this week, Kerry said building greater public understanding and agreement on the world's "existential" challenges was crucial to addressing them.

    "We have to establish a baseline of truth or we can't build consensus in a democracy," he said.

    "Paid-for denial" about climate change by big polluters and political disregard by some governments of scientific warnings about COVID-19 risks are "costing us enormously", he added.

    Kerry said achieving climate goals fast enough amounted to "a moonshot on steroids" - and called on scientists to help communicate to the public the urgent need for swift action.

    "Scientists want to avoid the fray - but we are in a war against denial," he said. "I think we have to fight back, and I think scientists have to be at the front of that fight."

    John Kerry asks scientists to lead fight against climate denial
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    Priklady a navody tabakovyho prumyslu jak utocit na vedecka fakta (potom ve velkme prejate fosilnim prumyslem v utoku na klimatickou vedu)

    Bad Science: A Resource Book
    Industry Documents Library
    TUHO --- ---
    Nejakej starej Vitezslav Kremlik. Ten se nikdy neomrzi

    1) Jak vysvětlit enormní nárůst hladiny oxidu uhličitého za posledních sto let?
    CO2 z 280 ppm stoupl na 370 ppm, což je nejvíce za poslední tisíce let. Co je příčinou? Příčinou je Slunce. Sluneční aktivita ve 20. století (zejména v jeho první půli) stoupla na historicky zcela výjimečnou úroveň (viz Usoskin 2003). Zvýšená sluneční činnost způsobuje větší vypařování oceánů. Voda se přeměňuje do plynného skupenství. Tudíž je i více oxidu uhličitého v atmosféře. Lidé mají na nárůstu CO2 zanedbatelný vliv. Jak by také ne, když se ročně lidé na emisích CO2 podílejí jen 3% ročně. Zbývajících 96% pochází z přírodních zdrojů. I kdybychom naše emise snížili na polovinu, CO2 tím ovlivníme jen z 1,5%.

    Popírači solárního oteplování - Liberální institut
    TUHO --- ---
    jak to vidi jeden z kapitanu uhelneho prumyslu

    Tykač: Pro ekoaktivisty jsem čert. Čím víc čisté energie, tím víc vyděláme - iDNES.cz
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    Oil Industry ‘Net-Zero’ Pledges are an Attempt to Delay Climate Action, New Paper Warns - DeSmog
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    Video: 'Disinformation ecosystem' - in broader context beyond climate » Yale Climate Connections
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    Globální oteplování nebo globální vláda
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    TUHO: As horrifying as it has been to watch these climate change rock disasters play out in Australia,” Mann said. “It has been equally horrifying to watch the pernicious efforts by the Murdoch media to sow disinformation about what is happening.”

    “I’m talking specifically about efforts by Murdoch owned papers like the Australian and the Herald Sun to promote thoroughly discredited myths blaming the record fires last year on arson or backburning, or really anything other than the inconvenient true culprit that must not be named if you’re the Murdoch media.”
    TUHO --- ---
    “The problem here, of course, with climate change in the Murdoch media, is they have worked extremely hard to actually attack the facts and to undermine public faith in factual discourse,” Mann told the hearing.

    “They’re not even interested in having an objective debate about policy because they’re too busy trying to distort the public’s understanding of the facts. And that’s true in the United States, and it’s true in Australia as well.”

    The senate committee is investigating the current state of media diversity in Australia generally, but has given significant attention to the dominant role of News Corp outlets in some segments of the media and how it as used this dominance for influence.

    Michael Mann slams Murdoch press for "horrifying" misinformation on climate and bushfires | RenewEconomy
    TUHO --- ---
    Two nonprofit groups, Accountable.US and the Climate Power Education Fund, recently launched a joint initiative to shine a light on the misinformation spread by the American Petroleum Institute and its member companies, executives, and allies. The campaign, called Polluters Exposed, has already turned up new dirt on Big Oil, finding that API-backed groups were behind an “unusual” letter and op-ed by five school superintendents that falsely claimed federal climate policies would hurt school funding.

    "They’re using schools as political pawns." - EXXONKNEWS
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    Banks pledge to fight climate crisis – but their boards have deep links with fossil fuels | Climate change | The Guardian
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    In early 2017, the Texans for Natural Gas website went live to urge voters to “thank a roughneck” and support fracking. Around the same time, the Arctic Energy Center ramped up its advocacy for drilling in Alaskan waters and in a vast Arctic wildlife refuge. The next year, the Main Street Investors Coalition warned that climate activism doesn’t help mom-and-pop investors in the stock market.

    All three appeared to be separate efforts to amplify local voices or speak up for regular people.

    On closer look, however, the groups had something in common: They were part of a network of corporate influence campaigns designed, staffed and at times run by FTI Consulting, which had been hired by some of the largest oil and gas companies in the world to help them promote fossil fuels.

    How FTI Drove Influence Campaigns Nationwide for Big Oil - The New York Times
    TUHO --- ---
    Truth Under Siege: Climate Knowledge in an Age of Transparency, Skepticism, and Science Denial
    TUHO --- ---
    Kampaň proti klimatu — iVysílání — Česká televize
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