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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    Komentar ke kauze "Hokejkovy graf", ktery v ceskym prostredi stale jeste pozoruhodne rezonuje... Jsem zvedavy, co takovy Petr Pokorny ;]

    The Hockey Stick became an icon in the case for human-caused climate change, and I found myself at the center of the contentious climate debate (I’ve described my experiences in “The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars”).
    Featured two decades later now in the AR6 SPM is a longer Hockey Stick with an even sharper blade. And no longer just for the Northern Hemisphere, it now covers the whole globe. The recent warming is seen not only to be unprecedented over the past millennium, but tentatively, the past hundred millennia.

    RealClimate: A Tale of Two Hockey Sticks
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: a tady rozhovor s mackem, autorem clanku…

    Evropa jen pro elektroauta? Optimismus hazardního hráče, varuje český vědec
    TUHO --- ---
    A number of the new North Sea players have links to individuals and organisations known to promote misinformation on climate change and lobby against climate action.
    Orcadian Energy (formerly Pharis Energy) is a UK-based oil and gas exploration company with interest in four North Sea licences. Steve Brown, Orcadian’s founder, regularly shared posts on social media from his recently-deleted Twitter account that cast doubt on climate policy and modelling, including content from the Global Warming Policy Foundation, the UK’s principal climate science denying group.
    In May 2021, Brown tweeted out an article by Bjørn Lomborg – author of The Skeptical Environmentalist and Cool It, books that downplay the risks of global warming – about how “exaggerations about climate change” are “destroying our ability to make sensible decisions for the future”. Brown added: “This obsession with climate to the exclusion of many other issues will literally kill millions”.
    In other tweets, he said the “climate emergency” was “fake” and claimed the main cause of climate change was solar activity, not greenhouse gas emissions, which he called “benign”.
    Although the company has plans to reduce emissions when developing its latest heavy oil field and claims to be “fully committed” to the UK government’s 2050 net zero emissions goal, Orcadian’s company Twitter account also promotes a narrative popular with climate science deniers: that the world’s net-zero commitments will inevitably lead to poverty for millions. Orcardian recently tweeted about the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) recent “Net Zero by 2050” report, claiming that “If the world does this it will make energy poverty the prevailing state of being for all but the elites”.

    ‘Gathering Storm’: How ‘Rogue’ Companies are Buying up North Sea Oil and Gas - DeSmog
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Niedermeyeruv factcheck…

    Niedermayer: Nepoužívají odborníci z ČVUT v analýze elektroaut nepřesné či zkreslené údaje? | Ekonews
    TUHO --- ---
    Modern climate science is old enough for many of its early predictions to be checked against evidence—the overall global warming trend; specific patterns like nighttime warming exceeding daytime warming; or the cooling of the stratosphere. Even with all that new evidence, the estimated amount of warming you get for a given amount of greenhouse gas emissions hasn’t really changed since 1979.

    The flip side to this is also true. Those who have opposed climate science’s conclusions—they’re a broad menagerie, including scientists in different fields, politics-obsessed bloggers, and think-tank employees—have also been squawking long enough for predictions to be tested. Despite their alternate-reality insistence that climate science never predicted anything, these contrarians don't spend much time showing off their own predictions’ track record

    Climate contrarians predicted the world would cool—it didn’t | Ars Technica
    TUHO --- ---
    Emil Grobauer sdílel odkaz.
    Radovan Kazda poslanec za stranu SaS a známy klimaskeptik zjavne zaslepený Lomborgovými zmanipulovanými číslami zverejnil a dokonca sponzoroval na FB status, kde cituje Bjorna Lomborga - politológa, ekomóma, tiež známeho klimaskeptika. Citujem Radovana Kazdu: "Za posledných sto rokov klesol počet ročných úmrtí súvisiacich s klímou o viac ako 96 %. V 20. rokoch minulého storočia bol tento počet v priemere na úrovni 485 000 za rok. Za poslednú dekádu bol priemer 18 362 mŕtvych ročne, čo je o 96,2 % menej." ... Čo hovorí skutočná veda? Najväčšia svetová štúdia celosvetovej úmrtnosti súvisiacej s klímou spája 5 miliónov úmrtí ročne s abnormálnymi teplotami. A to sú prosím len abnormálne teploty, teda silný chlad a horúčavy. Tých príčin úmrtí spojených so zmenou klímy je samozrejme ešte viac.

    World's largest study of global climate related mortality links 5 million deaths a year to abnormal temperatures - Monash University
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Two large advertising platforms rejected a new climate ad campaign because it attacked fossil fuels.
    The fate of our climate will not be decided solely by scientists and engineers. It will also be decided by public relations executives. The country’s biggest climate polluters know this well, which is why they pay hundreds of millions of dollars every year to inundate our lives with pro-industry advertisements that make fossil fuels seem green. (We’ve documented some of these ads over the last two years at The Fossil Fuel Ad Anthology. Check it out, and submit, if you’d like).
    Realizing this, climate groups have been trying to boost their advertising efforts too. Last week, Accountable.US and Climate Power launched a $1 million ad campaign called Polluters Exposed. Running now in the Washington, D.C. region, the ads claim the fossil fuel industry is blocking climate action and “putting profits over people.” “It’s time to end oil and gas CEOs’ influence and expose their attempts to stand in the way of addressing climate change,” the campaign’s website reads.

    "We aren't comfortable running that" - by Emily Atkin - HEATED
    TUHO --- ---
    Ads promoting fossil fuels reached Facebook users in the U.S. at least 431 million times in 2020, a new analysis by watchdog organization InfluenceMap finds, with the bulk arriving after the release of then-candidate Joe Biden’s $2 trillion climate plan and in the lead up to the presidential election. Ads specifically focused on marketing fossil fuels as clean, green, or part of a climate change “solution” were viewed more than 122 million times by Facebook users in the U.S., the report finds.

    Oil and Gas Inundated Facebook With Election Season Ads After Biden Released Climate Plan - DeSmog
    TUHO --- ---
    Monsanto’s campaign to target journalists and activists was ranked the second most neglected story of 2020 according to the nonprofit media watchdog Project Censored in its annual list of top 10 stories overlooked by mainstream media. This is despite the company’s campaign to undermine reports on its bad behavior dating back decades.

    Part of Monsanto’s campaign utilized international business advisory firm FTI Consulting, which offers services for a wide range of sectors including energy and mining as well as agrochemical and petrochemical industries. FTI Consulting has a history of targeting reporters. In 2019, the company was caught spying on reporters and helping orchestrate an operation to denigrate Carey Gillam, a book author and contributing writer for The Guardian.

    Understanding Overlapping Corporate Disinformation Campaigns is Critical to Telling the Full Story About Science Denial - DeSmog
    TUHO --- ---
    Asi neni prekvapeni, ale...

    In a January 28, 2007 article in the Toronto Star titled “Who’s still cool on global warming?” the President of the FOS admitted that about one-third of the funding for the FOS is provided by the oil industry. [2]
    Friends of Science - DeSmog

    TUHO --- ---
    Haha, dalsi objev, kterej siri Kravcik po internetech :))

    Michal Kravcik
    Na Kanadskej stránke PRIATELIA CALGARSKEJ VEDY bol uverejnený otvorený list ministra životného prostredia a klimatickej zmeny Jonathana Wilkinsona k diskusii o klimatickej zmene.
    Profil stránky hlása, že človek ani CO2 nespôsobujú zmenu klímy. Tento otvorený list ministra bol publikovaný včera (https://blog.friendsofscience.org/.../minister-jonathan.../)a uvádza sa v ňom množstvo informácií, ktoré naznačujú, že klimatické modely, mediálne výstupy sú popretkávané ideologickými nánosmi rôznych zaujmových skupín, ktorých snahou je vytiahnuť viac peňazí od daňových poplatníkov.
    Minulý mesiac v Kanade zaznamenali historické teplotné rekordy, ktorý sa šplhali k neuveriteľným 50-tim stupňom. Tak ako to je? Je klimatická zmena spôsobená človekom, alebo nie? V článku sa tvrdí, že modely IPCC o otepľovaní sú nespravné a ekonomika by sa jimi nemala riadiť.
    Čo je pre mňa prekvapujúce, článok nehovorí v čom sú modely klimatickej zmeny nesprávane. Ja len dodávam, že klimatické modely, ktoré sú akceptované IPCC sa nezaoberajú vplyvom odvodňovania, odlesňovania a vysušovania ekosystémmov na kontinentoch a preto nedokážu objektívne zhodnotiť, prečo dochádza k zmene klímy a čo je možné reálne očakávať o 10, 20, či 30 rokov.
    Ak si spomínate aj v príbehu vodnej katastrofy v Nemecku boli klimatológovia a vedci v šoku a zneistení, čo sa to deje s počasím. Ja len dodávam už minimálne 20 rokov, že vedci zanedbali v klimatických modeloch vplyv spomínaného vysušovania a vysušovanie, teda pretváranie ekosystémov. A to sposobuje ČLOVEK.
    Tým, že nechávame civilizáciu v nevedomosti o vplyve vysušovania kontinentov na zmeny počasia, žijeme v "sladkej" nevedomosti a investujeme ohromne veľa peňazí bez dosiahnutia reálneho výsledku na na to, čo by sa dalo dosiahnuť za desatinu týchto vynaložených peňazí...

    OMNIHASH --- ---
    KEB: tak to pozor, to byl Syn zakladatel!
    KEB --- ---
    SEJDA: tak on Páral nedávno dstil síru na piráty a stavěl sochy Klausovi. Takže tahle rétorika do toho dokonale zapadá.

    Já mám vždycky chuť se chechtat, když si uvědomím trikolóru. Byznys model postavený na anti ekoeu a antimigrant rétorice, který je nyní života neschopný natolik, že ho opustil sám otec zakladatel a zbytek bandy nechá trapně shořet ve volbách.
    KEB --- ---
    Skopeček z ODS sem evidentně patří taky

    Kdo se bojí elektromobilů? | Obnovitelně

    Mluví se o něm z kraje článku
    SEJDA --- ---
    KEB: no a ted si predstav, ze vsechny strany v Nemecku zaujaly vstricny postoj k uhlikove dani (vcetne pravicaku jako FDP) a presne to, co pise Pral, jsou veci, ktere lezou z huby jedine timto protestni strane AfD (Alternative fuer Detschland). Tak trosku mi ten clanek pripada jako komplice projevu jejich leaderu.
    KEB --- ---
    A pravidelná dávka Párala...

    Nevymřeme, jen zchudneme. Proč je uhlíková neutralita utopií | Týdeník pro ekonomiku, politiku a byznys

    Začíná to být poněkud jednotvárné
    GOJATLA --- ---
    TUHO: Nechtělo se mi to věřit, ale on je doopravdy klimatolog? To jsou věci.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    TUHO: Vesmírný monokl pěkná ptákovina, ale na SRM dojde, je to příliš lákavé. Jestli před tím neomezíme emise, tak pán Shiva s námi :-/
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Na to existuje spousta různých možností: vypouštění jakýchsi odrazivých balonů do stratosféry, třeba pěnění mořského povrchu, protože pěna má daleko větší odrazivost než rovný mořský povrch. Pak taková exotická věc - umístění nějaké rozptylné čočky do vesmíru mezi Slunce a Zemi. A spousta dalších podobných možností.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam