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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: I didn’t know it, but when I’d used the word “consensus,” I’d hit a land mine. For those who claim that climate change is a myth, the term “consensus” will — boom! — trigger a backlash. That’s because their strategy is based on spreading the idea that the science is still unsettled. Why? Because if you don’t know for sure there’s a problem, you can’t justify doing anything about it.
    As an ad from the coal industry had it, “How much are you willing to pay to solve a problem that may not exist?”

    Around the time this was happening, I met the Caltech historian Erik Conway. He’d come across material about the campaign to stop ozone depletion by curbing chlorofluorocarbons use. Erik said one of the people attacking me had done the same to Sherwood Rowland, a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize for his work on ozone depletion.
    TUHO --- ---
    Like many people, I used to think the scientific community was divided about climate change. Then in 2004, as part of a book I was doing on oceanography, I did a search of 1,000 articles published in peer-reviewed scientific literature in the previous 10 years.

    I asked how many showed evidence that disagreed with the statement made in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report: “Most of the observed warming over the past 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations.” I found that none did. Zero.

    Naomi Oreskes Imagines the Future History of Climate Change - The New York Times
    TUHO --- ---
    Well, COVID-19 is a little bit different than climate change and evolutionary theory. Scientists have been working on evolutionary theory for the past 150 years and climate change for, say, 70 years – so the science is very well established and well settled. COVID-19 is different because there are many things about it, and coronaviruses in general, that we don’t understand; we can’t say the science is settled.

    But we can see that even in the very different scientific situation, some of the same kinds of political and ideological issues are kicking in. People reject scientific advice [about COVID-19] because they see it as the government telling them what to do: “I don’t want the government telling me that I have to wear a mask.” And that overlaps a lot with the rejection of climate change, where the rejection of government and market fundamentalism is also tied to a kind of radical individualism: “My life is not for someone else to tell me what to do.” That’s okay, up to a point. But when what you do hurts other people, then it gets problematic.

    Naomi Oreskes on the science of climate change and COVID-19 – and those who deny it - McGill Reporter
    TUHO --- ---
    Pro milovniky podcastu. Rozhovor o dezinformacni masinerii s Naomi Oreskes

    Even people who might have been skeptical to begin with about climate change, when I would actually talk about why I got involved in this issue, why it matters to me, why I act on climate, to use the hashtag, I found that often people would suddenly be listening more closely. Then I become a person just like them, grappling with a complicated issue, caring about my children just like them, and I think that opens up a space to make a human connection with people that maybe otherwise you might think you have nothing in common with them.

    That happens a lot with scientists. They think, “How can I possibly talk to somebody who thinks the earth is 6,000 years old?” Or, “How can I possibly talk to somebody who hasn’t vaccinated their children?” This is one way to answer that question: to say, “Well, look, you have values, they have values, and it turns out actually many of those values may overlap. Those people who aren’t vaccinating their children, they love their children just as much as you do, but they have some kind of conceptual framework that has made them think that not vaccinating their children is an appropriate expression of their love. And if you can find a way to say, ‘Well, I love my children too and here’s why I vaccinate my children’ — sometimes that can open up a space that would otherwise not be there.”

    Not Cool Ep 26: Naomi Oreskes on trusting climate science - Future of Life Institute
    TUHO --- ---
    video super znazornujicinnejistoty v klimaticky vede

    A Skeptical Look at Climate Science
    TUHO --- ---
    In the videos, Stossel, and others appearing alongside him, cast doubt on the severity of climate change. In one video, titled Are We All Doomed?, Stossel replays excerpts from a panel discussion he moderated for The Heartland Institute, which has received funding from fossil fuel companies and groups opposed to regulations on greenhouse gases. The panel consisted of three climate skeptics—meteorologist Patrick Michaels, geographer David Legates, and astrophysicist Willie Soon—who proceeded to question whether anthropogenic climate change is causing sea level rise or increasing the power of hurricanes.

    In another, titled Government Fueled Fires, Stossel discusses whether forest management practices or climate change were driving severity of California’s recent fire seasons, interviewing author Michael Shellenberger on the matter. Shellenberger is a self-proclaimed environmental activist who writes about “environmental alarmism” and claims that climate change “is not even our most serious environmental problem.”

    Both videos were fact-checked by Climate Feedback, a subsidiary of French fact-checking organization and Facebook partner Science Feedback. The group found that Stossel’s climate change video contained “partly false information” because “speakers in the video rely on several inaccurate claims and use imprecise language that misleads viewers about the scientific understanding of climate change.”

    Ex-Fox host claims Facebook defamed him by fact-checking climate change videos | Ars Technica
    TUHO --- ---

    We focus here on a recent such initiative, which gained notoriety between the second half of 2019 and the first half of 2020. We show that its promoters and signatories generally display an extremely low level of scientific activity within the field of climate change.

    TUHO --- ---
    Dva roky starsi - Ivan Brezina, Reflex a tentokrat po Oregonske deklaraci, Lipske petici a dalsich a dalsich prichazi Evropska deklarace .]] Tusim, ze jsme si tu o ni taky psali, ale nejak nemuzu dohledat.

    Tohle Gretu nepotěší: „Žádná klimatická nouze neexistuje,“ říkají vědci | Reflex.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    The latter argument claims that populists deny climate change because they distrust the underlying climate science. According to this view, populists would view climate scientists as part of the self-serving elite that betrays the people. Utilising data from the Austrian National Election Study and structural equation modelling, we find strong support for the relationship of populism and climate attitudes via attitudes towards science and institutional trust. Populists systematically hold more negative attitudes towards science and political institutions, and consequently deny climate change.

    TUHO --- ---
    Murdoch’s News Corp has spent the past 15 years mitigating its own climate risk while giving media outlets like Fox News carte blanche to deny climate change altogether.

    Rupert Murdoch Has Known We’ve Been in a Climate Emergency Since 2006, Documents Show
    SLL_QUY --- ---
    Předvolební debata se zástupci stran a hnutí – 3/5

    Pynelopi Cimprichová (Švýcarská demokracie) na 32:55 s vážnou tváří kontempluje co budou chudáci kytky dýchat kdyby skutečně došlo na uhlíkovou neutralitu
    TUHO --- ---
    neco zase ze zakouti bizarnosti internetu

    My Němci pro vás zachráníme planetu | The Conservative
    TUHO --- ---
    Neco z hlubin internetu, co na me kdosi vytahl ve FB diskuzi. Featuring Frederick Seitz a Willie Soon, aneb frontline zoldaci fosil prumyslu .))

    Před časem (datum prvního zveřejnění je na webu těžko zjistitelné) se na serveru Oregonského ústavu vědy a medicíny objevila stránka, která možná měla vliv na rozhodnutí vlády USA prozatím nepodepisovat žádné dohody, které by je zavazovaly ke snížení emisí oxidu uhličitého. Pod průvodním dopisem, který celou akci provází, je podepsán pan profesor Frederick Seitz, bývalý president Národní akademie věd USA a emeritní profesor Rockefellerovy university. V následujícím textu nabízím svůj nekvalitní překlad části jedné z podstránek tohoto serveru (můj překlad celé podstránky včetně seznamu literatury, na kterou se text odvolává, je zde). Autory původního textu jsou:

    Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide - Anti Global Warming Petition Project
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TUHO: trollit Ševčíka byla zábavná kratochvíle, jak zabít volnou hodinu. Už před 15 rokama, co jsem tam studoval, mu jebalo v lebeni o stošest a EU/OSN byly na jeho seznamu nepřátel kapitalismu bez přívlastků na prvních příčkách. Debata probíhala vždycky stejně, nejdřív se tě pokusil setřít nějakou náhodnou hláškou, když zjistil, že tudy cesta nevede, hodil si pětiminutovou přednášku na téma kapitalismus spasí svět, akorát jste moc mladý a blbý na to, abyste to pochopili, a když nezabralo ani to, vyrukoval argumenty typu: já se nebudu bavit s dvacetiletým děckem, co má dredy/piercing/whatever, a pokud nepřinesl kýženej výsledek ani to, vyhodil tě z hodiny.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Tam jde o 1 vec. Ted kdyz tohle tema vic a vic studuju tak je jasne ze ta narocnost te transformace bude zejmena kolem vyroby elektricke energie. Transformace prumyslu a provozu civilizace na neemitujici bude stat trvalou vyrobu elektriny v levelu (cisla se mirne lisi a nikdo je nopocita globalne, ale jen na mensi lokality) cca 2.5x soucasne produkce. A to nejde s OZE + baterky udelat. Tzn. bez podpory JE je to bud nerealizovatelne, nebo se strukturou spolecnosti odpovidajici evrope po 1.sv.valce. A to pri dnesnich schopnostech lidi neni v Evrope moc realne. Protoze transformovat energetiku je maraton na cca 30 let, tak nepodporovani JE ted, znamena strkat hlavu do pisku a je to stejna zmrdovina pro "planetaritu" jako si muzeme precist z produkce IVK.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TUHO: Ja jsem to shlidnul.
    Dokud zeleni (nejen SZ, ale cela ta socialne-kulturni bublina od Patrika po GP) nebudou podporovat JE, aplikaci technologii ktere jsou, referovani o bezpecnosti (tj. treba nevyvazet dezinfo do lokalit kde se ma dojit ke stavbe uloziste jaderneho odpadu) a podporovat vyvoj, jsou stejne toxicti jako Sevcik.
    Tim ze na jedne strane hovori o nutnosti zmeny ktera bude neco stat a na druhe strane proti JE argumentuji tim ze je draha, klesaji na uroven tech co v jedne vete reknou ze klimaticke zmeny zpusobene clovekem neexistujou a v druhe vete zahlasi ze bude alespon vic teplo a budou nam tu rust lepsi broskve.
    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: ja to nevidel cely, ale to, ze se na nejchudsi poradne nemysli me stve taky. ale imho sevcik na ne kasle jeste vic ,))
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TUHO: S tim co pises tak souhlasim!
    Muj puvodni prispevek (abych nerozbijel diskuzi, sorry za smazani) byl o tom ze se Sevcikem souhlasim s tim ze ty opatreni zasahnout nejchudci a chude (a ja dodavam pracujici tridu ve sluzbach). Take souhlasim s tema 2 zminkama ohledne jaderne energetiky.

    Jinak je to blbec, o tom zadna.
    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: jo, zatimco dopady klimaticky krize se nejchudsich nijak nedotknou :) plus von tam rika, ze klimatixky zmeny jsou zcela prirozene a odkazuje se na NASA, ktera ovsem tvrdi opak a ve skutecnosti je to dlouhodobe nejaktivnejsi instituce, ktera pred antropo klima zmenami varuje, uz minimalne tricet let. Pak se odkazuje n Milankovixovy cykly, ktery neumi ani spravne precist. Blbec, o co blbejsi, o to arogantnejsi
    TUHO --- ---
    Sevcicek .))

    Miroslav Ševčík: Hloupá zelená opatření EU zasáhnou nejchudší - CNN Prima NEWS
    TUHO --- ---
    HIV does not cause AIDS. The world was created in 4004 BCE. Smoking does not cause cancer. And if climate change is happening, it is nothing to do with man-made CO2 emissions. Few, if any, of the readers of this journal will believe any of these https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/article/19/1/2/463780statements. Yet each can be found easily in the mass media.

    The consequences of policies based on views such as these can be fatal. Thabo Mbeki's denial that that HIV caused AIDS prevented thousands of HIV positive mothers in South Africa receiving anti-retrovirals so that they, unnecessarily, transmitted the disease to their children.1 His health minister, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, famously rejected evidence of the efficacy of these drugs, instead advocating treatment with garlic, beetroot and African potato. It was ironic that their departure from office coincided with the award of the Nobel Prize to Luc Montagnier and Françoise Barré-Sinoussi for their discovery that HIV is indeed the case of AIDS. The rejection of scientific evidence is also apparent in the popularity of creationism, with an estimated 45% of Americans in 2004 believing that God created man in his present form within the past 10 000 years.2 While successive judgements of the US Supreme Court have rejected the teaching of creationism as science, many American schools are cautious about discussing evolution. In the United Kingdom, some faith-based schools teach evolution and creationism as equally valid ‘faith positions’. It remains unclear how they explain the emergence of antibiotic resistance.

    Elsewhere, the hand of powerful corporate interests can be seen. It took many decades for the conclusions of authoritative reports by the US Surgeon General3 and the British Royal College of Physicians4 on the harmful effects of smoking to be accepted, while even now, despite clear evidence of rapid reductions in myocardial infarctions where bans have been implemented, there are some who deny that second-hand smoke is dangerous. In large part this was due to the efforts of the tobacco industry to deflect attention to other putative causes of smoking-related diseases, from stress to keeping pet birds. The reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have suffered similar attacks from commentators with links to major oil companies.

    All of these examples have one feature in common. There is an overwhelming consensus on the evidence among scientists yet there are also vocal commentators who reject this consensus, convincing many of the public, and often the media too, that the consensus is not based on ‘sound science’ or denying that there is a consensus by exhibiting individual dissenting voices as the ultimate authorities on the topic in question. Their goal is to convince that there are sufficient grounds to reject the case for taking action to tackle threats to health. This phenomenon has led some to draw a historical parallel with the holocaust, another area where the evidence is overwhelming but where a few commentators have continued to sow doubt. All are seen as part of a larger phenomenon of denialism

    Denialism: what is it and how should scientists respond? | European Journal of Public Health | Oxford Academic
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