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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TADEAS --- ---

    ‎Drilled on Apple Podcasts

    Hot Take

    Amy Westervelt is the founder of the Critical Frequency podcast network. Westervelt’s own show is “Drilled,” a true crime-style podcast about climate change, and she co-hosts “Hot Take,” along with Mary Annaïse Heglar. Much of Westervelt’s work focuses on climate denial and disinformation, especially from fossil fuel companies. A recent Drilled miniseries, for example, in collaboration with Earther, is called “The ABCs of Big Oil” and looks at how the fossil fuel industry, over the course of many decades, leveraged schools — elementary to university-level — to shape narratives around fossil fuels and later to limit public discussion of climate change. Westervelt is the recipient of many awards, including an Edward R. Murrow award, an Online Journalism Award, and a 2021 Covering Climate Now Journalism Award.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Q&A: Amy Westervelt on Climate Disinformation — Covering Climate Now
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Mimochodem aféra ClimateGate vedla řadu významných klimaskeptiků k tomu, aby začali nezávisle kontrolovat data klimatologů. Richard Muller sehnal prachy (mimojiné od Koch Brothers) a založil projekt Berkeley Earth. Byl v něm i Steve Mosher, jeden z prominentních klimaskeptiků, člověk který odstartoval aféru ClimateGate (byl první, který hacknutý data z CRU dostal) a který publikoval léta na dezinformačních kanálech.

    Muller se po několika letech přiznal, že "konvertoval". A Mosher se minulý rok veřejně omluvil Phillu Jonesovi a Timu Osbornovi z CRU:

    US-based Mr Mosher, a key figure in the scandal, and other climate change sceptics were sent thousands of emails, documents and scientific data stolen from the CRU, which is based in Norwich.
    He selected emails he thought would be most damaging, and these were then promoted on climate sceptics' blogs.
    It called into question the work of leading climatologist Prof Phil Jones and climate modeller Prof Tim Osborn, who were vilified in some sections of the media and subjected to a series of inquiries.
    Speaking to BBC security correspondent Gordon Corera for The Hack That Changed the World podcast, Mr Mosher said: "If I get to make an apology, even if it's remotely via BBC, to Phil Jones and Tim Osborn, then I'm happy."
    He said he ran his own models using the stolen data and found the results and conclusions reached by the university were correct.

    COP26: Former sceptic apologises for role in Climategate - BBC News
    TUHO --- ---
    Vcera jsem koukal na dramatizaci BBC afery ClimateGate pod nazvem The Trick. Docela dobrej film. Chybi tomu malo a byl by to fakt dobrej thriller, ale mistama to trpi tim, jak moc se tam toho snazili rict a obcas je to takovy toporny. Ale jinak je to vybornej popis toho, co se behem ty afery delo, dost dobre a zabavne se jim podarilo vylozit veci, ktery jsou filmovy reci skoro nevylozitelny. Aneb souboj o to, co je kde v grafu etc .]

    Pro zajemce o problematiku doporcuju.

    The Trick | Trailer - BBC Trailers
    TUHO --- ---
    Zelená dohoda pro Evropu se stává významným tématem na české dezinformační scéně jako jedna z linií kritiky Evropské unie. Výzkumníci PSSI monitorovali weby známé šířením dezinformací a způsob, jakým přistupovaly k tématu Zelené dohody a klimatické změny před českými parlamentními volbami 2021 a jaké změny nastaly v jejich přístupu po volbách.

    Zelená dohoda pro Evropu na české dezinformační scéně | Prague Security Studies Institute
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Pěkné schema, jak klimatickou změnu pokrývají média:

    Tobis, 2010
    Only In It For The Gold: OK Getting Serious Again
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    KEB: dobře, vyhráls
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TUHO: tohle kolovalo i na nyxu v alternativně realitních auditkách - němci postavěj větrníky v Severním moři, zpomalej vítr a ukradnou nám dešť, sdílejte, než to smažou.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Facebook failing to flag harmful climate misinformation, new research finds

    New analysis by CCDH finds that the platform fails to label half of posts promoting articles from the world’s leading publishers of climate denial
    GOJATLA --- ---
    How to Deny the Climate Crisis like a Pro (and Get Away With It) | by Marjan Krebelj | Climate Conscious | Feb, 2022 | Medium

    Many of them have so much ego invested into these arguments that they forget what it is all about. It is not about a social status one might be (subconsciously) after by winning an argument.

    It is about surviving.

    The situation will be exactly the same for those who were right and those who were wrong in prior debates. It is tempting to believe that being right will make you less dead, but that is just your monkey ego playing tricks on you.

    There will come a day when the lights will go off for the very last time, and when they do, it will make absolutely no difference which side you were on.

    None of it will matter.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Zelená dohoda pro Evropu na české dezinformační scéně
    THURSDAY, 24 FEBRUARY 2022 AT 14:30
    Zelená dohoda pro Evropu na české dezinformační scéně

    Zelená dohoda pro Evropu se stává významným tématem na české dezinformační scéně jako jedna z linií kritiky Evropské unie. Výzkumníci PSSI monitorovali weby známé šířením dezinformací a způsob, jakým přistupovaly k tématu Zelené dohody a klimatické změny před a po českých parlamentních volbách 2021. V rámci debaty bude představena studie věnovaná tomuto tématu a diskuze se zaměří na výhledy do budoucnosti a doporučení pro českou politickou reprezentaci.
    📒 Studii představí Kristína Šefčíková, projektová manažerka PSSI.
    V diskusi vystoupí:
    ➡️ Štěpán Černý, ředitel Odboru koordinace evropských politik, Úřad vlády ČR
    ➡️ Tomáš Jungwirth, vedoucí klimatického týmu Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Oil firms’ climate claims are greenwashing, study concludes | Oil | The Guardian

    Accusations of greenwashing against major oil companies that claim to be in transition to clean energy are well-founded, according to the most comprehensive study to date.

    The study found a sharp rise in mentions of “climate”, “low-carbon” and “transition” in annual reports in recent years, especially for Shell and BP, and increasing pledges of action in strategies. But concrete actions were rare and the researchers said: “Financial analysis reveals a continuing business model dependence on fossil fuels along with insignificant and opaque spending on clean energy.”

    “If they were moving away from fossil fuels we would expect to see, for example, declines in exploration activity, fossil fuel production, and sales and profit from fossil fuels,” he said. “But if anything, we find evidence of the reverse happening.”

    “Unfortunately, the way the energy markets are structured around the world, fossil fuels still enjoy many [regulatory and tax] advantages and renewables are still disadvantaged,” he said.
    TUHO --- ---
    Jeste k Petersonovi

    Peterson’s false rhetoric v. reality
    While Peterson, who New York Times columnist David Brooks has called the most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now, paints a dire picture the reality is that his claims are not backed up by reality. Our research shows that the transition to renewable energy will lower energy costs over time and in many areas, we are already seeing wind and solar outcompeting fossil fuels.

    For example, our 2021 report Put Gas on Standby showed new onshore wind and solar investment options are already cheaper than the costs associated with the continued operation of existing gas plants in the US. By 2030, we project the costs for both renewable technologies will fall to levels less than half the long-run marginal cost for gas.

    The ability of renewables to provide cheaper power is also true when it comes to coal. In 2018, we found that by 2030 building new renewables will be cheaper than continuing to operate 96% of today’s existing and planned coal plants.

    Helping the poor
    Given Jordan Peterson’s concern for the poor, he should know that instead of impoverishing people, our research finds that the opportunities for growth are greatest in emerging markets. This is driven by the fact that many developing nations are building out their energy systems, and cheap renewables offer a route to bring cheaper power to more people, create new industries, jobs and wealth. These benefits could be especially felt in Africa which has a massive 39% of global potential growth in renewables and could become a clean energy superpower.

    In addition, providing jobs and cheaper energy, moving to a low carbon economy will cut greenhouse gas emissions and protect us from the worst impacts of climate change. This is critical if we want to help those living in poverty for the simple fact that, as numerous studies have shown, the extreme weather created by global warming will disproportionately impact the poorest communities around the world.

    Why Jordan Peterson Should Think Again on the Energy Transition
    GOJATLA --- ---
    WARNING: Top 10 climate deniers: They are all bought and paid for by the Fossil fuel propaganda machine.
    Extinction Rebellion (FB)

    Senator James Inhofe
    Received more than 2,000,000 in fossil fuel funding

    Mark Morano
    Funded by Exxon and Chevron

    Chris Horner
    Funded by Alpha Natural resources (coal).
    Supported by Heartland (sponsored for years by Exxon and Koch Brothers)

    Myron Ebell
    Named “Most respected Global warming skeptics” by Business Insider
    Funded by Exxon , American coalition for a clean coal, Koch industries, Marathon Petroleum.

    Steve Milloy
    Director of Murray Energy, a coal company. Formerly associated with big Tobacco.

    Patrick Micheals
    40% of his paycheck is from fossil fuel industry. Works for Cato Institute, a climate denial think tank funded by the usual suspects.
    Coming to Europe

    Bjørn Lomborg
    Lomborg accepts the fact that human emissions of greenhouse gases cause climate change, he argues the net economic impacts will not turn negative for more than 50 years.
    Likes to outline the positives of fossil fuels and the cost of renewables and throws doubt on all solutions . That aside seems to like contracting himself.
    Funded by Paul Singer (Vulture capital) other funders include the Danish government and undeclared sources.

    Matt Ridley
    The Viscount benefits from coal mining on inherited family lands.
    Claims to be a science writer and journalist. Managed to sink Northern Rock bank then win a seat in the House of Lords. Where his wife Baroness Hogg also holds a life seat.

    Christopher Monckton
    Another Viscount this time armed with a classics degree expounds on Climate science.
    Meets and associates with denier think tanks like Heartland.

    Fred Singer
    (deceased) was on the payroll of Heartland which everyone by now should know is a well funded climate denial hotbed of misinformation.
    The sad part is they paid him $5000 a month to twist science and cast doubt.

    WARNING Any quotes or articles written by these men and institutions mentioned should be read with great skepticism. They are all bought and paid for by the Fossil fuel propaganda machine.

    Before the Flood - Top 10 Climate Deniers
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    „Nic jako klima neexistuje.“ Jordan Peterson se v podcastu Joea Rogana proměnil v klimatologa – A2larm
    MATHEZ --- ---
    sem to původně hodil do třetí světové, ale sem to asi patří víc
    šikovné děvče
    Na internetu se s vámi hádá stroj, jenž simuluje člověka a šíří hoaxy, varuje vědkyně - Aktuálně.cz
    Na internetu se s vámi hádá stroj, jenž simuluje člověka a šíří hoaxy, varuje vědkyně - Aktuálně.cz

    dobrý blogísek
    Are Pro-Russian Bot Swarms Making A Comeback?
    Are Pro-Russian Bot Swarms Making A Comeback?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jordan Peterson's Climate Expert is Science Denier Funded by Oil-Backed Think Tank - DeSmog
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Peterson said that if the climate was “about everything” then “your models aren’t right” because they couldn’t include everything.
    But climate scientists have described Peterson’s comments as “stunningly ignorant” and said he had fundamentally misunderstood the concept of climate modelling.
    Dr Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick, a climate scientist at the University of New South Wales Canberra, said Peterson’s description of how climate models work was fundamentally wrong. While weather forecasts do become less accurate the further out they go, this was a different process to climate modelling.
    “He seems to think we model the future climate the same way we do the weather. He sounds intelligent, but he’s completely wrong.
    “He has no frickin’ idea,” she said.
    “Anyone who has taken an introductory course in climate or atmospheric science would spot this problem,” he said. “Errors in a weather forecast indeed accumulate such that after a couple of weeks the forecast is useless.”
    But with climate, Sherwood said, the models work differently to project how the climate will respond to different factors, such as higher levels of CO2.
    “[Peterson’s] argument is like saying we can’t predict whether a pot of water on a flame will boil, because we decide in advance what variables to put in our model, and can’t predict each bubble.”
    Peterson’s claim that the climate was too complicated showed “a total lack of understanding of how science works” and could be used to dismiss physics, chemistry, biology, “and every other field of science where one formulates conceptual models”, according to Mann.
    “Every great discovery in science – including the physics that allowed Peterson and Rogan to record and broadcast their ridiculous conversation – has arisen through that process,” he said.
    “To say that climate model errors increase like compound interest is laughable. Jordan Peterson displays a near complete misunderstanding of climate change, and the tools climate scientists use to understand what is happening to our planet.
    “It’s as if someone, with zero expertise and knowledge, made comments about something he knows little about.”

    ‘Word salad of nonsense’: scientists denounce Jordan Peterson’s comments on climate models | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    KEB --- ---
    TUHO: Topol dělá pro Křetínského? To jsem nevěděl, píšu si, znamenám si.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam