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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Ok, o tom se ale nepreu. Taky pouzivam granule proti slimakum, obcas naleju savo do studny kvuli dezinfekci, ale zaroven bych v televizi nerikal, ze toho muzu vypit sklenicku a nic se mi nestane .]]
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TUHO: Patrick Moore je cisty oportunista. Bude lobovat za cokoliv co dostane zaplaceno. O tom to neni. Demagogie je obecne v tom ze se pouzije argument, ze protoze je RoundUp skodlivy pro lidsky organismus, nebude se / nemelo by se pouzivat v zemedelstvi (obecne).
    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Ja tohle moc nesleduju, ta demagogie je kde?
    Kazdopadne typek tvrdi, ze ho pit muzes (a kdyz mu nabidnou sklenicku, tak z toho vycouva).
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TUHO: Davam minus za demagogii o RoundUpu. Spravne pouziti RoundUpu je harmless. To neznamena ze ho muzes pit.
    TUHO --- ---
    Patrick Moore (popirajici ledascos pro ruzne prumysly, jednou skodlive dusledky kliamticke zmeny, jednou skodlive dusledky glysofatu... tentokrat mu to trochu nevyslo .))

    Monsanto Lobbyist Runs Away When Asked To Drink ‘Harmless’ Roundup Pesticide - 26-03-2015
    TUHO --- ---
    Peknej projekt od lidi kolem Amy Westerweld, ktera dela podcast Drilled (ten mimochodem maximalne doporucuju, je to 136 epizod nabuseny informacema)

    TUHO --- ---
    Uf, asi prvni dizertace, kterou jsem videl, ze ma 450 stranek. rok 1998 a pro me jedno z prvnich antropologickejch praci, ktera se mj zabyva climate/contrarian hnutim

    TUHO --- ---
    Ehm, ukladam si odvedle, jestli kdyztak tu cedulku nekdo chapete, tak mi to pak prosim vysvetlete .]]

    TUHO --- ---
    As has been widely documented, lavishly funded media campaigns by political and financial elites and corporations with vested interests against climate policy are a central instigator of the climate backlash and a threat to democratic processes. However, it would behoove the environmental coalition, including sympathizing academics, to reflect on how they help create conditions that enable and magnify the impact of the backlash campaigns and incidents such as Climategate. This editorial argues that prevalent idealized understandings of science increase public vulnerability to backlash campaigns, and that academic analysts reinforce these understandings when they avoid to perform critical analyses of the science and scientists promoting concern about climate change.

    Climategate: the role of the social sciences | SpringerLink
    TUHO --- ---
    Based on findings from ethnographic analysis of U.S. climate scientists, this article identifies largely unrecognized sociocultural dimensions underpinning differences in scientists’ perceptions of anthropogenic climate change. It argues that culturally laden tensions among scientists have influenced some to engage with the antienvironmental movement and, as such, influence U.S. climate science politics. The tensions are rooted in broad-based and ongoing changes within U.S. science and society since the 1960s and propelled by specific scientific subgroups’ negative experiences of the rise of environmentalism and of climate modeling, in particular.   Attending to these and other experience-based cultural dynamics can help refine cultural theory and enhance understanding of the deeper battles of meaning that propel climate science politics.

    TUHO --- ---
    Tohle jsem nejak prehledl...

    Kochland: The Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America is a 2019 book by Christopher Leonard that uses a deeply-researched account of how Koch Industries became one of the biggest private companies in the world to tell the story of corporate power in modern America.
    The final part of the book examines how Koch Industries many legal entanglements with government regulators and Charles Koch’s own libertarian philosophies fueled the Koch’s decades-long efforts to discredit climate change by creating one of the largest influence operation in existence.[4]

    Kochland - Wikipedia
    TUHO --- ---
    Na Dfensovi je stale krasne

    Nebo napadlo by snad někoho z vás vzít jeden chemický prvek a postavit ho na místo Trockého, Kameněva, krvavého psa Tita či jiných úchylkářů od platné stranické linie, vytyčené posledním zasedáním politbyra? Z obyčejného C v periodické soustavě nový třídní nepřítel Uhlík – no není to prostě úchvatné? A pak boj proti němu do poslední kapky (zatím) inkoustu? Za protiuhlíkovou jednotu strany a lidu! Uhlíka likvidovat jako třídu! Vymýtit uhlíkismus ze socialistické vědy! Kulturní fronta jednotně proti uhlíkovštině! Zintenzivnit boj s přežitky uhlíkismu ve znárodněném průmyslu! Socialistickým soutěžením za nižší podíl Uhlíka! Pro uhlíkáře není místa v naší brigádě socialistické práce! No passaran, Carbón!

    Klimajugend, marsch! – D-FENS
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Aha sakra, shoda jmen, jinej Ivan Brezina .))

    SAV - Ivan Brezina
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: No sakra, kvuli priprave textu k dezinformaci, jsem si chtel naject, co je u dezinformacniho Breziny noveho, tak jsem si tu knizku koupil a vona ta kapitola dezinformace nesiri, ale naopak jejich sireni analyzuje (a relativne dobre). Tu kapitolu ale nepsal Brezina (koeditor sborniku), ale Jakub Šrol. Pro me docela zajimavej vyvoj.
    TUHO --- ---
    An influential thinktank that has led the backlash against the government’s net zero policy has received funding from groups with oil and gas interests, according to tax documents seen by the Guardian and OpenDemocracy.
    Though the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) has always said it is independent of the fossil fuel industry, the revelations about its funding will raise questions over its campaigning.
    The thinktank has always refused to disclose its donors, but tax documents filed with US authorities reveal that one of its donors has $30m (£24m) of shares in 22 companies working in coal, oil and gas

    Climate sceptic thinktank received funding from fossil fuel interests | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    muze se hodit ,)

    How to Talk to a Science Denier | The MIT Press
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Trosku jsem se doptaval .]

    Oto Hudec
    svojho casu som na nejakom inom fcb fore o tom viedol diskusiu, skusim zhrnut: je to proruska sekta, ktora zacala tusim na ukrajine. Velka cast ich diskurzu je postavena na bliziacej sa klimatickej katastrofe, ale podla nich nie je sposobena clovekom. Obcas sa tvaria vedecky, organizuju “konferencie”, dokonca si ziskali par renomovanych vedcov na prednasky. Nie je iste, ci ti vedci vedeli do coho idu.. ale zaroven tvrdia, tusim, ze su v kontakte s vyssimi mimozemskymi bytostami.. Ja ich evidujem v klimatickych skupinach, kde pravidelne postuju ich videa a prichadzaju stale nove profily. Inak maju bohate mnozstvo materialov na nete, da sa v tom celkom stratit..
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Jinak jak se tam odkazuji na ruske zdroje a Valeryie Malinina, tak mi pripomina, ze v celych tehle ignorance / denial kruzich je dost podzkoumany neUS a neevropsky kontext.

    Tady nejaky souhrny clanek k ruskemu verejnemu diskurzu. Ale zajimaly by me teda i dalsi kulturni / mocensky / nezapadni okruhy

    In this article we examine Russia’s recent public discourse on climate change, with a special focus on the arguments denying anthropogenic climate change. We scrutinise the ways in which denial arguments presented in the media are tied to the changing Russian political and economic context, especially the increasingly authoritarian turn in governance during President Vladimir Putin’s third term in office (Putin 2.0). We conclude that the Russian discourse on climate change emphasises Russia’s Great Power status, identifying its sovereignty and fossil energy as the basis of this status. This discourse refers to key categories, including Russia’s national identity and the spatial–material characteristics of the Russian state.

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