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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Dont confuse me with the facts!
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    LINKOS: Tady je text Daniela Kaisera k tomu.

    Plán, že oheň kontrolovaně vyhoří, nevyšel. Zločin – a kde je trest? - Echo24.cz
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    Neco mi to pripomina...

    However, when it came time to enact policy on acid rain at both the national and international levels, environmental scientists could not carry government officials across the finishline to achieve agreement on how to solve the problem. In part, this was because the coal industries of Britain and the US mounted an enormous campaign to discredit their work, continually raising the bar for how much scientific certainty was needed before society could act. But it was also because scientific experts could not answer fundamental questions about environmental values that were at the heart of disagreements over what do about acid rain

    Poisonous Skies: Acid Rain and the Globalization of Pollution, Rothschild
    TUHO --- ---
    I am specifically interested in the relationship between misogyny, fossil fuel support, and climate denial on the far right. These elements are often analysed separately – for instance, the #MeToo movement on one hand, and environmental destruction on the other. Instead, I have proposed the concept of “petro-masculinity” to think about how this group of problems are related, how gender anxiety slithers alongside climate anxiety.

    I use genre to help explain this relationship. I am interested in genre, or storytelling more generally, because social genres help people organise their experiences and turn them into shared meanings. Genres can produce a sense of community. They tell people what to pay attention to, what is connected to history as part of a pattern, and what to expect in the future. Especially when living through crisis moments, you can see how genre-making can be important politically.

    The Melodrama of Climate Change Denial
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: And so, in the year 1975, Gaia was formally vaulted to the status of corporate PR strategy. The natural-sources argument immediately became part of Dupont’s official company line, with Dupont’s director of research Ray McCarthy stating as much during his congressional testimony (“we know … that chlorine in the stratosphere comes from many other compounds besides fluorocarbons; it comes from natural sources”),34 and the possibility of the existence of “natural mechanisms for maintaining ozone” consistently raised in the editorials of aerosol trade publications.35 Dupont and other aerosol companies pursued the theory in earnest, furnishing Lovelock and other scientists with funds to research the question, and investing in a study of a volcano near Alaska whose eruption promised to extrude enormous quantities of chlorides from the sea into the upper reaches of the atmosphere (thereby affording an opportunity to observe “an ability of the ozone layer to resist factors working toward its depletion” in real time).36
    TUHO --- ---
    This article tells the story of the oil and gas origins of the Gaia hypothesis, the theory that the Earth is a homeostatic system. It shows how Gaia’s key assumption—that the climate is a fundamentally stable system, able to withstand perturbations—emerged as a result of a collaboration between the theory’s progenitor, James Lovelock, and Royal Dutch Shell in response to Shell’s concerns about the effects of its products on the climate. The article explains how Lovelock elaborated the Gaia hypothesis and gave it evidential depth through a series of Royal Dutch Shell-funded research projects meant to identify organisms whose biological activities might double as climate-regulating mechanisms. The article goes on to show how this research subsequently laid the foundation for a distinct genre of climate change denialism, in which corporations sowed doubt not by denying the phenomenon of global warming but by naturalizing it.

    University of Chicago Press Journals: Cookie absent
    TUHO --- ---

    The document notes the oil industry’s other extensive astroturf campaigns (including Edelman’s $52 million campaign for the American Petroleum Institute) to promote the Keystone XL pipeline and fracking, defeat climate legislation and attack renewable energy:

    “Companies like ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell and Halliburton (and many more) have all made key investments in building permanent advocacy assets and programs to support their lobbying, outreach, and policy efforts. In launching a program like this, TransCanada will be in good company with a strong roadmap to follow.” (Grassroots Advocacy Vision p. 5-6)

    Edelman’s TransCanada Astroturf Documents Expose Oil Industry’s Broad Attack on Public Interest | The Narwhal
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    KEB: Prvni dil je tu

    Kremlík měl ale jasno už roku 2009: „Svým ekologickým kolegům musím říci jedno – doufám, že jste si užili svoje oblíbené globální oteplování z 90. let, protože už ho neuvidíte do konce života! […] Lidmi způsobené katastrofální změny klimatu pokládáme za neprokázanou hypotézu, jako je astrologie a různé alternativní medicíny. Jde o součást vlny iracionality.“

    Klimatologie je podle klimaskeptiků jedním velkým podvodem a psychopatologií. Jak píše v roce 2009 zmíněný publicista Ivan Brezina, změna klimatu je „výmyslem malé skupinky podvodníků. Jsou za tím obrovské peníze.“ A tyto peníze jsou prý určené pro budování opěrné moci politiků, kteří mají v plánu omezit naše svobody. Vrcholní politici ODS si v tomto hojně notují například s Okamurovou SPD. Pro okamurovce se pro změnu jedná o celosvětové totalitní globalistické spiknutí: „Tato zvrácená agenda je nástrojem globalistů. Chtějí vyměnit původní evropskou populaci, která se má přestat reprodukovat, za imigranty z Afriky a Arábie.“ Jedná se o novou totalitní ideologii, která nás má zotročit, rozvíjí také Václav Klaus konspirační teorii známou ze zahraničí.

    Kam zmizelo globální oteplování? Úvod do klimaskeptické patafyziky – A2larm
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    TUHO: moc zajímavý, můžu odkaz na první díl?
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    Druhy dil serie longreadu o klimatickych dezinformacich je venku. Tentokrat o formovani vedecke shody na ohrivajicim vlivu spalovani fosilnich paliv

    Na tom, že za ohřívání klimatu může spalování fosilních paliv je dlouhodobá, jasná a přesvědčivá shoda v odborné komunitě již velmi dlouhou dobu. Bohužel je to zároveň něco, co laická veřejnost ne vždy chápe. Zatímco analýza vědeckých prací ukazuje, že naprosto drtivá většina vědecké literatury se shoduje na tom, že za současnou vlnu oteplení může spalování fosilních paliv, veřejnost o této široké shodě často neví a domnívá se, že vědci nemají o příčinách oteplování stále jasno. Navíc mezi ty nejméně chápavé patří ekonomové a politici. A nejen to, ale s tím, jak pro tuto teorii přibývalo důkazů a shoda se rozšiřovala, začalo docházet k názorovému „protipohybu“ ve veřejné a politické sféře, která naopak toto téma v řadě zemí začala vnímat jako stále kontroverznější a zpolitizovanější.
    Pojďme se tedy podívat na dějiny utváření vědeckého konsenzu. Odhalí se před námi fascinující obor s více než stoletou historií, se spoustou zvláštních zákoutí, kontroverzí a pozoruhodných objevů.

    Dějiny klimatického konsenzu. Jak moc jsme si jistí změnou klimatu a jejími příčinami? – A2larm
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    In 2020, 70 corporations reported over $1 billion in taxes but paid a statutory rate of less than 15%, according to a report by Senator Elizabeth Warren that was verified by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. These corporations take advantage of various tax credits and deductions to drive their tax rates well under 15%. In 2020, GM reported $7.4 billion in profits but paid just $577 million in taxes, an effective tax rate of 7.8%.
    Some corporations pay less than nothing. DISH Network, for example, reported $2.5 billion in profits in 2020 but received a $223 million rebate from the federal government, an effective tax rate of negative 8.7%.
    The Business Roundtable also participated in a "significant, multifaceted campaign" to defeat previous versions of the climate legislation. It has produced television spots and spent hundreds of thousands on Facebook ads to kill the proposal.
    The opposition by the Business Roundtable and other corporate groups is significant because passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is not assured. The bill will get no Republican support in the Senate and needs the support of all 50 Democrats to pass. While Manchin is on board, Senator Krysten Sinema (D-AZ) has yet to endorse the legislation and is highly attuned to the views of the business community.

    Corporations versus the climate - by Judd Legum
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    TUHO: "What the geniuses of the PR firms who work for these big fossil fuel companies know is that truth has nothing to do with who wins the argument. If you say something enough times, people will begin to believe it."
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: While most climate scientists agreed that human-caused climate change was a real issue that would require action, a small group argued there was no cause for alarm. The plan was to pay these sceptics to give speeches or write op-eds - about $1,500 (£1,250) per article - and to arrange media tours so they could appear on local TV and radio stations.
    "My role was to identify the voices that were not in the mainstream and to give those voices a stage," Rheem says. "There was a lot we didn't know at the time. And part of my role was to highlight what we didn't know."
    He says the media was hungry for these perspectives.
    "Journalists were actually actively looking for the contrarians. It was really feeding an appetite that was already there."
    TUHO --- ---
    Though few outside the PR industry might have heard of E Bruce Harrison or the eponymous company he had run since 1973, he had a string of campaigns for some of the US's biggest polluters under his belt.

    He had worked for the chemical industry discrediting research on the toxicity of pesticides; for the tobacco industry, and had recently run a campaign against tougher emissions standards for the big car makers. Harrison had built a firm that was considered one of the very best.
    Media historian Melissa Aronczyk, who interviewed Harrison before he died in 2021, says he was a strategic linchpin for his clients, ensuring everyone was on the same page.
    "He was a master at what he did," she says.

    The audacious PR plot that seeded doubt about climate change - BBC News
    TADEAS --- ---
    UK heatwave: Weather forecasters report unprecedented trolling - BBC News

    Weather forecasters faced unprecedented levels of trolling during this month's extreme heat in the UK, according to leading figures in the industry.

    The BBC's team received hundreds of abusive tweets or emails questioning their reports and telling them to "get a grip", as temperatures hit 40C.

    BBC meteorologist Matt Taylor said he had never experienced anything like it in
    TUHO --- ---
    The science of spin: targeted strategies to manufacture doubt with detrimental effects on environmental and public health | Environmental Health | Full Text
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    TUHO: obskurni platky nepodporuju ,) nicmene zaslouzi si to konzsitentni pozornost a dlouhej clanek na alarmu ,)
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: nemas to cely? jinak krasna ukazka posunu "from denial to delay" .))

    "Odložme na chvíli stranou spory o to, zda se otepluje, o kolik se otepluje, zda je na vině člověk a jestli se jedná o existenční katastrofu, nebo spíše drobnou nepříjemnost. Připusťme, že se klima mění a nějaký díl viny má i člověkem vypouštěný oxid uhličitý. Pak se ale musíme ptát, proč zelené hnutí a jeho spojenci dělají vše pro to, aby snahu o snížení CO2 úspěšně sabotovali."
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    Pravé řešení klimatické krize? Stavět jaderné elektrárny a bombardovat Čínu - Echo24.cz
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    TUHO: jeste tam byl link
    Klíč k ženskému orgasmu. Vědci odhalili nejnadějnější sexuální polohu - iDNES.cz
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