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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
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    TUHO: Vtipny je, ze v tom dokumentu investigativni novinar Eric Lipton popisuje, jak zjistil, ze Pruitt kdyz byl generalni prokurator Oklahomy, tak dostaval noticky od Devon Energy, jak branit regulacim (od emisi oxidu ulhicityho po emise rtui) pochazejici od federalni vlady.
    No a to, co mu navrhli pravnici Devon Energy proste vzal a preposlal, jako stanovisko generalniho prokuratora. Eric Lipton za to dostal Pulitzerovu cenu a Scott Pruitt misto sefa EPA :D

    How Rollbacks at Scott Pruitt’s E.P.A. Are a Boon to Oil and Gas - The New York Times
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    TUHO: Several years ago, before I started researching electric utilities’ role in promoting climate denial, I came across a memorable advertisement from 1991. It showed a cartoon chicken running around with the caption: “Who told you the earth was warming… Chicken Little?” The ad was funded by a climate denial campaign called “Informed Citizens for the Environment.” Utilities spearheaded this work, including the private utilities such as Southern Company and Arizona Public Service, as well as the utility association, the Edison Electric Institute (EEI). Even though climate science was well established by the early 1990s, the ad argued there was “no hard evidence” for global warming.
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    Let’s start with a completely charming series of online ads that B.B.D.O. put together, in 2019, for Exxon. B.B.D.O. is one of the iconic ad agencies (it was frequently mentioned on “Mad Men”), responsible for everything from “Better Things for Better Living . . . Through Chemistry” (DuPont) to “Ring Around the Collar” (Wisk detergent). Building on a YouTube craze for videos showing cooks preparing tiny cakes and hamburgers, a creative team put together a series of four Web ads called “Miniature Science.” In the second ad, algae is grown in little dishes, cultivated in a tiny seawater pond, and kept circulating by a minuscule paddle wheel. After a few days, the algae is drained from the pond, and a pocket-size pestle crushes its cell walls to free its oil. Once the paste has been mixed with traces of hexane, sodium hydroxide, and methanol, it produces “a low-emission biofuel.” In the next installment, the mixture is used to propel a boat around a bowl. This algae biofuel, a sprightly narrator notes, could power “entire fleets of ships tomorrow.” In fact, the ad contends, algae could fuel “the trucks, ships and planes of tomorrow.” It concludes, “This is big.”

    When “Creatives” Turn Destructive: Image-Makers and the Climate Crisis | The New Yorker
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    Wow, such surprise!

    Documents obtained by congressional investigators show that oil industry executives privately downplayed their companies’ own public messages about efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and weakened industry-wide commitments to push for climate policies.

    Internal Exxon documents show that the oil giant pressed an industry group, the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative, to remove language from a 2019 policy statement that “could create a potential commitment to advocate on the Paris Agreement goals.” The Paris Agreement is the landmark 2015 pact among nations of the world to avert catastrophic global warming. The statement’s final version didn’t mention Paris.

    Oil Executives Privately Contradicted Public Statements on Climate, Files Show - The New York Times
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    War on the EPA (full documentary) | FRONTLINE
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    kdyby nekoho zajimalo, jak k promene spolenocsti ve prospech svejch zameru premejsli a jedna (asi nejen) fosilni prumysl, tak zajimavej text tady:

    The Koch network’s integrated strategy for social transformation
    “At the higher stages we have the investment in the intellectual raw materials, that is, the exploration and production of abstract concepts and theories,” Fink writes in the article originally published in Philanthropy Magazine. “These still come primarily (though not exclusively) from the research done by scholars at our universities … In the middle stages, ideas are applied to a relevant context and molded into needed solutions for real-world problems. This is the work of the think tanks and policy institutions… But while the think tanks excel at developing new policy and articulating its benefits, they are less able to implement change. Citizen activist or implementation groups are needed in the final stage to take the policy ideas from the think tanks and translate them into proposals that citizens can understand and act upon.”

    The Koch network’s integrated strategy for social transformation • OpenSecrets
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    Německý ekologistický průmysl tak přijal za svou myšlenku Vladimíra Putina, že než celý německý průmysl pojede na baterky dobíjené z alternativních zdrojů, je pro životní prostředí v Německu ideální ruský plyn. Tato ekologistická lobby tedy v zásadě vyhecovala Německo, aby zavřela uhelné a jaderné elektrárny a celou svou desetiletí budovanou ekonomickou prosperitu vsadila vabank na dobrotu Putinova režimu.
    Zatímco se východoněmecká pionýrka Merkelová cumlala s muslimčaty, Putin korumpoval německé vědce, kteří se mu odvděčili tvrdou propagandou o škodlivosti spalování uhlí a nebezpečnosti jaderných elektráren. Potřebovali toho k přesvědčení německé veřejnosti jen pár desítek milionů eur (havárie jaderné elektrárny Fukušima byla jen bonusem zadarmo).
    Po letech, když už byla uzavřena většina pro Putina škodlivých německých elektráren a 60 % německého průmyslu bylo závislých na ruském plynu, přišel Vladimír Putin v časech dokončování druhé etapy Nord Stream, s dalším nápadem a Meklenbersko-Přední Pomořansko mu skočilo na špek podruhé. V lednu 2021 se zakládá nová nadace a tentokrát do ní ruská vláda zastoupená Gazpromem vkládá 192 miliónů eur (asi 4,7 miliardy korun).
    Předsedkyně zemské vlády Manuela Schwesigová z SPD pak Němcům oznámila, že lidé z Nord Stream to myslí s ekologií vážně, protože v listopadu 2021 převedli na účet nové nadace dohodnuté peníze (odměnu).
    Kam šly tyto ruské peníze? Myslíte, že na ekologistické projekty? Dá se to tak říci… O peníze se šábly německé neziskové organizace, které celá ta léta bojovaly proti uhelným a jaderným elektrárnám. Odměna to byla zasloužená. Byla to totiž mravenčí práce zlikvidovat celou klimatickou opozici a prosadit zcela novou environmentální eugeniku.

    Jak Putin platil užitečné idioty německé ekologie – Konzervativní noviny
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    P Maidowski

    @willmacaskill shows how deep in climate denial effective altruism and longtermism are. I once even wrote Bostrom to warn about their errors - nothing changed 🤡 The claim 15°C (fn 98) is funny, given lethal Chinese and UK 40°C heatwaves at barely 1.2°C.


    posledni macaskill:

    What We Owe The Future — William MacAskill
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    Hele nedokazal byste nekdo sehnat cely tenhle dokument? Napsal ho typek, ktery po nekolik let na zadost Kochu psal jejich rodinnou historii a bylo to pouzity pri soudni pri kvuli dedictvi mezi bratry Kochy. Ale dokazu sehnat jenom uryvek...

    Clayton A. Coppin: “Stealth: The History of Charles Koch’s Political Activities"
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    The Secrets of Charles Koch’s Political Ascent
    Two new documents reveal the political blueprint the billionaire developed 40 years ago, heavily influenced by the ultraconservative John Birch Society.

    In a recent round of interviews, Charles Koch, the billionaire industrialist and political patron, has been stressing that he only recently became involved in politics. As he put it in an interview with Megyn Kelly on October 15, “I’ve never been that fond of politics and only got dragged into it recently kicking and screaming.” But according to what appear to be two never-before-seen documents—a paper Charles wrote in 1976 and an unpublished history of Charles’ political evolution—Charles began planning his ambitious remaking of American politics 40 years ago, transitioning from libertarian ideologue to conservative power broker. For his new movement, which aimed to empower ultraconservatives like himself and radically change the way the U.S. government worked, he analyzed and then copied what he saw as the strengths of the John Birch Society, the extreme, right-wing anti-communist group to which he, his brother David and their father, Fred Koch, had belonged. Charles Koch might claim that his entry into politics is new, but from its secrecy to its methods of courting donors and recruiting students, the blueprint for the vast and powerful Koch donor network that we see today was drafted four decades ago.

    By the 1970s, Charles had broken from an early political influence—the John Birch Society (of which his father had been a founding member)—over his opposition to the Vietnam War. Charles had also been skeptical of the group’s more far-fetched conspiracy theories, which included a belief that many prominent Americans, including President Dwight D. Eisenhower, were communist agents.

    The Secrets of Charles Koch’s Political Ascent - POLITICO Magazine
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    TADEAS: tadu fulltext

    Peddlers of environmental doom have shown their true totalitarian coloursCor - Pastebin.com
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    Peddlers of environmental doom have shown their true totalitarian colours

    Back Off, Oh Masters of the Universe
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    Jordan Peterson, the Climate Crisis Deniers’ New Mouthpiece | The Tyee

    “It is truly irresponsible,” Michael Mann, director of the Penn Center for Science, Sustainability and the Media at the University of Pennsylvania, told The Tyee. “And it betrays the fact that Peterson is nothing more than a right-wing disinformation artist.”

    Earlier this year Peterson went on The Joe Rogan Experience, a podcast which has nearly 13 million followers on YouTube, and made rambling remarks about how the models used by climate scientists are flawed and incomplete.

    “But your models aren’t based on everything,” Peterson told Joe Rogan. “Your models are based on a set number of variables. So that means you’ve reduced the variables — which are everything — to that set. But how did you decide which set of variables to include in the equation if it’s about everything?”

    Climate scientists slammed the segment, with Mann saying at the time that “such seemingly-comic nihilism would be funny if it weren’t so dangerous.”

    Yet climate crisis deniers were pleased that Peterson was taking their message to a mainstream audience. “Dr. Jordan Peterson has upset climate change alarmists by claiming on The Joe Rogan Experience that long-range climate models aren’t accurate,” recounted a U.S. website called Liberty Nation News, which has referred to the climate crisis as “hysteria.”
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    Výbuch Etny vypustil 10-tisíckrát viac emisií oxidu uhličitého ako ľudstvo za celú históriu, tvrdí staronový hoax
    Na slovenskom internete sa objavil starší recyklát zahraničnej dezinformácie, podľa ktorej je vplyv človeka na produkciu emisií oxidu uhličitého v porovnaní so sopkami takmer irelevantný. Reč čísel však rozpráva presne opačný príbeh.

    Výbuch Etny vypustil 10-tisíckrát viac emisií oxidu uhličitého ako ľudstvo za celú históriu, tvrdí staronový hoax
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam