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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: okolo zdraveho jadra krouzi supi, jako vzdy ,)

    mas odkaz na vztah savory institute a ten carbon credit program?
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    This report finds that better management of grass-fed livestock, while worthwhile in and of itself, does not offer a significant solution to climate change as only under very specific conditions can they help sequester carbon. This sequestering of carbon is even then small, time-limited, reversible and substantially outweighed by the greenhouse gas emissions these grazing animals generate. The report concludes that although there can be other benefits to grazing livestock - solving climate change isn’t one of them.

    Grazed and Confused | TABLE Debates
    TUHO --- ---
    hmmm, shit. tak co, je regenerativni farmareni brilantni propracovanej greenwash?

    Shortly after arriving in the States, Savory began publishing his theories on ranching. Distinct from established rotational methods, Savory claimed his "holistic" techniques could not only allow grass to recover, but heal ecosystems and green deserts. The holistic methods were recoined as "regenerative" by Robert Rodale in the 1980s and steadily gained popularity, securing Savory extensive government contracts in the Reagan administration during the ranching industry's "sagebrush rebellion" movement to privatize public land in the Western United States.

    It was the TED Talk in 2013, however, that really launched the regenerative ranching myth in the public imagination. Corporations like Shell Oil and McDonald's quickly realized the marketing potential and injected tens of millions into public relations. A decade on, media still credulously trumpet Savory's claims about cows saving the world, which were adapted for agribusiness marketing the world over. Even prestigious publications like the Pulitzer Center stenographed advertising narratives lauding his tracking skills, glossing over their origin.

    Allan Savory and his nonprofit institute work with ranching industry associations and beef marketing campaigns around the world, such as the General Mills-backed documentary Kiss the Ground, in which he explains his belief that poverty is a consequence of poor land management. Recently, a massive carbon credit scheme associated with the Savory Institute was exposed for selling fraudulent carbon offsets and brutalizing Maasai pastoralists - ostensibly for not herding cattle holistically, but more likely to clear them out of touristic areas.

    Rhodesian Snake Oil: Genesis of the Regenerative Ranching Myth ‧ Unpopular Science ‧ AuthorRise
    TUHO --- ---
    Takova vavrovina .) Neni uplny dezinfo, ale proste tojovina

    Daniel Vavra - Máme tu červenec, teplota prozatím na TŘI... | Facebook

    TUHO --- ---
    Velmi dobrej a zabavnej explainer o climate denial .)

    Climate Denial: A Measured Response
    TUHO --- ---
    Why Is There So Much Right-Wing Media?
    TUHO --- ---
    NCOZ zasahuje ve firmě, jež platila ruskou propagandu exmluvčího Klause - Seznam Zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    Dobrej clanek o omylech Anthonyho Wattse (autora jednoho z globalne nejvlivnejsich klimaskeptickejch blogu Watts up with That)

    Odd Man Out | Open Mind
    TUHO --- ---
    Kind of related

    A Field Guide to “Fake News” and Other Information Disorders explores the use of digital methods to study false viral news, political memes, trolling practices and their social life online.
    It responds to an increasing demand for understanding the interplay between digital platforms, misleading information, propaganda and viral content practices, and their influence on politics and public life.
    It is a project of the Public Data Lab with support from First Draft.
    The guide is freely available via the link below. You can find it on Zenodo here (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1136271).

    A Field Guide to “Fake News” and Other Information Disorders
    TUHO --- ---
    On October 20, several Franch media outlets brought to light a study published by two historians and a sociologist in the scientific journal Global Environmental Change. The study shows that Total Energies, although aware of the risks as early as 1971, questioned the scientific data that threatened its activities.

    Science Vs Lobbying: Total, Elf and Climate Change - Géographie-cités
    TUHO --- ---
    But what the industry is doing with its unprecedented profits over the past 12 months has changed my mind.

    Let’s remember what the industry could and should be doing with those trillions of dollars: stepping away from any new oil and gas exploration, investing heavily into renewable energies and accelerating carbon capture and storage technologies to clean up existing fossil fuel use. Also, cutting methane emissions from the entire production line, abating emissions along their value chain and facilitating access to renewable energy for those still without electricity who number in their millions.

    Instead, what we see is international oil companies cutting back, slowing down or, at best, painfully maintaining their decarbonisation commitments, paying higher dividends to shareholders, buying back more shares and – in some countries – lobbying governments to reverse clean energy policies while paying lip service to change.

    On top of that, the industry as a whole is making plans to explore new sources of polluting fossil fuels and, in the United States, intimidating stakeholders who have been moving towards environmental, social and governance responsibility.

    I thought fossil fuel firms could change. I was wrong | Climate Crisis | Al Jazeera
    TUHO --- ---
    ‘Double agents’: fossil-fuel lobbyists work for US groups trying to fight climate crisis
    Exclusive: new database shows 1,500 US lobbyists working for fossil-fuel firms while representing universities and green groups

    ‘Double agents’: fossil-fuel lobbyists work for US groups trying to fight climate crisis | Lobbying | The Guardian
    ARAON --- ---
    TUHO: Ja si vzpominam, ze tak pred triceti lety byl Neffuv Neviditelny Pes sajta, ktera nebyla plna uplnych idiotu. Ale to bylo taky v dobe, kdy byl Reflex inteligentni casopis, zabyvajici se investigativni zurnalistikou. Ciliz hodne, hodne davno.
    TUHO --- ---
    solidni ulovek z neviditelneho psa od josef morkus

    Jednou se budou historikové podivovat nad tím, jak hluboce chybná logika, zastřená neúnavnou i vychytralou propagandou, umožnila vznik koalice tak mocné, že přesvědčila téměř každého člověka o tom, že oxid uhličitý, který vzniká (také) působením člověka, je nebezpečný jed ničící planetu. Tento klam bude navždy zaznamenán jako jeden z největších v historii lidstva. Klam, že oxid uhličitý, tak nezbytný pro růst rostlin byl v určitém čase považován za smrtící jed.

    KLIMA: Ulíková neutralita a realita - Neviditelný pes
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: lol, korekce od michela manna ,)

    TUHO --- ---
    smutnej priklad ten musk. deforestace je samozrejme vyraznej prispevek kr klimaticky zmene - a ne kdesi v budoucnosti, ale ted

    TUHO --- ---
    Echo24 nezklme aneb “blud typu klimaticke krize” ehm ,)

    Tvůj model by ztrácel opodstatnění už tím, že úměra mezi vzděláním a rozhledem mizí. Na Západě se jasné bludy typu 50 pohlaví a vyhlašování klimatických krizí rodí na univerzitách a formálně vzdělaní lidé je vnucují ostatním. Přichází to už i k nám.

    Hlupáci už zase umlčují inteligenci - Echo24.cz
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TUHO: na obranu Vávrovo dcery, je v pátý třídě a nemůže za jeblýho otce
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam