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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Dont confuse me with the facts!
    TUHO --- ---
    One of the Koch network’s most powerful allies was on board: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
    Though Charles Koch is one of the 25 richest people in the world, worth an estimated $64 billion, he raises money from other wealthy people to amplify the network’s reach. The network brought in at least $700 million in 2021, the most recent year for which data is available. It has more than 1,000 employees who, on paper, work for different groups.

    But for all its complexity, the network is a centralized operation, staffers said. Many of the groups occupy the same buildings in Arlington, Virginia, and share leadership and often staff. Many of the donations go into a central pot, from which hundreds of millions of dollars are disbursed to the smaller groups focused on various political and social concerns, according to tax filings and former employees.

    For decades, the Kochs have held deep antipathy to government regulation. When Charles Koch’s brother David ran for vice president on the Libertarian Party ticket in 1980, the party platform called for abolishing the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy and the Food and Drug Administration.

    Every winter, the network holds its marquee fundraising event in the Coachella Valley in Southern California. Hundreds of donors fly in to learn how their money is being spent and plan for the coming year. Former staffers describe an emphasis on preventing leaks that bordered on obsession. The network often rents out an entire hotel for the event, keeping out eavesdroppers. Documents left behind are methodically shredded. One recent attendee recalled Koch security staff in a golf cart escorting their Uber driver out of the hotel to make sure he left. The former staffers spoke on the condition of anonymity because they feared retaliation.

    Clarence Thomas Secretly Participated in Koch Network Donor Events — ProPublica
    TUHO --- ---
    nejakej okamura opet a kolovratek s clauserem, clintel, modely neumi apod

    To Gretu nepotěší. Vůbec není... - Tomio Okamura - SPD
    TUHO --- ---
    allatra v mhd

    Proruská sekta inzeruje na linkách MHD. Věří v nadvládu Slovanů | Domov | Lidovky.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: recenze naomi oreskes na knizku “rise of deadly anti-science” - o paralelach mezi antivax hnutim a climate denial
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Another suggestion in the book is that academic institutions and scientific organisations need to do more to stand up against anti-scientific aggression, and to encourage scientific outreach and public engagement. Hotez notes that the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine—along with many individual scientists—have largely stood on the sidelines of these debates, most likely for fear of being seen to be “political”. As Hotez argues, the difficulty with this position is that the anti-science problem we face is political. When scientists refuse to acknowledge this, we are being unscientific, because we are ignoring evidence. Similarly, when scientists dismiss anti-scientific claims as “emotional”, we are ignoring the well-established evidence that most people respond more to emotional appeals—and appeals to core values—than they do to dry facts. And when we stand on the sidelines, refusing on principle to become involved in a partisan debate, we allow anti-scientific forces to frame the terms of that debate.
    TUHO --- ---
    The individuals and organisations who opposed mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic and resist vaccination today in the USA overlap with those who deny climate change, and for a known reason: they are generally ideologically opposed to “big government”, whether in the marketplace to put a tax on carbon-based fuels, or in schools, workplaces, and public places to require masking and vaccination. It is not a coincidence that the Great Barrington Declaration, which opposed COVID-19 lockdowns and advocated herd immunity, was the product of a conference hosted by the American Institute for Economic Research, which promotes “personal freedom, free enterprise, property rights, limited government, and sound money”. It is also no coincidence that the Great Barrington Declaration—like the Oregon Petition before it that challenged mainstream climate science—takes the form of a petition. Petitions are political instruments, not scientific ones.

    TUHO --- ---
    "V srpnu společnost Elektrárna Chvaletice vlastněná miliardářem Pavlem Tykačem podala proti našemu spolku návrh na zrušení domény elektrarnachvaletice.cz, na které od roku 2019 běží web který provoz kritizuje.
    Najali jsme si adovokáta a bráníme se, jeho práci ale musíme zaplatit a připravit se na pokračování sporu.


    O co jde? Elektrárna Chvaletice už roky bojuje o získání výjimky na množství emisí rtuti, protože ani po rekonstrukci neplní zákonné limity. O celé kauze více zde: https://nolog.link/s/seven-fb

    Zároveň společnost kolem roku 2018 spustila kampaň "7 Pro Čistý Vzduch" (https://nolog.link/s/7arch), kde v podstatě tvrdila že jejich uhelná elektrárna čistí ovzduší 🙃.


    V reakci na to vznikl později satirický web elektrarnachvaletice.cz, který se proti absurdním tvrzením elektrárny ohrazuje a který nyní provozujeme. Elektrárna argumentuje, že naše doména je shodná s chráněným označením její firmy a že poškozujeme její dobré jméno.


    Podpořte NoLog v obraně před účelovou žalobou | Darujme.cz
    Podpořte NoLog v obraně před účelovou žalobou | Darujme.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    American PR Firm Edelman Enabled Oil Baron Al Jaber’s Ascension to Lead COP28 Climate Conference - DeSmog
    KEB --- ---
    NYRLEM: samozřejmě, že roste rychleji, postavit uhelku je snazší než to samé ve větru nebo slunci a oni tu elektriku potřebují.

    Ne, nepřipojí se, budou jak curaci každý rok trnout, jestli tři soutěsky neprdnou a nesplachnou půl Číny do hajzlu, teda do moře
    TUHO --- ---
    The state of California has filed a sweeping climate lawsuit against Exxon Mobil, Shell, BP, ConocoPhillips, and Chevron, as well as the domestic oil industry's biggest lobby, the American Petroleum Institute.

    The suit, filed on Friday in San Francisco Superior Court, claims that the companies misled the public for decades about climate change and the dangers of fossil fuels. It demands the companies help fund recovery efforts related to California's extreme weather events, from rising sea levels to drought and wildfires, that have been supercharged by human-caused climate change.

    California sues oil giants, claiming they downplayed climate change for decades : NPR
    NYRLEM --- ---
    KEB: muzu se ptat stejne, kde se bere ta pohadka, ze se pripoji .. na produkci ze solaru a vetru nema ani osminu, fosilni produkce v absolutnich cislech roste rychleji nez OZE ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy_in_China
    KEB --- ---
    NYRLEM: kde se pořád bere ta pohádka o tom, že svět se nepřipojí? Čína staví v obnovitelných zdrojích víc než celý svět dohromady, valí reaktor za reaktorem a prý se chystá zavádět vlastní systém povolenek.
    TUHO --- ---
    California is the world’s largest economy to file a climate lawsuit against fossil fuel companies, joining more than 40 other U.S. states and municipalities

    CALIFORNIA — California has sued ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Shell, ConocoPhillips, and the American Petroleum Institute to make them pay for lying to the public for decades about their fossil fuel products’ central role in the climate crisis, joining a growing nationwide wave of climate accountability lawsuits against Big Oil.

    California Sues Big Oil for Climate Deception
    TUHO --- ---
    klimatickou agendu ma po timmermansovi prejmout typek, ktery pracoval tumtudummm… pro Shell! fuck me

    In order to protect the integrity of the European Unions' climate action, we urge you to ensure that the EU Commissioner nominee Wopke Hoekstra is not given the climate portfolio as planned.

    As a former Shell employee with a history of support for policies and initiatives that are in conflict with climate solutions, this would be a dangerous appointment. We are asking for a climate champion leading the EU's green transition and not someone who is friendly with the fossil fuel industry. And that we address the corporate capture of EU politics with a conflict of interest framework.

    Take action for a real EU climate leader
    TUHO --- ---
    New files shed light on ExxonMobil’s efforts to undermine climate science | US news | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    The Brainwashing Of America's Children | Climate Town
    TUHO --- ---
    Meteorologists, Scientists Explain Why There Is ‘No Climate Emergency’ | The Epoch Times
    TUHO --- ---
    Exxon’s public acceptance in 2006 of the risks posed by climate change was an early act of Rex Tillerson, an Exxon lifer who became CEO that year. Some viewed him as a moderating force who brought Exxon in line with the scientific consensus.

    The documents reviewed by the Journal, which haven’t been previously reported, cast Tillerson’s decadelong tenure in a different light. They show that Tillerson, as well as some of Exxon’s board directors and other top executives, sought to cast doubt on the severity of climate change’s impacts. Exxon scientists supported research that questioned the findings of mainstream climate science, even after the company said it would stop funding think tanks and others that promoted climate-change denial.

    Inside Exxon’s Strategy to Downplay Climate Change - WSJ
    TADEAS --- ---

    Alexandr Vondra ostře o von der Leyenové: Green Deal je tragédie - CNN Prima NEWS
    TUHO --- ---
    Atlas Network a kriminalizace protestu

    Meet the Shadowy Global Network Vilifying Climate Protesters | The New Republic
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