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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    ÚHEL POHLEDU: V nedávném rozhovoru s Barborou Tachecí se novinář Daniel Kaiser urputně pustil do evropského plánu na snižování emisí skleníkových plynů. Debata o něm je na místě, ale je třeba se opírat o relevantní fakta a data. Bohužel Daniel Kaiser svůj odpor ale odůvodňuje argumenty, které jsou spíše nepodložené mýty. V následujícím komentáři shrnu proč.

    1. První omyl je výrok, že nebyla potvrzena hypotéza o vlivu lidské aktivity na růst podílu CO2 v atmosféře. Pro to existuje již více než půlstoletí řada velmi přesvědčivých důkazů.
    2. Druhý omyl Daniela Kaisera je přesvědčení, že výsledky klimatických modelů jsou irelevantní, protože výrazně nadhodnocují zvýšení globální teploty. Již modely ze 70. let přitom velmi slušně předpověděly pozorovaný trend. Máme tedy padesát let předpovědí, které jsou potvrzené pozorováním.
    3. Třetí omyl Daniela Kaisera vyplývá z přesvědčení, že EU přispívá k emisím skleníkových plynů zanedbatelně. To není pravda. EU má roční podíl 7 procent globálních emisí při podílu necelých 6 procent na globální populaci. Ale hlavně to, co mění klima, jsou nahromaděné skleníkové plyny v atmosféře, nikoliv roční emise. CO2 působí v atmosféře stovky let. A EU je k roku 2022 s emitovanými 295 miliardami tun CO2, druhý největší znečišťovatel na světě po USA.

    Náraz do klimatických mýtů - Echo24.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    LINKOS: wow, krasa. to bude mnamka, ale pred spanim to uz asi nehecnu :) poslouchal si?
    LINKOS --- ---
    Klimatický dezinformátor ve veřejnoprávním médiu.
    Kaiser: Hypotéza o oteplování planety není dokázaná. Fiala by se měl Green Dealu aktivně bránit
    TUHO --- ---
    For a long time there’s been a call amongst some climate advocates in the U.S. for the government to nationalize oil in order to manage the transition away from fossil fuels. The counter-argument is usually to point at countries like Venezuela, Russia, Saudi Arabia, or the United Arab Emirates, all of which have only doubled down on fossil fuel development since nationalizing their industries. With that in mind, we began in 2023 to dig into this question and get a feel for how petrostates operate, starting with the host of this year’s Conference of the Parties (COP28), the United Arab Emirates.

    Our partners on much of this first phase of petrostate reporting are the Centre for Climate Reporting in the U.K.

    Investigations - Petrostates | Drilled
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    Dvouhodinovy webinar o Atlas Network a popirani klimaticke vedy

    The Atlas Network: Big oil, climate disinformation and constitutional democracy
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    Monbiot o Atlas Network, hlobalni site neoliberalnich think tanku, ktery mj madivne sirej climate denial

    Milei is attempting, with a vast “emergency” decree and a monster “reform bill”, what the Conservatives have done in the UK over 45 years. The crash programme bears striking similarities to Liz Truss’s “mini” (maxi) budget, which trashed the prospects of many poor and middle-class people and exacerbated the turmoil that now dominates public life.

    Coincidence? Not at all. Milei’s programme was heavily influenced by Argentinian neoliberal thinktanks belonging to something called the Atlas Network, a global coordinating body that promotes broadly the same political and economic package everywhere it operates. It was founded in 1981 by a UK citizen, Antony Fisher. Fisher was also the founder of the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), one of the first members of the Atlas Network.

    What links Rishi Sunak, Javier Milei and Donald Trump? The shadowy network behind their policies | George Monbiot | The Guardian
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    Climate Change Conspiracy Theories | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science
    KEB --- ---
    Ho ho ho, milé děti, Santa KeBaus vám dovezl nadílku!

    Diskuze - Zcela mimo měřítka. Šílenost roku 2023 v pěti grafech - Seznam Zprávy

    Tady si tuho může nabrat do sytosti!
    TUHO --- ---
    Allatra na Slovensku

    Vůdce sekty se skrývá na Slovensku. Přivezl si i ženy zvané nebeští ptáčci - Seznam Zprávy
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    Dominant counter-frames in influential climate contrarian European think tanks | Climatic Change
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    Opec rails against fossil fuel phase-out at Cop28 in leaked letters | Cop28 | The Guardian
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    Petro-pedagogy: fossil fuel interests and the obstruction of climate justice in public education
    The corporate control of energy production and the reach of fossil capital into civil and political society can be understood as a regime of obstruction that is preventing necessary action on climate change and blocking a just energy transition. In addition to overt forms of economic power and influence, hegemonic power is central to the fossil fuel industry’s regime of obstruction. Based on 29 interviews and an analysis of third-party teaching resources, this article shows how teaching practices and resources work to centre, legitimize, and entrench a set of beliefs relating to climate change, energy, and environmentalism that align with the interests of fossil fuel industry actors in Saskatchewan, Canada. We argue that these pedagogical practices promote student subjectivities consistent with neoliberal environmentalism centred on individual actions designed to insulate fossil fuel industries from criticism and dissuade young people from questioning or understanding the role of corporate power in the climate crisis. Furthermore, this petro-pedagogy intends to restrict the imagination of possible climate solutions to individual acts of conservation that fail to challenge the structural growth of fossil fuel consumption. This paper advances these teaching practices and resources as a ‘pedagogical arm’ of the regime of obstruction.
    TUHO --- ---
    PLOS nema zrovna dobrou povest, takze cist s vedomim, ze text je nutne doublechekcnout

    Climate obstruction in the Global South: Future research trajectories
    “Climate Obstruction” broadly refers to campaigns and other policy actions led by well-organized and financed networks of corporate and other actors who have actively sought to prevent global and/or national action on climate change over the past four decades. In turn, these campaigns often shape public debates, which can affect political support and collective mobilization to mitigate climate change. However, to date, most of the research on climate obstruction has focused on countries in the Global North, especially the United States. Given considerable gaps in research and knowledge, this opinion paper presents a future research agenda needs to shine greater light on if and in what form climate obstruction in the Global South appears.

    Climate obstruction in the Global South: Future research trajectories | PLOS Climate
    TADEAS --- ---
    If the first solar entrepreneur hadn’t been kidnapped, would fossil fuels have dominated the 20th century the way they did? - The Permaculture Research Institute

    Cove’s company, Sun Electric Generator Corporation, based in New York, was capitalised at US$5 million (around US$160 million in today’s money). By 1909, the idea had gained widespread media attention. Modern Electric magazine highlighted how “given two days’ sun… [the device] will store sufficient electrical energy to light an ordinary house for a week”.

    It noted how cheap solar energy could liberate people from poverty, “bringing them cheap light, heat and power, and freeing the multitude from the constant struggle for bread”. The piece went on to speculate how even aeroplanes could be powered by batteries charged by the sun. A clean energy future seemed to be there for the taking.

    Vested interests?
    Then, according to a report in The New York Herald on 19 October 1909, Cove was kidnapped. The condition for his release required forgoing his solar patent and shutting down the company. Cove refused and was later released near Bronx Zoo.

    But after this incident, his solar business fizzled out. Which seems odd – in the years before the kidnapping, he had developed several iterations of the solar device, improving it each time
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: plus

    'Reckless to the Point of Madness': How the Murdoch Empire Hacked British Politics – Byline Times
    TUHO --- ---
    Troxhu OT, ale Murdochovy media jsou jednim z top climate denial zdroju

    'News Corp Was Out to Get Me': Chris Huhne Condemns Murdoch Empire after Settlement for Phone-Hacking and Intrusion – Byline Times
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    Experiences of modernity in the greenhouse: A cultural analysis of a physicist “trio” supporting the backlash against global warming
    Myanna Lahsen

    This paper identifies cultural and historical dimensions that structure US climate science politics. It explores why a key subset of scientists—the physicist founders and leaders of the influential George C. Marshall Institute—chose to lend their scientific authority to this movement which continues to powerfully shape US climate policy. The paper suggests that these physicists joined the environmental backlash to stem changing tides in science and society, and to defend their preferred understandings of science, modernity, and of themselves as a physicist elite—understandings challenged by on-going transformations encapsulated by the widespread concern about human-induced climate change.

    Experiences of modernity in the greenhouse: A cultural analysis of a physicist “trio” supporting the backlash against global warming - ScienceDirect
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    Some Realism About Environmental Skepticism: The Implications of Bjørn Lomborg's The Skeptical Environmentalist for Environmental Law and Policy
    Douglas A. Kysar
    Ecology Law Quarterly

    TUHO --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: tematicky

    Triko Evil Professor - Never Enough Ltd. Never Enough Ltd. - Premium Streetwear Praha

    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: modra, nikoliv zelena planeta :-)))
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate change contrarian think tanks in Europe: A network analysis

    Drawing from network theory and previous findings from US-based analyses, we measure the structure and interconnectedness of climate contrarian think tanks in Europe. This exploratory analysis can illustrate European organizations’ capacity to promote or disrupt political discourse. To this end, we use social network analysis to conduct actor-focused research. We identify the individuals bridging European think tanks, as well as their ties with the US climate change contrarian network. Our analysis reveals a discernible network structure for European climate change contrarian think tanks, with a profile connected to neoliberal organizations, including a few, but highly relevant links, with the US countermovement. We also find that the European think tanks’ institutional structure is very much shaped by a strong predominance of men, which aligns with previous research on masculinity and climate contrarianism.

    TUHO --- ---
    Researchers have revealed that fossil fuel companies paid Meta, which owns social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, up to $5.12 million (€4.68 million) for climate disinformation ads in recent months.
    Four oil and gas majors — Shell, ExxonMobil, BP and TotalEnergies — accounted for 98% of that advertising spending, noted "Deny, Deceive, Delay (Vol.3): Climate Information Integrity Ahead of COP28," a new report published by the global research coalition Climate Action Against Disinformation (CAAD).
    The pro-fossil fuel social media advertisements serve to reinforce — and monetize — climate disinformation generated by right-wing news websites and publications like The Daily Telegraph in the UK, The Daily Wire and Breitbart in the US, and Sky News in Australia.
    On Facebook, ads surveyed included misleading green claims about Big Oil's commitment to renewable energy — despite the sector providing barely 1% of global investment in clean power, the report noted.
    Ads simultaneously promoted the need to maintain the flow of oil and gas, which are among the biggest sources of planet-heating greenhouse gases that delegates in Dubai are looking to phase out.
    "We're increasing investment in lower carbon energy and keeping oil and gas flowing where it is needed," ran one Facebook ad by petroleum giant, BP.

    Climate lies ramp up ahead of crucial climate talks in Dubai – DW – 11/29/2023
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