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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: tematicky

    Triko Evil Professor - Never Enough Ltd. Never Enough Ltd. - Premium Streetwear Praha

    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: modra, nikoliv zelena planeta :-)))
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate change contrarian think tanks in Europe: A network analysis

    Drawing from network theory and previous findings from US-based analyses, we measure the structure and interconnectedness of climate contrarian think tanks in Europe. This exploratory analysis can illustrate European organizations’ capacity to promote or disrupt political discourse. To this end, we use social network analysis to conduct actor-focused research. We identify the individuals bridging European think tanks, as well as their ties with the US climate change contrarian network. Our analysis reveals a discernible network structure for European climate change contrarian think tanks, with a profile connected to neoliberal organizations, including a few, but highly relevant links, with the US countermovement. We also find that the European think tanks’ institutional structure is very much shaped by a strong predominance of men, which aligns with previous research on masculinity and climate contrarianism.

    TUHO --- ---
    Researchers have revealed that fossil fuel companies paid Meta, which owns social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, up to $5.12 million (€4.68 million) for climate disinformation ads in recent months.
    Four oil and gas majors — Shell, ExxonMobil, BP and TotalEnergies — accounted for 98% of that advertising spending, noted "Deny, Deceive, Delay (Vol.3): Climate Information Integrity Ahead of COP28," a new report published by the global research coalition Climate Action Against Disinformation (CAAD).
    The pro-fossil fuel social media advertisements serve to reinforce — and monetize — climate disinformation generated by right-wing news websites and publications like The Daily Telegraph in the UK, The Daily Wire and Breitbart in the US, and Sky News in Australia.
    On Facebook, ads surveyed included misleading green claims about Big Oil's commitment to renewable energy — despite the sector providing barely 1% of global investment in clean power, the report noted.
    Ads simultaneously promoted the need to maintain the flow of oil and gas, which are among the biggest sources of planet-heating greenhouse gases that delegates in Dubai are looking to phase out.
    "We're increasing investment in lower carbon energy and keeping oil and gas flowing where it is needed," ran one Facebook ad by petroleum giant, BP.

    Climate lies ramp up ahead of crucial climate talks in Dubai – DW – 11/29/2023
    TUHO --- ---
    The international relations literature often assumes that negotiators in global regimes are actively seeking a collective agreement to the problem on the table. There are cases, however, where a delegation may instead be “striving for no,” that is, participating with the aim of obstructing a deal. This article explores the challenges surrounding such cases of “obstructionism,” using the example of Saudi Arabia in the climate change regime. It examines the evidence for diagnosing Saudi Arabia as an obstructionist in that regime, the delegation's negotiating tactics, strategies for addressing obstructionism, and finally the repercussions for both the climate change regime, and Saudi Arabia itself. In conclusion, the article considers whether Saudi Arabia may be moving bey

    https://direct.mit.edu/glep/article-abstract/8/4/9/14728/Striving-for-No-Saudi-Arabia-in-the-Climate-Changeond obstruction.
    TUHO --- ---
    Prej je tedka na instaci nova petrolhead hvezdicka Filip Turek. Uplne jsem mijel doted :(

    Už teď tu může jezdit milion elektroaut, tvrdí šéf asociace pro elektromobilitu | TN.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    na obzoeu dalsi funky projekt

    Bari Weiss' New "Fiercely Independent" University Closely Tied to Right-Wing Koch Network - EXPOSEDbyCMD
    TUHO --- ---
    That Which They Will Not See: Climate Denial as a Vector of Epistemological Crisis in the Contemporary United States
    Susannah Crockford

    Climate denial continues as a cultural epistemology for anthropogenic climate change in the United States, despite worsening impacts. This article offers an ethnographic account of rural areas in three states in the southern US – Arizona, Louisiana, and Missouri – based on long-term participant observation and interview data. Engaging with the literature on agnotology, the social construction of ignorance, the argument is made that this literature as it pertains to climate denial does not go far enough in accounting for the persistence of the rejection of climate science. Theoretically drawing from anthropological work on the incommensurability of paradigms, the argument is based on a tripartite construction of denial as produced through an interaction of a cultural norm of radical empiricism, a political-media ecosystem funded by fossil fuel companies, and a cosmological schema derived from conservative white evangelicalism. The result of this process is an epistemological crisis in contemporary American society.

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    ROZHOVOR, 25min

    Cenu za komunikaci změny klimatu za rok 2023 získal Klimatým Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky.

    Jeho členové se snaží o práci na osvětě, kultivaci diskuse a přemosťování názorových rozdílů, které ve veřejném prostoru panují. „Klima není jenom o ochraně ledních medvědů, ale o našich každodenních životech,“ říká analytička Vendula Kazlauskas.

    Změna klimatu je vnímána jako aktivistické téma, co má potenciál rozdělovat, říká oceněná analytička Kazlauskas | Plus
    ARAON --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: To je ale ukrutnej kreten...
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    počasí nebo klima? jakési studie. A ,noho dalších perlíček na dně

    Je strašně těžké si přiznat, že žádná klimatická krize neexistuje. Jakési vědecké studie tvrdí, že existuje. Jiné zase říkají, že ne. Vědci vždy najdou argumenty pro i proti, opírat se o vědecké studie je ošidné. Lepší je využít vlastní rozum.

    V současnosti jsme zmasírováni myšlenkami mládežníků, kteří ani pořádně nechodili do školy. Válcují nám do hlav, že možná za deset let už nebude na světě možné žít. Opak je pravdou. Žít tady bude možné stovky, tisíce dalších let. Realita je taková, že počasí je každým dnem jiné. Někdy prší, jindy sněží. Chvilku je sucho a potom zase mokro.

    Dalibor Martínek: Západ se vyžívá v klimatickém trýznění | Newstream

    Šest let byl šéfredaktorem týdeníku Ekonom

    Dalibor Martínek, komentátor s neotřelým pohledem na svět | Newstream
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate Denial Revisited: (Re)contextualising Russian Public Discourse on Climate Change during Putin 2.0

    In this article we examine Russia’s recent public discourse on climate change, with a special focus on the arguments denying anthropogenic climate change. We scrutinise the ways in which denial arguments presented in the media are tied to the changing Russian political and economic context, especially the increasingly authoritarian turn in governance during President Vladimir Putin’s third term in office (Putin 2.0). We conclude that the Russian discourse on climate change emphasises Russia’s Great Power status, identifying its sovereignty and fossil energy as the basis of this status. This discourse refers to key categories, including Russia’s national identity and the spatial–material characteristics of the Russian state.

    TUHO --- ---
    Blogging about Climate Change in Russia: Activism, Scepticism and Conspiracies

    The article explores the new media’s role in climate change communication in Russia. By providing an open space for the expression of very diverse points of view, the internet creates a substitute media reality where both climate activists and climate sceptics can question the established discourse. Analysis of 374 entries published on the LiveJournal blogging platform has resulted in the identification of four discursive categories: “conspiracies of climate change,” “climate change impact,” “political games of climate change” and “online (anti-)environmentalism.” Each category demonstrates how the same topic can be framed in very different ways depending on bloggers’ worldview rather than the nature of the discussed environmental problem. The findings also show that the blogs act as “echo-chambers” for both climate deniers and climate activists reinforcing their behold beliefs. Finally, the analysis discovers some parallels with the traditional media coverage in their minimal critique of Russian state policy on climate.

    TUHO --- ---
    Russian climate scepticism: an understudied case

    In this paper, we consider climate scepticism in the Russian context. We are interested in whether this has been discussed within the social scientific literature and ask first whether there is a discernible climate sceptical discourse in Russia. We find that there is very little literature directly on this topic in either English or Russian and we seek to synthesise related literature to fill the gap. Secondly, we consider whether Russian climate scepticism has been shaped by the same factors as in the USA, exploring how scientists, the media, public opinion, the government and business shaped climate scepticism in Russia. Climate scepticism in the USA is understood as a ‘conservative countermovement’ that seeks to react against the perceived gains of the progressive environmental movement, but we argue that this is not an appropriate framework for understanding Russian climate scepticism. Articulated within a less agonistic environment and situated within an authoritarian regime, Russian expressions of climate scepticism balance the environmental, political and economic needs of the regime under the constraints of a strong ‘carbon culture’ and closed public debate.

    Russian climate scepticism: an understudied case | Climatic Change
    TUHO --- ---
    A growing body of scholarship investigates the role of misinformation in shaping the debate on climate change. Our research builds on and extends this literature by (1) developing and validating a comprehensive taxonomy of climate contrarianism, (2) conducting the largest content analysis to date on contrarian claims, (3) developing a computational model to accurately classify specific claims, and (4) drawing on an extensive corpus from conservative think-tank (CTTs) websites and contrarian blogs to construct a detailed history of claims over the past 20 years. Our study finds that the claims utilized by CTTs and contrarian blogs have focused on attacking the integrity of climate science and scientists and, increasingly, has challenged climate policy and renewable energy. We further demonstrate the utility of our approach by exploring the influence of corporate and foundation funding on the production and dissemination of specific contrarian claims.

    Computer-assisted classification of contrarian claims about climate change | Scientific Reports
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Prezentace
    Kristofer Ekberg on A road to denial
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: In Climate Obstruction: How Denial, Delay and Inaction are Heating the Planet, Kristoffer Ekberg, Bernhard Forchtner, Martin Hultman and Kirsti Jylhä bring together crucial insights from environmental history, sociology, media and communication studies and psychology to help us understand why we are failing to take necessary measures to avert the unfolding climate crisis.

    They do so by examining the variety of ways in which meaningful climate action has been obstructed. This ranges from denial of the scientific evidence for human-induced climate change and its policy consequences, to (seemingly sincere) acknowledgement of scientific evidence while nevertheless delaying meaningful climate action. The authors also consider all those actions by which often well-meaning individuals and collectives (unintendedly) hamper climate action. In doing so, this book maps out arguments and strategies that have been used to counter environmental protection and regulation since the 1960s by, first and foremost, corporations supported by conservative actors, but also far-right ones as well as ordinary citizens.

    This timely and accessible book provides tools and lessons to understand, identify and call out such arguments and strategies, and points to actions and systemic and cultural changes needed to avert or at least mitigate the climate crisis.
    TUHO --- ---
    A Road to Denial: Climate Change and Neoliberal Thought in Sweden, 1988–2000
    Neoliberal and conservative actors, financed by the fossil fuel industry, have been identified as crucial parts of a climate change denialist counter movement since at least the 1980s. We claim that this intersection stems from more than just vested interest fuelling advocacy groups. By focusing on the intellectual developments and social networks of core actors in the environmental debate in Sweden, we trace the history of opposition to environmental regulation in a country proclaiming to be an environmental pioneer. Our analysis shows that while the framing of climate change in terms of complexity initially provided actors with arguments for neoliberal policies, the obstruction of climate and environmental action was steeped in a neoliberal thought style. Our findings demonstrate the importance of scrutinising economic paradigms and thought styles that has enabled the delay of climate policy as well as the continued need for historical and geographically specific studies of obstruction.

    A Road to Denial: Climate Change and Neoliberal Thought in Sweden, 1988–2000 | Contemporary European History | Cambridge Core
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