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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Dont confuse me with the facts!
    TUHO --- ---
    Americké Centrum pro boj proti digitální nenávisti ve své studii zkoumalo videa na YouTube za posledních šest let. Zaměřilo se na vývoj, jakým prošlo popírání změny klimatu od roku 2018. Výzkumníci využili umělou inteligenci, pracovali se skoro stovkou informačních kanálů různého typu a prozkoumali přes 12 tisíc videí.

    zjistili, že počet dezinformačních tvrzení, která popírají, že se změna klimatu vůbec děje, prudce klesl. Ze 48 na 14 procent. Naopak se ztrojnásobil počet tvrzení, že řešení změny klimatu jako třeba solární a větrná energetika nebudou fungovat.

    Skokově se také zvýšil počet tvrzení, která zpochybňují práci vědců. Celkově tyto nové metody, které se snaží zpomalit modernizaci hospodářství nebo ochranu před suchem či znečištěním, už tvoří většinu dezinformačních tvrzení, naopak to prvoplánové popíračství se dostalo do menšiny.

    Dezinfovideí popírajících změnu klimatu výrazně ubylo | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    No, global warming is not 50% of what CMIP6 models predict.
    The title is a reference to a post by Dr Roy Spencer titled
    "An Earth Day Reminder: “Global Warming” is Only ~50% of What Models Predict"
    It was reposted at WUWT here. I commented at both places.

    The title is somewhat misleading; the post treats a subset of SST (sea surface temperature), not global warming, and does not deal with a supposed failure of a prediction, but a possible discrepancy in SST in the years 1979-2020, as modelled in the latest round (CMIP6). Here is Dr Roy's main plot:

    moyhu: No, global warming is not 50% of what CMIP6 models predict.
    TUHO --- ---
    Solidni meta smycka

    (...)Policie podle prokuratury pojala podezření, když několik ohňů vzplálo během krátkého času bez zjevné příčiny. O Parého se začala zajímat kvůli tomu, že byl spatřen poblíž několika míst zachvácených plameny.
    Policie také objevila příspěvky na sociálních sítích, v nichž Paré vinil kanadskou vládu, že zakládá požáry, aby přesvědčila lidi o existenci klimatických změn.

    Kanaďan se přiznal ke 14 lesním požárům. Předtím tvrdil, že je založila vláda | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Inside the Campaign That Put an Oil Boss in Charge of a Climate Summit

    Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, CEO of the UAE’s national oil company, mobilized a PR army to secure the COP28 presidency despite concerns over his green credentials.
    TUHO --- ---
    News - Inside the Campaign That Put an Oil Boss in Charge of a Climate Summit | Drilled
    TUHO --- ---
    What I don't think most people realize, and what that PR industry spokesperson would probably prefer they didn't, is that PR is still very much propaganda, except now it also has the sort of distribution mechanism Bernays only dreamed of, compliments of social media. To even hope to combat it, we first have to understand what exactly we're dealing with here. At its most basic, PR is the management of a company or industry's relationship with various "publics." Those publics consist of a company's customers, broader cultural influencers, politicians, journalists, teachers, thought leaders, other industries, competitors, potential hires, employees, investors, shareholders, the list goes on and on. With each of these publics, the company or industry is trying to elicit a particular behavior—they want you to buy their thing, or vote for a particular policy or, if you're a politician, maybe they want you to advocate for or against regulatory changes of some kind.

    PR firms help companies do all of that. They set up photo opps for their clients to be seen amongst particular crowds of people, arrange speaking engagements at the right conferences, set up meetings with diplomats and tech leaders, and advise on philanthropic strategies. So when, for example, Charles Koch began investing millions in MIT to fund research that would later underpin policies locking in support for natural gas and then carbon capture in the U.S., it's entirely possible that his foundation's PR firm, Edelman, was advising on that strategy. We've covered before how PR firms carefully crafted the persona of Al Jaber, and helped to successfully position the UAE to win its COP28 hosting bid. This is work that goes way beyond sending out press releases or occasionally meeting with journalists, these are information warfare tactics. And for good reason. The founders of most of today's top PR firms got their training in military intelligence and psychological warfare (for real!) then put that knowledge to work on behalf of corporations looking for an end-run around democracy.

    The Many Forms of Fossil Fuel Propaganda
    TUHO --- ---
    Newly-discovered Shell documents dating back decades could help strengthen lawsuits aiming to hold the oil major to account for climate damages, climate attorneys say.
    Among the files, reported for the first time today by DeSmog and Follow The Money, and published on Climate Files, there is a 1970 industry journal article where Shell appears to accept responsibility for harms caused by its products. A trove of Shell publications from the 1980s and 1990s foresee the “major adverse changes” the “greenhouse effect” is liable to cause to the climate.
    And a 1998 report spells out Shell’s reasons for leaving the Global Climate Coalition, a now defunct lobby group that worked to undermine climate science. The document shows that Shell had

    acknowledged the need to adopt “prudent precautionary measures” to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis — even as it continued to push for more production of oil and gas.

    New Shell Files Could Aid Climate Cases, Attorneys Say  - DeSmog
    LINKOS --- ---
    TUHO: Jo, pláče tam nad ods, že už to není jako za Klause a tak. Nejlepší je jak Green deal je sociální inženýrství a Tachecí mu přiláká.
    TUHO --- ---
    LINKOS: wow, krasa. to bude mnamka, ale pred spanim to uz asi nehecnu :) poslouchal si?
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    Klimatický dezinformátor ve veřejnoprávním médiu.
    Kaiser: Hypotéza o oteplování planety není dokázaná. Fiala by se měl Green Dealu aktivně bránit
    TUHO --- ---
    For a long time there’s been a call amongst some climate advocates in the U.S. for the government to nationalize oil in order to manage the transition away from fossil fuels. The counter-argument is usually to point at countries like Venezuela, Russia, Saudi Arabia, or the United Arab Emirates, all of which have only doubled down on fossil fuel development since nationalizing their industries. With that in mind, we began in 2023 to dig into this question and get a feel for how petrostates operate, starting with the host of this year’s Conference of the Parties (COP28), the United Arab Emirates.

    Our partners on much of this first phase of petrostate reporting are the Centre for Climate Reporting in the U.K.

    Investigations - Petrostates | Drilled
    TUHO --- ---
    Dvouhodinovy webinar o Atlas Network a popirani klimaticke vedy

    The Atlas Network: Big oil, climate disinformation and constitutional democracy
    TUHO --- ---
    Monbiot o Atlas Network, hlobalni site neoliberalnich think tanku, ktery mj madivne sirej climate denial

    Milei is attempting, with a vast “emergency” decree and a monster “reform bill”, what the Conservatives have done in the UK over 45 years. The crash programme bears striking similarities to Liz Truss’s “mini” (maxi) budget, which trashed the prospects of many poor and middle-class people and exacerbated the turmoil that now dominates public life.

    Coincidence? Not at all. Milei’s programme was heavily influenced by Argentinian neoliberal thinktanks belonging to something called the Atlas Network, a global coordinating body that promotes broadly the same political and economic package everywhere it operates. It was founded in 1981 by a UK citizen, Antony Fisher. Fisher was also the founder of the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), one of the first members of the Atlas Network.

    What links Rishi Sunak, Javier Milei and Donald Trump? The shadowy network behind their policies | George Monbiot | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate Change Conspiracy Theories | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science
    KEB --- ---
    Ho ho ho, milé děti, Santa KeBaus vám dovezl nadílku!

    Diskuze - Zcela mimo měřítka. Šílenost roku 2023 v pěti grafech - Seznam Zprávy

    Tady si tuho může nabrat do sytosti!
    TUHO --- ---
    Allatra na Slovensku

    Vůdce sekty se skrývá na Slovensku. Přivezl si i ženy zvané nebeští ptáčci - Seznam Zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    Dominant counter-frames in influential climate contrarian European think tanks | Climatic Change
    TUHO --- ---
    Opec rails against fossil fuel phase-out at Cop28 in leaked letters | Cop28 | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Petro-pedagogy: fossil fuel interests and the obstruction of climate justice in public education
    The corporate control of energy production and the reach of fossil capital into civil and political society can be understood as a regime of obstruction that is preventing necessary action on climate change and blocking a just energy transition. In addition to overt forms of economic power and influence, hegemonic power is central to the fossil fuel industry’s regime of obstruction. Based on 29 interviews and an analysis of third-party teaching resources, this article shows how teaching practices and resources work to centre, legitimize, and entrench a set of beliefs relating to climate change, energy, and environmentalism that align with the interests of fossil fuel industry actors in Saskatchewan, Canada. We argue that these pedagogical practices promote student subjectivities consistent with neoliberal environmentalism centred on individual actions designed to insulate fossil fuel industries from criticism and dissuade young people from questioning or understanding the role of corporate power in the climate crisis. Furthermore, this petro-pedagogy intends to restrict the imagination of possible climate solutions to individual acts of conservation that fail to challenge the structural growth of fossil fuel consumption. This paper advances these teaching practices and resources as a ‘pedagogical arm’ of the regime of obstruction.
    TUHO --- ---
    PLOS nema zrovna dobrou povest, takze cist s vedomim, ze text je nutne doublechekcnout

    Climate obstruction in the Global South: Future research trajectories
    “Climate Obstruction” broadly refers to campaigns and other policy actions led by well-organized and financed networks of corporate and other actors who have actively sought to prevent global and/or national action on climate change over the past four decades. In turn, these campaigns often shape public debates, which can affect political support and collective mobilization to mitigate climate change. However, to date, most of the research on climate obstruction has focused on countries in the Global North, especially the United States. Given considerable gaps in research and knowledge, this opinion paper presents a future research agenda needs to shine greater light on if and in what form climate obstruction in the Global South appears.

    Climate obstruction in the Global South: Future research trajectories | PLOS Climate
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