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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    Then, in 1996, Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes, a former Republican Party strategist, started Fox News with the explicit intention of making it a vehicle for spreading conservative ideas. It quickly became the 24/7 anti-government channel. The right-wing commentators on Fox dispensed misinformation about government programs and spread rumors about government malfeasance. They regularly resorted to malicious slurs against government officials, calling them “idiots,” “Nazis,” “communists,” “fascists,” and “Satanists.” Ever since then, they have played a crucial role in the anti-government movement with their continuous efforts to defame, denigrate, and delegitimize government. It is hard to underestimate how instrumental media outlets like Fox News and conservative talk radio have been in encouraging many Americans to distrust, fear, and even hate government.

    Government is Good - The Anti-Government Campaign
    TUHO --- ---
    S. Fred Singer, All-Purpose Science Denier – Debunking Denial
    TUHO --- ---
    How to Escape Reality in 10 Simple Steps
    From »cherry pic data« to »play the anti-progress card«: 10 strategies to manipulate public opinion. Collected in an essay by Marloes de Valk.

    by Marloes de Valk / Netherlands — Mai 10, 2017

    How to Escape Reality in 10 Simple Steps - Akademie Schloss Solitude
    CHOSIE --- ---
    TUHO: Všichni zde přispívající mají můj velký obdiv, že jsou schopni toto sledovat, já to vždy po pár minutách nezvládnu, populismus v akci.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: According to the World Bank, oil and gas industries took in $3bn-a-day inflation-adjusted profits for the last 50 years (Carrington 2022). As one route to protect these profits, it was revealed that Saudi state-owned petroleum company Saudi Aramco financed “almost 500 studies over the past five years, including research aimed at keeping gasoline cars competitive or casting doubt on electric vehicles” (Tabuchi 2022)
    TUHO --- ---
    NYRLEM: TUHO: plus jeste dalsi literatura k tomuhle problemu je tady:

    TUHO --- ---
    Climate change countermovements and adaptive strategies: insights from Heartland Institute annual conferences a decade apart | Climatic Change
    TUHO --- ---
    Filip Turek 3. díl: Zastánci Green Dealu dnes vedou otevřený boj, jsou s námi ve válce
    TUHO --- ---
    Filip Turek 3. díl: Zastánci Green Dealu dnes vedou otevřený boj, jsou s námi ve válce - Rádio Universum
    TUHO --- ---
    How well have climate models predicted global warming?
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBwic8UcPGI

    Tady detailnejs Carbon Brief analyza modely vs observation v dlouhodobejsim horizontu .)

    Analysis: How well have climate models projected global warming? - Carbon Brief
    TUHO --- ---
    NYRLEM: Happer pouziva data ze satelitu, ktery dlouhodobe trpej celou radou zkresleni - problem s kalibraci senzoru, orbital driftu, diurnal korekce, ale taky hlavne ty satelity dost obtizne snimaj kus atmosfery (resp mikrovlny zareni molekul kysliku tusim) a nejsou schopny snimat naprimo data z troposfery a bejvaj kontaminovany datama ze stratosfery (ktera se ochlazuje vlivem sklenikovyho efektu), nektery jevy se tam dostavaj dost se zpozdenim a zdeformaovanym (El Nino).

    Je to celkem zajimava historie, nicmene odhaleny chyby v procesovani satelitnich dat to posunuly o dost bliz modelum, plus modely jsou v dobrym souladu s pozemnima stanicema.
    SEJDA --- ---
    NYRLEM: protoze tady porovnavas globalni prumernou teplotu s nejakym dobrym vyberem, aby ti vysla anonalie 0.2 a ne 1.0
    A projistotu zariznes data v 2015, aby se to nahodou neukazalo jenom zpozdene o 20 let ;)
    NYRLEM --- ---
    NYRLEM --- ---
    TUHO: maji to celkem podlozene, neda se rict, ze by nebyli z oboru, proc je to hoax? Napr. Tohle vypada jako validni..
    BASIK --- ---
    TUHO: Teda Johanne Nejedlovy respekt - jit do media tohohle typu debatovat zrovna s Turkem je z pohledu potencialniho publika rovnou prohranej boj a komentare to potvrzujou. Turek opakuje v podstate vsechno, co by se tak dalo cekat :)
    TUHO --- ---
    Turek a Nejedlová o klimatické změně a Green Dealu | Za pět minut dvanáct
    TUHO --- ---
    Epoch Times, Lindzen, Harpper

    Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a ‘Hoax’ | The Epoch Times
    TUHO --- ---
    Capitalism is an ecocidal engine constantly regenerating climate change denial

    The age of denial is over, we are told. Yet emissions continue to rise while gimmicks, graft, and green- washing distract the public from the climate violence suffered by the vulnerable. This timely, interdisciplinary contribution to the environmental humanities draws on the latest climatology, the first shoots of an energy transition, critical theory, Earth’s paleoclimate history, and trends in border violence to answer the most pressing question of our age: Why do we continue to squander the short time we have left? The symptoms suggest society’s inability to adjust is profound. Near Portland, militias incapable of accepting that the world is warming respond to a wildfire by hunting for imaginary left-wing arsonists. Europe erects nets in the Aegean Sea to capture migrants fleeing drought and war. An airline claims to be carbon neutral thanks to bogus cheap offsets. Drone strikes hit people living along the aridity line. Yes, Exxon knew as early as the 1970s, but the fundamental physics of carbon dioxide warming the Earth was already understood before the American Civil War. Will capitalists ever voluntarily walk away from hundreds of trillions of dollars in fossil fuels unless they are forced to do so? And, if not, who will apply the necessary pressure?

    Future of Denial: The Ideologies of Climate Change | Verso Books
    TUHO --- ---
    Clintel na Nove (a to nikoliv jako priklad dezinformacniho sumu, ale jako verohodneho zdroje).

    26 minu
    5. 5. 2024 - Jan Lipavský a Jiří Kobza | Za pět minut dvanáct | TV Nova

    Ke Clintelu par zdroju:

    Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) - DeSmog

    Experts Debunk Viral Post Claiming 1,100 Scientists Say ‘There’s No Climate Emergency’ - Inside Climate News
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