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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: While most climate scientists agreed that human-caused climate change was a real issue that would require action, a small group argued there was no cause for alarm. The plan was to pay these sceptics to give speeches or write op-eds - about $1,500 (£1,250) per article - and to arrange media tours so they could appear on local TV and radio stations
    TUHO --- ---

    Though few outside the PR industry might have heard of E Bruce Harrison or the eponymous company he had run since 1973, he had a string of campaigns for some of the US's biggest polluters under his belt.
    He had worked for the chemical industry discrediting research on the toxicity of pesticides; for the tobacco industry, and had recently run a campaign against tougher emissions standards for the big car makers. Harrison had built a firm that was considered one of the very best.
    Media historian Melissa Aronczyk, who interviewed Harrison before he died in 2021, says he was a strategic linchpin for his clients, ensuring everyone was on the same page.
    "He was a master at what he did," she says.
    TUHO --- ---
    K historii Global Climate Coalition (a roli PR firem v braneni klimaticke politice)

    President George HW Bush was a former oilman, and as a senior lobbyist told the BBC in 1990, his message on climate was the GCC's message.
    There would be no mandatory fossil fuel reductions.
    But all that changed in 1992. In June, the international community created a framework for climate action, and November's presidential election brought committed environmentalist Al Gore into the White House as vice-president. It was clear the new administration would try to regulate fossil fuels.
    The Coalition recognised that it needed strategic communications help and put out a bid for a public relations contractor.

    The audacious PR plot that seeded doubt about climate change
    TUHO --- ---
    Autoforum a dezinformace o elektromobilech #EV

    ANALÝZA: Štve vás elektromobilita? Možná vás překvapí, co vám utvořilo názor - strana 3 - iDNES.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    The percentage of organizations not employing PR firms ranged from 0% for the Gas & Oil Sector to a high of 33% for Renewable Energy Sector. Overall, on average, organizations engaged a PR firm 13.4 times over the entire study period. This ranged from a low of an average of 3 PR firms engaged by the Renewable Energy Sector organizations to a high of an average of 23.22 PR firms engaged by Utilities Sector organizations. An analysis of variance showed that the Utilities Sector had a significantly higher frequency of engaging PR firms than any of the other sectors.Footnote7 The high use of PR firms in the Utilities Sector was driven by the exceptional use of PR firms by General Electric and Siemens. These are highly visible corporations, and they clearly make a large investment in hiring PR firms. The public nature of most other utilities did not impact their levels of PR firm hiring in a manner at all comparable to GE and Siemens. Additionally, while the Gas & Oil Sector has an overall higher frequency of PR firm hiring than any of the other sectors in absolute terms, there is no statistically significant difference between the Coal/Steel/Rail Sector, the Gas & Oil Sector, and the Environmental Movement in terms of their PR firm use at the organizational level. Due to the small number of cases, an analysis of the Renewable Energy Sector was not conducted.

    The role of public relations firms in climate change politics | Climatic Change
    TUHO --- ---
    Boze muj

    Evropa a globální oteplování — Demagog.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate Facts Europe is a database created in collaboration with 24 member organisations of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network, supported by the European Climate Foundation. Its purpose is to increase cross-country collaboration while promoting access to verified climate information. In the database, you will find fact-checks, disinformation debunks, prebunking articles and narrative reports on transcontinental climate trends.

    EFCSN Climate Facts
    TUHO --- ---
    Long-read o backgroundu Filipa Turka, featuring popírání klimatické vědy, pití sava nebo pumpování krve ze psa (a nahrazování mořskou vodou)

    Ale plazmováním a zappováním to nekončilo. Zapper Club prodával řadu dalších bizarností. Podle knihy Paraziti v nás či přednášky Turkovy matky na Youtube, se prý v hlubokém oceánu nacházejí zdroje zvláštní vody, která má stejné vlastnosti jako krevní plazma. Turková na přednášce tvrdila, že při pokusech vypumpovali krev ze psa a nahradili ji touto mořskou vodou – a pes spokojeně žil! Tuto mořskou vodu s názvem „Quinton“ Turková doporučuje pít všem.

    Nutno říct, že to je zřejmě relativně neškodné v porovnání s dalšími věcmi, které šly na Turkově e-shopu pořídit. K nejagresivnějším patřila toxická žíravá průmyslová bělidla a dezinfekce. Turkova matka byla nadšenou propagátorkou MMS, tedy chemického roztoku, který se obvykle používá pro průmyslovou úpravu vody nebo jako průmyslové bělidlo. Jeho používání nemá žádné pozitivní zdravotní dopady, naopak je vysoce nebezpečné i v malých dávkách, působí totiž poleptání tkáně a někdy se může po požití uvolňovat plyn, který poleptá i plíce. Zdokumentováno je mnoho závažných zdravotních dopadů, včetně úmrtí dospělých i dětí, kterým přípravek podali jejich rodiče. Zjištění Státní zemědělské a potravinářské inspekce z roku 2010 říká: „Případ MMS je ukázkou naprosto bezohledného hazardování s lidským zdravím, přípravek slibuje konzumentům nemožné, jeho užíváním si však lidé mohou ublížit.“ Tento a další nebezpečné přípravky přitom léta prodával Turkův e-shop, jak ukazuje Internet Archive.

    Pozoruhodná dobrodružství Filipa Turka: od knížky vychvalující pití sava k popírání klimatické vědy – A2larm
    TUHO --- ---
    it becomes clear that the energy source with the highest mining burden is coal. Generating one gigawatt-hour of electricity with coal requires 20 times the mining footprint as generating the same electricity with low-carbon power sources like wind and solar. Producing the same electricity with natural gas requires moving about twice as much rock.

    Want less mining? Switch to clean energy. | MIT Technology Review
    TUHO --- ---
    News - This Week’s Newsletter: How Extractive Industry Won the War on ESG | Drilled
    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: koukam, ze nase praha jede

    Vědcům došla trpělivost. Neexistuje žádná klimatická nouzová situace, je to podvod, podepsali tisíce. - NašePraha.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: neco malo ke kontextu na twitteru

    Budou se před volbami v parlamentu šířit hoaxy? Na půdě českého parlamentu se chystá pod záštitou @RadimFialacz debatovat příčiny klimatické změny. Příčiny budou vysvětlovat hosté, z nichž žádný není klimatolog. Zato tam najdeme zástupce známé dezinformační kampaně Clintel. 1/🧵

    CHOSIE --- ---
    Jen kdyby tu byl takový obor, který by se přímo zabýval klimatem.. mohli bychom mu říkat třeba klimatologie a těm co ho studují klimatologové?
    No, lepší si vyslechnout agronoma, energetika a architekta :)
    CHOSIE --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Velmi věrohodné zastoupení "vědců" (:
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    PETER_PAN: biolog, agronom, energetik a předseda nějakýho výboru jsou přesně ti vědci, co klimatu rozumějí. ještě chybí paní blažková z uličního výboru a uklízečka na ounz
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    Klimatická krize je nebezpečný hoax. Vědci budou v Parlamentu vyvracet bludy o CO2. - NašePraha.cz
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    The CDL

    The Climate and Development Lab is a student-faculty think tank informing a more just, equitable and effective climate change policy.

    Our Projects
    The CDL has ten active projects being advanced by small teams of students working with faculty and post-doctoral research fellows and external partners

    Home | CDL
    TUHO --- ---
    The Playbook: How to Deny Science, Sell Lies, and Make a Killing in the Corporate World Hardcover – July 12, 2022
    by Jennifer Jacquet (Author)
    4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 37 ratings
    See all formats and editions
    From an astute observer of business behavior and expert in climate denial comes a thought-provoking explanation of how corporations delay, distract, and deflect blame and spread disinformation surrounding health issues, pollution, and climate change.

    “Brilliantly subversive and witty. If you want to be a vile, greedy capitalist, this how-to book will be a great help. And if you want to identify vile, greedy capitalists, it will show you how to recognize them. A landmark book.” —Brian Eno

    Are you a corporation out to make your fortune at any cost? Are you worried about “facts” and “experts” getting in the way of your profits? Do you wish you could make scientists, journalists, and anyone who asks questions about your suspect business practices disappear? Now you can.

    Whether you are selling tobacco, dealing in oil, or pushing pharmaceuticals, denying climate change or exploiting workers, The Playbook is here to help you obfuscate your way to what you want.

    Including how to:
    Massage the statistics to suit your needs. Or, even better, fund studies to make up some new ones
    Attract and cultivate university professors who have an axe to grind and are short of cash
    Make your problem somebody else’s problem—ideally the government’s
    Remember: Tame journalists, PR firms, think tanks, lawyers, and threats of physical violence are your friends!

    Follow these rules and you are guaranteed to make a killing. It’s economic sense, after all.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Despite Advertising Carbon Capture, ExxonMobil Saw Marginal Role for It in Fighting Climate Change
    Internal documents unearthed by a U.S. Senate panel show the oil giant modeled up to 500 CCS sites operating globally by 2050, far fewer than rival Shell.
    TUHO --- ---
    Database of Climate Disinformation Supporters

    About the Project
    Universities across the country are the targets of interventions by fossil fuel interests, who seek to influence campus discourse and student beliefs. (For example, The Charles Koch Foundation, funded by natural gas and pipeline corporations, has funded over 300 universities in the U.S..) While some universities, financial institutions and corporations have taken the lead by ending their investments in fossil fuels, relatively few universities have addressed the impact of public misinformation campaigns on the interests of higher education, leaving a space in need of leadership.
    This website provides a database of donor organizations that have supported climate disinformation organizations. Universities can use the data provided here to scan their organizations in question. Metrics for searching through organizations, such as each organization total grant amount or percentage given to denial organization, can be applied. The database page contains all recorded grant information between 2003 and 2018, but prioritizes data from 2018.
    Our extensive methodology for identifying climate disinformation supporters can be found in our most recent report.

    Front Page - Denial Denied
    TUHO --- ---
    Now, Jacques is digging into the root political reasons for their involvement. We talked to Jacques, whose research specialty is the politics of sustainability and global environmental change, about his work and its implications for the planet.

    When did this climate change denial begin in earnest?
    The conservative climate countermovement began in 1992 in opposition to the global environmentalism that was on display at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, also known as the Rio Earth Summit.

    There was a fear that global environmentalism was the new “communism” taking over after the demise of the Soviet Union the year before. Leading conservatives from the United States attended the summit on a reconnaissance mission, as later revealed in an interview with conservative leader and former governor of Washington state Dixy Lee Ray. Ray said that she and political writer and founder of Washington, D.C.-based libertarian think tank Competitive Enterprise Institute Fred Smith were sent there by the Free Congress Committee, headed by Paul Weyrich.

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