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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Despite Advertising Carbon Capture, ExxonMobil Saw Marginal Role for It in Fighting Climate Change
    Internal documents unearthed by a U.S. Senate panel show the oil giant modeled up to 500 CCS sites operating globally by 2050, far fewer than rival Shell.
    TUHO --- ---
    Database of Climate Disinformation Supporters

    About the Project
    Universities across the country are the targets of interventions by fossil fuel interests, who seek to influence campus discourse and student beliefs. (For example, The Charles Koch Foundation, funded by natural gas and pipeline corporations, has funded over 300 universities in the U.S..) While some universities, financial institutions and corporations have taken the lead by ending their investments in fossil fuels, relatively few universities have addressed the impact of public misinformation campaigns on the interests of higher education, leaving a space in need of leadership.
    This website provides a database of donor organizations that have supported climate disinformation organizations. Universities can use the data provided here to scan their organizations in question. Metrics for searching through organizations, such as each organization total grant amount or percentage given to denial organization, can be applied. The database page contains all recorded grant information between 2003 and 2018, but prioritizes data from 2018.
    Our extensive methodology for identifying climate disinformation supporters can be found in our most recent report.

    Front Page - Denial Denied
    TUHO --- ---
    Now, Jacques is digging into the root political reasons for their involvement. We talked to Jacques, whose research specialty is the politics of sustainability and global environmental change, about his work and its implications for the planet.

    When did this climate change denial begin in earnest?
    The conservative climate countermovement began in 1992 in opposition to the global environmentalism that was on display at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, also known as the Rio Earth Summit.

    There was a fear that global environmentalism was the new “communism” taking over after the demise of the Soviet Union the year before. Leading conservatives from the United States attended the summit on a reconnaissance mission, as later revealed in an interview with conservative leader and former governor of Washington state Dixy Lee Ray. Ray said that she and political writer and founder of Washington, D.C.-based libertarian think tank Competitive Enterprise Institute Fred Smith were sent there by the Free Congress Committee, headed by Paul Weyrich.

    TUHO --- ---
    The Persistence of Climate Change Denial: Prof Naomi Oreskes
    TUHO --- ---
    CSSN conference o klimatickych obstrukcich coming soon!

    CSSN Climate Obstruction Across Europe 2024 Conference Promo
    TUHO --- ---
    Open Secrets reports that the oil and gas industry spent over a trillion dollars on election campaigns between 1990 and last month. Between 1990 and 2020, five big oil companies reportedly spent at least $3.6 billion on advertising. While scientists have determined that most of the world’s underground reserves of fossil fuels must remain, the U.S. oil and gas industry keeps drilling, netting an average of $2.8 billion a day over the last 50 years, according to Statista, a data analysis firm. Statista says the industry made more than a trillion dollars annually for much of the past decade.

    CHOSIE --- ---
    DAN_F: Byl jsem na tom před pár měsíci podobně, když jsem toto vše vč. D. Vávry objevil.
    Přijde mi, že si tito lidé dávají pozor, aby se náhodou nedostali před kameru s někým, kdo by jim byl schopen slušně oponovat.

    Pamatuji si, že jsem se kdysi díval na jeho výklad o Green Dealu (a to sám mám nějaké výtky), dle jeho monologu (i když kolem něj bylo více účinkujících) jsem usoudil, že v životě tento sbor dokumentů nečetl - a kdyby kohokoliv z jeho publika napadlo si dát jakékoliv tvrzení do googlu, tak mají během 5 vteřin jasno.
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    TUHO: jasně, a data z neexistujících satelitů
    DAN_F --- ---
    TUHO: Tohle mi nedělejte. O Turkovi jsem moc nevěděl, tak jsem se rozhodl dovzdělat, a teď nemůžu přestat. A ta CZ rozhovorová podcastová kultura je taky výborná. Zároveň je teda docela překvapivý a děsivý, že těm jeho výrokům málokdo dokáže smysluplně kontrovat, navzdory tomu, že jsou mnohdy úplně dementní :D
    TUHO --- ---
    Senatorka Daniela Kovářová, meli bysme pry CO2 oslavovat

    Daniela Kovářová
    "Neexistuje žádná klimatická nouze. Ve skutečnosti se všechna měřítka nepříznivého počasí snižují – dokonce i tornáda a hurikány. Historie jasně ukazuje, že život prosperuje v teplých obdobích. Měli bychom CO2 oslavovat – ne ho démonizovat.“

    Za klimatickou politikou se skrývají data z neexistujících teplotních stanic
    TUHO --- ---
    The new anti-ESG movement: same folks, different face
    The original anti-ESG movement eventually appeared to fizzle. CSRwatch.com stopped being updated in late 2007 and the domain expired in 2008. Shortly after, The Free Enterprise Action Fund was merged into a separate mutual fund that had nothing to do with anti-ESG advocacy.

    The Free Enterprise Education Institute was then acquired by the National Center for Public Policy Research, a much larger right-wing think tank funded by some of the similar players, including ExxonMobil. The NCPPR announced that Milloy and Borelli would remain at the head of the project, which would from then on be called the Free Enterprise Project.

    At the time, Borelli said the merger would “significantly enhance our ability to educate the public on emerging threats to our free enterprise system.” And though it took about 14 years, it appears Borelli was correct.

    The new anti-ESG financial firm backed by Peter Thiel and Bill Ackman, Strive Asset Management, is being led by Justin Danhof, the former executive Vice President of the NCPPR. In a recent interview with the Capitol Account newsletter, Danhof explained his qualifications: “I ran a program called the Free Enterprise Project,” he said. “We were really at the beginning of what you would call any sort of pushback against ESG, woke capital — before it was even a term.”

    It may be more sophisticated today, but the anti-ESG movement is the same as it ever was: a political effort to delay climate action led by fossil fuel industry propagandists. It follows the classic playbook of climate disinformation by trying to “both sides” the idea of climate risk. But Witold Henisz, the director of the Wharton School’s ESG program, put it best: “Climate risk is investment risk. There is no credible other side, only an ideological opposition cynically seeking a wedge issue for upcoming political campaigns.”

    The curious origins of the anti-ESG movement
    TUHO --- ---
    Then, in 1996, Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes, a former Republican Party strategist, started Fox News with the explicit intention of making it a vehicle for spreading conservative ideas. It quickly became the 24/7 anti-government channel. The right-wing commentators on Fox dispensed misinformation about government programs and spread rumors about government malfeasance. They regularly resorted to malicious slurs against government officials, calling them “idiots,” “Nazis,” “communists,” “fascists,” and “Satanists.” Ever since then, they have played a crucial role in the anti-government movement with their continuous efforts to defame, denigrate, and delegitimize government. It is hard to underestimate how instrumental media outlets like Fox News and conservative talk radio have been in encouraging many Americans to distrust, fear, and even hate government.

    Government is Good - The Anti-Government Campaign
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    S. Fred Singer, All-Purpose Science Denier – Debunking Denial
    TUHO --- ---
    How to Escape Reality in 10 Simple Steps
    From »cherry pic data« to »play the anti-progress card«: 10 strategies to manipulate public opinion. Collected in an essay by Marloes de Valk.

    by Marloes de Valk / Netherlands — Mai 10, 2017

    How to Escape Reality in 10 Simple Steps - Akademie Schloss Solitude
    CHOSIE --- ---
    TUHO: Všichni zde přispívající mají můj velký obdiv, že jsou schopni toto sledovat, já to vždy po pár minutách nezvládnu, populismus v akci.
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    TUHO: According to the World Bank, oil and gas industries took in $3bn-a-day inflation-adjusted profits for the last 50 years (Carrington 2022). As one route to protect these profits, it was revealed that Saudi state-owned petroleum company Saudi Aramco financed “almost 500 studies over the past five years, including research aimed at keeping gasoline cars competitive or casting doubt on electric vehicles” (Tabuchi 2022)
    TUHO --- ---
    NYRLEM: TUHO: plus jeste dalsi literatura k tomuhle problemu je tady:

    TUHO --- ---
    Climate change countermovements and adaptive strategies: insights from Heartland Institute annual conferences a decade apart | Climatic Change
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    Filip Turek 3. díl: Zastánci Green Dealu dnes vedou otevřený boj, jsou s námi ve válce
    TUHO --- ---
    Filip Turek 3. díl: Zastánci Green Dealu dnes vedou otevřený boj, jsou s námi ve válce - Rádio Universum
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