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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    Lol, Allatra stale celkem frci ve Slovenskych mediich (btw Allatra klima-alarmisticka sekta, ktera tvrdi ze je v kontaktu s mimozenskyma civilizacema, hrozni nam klimaticka katastrofa, ale nemuze za to CO2). Zrejme se jedna o projekt rusky rozvedky. Chytry
    Egon Cholakian je fake expert, ktery mel praovat pro US prezidenty, v NASA, CERNu etc. Samozrejme tam nepracoval.

    Odborník na národnú bezpečnosť: Viem, kto vedie náš svet do záhuby
    Expert na národnú bezpečnosť a lektor spravodajských služieb, ktorý oficiálne pôsobil v Bielom dome počas Reaganovej vlády, Egon Cholakian vo videu uverejnenom na platforme Earth Save Science Collaborative odhaľuje hrozby pre celý demokratický svet.

    Odborník na národnú bezpečnosť: Viem, kto vedie náš svet do záhuby - Svet - Správy - Pravda
    TUHO --- ---
    All the errors and fakery from “Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)” that I can fit in.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Revealed: Shell oil non-profit donated to anti-climate groups behind Project 2025 | Shell | The Guardian
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    TUHO --- ---
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    Nearly 1 in 4 Members of Congress Are Climate Change Deniers: Report - EcoWatch
    TADEAS --- ---

    Climate Change is a Myth. John Clauser, PhD
    TUHO --- ---
    Fossil fuel companies are running “a massive mis- and disinformation campaign” so that countries will slow down the adoption of renewable energy and the speed with which they “transition away” from a carbon-intensive economy, the UN has said.

    Selwin Hart, the assistant secretary general of the UN, said that talk of a global “backlash” against climate action was being stoked by the fossil fuel industry, in an effort to persuade world leaders to delay emissions-cutting policies. The perception among many political observers of a rejection of climate policies was a result of this campaign, rather than reflecting the reality of what people think, he added.

    ‘Massive disinformation campaign’ is slowing global transition to green energy | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Do fossil fuel firms reframe online climate and sustainability communication? A data-driven analysis | npj Climate Action
    TUHO --- ---
    "Climate Change is a Myth" -- A Nobel Prize Winner's Embarrassing Ideas
    TUHO --- ---
    Proč konspirátoři nenávidějí klimatickou vědu?
    Vojtěch Pecka
    Rudolf Huliak, bývalý kandidát na ministra životního prostředí, tvrdí, že svět ovládají perverzní elity, které chtějí legalizovat pedofilii a kanibalismus a využívají klimatickou změnu jako nástroj globální kontroly. Tato šokující tvrzení nejsou ovšem lokálními fantaziemi, ale projevem globálního fenoménu, jehož součástí je využívání potenciálu internetu a sociálních sítí k orchestrování kolektivních fantazií za účelem získání politického vlivu.

    Proč konspirátoři nenávidějí klimatickou vědu?
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: +

    Alexander Etkind situates the successes and volumes of the protest movement against the endemic problems of the post-Soviet petrostate. In the modern world, resource-dependent states make their population economically and politically irrelevant for the purposes of the 'elites' that run these states. Many thousands of women and men marched through the Russian capital in the winter of 2011-12, protesting against election fraud, fearing the police, and surviving the frost. Nobody knew what would happen to their country during the next five years: the wars launched in Ukraine and Syria, massive recession, corruption scandals, and more election fraud. Russia's decline had started well before the electoral crisis of 2011, but it was masked by exorbitant oil prices that were believed to be an organic, endless feature of the modern economy. Sociologists have depicted the protesters as young educated urbanites- the Moscow middle class, 'the advanced minority', the 'creative class'.

    Introduction | 1 | Genres and genders of protest in Russia’s petrostat
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    Petromacho, or Mechanisms of De-Modernization in a Resource State
    Alexander Etkind

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    While there has been much research on the effect of valuable natural resource extraction on a state’s domestic development (e.g., the “resource curse”), Wilson Center Fellow Jeff Colgan focuses on how natural resource extraction affects foreign policy. In Petro-Aggression: When Oil Causes War, Colgan finds that “petrostates” – countries where revenue from oil exports exceeds 10 percent of GDP – are twice as likely to engage in inter-state conflict than non-petrostates.

    Petro-Aggression: When Oil Causes War | Wilson Center
    TUHO --- ---
    Kanada zpřísnila pokuty za greenwashing. Ropná společnost následně stáhla z webu informace o CCS technologiích - Ekolist.cz

    Společnost Imperial Oil, která je dceřinou společností ExxonMobile, svého času tvrdila, že technologie zachytávání uhlíku (CCS) bude klíčová pro splnění cílů Pařížské dohody. Po té, co v Kanadě začal platit zákon postihující nepodložená environmentální tvrzení, tzv. greenwashing, společnost Imperial Oil ze svého webu stáhla desítky dokumentů, které se o této technologii zmiňovaly.
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    TUHO: This spring, Democrats wrapped up a nearly three-year investigation into the fossil fuel industry’s role in climate disinformation, and asked the Department of Justice to pick up where they left off. In House and Senate Democrats’ final report and hearing, investigators concluded that major oil companies had not only misled the public on climate change for decades, but also were continuing to misinform them about the industry’s preferred climate “solutions”— particularly biofuels and carbon capture
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    How ExxonMobil, Shell, and BP rebranded an oil production method as a climate change solution - Vox
    TUHO --- ---
    slusny prehled o historii a kontextu qanon

    Robert Guffey's Articles at Salon.com
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