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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
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    From Denial to the Culture Wars: A Study of Climate Misinformation on YouTube

    Climate change is becoming a new front in the culture wars, with YouTube as one of its key arenas. Centered on an “Alternative Influence Network” orbiting Spain’s right-wing populist party Vox, this article examines the underexplored role of YouTube political influencers in propagating climate misinformation. Using thematic analysis, it uncovers instances of “post-denial” narratives that accept the reality of climate change while targeting climate policy and the climate movement, often through conspiracy theories and misogynistic rhetoric. Disagreements extend beyond policy specifics, intertwining with ongoing culture wars against a “woke wave” encompassing feminism, anti-racism, and now environmentalism. Amidst escalating opposition to Net Zero policies, the study sheds light on how these climate narratives reinforce “us” vs “them” binaries and appeal to feelings of resentment among young white males disoriented by rapid cultural change, who increasingly turn to YouTube for news and community. Despite these divisions, the study identifies potential common ground in environmental values and benefits like clean air.

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    He is well known for his actions lobbying for the tobacco industry with his claims that second hand smoke is 'not' bad for your health, contradicting the well established medical evidence. But S. Fred Singer did not let the evidence bias his perspective.
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    Trochu okrajove i sem

    Seminar "A Surge of Disinformation in Africa" with MA in Geopolitical Studies. Charles University.
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    A sem to patri taky

    In Overshoot: How the World Surrendered to Climate Breakdown, Andreas Malm and Wim Carton present a history of the present phase of the crisis, likely to extend decades into the future, as the fossil fuel industry swims in the largest profits ever made. Money continues to flow into the construction of pipelines, platforms, terminals, mines – assets that will have to be destroyed for the planet to remain liveable. Too much heat has become officially acceptable because such revolutionary destruction is not. But should the rest of us abide by that priority?

    Unflinchingly critical of business-as-usual and the calls for surrender to it, sweeping in scope, stirring and sobering, Overshoot lays out the stakes for the climate struggle in the years ahead.

    Overshoot: How the World Surrendered to Climate Breakdown | Verso Books
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    A Slerka analyza ceskyho Telegramu, to je den

    Průvodce českým a slovenským Telegramem: Díl I. aneb na vlnách 5G — Deník N
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    No zase Vondra a Fialuv poradce u lidi od Tykace

    VIP akce Tykačova muže: v den voleb hostil Vondru, politiky TOP 09 i Fialova poradce — Deník N
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    Zajímavý rozhovor. Šlo by také dodat, že PPF Petra Kellnera byl naprosto dominantní sponzor Institut Václava Klause, do kterého nalila přes 100 milionů korun. A že projekt Motoristů je zas projekt Petra Macinky z IVK.

    "Jsem docela jistý, že Kellner byl člověk, kterého měli Rusové v Česku," říká mi v exkluzivním rozhovoru John Kleinheinz, jeho partner z dob Gazpromu.
    "Kellner věděl, jak motivovat lidi. Někdy to byly peníze, jindy jiné nástroje," popisuje 🇺🇸 finančník.

    Kellner byl člověk Rusů v Česku. Lidi ovládal penězi, říká jeho americký partner - VOXPOT: reportáže, které spojují Česko se světem
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    TUHO: Heritage Foundation chief dismisses record temperatures, defends Project 2025
    “We allowed the radical left to define the brand ‘Project 2025,’” Kevin Roberts said at a New York Times-hosted climate change event
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    NYRLEM: Tady ten konec je pomerne dulezitej. Nikdo nerika, ze ted je nejtepleji, jak kdy v historii bylo. Problem je rychlost, jakou ta zmena probiha.

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    The Institute of Political Studies and the study program Geopolitical Studies invite you to a seminar on countering authoritarian disinformation campaigns in Africa. What are the strategic implications of Russia and China’s efforts to transform the geopolitical environment in key regions of the continent for African countries and the West will be discussed by experts from Africa, Europe, the US and Australia who are working to address Africa’s security challenges on the ground, in international organisations and academia. The event is sponsored by NATO. Please register here

    Countering disinformation in geopolitical hot spots across Africa | Science
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    NYRLEM: zadnou dezinformaci tam nevidim, jedna z rady rekonstrukce teplot… co ti vadi?
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    In 2022, oil companies submitted a plea to the U.S. Supreme Court that warned of the “massive monetary liability” U.S. climate lawsuits could impose on the fossil fuel industry. Since then, Big Oil has deployed a range of unusual tactics designed to derail legal efforts to hold them accountable for their contributions to the climate crisis.

    Those reactions are just one sign that climate lawsuits are a mounting threat to oil and gas majors across the globe. Climate cases against Big Oil have nearly tripled each year since the Paris Agreement was reached in 2015 — an indication that “Organizations and communities around the world are increasingly turning to legal action to hold these fossil fuel companies accountable,” a new analysis found.

    ExxonKnews: The growing wave of lawsuits against Big Oil | Center for Climate Integrity
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    TUHO: Where ideology meets private interest: the three-part composition of climate obstruction in the United States
    A network of organizations working to oppose climate action, called the climate change counter- movement (CCCM), has long been a critical yet highly opaque subject of study for social scientists concerned with climate politics. We leverage a new combined dataset of boards of directors, financial contributions, and texts produced by CCCM members to characterize its sources of support and social structure. We show that foundations tend to make more frequent and larger donations to CCCM nonprofits when they are linked through a board member. We also show that CCCM nonprofits which are more distant from each other in the social network of board members produce different climate change discourses. Community detection methods robustly detect three communities within the CCCM: conservative think tanks (CTT), oil and gas trade associations, and utility, coal, and manufacturing trade associations, each with unique goals within the countermovement. The findings suggest that the climate countermovement is an interface among these communities which together ensure that climate action obstruction is achieved on different but complementary fronts, through both discursive and more concrete policy efforts. This paper also introduces a new way of understanding organized climate obstruction and makes significant methodological contributions in the study of social movements and countermov
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    Někdo nevěří už ani povodním. Lži a manipulace se během katastrofy valily ze všech stran - Novinky
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    Trochu related

    Dvojníci. Po stopách prokremelské dezinformační kampaně v centru Evropy — Deník N
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