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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Weaponizing economics: Big Oil, economic consultants, and climate policy delay

    The role of particular scientists in opposing policies to slow and halt global warming has been extensively documented. The role of economists, however, has received less attention. Here, I trace the history of an influential group of economic consultants hired by the petroleum industry from the 1990s to the 2010s to estimate the costs of various proposed climate policies. The economists used models that inflated predicted costs while ignoring policy benefits, and their results were often portrayed to the public as independent rather than industry-sponsored. Their work played a key role in undermining numerous major climate policy initiatives in the US over a span of decades, including carbon pricing and participation in international climate agreements. This study illustrates how the fossil fuel industry has funded biased economic analyses to oppose climate policy and highlights the need for greater attention on the role of economists and economic paradigms, doctrines, and models in climate policy delay.

    TUHO --- ---
    Mainstream economists will kill us

    How Fossil Fuel Interests Weaponized Economists (With Ben Franta)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    ČEZ přes svou firmu platí dezinformátory. Vyrazili jsme na jejich setkání - VOXPOT: reportáže, které spojují Česko se světem
    TUHO --- ---
    tak zase nejaka necenzurovana pravda

    Nová studie: Oxid uhličitý má nulový vliv na „globální oteplování“ - Necenzurovaná pravda
    BASIK --- ---
    TUHO: Doufam, ze se tematu techhle klima dezinformaci venujes pracovne, protoze tohle cist ve volnym case a hlavne zadarmo by mi rozhodne nedelalo dlouhodobe dobre :)
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: nakej Bjorn Lomborg po dobe
    TUHO --- ---
    Zákazy změnu klimatu nevyřeší, lidem už dochází s předraženou zelenou politikou trpělivost | Orientace | Lidovky.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Zastánce těžby fosilních paliv a klimatický skeptik Chris Wright míří do křesla amerického ministra energetiky. Příští prezident USA Donald Trump si jej vybral jako někoho, kdo sdílí jeho odpor k mezinárodní spolupráci v boji proti změnám klimatu a kdo umožní soukromým společnostem masivně navýšit těžbu ropy a zemního plynu.

    ▶ Americkou energetiku má vést rozhodný příznivec těžby ropy a plynu Wright — ČT24 — Česká televize
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Newly Unearthed Docs Show Big Oil Knew of Climate Dangers as Early as 1950s | Common Dreams
    Caltech geochemistry professor Samuel Epstein submitted a proposal in November 1954, warning that the Earth's climate could be affected by burning fossil fuels.

    The "concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere" was a matter "of well recognized importance to our civilization," wrote Epstein.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    In many cases, this process is inseparable from ongoing, systemic issues in the governance of digital platforms and the incentives built into social media.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: From viewers to voters: Tracing Fox News’ impact on American democracy
    TUHO --- ---
    This paper provides a comprehensive assessment of the effect of Fox News Channel (FNC) on the mass public’s political preferences and voting behavior in the United States from 2000 to 2020. We show that FNC has shifted the ideology and partisan identity of Americans rightward. This shift has helped Republican candidates in elections across levels of U.S. government over the past decade. Our estimates suggests that an increase of 0.05 rating points in Fox News viewership, induced by exogenous changes in channel placement, has increased Republican vote shares by at least 0.5 percentage points in recent presidential, Senate, House, and gubernatorial elections. Our findings have broad implications for political behavior, elections, and the political process in the United States.

    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: exposed the risk for big oil
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate change has become one of the most pressing problems that can threaten the existence and development of humans around the globe. Almost all climate scientists have agreed that climate change is happening and is caused mainly by greenhouse gas emissions induced by anthropogenic activities. However, some groups still deny this fact or do not believe that climate change results from human activities. This article examines climate change denialism and its skeptical arguments, as well as the roles of scientists and science communication in addressing the issues. Through this article, we call for the active participation of scientists in science communication activities with the public, the initiation of new science communication sectors specified for climate change, and more attention to social sciences and humanities in addressing climate change issues.

    Climate change denial theories, skeptical arguments, and the role of science communication | SN Social Sciences
    TUHO --- ---
    Counteracting climate denial: A systematic review
    Despite scientific consensus on climate change, climate denial is still widespread. While much research has characterised climate denial, comparatively fewer studies have systematically examined how to counteract it. This review fills this gap by exploring the research about counteracting climate denial, the effectiveness and the intentions behind intervention. Through a systematic selection and analysis of 65 scientific articles, this review finds multiple intervention forms, including education, message framing and inoculation. The intentions of intervening range from changing understanding of climate science, science advocacy, influencing mitigation attitudes and counteracting vested industry. A number of divergent findings emerge: whether to separate science from policy; the disputed effects of emotions and the longitudinal impacts of interventions. The review offers guiding questions for those interested in counteracting denialism, the answers to which indicate particular strategies: identify the form of climate denial; consider the purpose of intervention and recognise one’s relationship to their audiences.

    TUHO --- ---
    Strategies of Climate Change Denial: The case of Thierry Baudet
    Roelien Van der Wel
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26481/marble.2019.v1.750
    Keywords: populism, Thierry Baudet, climate apocalypse, climate change denial
    This paper discusses different strategies of climate change denial and focusses on the specific case of Dutch politician Thierry Baudet. Much of the literature concerning climate change denial focusses on Anglo-American cases, therefore more research non-English speaking countries is necessary. The theoretical framework describes the state of the art concerning climate change denialism and its links to occurring phenomena in Western societies and politics such as post-truth and populism. Afterwards, by conducting a deductive analysis of Thierry Baudet’s climate denialism in the Netherlands, a more thorough understanding of the different strategies proposed by Stefan Rahmstorf and Engels et al. is reached. Although all four categories are detected in Baudet’s denialism, consensus denial seems to be the most prevalent. The analysis of his usage of the notion of a climate apocalypse, combined with the analysis of his specific focus on consensus denial, broadens the understanding of how climate change denial can relate to populism.

    Strategies of Climate Change Denial: The case of Thierry Baudet | MaRBLe
    TUHO --- ---
    Summer Institute 2023: The public climate debate - climate skepticism and denial – Stefan Rahmstorf
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    ČEZ přes svou firmu platí dezinformátory. Vyrazili jsme na jejich setkání - VOXPOT: reportáže, které spojují Česko se světem
    TUHO --- ---
    Sabine Hosseenfelder
    I have a video scheduled that many asked for to debunk a climate denial paper that recently made rounds. @YouTube demonetized the video which -- I repeat -- debunks climate denial. "A human reviewer" supposedly found "harmful content" and "unreliable claims". @YouTubeCreators
    TUHO --- ---
    BRETA: a nemuzes vytahnout nejvetsi speky? nemam silu to projidet ,))
    BRETA --- ---
    obávám se, že tyhle a podobné názory teď budou zase ok.

    12. listopadu - Interview ČT24 | Česká televize
    Karla Maříková /SPD/, členka výboru pro životní prostředí

    12. listopadu - Interview ČT24 | Česká televize

    komu by to nestačilo, tak si může přiložit ještě udoálosti, komentáře z téhož dne. První polovina debata, Bursík a Brabec

    12. listopadu - Události, komentáře | Česká televize
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam