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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    #Great reset #conspiracy theory a popirani klimaticke zmeny

    ISD has tracked the spread of conspiracy theories regarding the Great Reset from the beginning. After the WEF initiative was launched on 3 June 2020, the first video describing the call-to-action as a “New World Order power grab” was posted four days later on alt-tech video platform Bitchute. The video has since been viewed over 100,000 times. Towards the end of June, an op-ed written by Justin Hawkins of the Heartland Institute, a leading climate change-denying think tank, was published on Fox News, in which he wrote the Great Reset’s “socialist outline is clear: destroy the global capitalist economy and reform the Western world.”

    The ‘Great Reset’ - ISD
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    The Playbook: How to Deny Science, Sell Lies, and Make a Killing in the Corporate World Hardcover – July 12, 2022
    by Jennifer Jacquet (Author)
    4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 37 ratings
    See all formats and editions
    From an astute observer of business behavior and expert in climate denial comes a thought-provoking explanation of how corporations delay, distract, and deflect blame and spread disinformation surrounding health issues, pollution, and climate change.

    “Brilliantly subversive and witty. If you want to be a vile, greedy capitalist, this how-to book will be a great help. And if you want to identify vile, greedy capitalists, it will show you how to recognize them. A landmark book.” —Brian Eno

    Are you a corporation out to make your fortune at any cost? Are you worried about “facts” and “experts” getting in the way of your profits? Do you wish you could make scientists, journalists, and anyone who asks questions about your suspect business practices disappear? Now you can.

    Whether you are selling tobacco, dealing in oil, or pushing pharmaceuticals, denying climate change or exploiting workers, The Playbook is here to help you obfuscate your way to what you want.

    Including how to:
    Massage the statistics to suit your needs. Or, even better, fund studies to make up some new ones
    Attract and cultivate university professors who have an axe to grind and are short of cash
    Make your problem somebody else’s problem—ideally the government’s
    Remember: Tame journalists, PR firms, think tanks, lawyers, and threats of physical violence are your friends!

    Follow these rules and you are guaranteed to make a killing. It’s economic sense, after all.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: The CO2 Coalition, CFACT, and The Heartland Institute proudly present the American premiere of Climate: The Movie on March 19 at the Angelika Film Center & Cafe at Mosaic in Fairfax, Virginia. British filmmaker Martin Durkin created and released The Great Global Warming Swindle in 2007 to great acclaim (available online for free here). His latest cinematic achievement is Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) – and will have its premiere in the U.S. on March 19. We do hope you will join us! Seating is limited so please reserve your tickets soon.

    "Climate: The Movie" Film Premiere Tickets, Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 6:30 PM | Eventbrite
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate Denial Revisited: (Re)contextualising Russian Public Discourse on Climate Change during Putin 2.0

    In this article we examine Russia’s recent public discourse on climate change, with a special focus on the arguments denying anthropogenic climate change. We scrutinise the ways in which denial arguments presented in the media are tied to the changing Russian political and economic context, especially the increasingly authoritarian turn in governance during President Vladimir Putin’s third term in office (Putin 2.0). We conclude that the Russian discourse on climate change emphasises Russia’s Great Power status, identifying its sovereignty and fossil energy as the basis of this status. This discourse refers to key categories, including Russia’s national identity and the spatial–material characteristics of the Russian state.

    TUHO --- ---
    Proc v Cine chciplo klima-dezinformacni hnuti?

    On Jan. 17, 2010, a highly popular — and provocative — television host named Larry Hsien Ping Lang devoted an entire episode of his current affairs talk show, Larry’s Eyes on Finance, to the “great swindle” of global warming. Lang, a University of Pennsylvania-educated economist who was once described as China’s version of Larry King, told his millions of viewers that the goal of Europe and the United States at the Copenhagen negotiations was to prevent China from being a global leader.

    “The Western countries manufactured the climate myth without any scientific integrity,” and they have proceeded to “demonize and constrain China in the name of climate,” Lang said. Clips of the episode were viewed tens of millions of times on Youku, China’s YouTube.

    Lang’s worldview seemed to resonate. “[The weather] is obviously getting colder and colder, but they are still lying through their teeth. These disgusting Westerners never stop trying to topple China,” argued one online commenter in response to Lang’s show. “These foreign bastards are so worried that China will rise and surpass the United States. Because they are jealous of China, they even made up lies about China … the scientists are all puppets controlled by politics,” read another. The commenter continued: “Copenhagen liars! American liars!”

    Over the next year, more than a half-dozen books on the West’s climate conspiracy were published in China. Social media posts theorizing an American conspiracy proliferated.

    Then something strange happened. After 2011, no more climate skeptic books were published. China’s state leaders stopped their skeptical statements, and the intense online discussions diminished. Just as it was gaining steam, the conspiracy theory seemed to disappear. And along with it, any public mention of climate change denial. As climate skeptics were gaining a steady foothold in U.S. politics, why did China’s suddenly vanish?

    The Convenient Disappearance of Climate Change Denial in China – Foreign Policy
    TUHO --- ---
    The individuals and organisations who opposed mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic and resist vaccination today in the USA overlap with those who deny climate change, and for a known reason: they are generally ideologically opposed to “big government”, whether in the marketplace to put a tax on carbon-based fuels, or in schools, workplaces, and public places to require masking and vaccination. It is not a coincidence that the Great Barrington Declaration, which opposed COVID-19 lockdowns and advocated herd immunity, was the product of a conference hosted by the American Institute for Economic Research, which promotes “personal freedom, free enterprise, property rights, limited government, and sound money”. It is also no coincidence that the Great Barrington Declaration—like the Oregon Petition before it that challenged mainstream climate science—takes the form of a petition. Petitions are political instruments, not scientific ones.

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    O konspirační teorii velkého resetu a souvislosti s antisemitismem

    “The Great Reset” Conspiracy Flourishes Amid Continued Pandemic | ADL
    TUHO --- ---
    “The Great Reset” is a conspiracy theory that has become popular among people resisting public health recommendations related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The name comes from the 2021 theme of the World Economic Forum’s annual summit and claims that global elites have manipulated the course of the pandemic to implement various forms of economic and social control. While the conspiracy is easily debunked, we argue that it also reflects important cultural trends at the heart of the current epistemic crisis. Our study adopts a theoretical approach that frames conspiracy theories as cultural expressions of social problems. We conducted a qualitative analysis of media content shared on Twitter related to the nascent campaign #StopTheGreatReset. We found that Great Reset narratives not only relied on traditional conspiracy tropes but also reflected a newer and concerning anti-institutional discourse that expressed social anxiety about the pandemic as a form of antidemocratic politics.

    The Great Reset and the Cultural Boundaries of Conspiracy Theory | Christensen | International Journal of Communication
    TUHO --- ---
    40minut pobidani o great resetu, enjoy

    TADEAS --- ---
    The Great Climate Con | Alex Epstein | EP 312
    TUHO --- ---
    A Glenn Beckova kniha o Great Resetu .]] Peknej obal ne?

    “The Great Reset” Conspiracy Flourishes Amid Continued Pandemic | ADL

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: A Heartland institute a Great Reset

    PRESS RELEASE: Heartland/Rasmussen Poll: Majority of Voters Reject Great Reset, Say Businesses’ Highest Priority Should Be Products and Services, Not Social Justice or Climate Change – The Heartland I...
    TUHO --- ---
    Launch novy Moranovi knizky The Great Reset

    The Great Reset
    Marc Morano, publisher of ClimateDepot.com, argued that global elites are using the COVID pandemic and the threat of global warming to reshape the global economy and keep citizens under control. This event was hosted by the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley in Santa Clara, California.

    [The Great Reset] | C-SPAN.org
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Second, the IGU's approach to cultivating relationships with influencers in the media, environmental NGOs, and think tanks reveals that the same tactics we laid out in S3 of the podcast (and online here) are still being deployed, and to great effect. Every time I talk about how much money and effort the fossil fuel industry expends to court influencers who will carry water for it, I hear a similar response.
    TUHO --- ---
    Tohle bude mnamka.

    Dr Jordan B Peterson and Alex Epstein discuss the undeniable need for fossil fuels, the toxic underlying nihilism of the “climate concerned” left, the need for balance between conservation and human progress, and the unexplored worth of wild potential.

    Alex Epstein is a philosopher and energy expert who argues that "human flourishing" should be the guiding principle of energy and environmental progress. He is the author of the new bestselling book Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas—Not Less. He is also the creator of EnergyTalkingPoints.com—a source of powerful, well-referenced talking points on energy, environmental, and climate issues.

    The Great Climate Con | Alex Epstein | The Daily Wire
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Twitter wasn’t designed to provide accurate info. Twitter is designed to maximize people’s attention and engagement. And how do you do that? You surface sensational, emotionally evocative content rather than surface deliberative rational information,” she said. “That’s not sexy, it’s all about the architecture.”

    Earlier this week, a search for “climate” on Twitter resulted in “#ClimateScam” as the top term on the platform. Tweets using that hashtag were a miasma of climate disinformation, cherry-picked statistics and conspiracy theories. On another day, the top result was “climate lockdown,” a reference to the Great Reset conspiracy theory that claims a group of global elites is planning to shut down economic activity around the world to cut carbon emissions (Climatewire, Dec. 6).
    TUHO --- ---
    American for Prosperity jeskupina, ktera stala za nastupem Tea Party a podarilo se ji behem nekolika let expandovat na to ze ma k dispozici 2.5 milionu aktivistu v USA a rozpocet pres 100 milionu dolaru... Organizace, kterou zalozili bratri Kochove a tlaci na Republikany, aby neresili klimaticke zmeny... Minulej rok byl nucenej odejit jeji sef Tim Phillips, byvaly republikansky strateg z prostredi nabozensky pravice. Nejak ale nemuzu najit proc presne musel odejit, nevi nekdo?

    According to a 2011 article in the National Journal, Phillips said that Americans For Prosperity and other groups like it have been instrumental in the rise of Republican candidates who question or deny climate science: "If you look at where the situation was three years ago and where it is today, there's been a dramatic turnaround. Most of these candidates have figured out that the science has become political. We've made great headway. What it means for candidates on the Republican side is, if you … buy into green energy or you play footsie on this issue, you do so at your political peril. The vast majority of people who are involved in the [Republican] nominating process -- the conventions and the primaries -- are suspect of the science. And that's our influence. Groups like Americans for Prosperity have done it."[17]

    Timothy R. Phillips - SourceWatch
    TUHO --- ---
    A Schneider ve sve knize Science as a Contact sport o filmu The Great Global Warming Swindle

    Media mud wrestling continues in the climate change arena. Among the most recent examples are the machinations involved in the production and distribution of the United Kingdom film The Great Global Warming Swindle. Purportedly a balanced documentary that is the antidote to the “distortions” of the IPCC, the film was shown in the United Kingdom by the sensationalist Channel 4 and across Europe—and reportedly had a major effect in weakening public confidence in global warming science. Among its claims is the absurd assertion that since carbon dioxide is only a tiny fraction of the atmosphere it can hardly be expected to have much effect. This was refuted by Australian climatologist Andy Pittman, who noted that an even more minuscule injection of Ebola virus would kill us, and that it is effect, not amount, of a substance that matters.

    Another claim of the movie is that warming up until “now” wasn’t unusual in the past 1,000 years—but what was labeled as “now” was a 20-year-old preliminary graph that did not include the radical warming of the past two decades, which, as noted earlier in the discussion of the “hockey stick,” very likely exceeds all known warming over the past 500 years and likely over the past 1,300 years. To call the end of the graph “now” when it was really the 1980s is, frankly, a scientific lie. Similarly, the film claimed the sun could explain all warming and showed a very highly correlated set of graphs from 1500 to “now” linking global temperatures with sunspot cycles. What the movie’s producers forgot to say was that the graphs left off the past two decades in which solar effects suggested cooling and the planetary warming went to unprecedented record levels—refuting their own theory. Even worse, the producers filled in a section of the graph to show a strong correlation several hundred years ago when in fact there was no data on it—they just made it up to look compelling.

    The Public Broadcasting System in the United States refused to air the film, although it was shown in Australia at the insistence of the Conservative Howard government then in power—though handily trashed by an independent program that followed the broadcast, revealing its egregious distortions. Tony Jones, an iconic Australian reporter who anchors Lateline nightly, flew to the United Kingdom, interviewed the filmmaker Martin Durkin, and masterfully took him and the film apart step by step. It was one of the most adept pieces of science journalism I have seen, done by a political reporter who did his homework under the guidance of award-winning science producer, Annamaria Talas.14

    A group of respected scientists and advocates filed a grievance against the film company and Channel 4 in the United Kingdom. They cited more than a hundred outright errors in the film and the deliberate misleading of some scientists who participated in it, and they claimed that its distorted presentation caused harm and injury to those who viewed it without access to the correct facts. Their suit was perfunctorily acknowledged—and the film company chided for several distortions—but in the end the complaint was denied in July 2008.
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