sem netusil ze u resveratrolu zalezi nejen na davkovani, ale i na dobe podani:
Resveratrol: A Double-Edged Sword in Health Benefits
In a very interesting study, dose-time dependency of acute resveratrol administration on lipoperoxidation levels (in heart, liver and kidney of male rats synchronized with a 12-h dark-light cycle) was investigated. It was documented that resveratrol behaved as an antioxidant during dark span and as a pro-oxidant during light span, possibly reflecting the putative changing ratio between pro- and antioxidant activities in various organs during 24-h cycle or postprandial oxidative burst that occurred after a meal [124].
Pripadne [124] - 124. Gadacha W., Ben-Attia M., Bonnefont-Rousselot D., Aouani E., Ghanem-Boughanmi N., Touitou Y. Resveratrol opposite effects on rat tissue lipoperoxidation: Pro-oxidant during day-time and antioxidant at night. Redox Rep. 2009;14:154–158. doi: 10.1179/135100009X466131. [PubMed] [CrossRef] []