Hoši včera jsem si pustil film, kterej vyřešil záhadu vedlejšího questu z Y:6 Pamatujete na dvojici, která si pádem ze schodů vyměnila těla? Ono už se to stalo. V Onomichi u chrámu v roce 1982. Včera jsem viděl remake o pat let mladší, ale koukejte:
“Kazuo (he) and Kazumi (she) are vaguely related. After being gone for some time, she returns to the same school. An accident sends them tumbling down a long flight of stairs at a temple, and when they awake, Kazuo is in Kazumi’s body and vice versa. This naturally leads to humorous episodes as each tries to cope with the new situation. It is of course inexplicable, so they can’t confide in other students or seek help from their parents.”
Exchange Student / Tenkosei (1982) | Japanonfilmhttps://japanonfilm.wordpress.com/2022/04/15/exchange-student-tenkosei-1982/