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    ztracené heslo?
    barevne korekce a grading pro film a video

    filmlight baselight | davinci resolve | sgo mistika

    klub o postupech a problemech, primarne v profesionalnim prostredi

    na home linky, co se muzou hodit
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    ALI --- ---
    ok, tak darren uz na to ma review...

    ocividne to (opet) resi spoustu dctls a pluginu (coz mi pripomina ze sem je musim postnout!)

    jo a pojdme zacit hashtagovat prispevky, at se da lip filtrovat. na sockach mi to smysl nikdy nedavalo, tady naopak velkej. tak ja zacnu; idealne dodrzujte stejny, at funguje filtr. diky!

    #resolve #darren #mostyn #dctl #plugin #v19 #whatsnew #blackmagic

    NEW Color Features Tutorial - DaVinci Resolve 19! - My Top 5
    ALI --- ---
    z hlediska gradingu, jeno prejimam ze stranky:

    UltraNR Noise Reduction
    UltraNR is a new DaVinci Neural Engine driven denoise mode in the Color page’s spatial noise reduction palette. Use it to dramatically reduce digital noise from a frame while maintaining image clarity. Combine with temporal noise reduction for even more effective denoising in images with motion!

    – jsem zvedavej jestli bude lepsi (lepsi/rychlejsi) nez nez neat video

    Film Look Creator
    The new Film Look Creator lets you add cinematic looks that replicate film properties like halation, bloom, grain, flicker, gate weave and vignetting. Adjust exposure in stops and use subtractive saturation, richness and split tone controls to achieve looks usually found on the big screen!

    – cista reakce na baselight a jejich chromogen, nicmene pokud to dobre vymysleli, muze to bejt fajn. ale koukam, ze je to jako plugin (wtf, again)

    ColorSlice Six Vector Grading
    The ColorSlice palette uses subtractive color processes to adjust image color density, saturation and hue, allowing you to produce rich filmic colors and looks. Parameters in each customizable vector slice let you enhance and deepen color without spill, in a way that looks naturally pleasing.

    – tohle me zajima asi nejvic a podle me nejvic uzitecny

    Marker Overlays and Annotations
    The Color page viewer now supports marker overlays and annotations for timeline and clip markers. Open the marker interface to leave written notes with your visual feedback. Select a marker color and thickness, and draw directly in the viewer or use the arrow tool to point to areas of interest.

    – nevim, muze bejt uzitecny

    Composite Mode within Nodes
    Corrector nodes in the color page node editor now features composite mode. These composite modes will allow you to affect how node values blend into the pipeline without the need of a layer mixer. This means that your node graph looks cleaner and it’s faster and easier to follow the signal flow.

    – tohle muze bejt cool pro nejaky extreme looky

    DaVinci Resolve 19 – What's New | Blackmagic Design
    JOPS --- ---
    u tohohle tematu by me fakt hodne zajimaly i takove ty veci jako pred a po. Obcas cumim s otevrenou hubou, jak se "hnusny" nevyrazny snimky dokazi promenit.

    ja jsem kdysi zkousel plugin v AAE a to dokazalo vytvorit dost podobne veci jako zde na obrazku. Ale proste obdivuji lidi, co maji ten barevny cit. Proste vim, ze ja ho nemam :))

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam