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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    MOTEEL --- ---
    Tady mame, co sa naozaj stalo! :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Climate chaos ? Don't believe it

    By Christopher Monckton, Sunday Telegraph Last Updated: 12:14am GMT 05/11/2006

    Download Christopher Monckton's references and detailed calculations [pdf]


    The Stern report last week predicted dire economic and social effects of unchecked global warming. In what many will see as a highly controversial polemic, Christopher Monckton disputes the 'facts' of this impending apocalypse and accuses the UN and its scientists of distorting the truth

    Biblical droughts, floods, plagues and extinctions?

    Last week, Gordon Brown and his chief economist both said global warming was the worst "market failure" ever. That loaded soundbite suggests that the "climate-change" scare is less about saving the planet than, in Jacques Chirac's chilling phrase, "creating world government". This week and next, I'll reveal how politicians, scientists and bureaucrats contrived a threat of Biblical floods, droughts, plagues, and extinctions worthier of St John the Divine than of science.


    PETVAL --- ---
    Published by Greg Palast November 6th, 2006 in Articles

    by Greg Palast

    for The Guardian (UK), Comment is Free
    Monday November 6, 2006

    Here’s how the 2006 mid-term election was stolen.

    Note the past tense. And I’m not kidding.

    And shoot me for saying this, but it won’t be stolen by jerking with the touch-screen machines (though they’ll do their nasty part). While progressives panic over the viral spread of suspect computer black boxes, the Karl Rove-bots have been tunneling into the vote vaults through entirely different means.

    For six years now, our investigations team, at first on assignment for BBC TV and the Guardian, has been digging into the nitty-gritty of the gaming of US elections. We’ve found that November 7, 2006 is a day that will live in infamy. Four and a half million votes have been shoplifted. Here’s how they’ll do it, in three easy steps:

    Theft #1: Registrations gone with the wind

    On January 1, 2006, while America slept off New Year’s Eve hangovers, a new federal law crept out of the swamps that has devoured 1.9 million votes, overwhelmingly those of African-Americans and Hispanics. The vote-snatching statute is a cankerous codicil slipped into the 2002 Help America Vote Act — strategically timed to go into effect in this mid-term year. It requires every state to reject new would-be voters whose identity can’t be verified against a state verification database.

    Sounds arcane and not too threatening. But look at the numbers and you won’t feel so fine. About 24.3 million Americans attempt to register or re-register each year. The New York University Law School’s Brennan Center told me that, under the new law, Republican Secretaries of State began the year by blocking about one in three new voters.

    How? To begin with, Mr. Bush’s Social Security Administration has failed to verify 47% of registrants. After appeals and new attempts to register, US Elections Assistance Agency statistics indicate 1.9 million would-be voters will still find themselves barred from the ballot on Tuesday.

    But don’t worry: those holding passports from their ski vacations to Switzerland are doing just fine. And that’s the point. It’s not the number of voters rejected, it’s their color. For example, California’s Republican Secretary of State Bruce McPherson figured out how to block 40% of registrants, mostly Hispanics. In a rare counter-move, Los Angeles, with a Hispanic mayor, contacted these citizens, “verified” them and got almost every single one back on the rolls. But throughout the rest of the West, new Hispanics remain victims of the “Jose Crow” treatment.

    In hotly contested Ohio, Kenneth Blackwell, Secretary of State and the Republican’s candidate for Governor, remains voter-rejection champ — partly by keeping the rejection criteria a complete secret.

    Theft #2: Turned Away - the ID game

    A legion of pimple-faced Republicans with Blackberries loaded with lists of new voters is assigned to challenge citizens in heavily Black and Hispanic (i.e. Democratic) precincts to demand photo ID that perfectly matches registration data.

    Sounds benign, but it’s not. The federal HAVA law and complex new ID requirements in states like New Mexico will easily allow the GOP squads to triple the number of voters turned away. Rather than deny using these voter suppression tactics, Republican spokesmen are claiming they are “protecting the integrity of the vote.”

    I’ve heard that before. In 2004, we got our hands on fifty confidential internal memos from the files of the Republican National Committee. Attached to these were some pretty strange spreadsheets. They called them “caging lists” — and it wasn’t about zoo feeding times. They were lists (70,000 for Florida alone) of new Black and Jewish voters — a very Democratic demographic — to challenge on Election Day. The GOP did so with a vengeance: In 2004, for the first time in half a century, more than 3.5 million voters were challenged on Election Day. Worse, nearly half lost their vote: 300,000 were turned away for wrong ID; 1.1 million were allowed a “provisional” ballot — which was then simply tossed out.

    Tomorrow, new federal ID requirements and a dozen new state show-me-your-ID laws will permit the GOP challenge campaign to triple their 300,000 record to nearly one million voters blocked.

    Theft #3: Votes Spoiled Rotten

    The nasty little secret of US elections is that three million ballots are cast in national elections but not counted — 3,600,380 not counted in 2004 according to US Election Commission stats. These are votes lost because a punch card didn’t punch (its chad got “hung”), a stray mark voided a paper ballot and other machinery glitches.

    Officials call it “spoilage.” I call it, “inaugurating Republicans.” Why? According to statisticians working with the US Civil Rights Commission, the chance your vote will “spoil” this way is 900% higher for Black folk and 500% higher for Hispanics than for white voters. When we do the arithmetic, we find that well over half of all votes spoiled or “blank” are cast by voters of color. On balance, this spoilage game produces a million-vote edge for the GOP.

    That’s where the Black Boxes come into play. Forget about Karl Rove messing with the software to change your vote. Rather, the big losses occur when computers crash, fail to start or simply don’t respond to your touch.
    They are the new spoilage machines of choice with, statistically, the same racial bias as the old vote-snatching lever machines. (Funny, but paper ballots with in-precinct scanners don’t go rotten on Black voters. Maybe that’s why Republican Secretaries of State have installed so few of them.)

    So Let’s Add it Up

    Two million legitimate voters will be turned away because of wrongly rejected or purged registrations.

    Add another one million voters challenged and turned away for “improper ID.”

    Then add yet another million for Democratic votes “spoiled” by busted black boxes and by bad ballots.

    And let’s not forget to include the one million “provisional” ballots which will never get counted. Based on the experience of 2004, we know that, overwhelmingly, minority voters are the ones shunted to these baloney ballots.

    And there’s one more group of votes that won’t be counted: absentee ballots challenged and discarded. Elections Assistance Agency data tell us a half million of these absentee votes will go down the drain.

    Driving this massive suppression of the vote are sophisticated challenge operations. And here I must note that the Democrats have no national challenge campaign. That’s morally laudable; electorally suicidal.

    Add it all up — all those Democratic-leaning votes rejected, barred and spoiled — and the Republican Party begins Election Day with a 4.5 million-vote thumb on the vote-tally scale.

    So, what are you going to do about it? May I suggest you… steal back your vote.

    It’s true you can’t win with 51% of the vote anymore. So just get over it. The regime’s sneak attack via vote suppression will only net them 4.5 million votes, about 5% of the total. You should be able to beat that blindfolded. If you can’t get 55%, then you’re just a bunch of crybaby pussycats who don’t deserve to win back America.

    Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestseller, “ARMED MADHOUSE.”

    For specific advice on How to Steal Back Your Vote, go to http://www.GregPalast.com/steal-back-your-vote#more-1529

    Catch Greg Palast on Election Night on the new Mike Malloy Show on many Air America Radio affiliates.

    Bonnie Raitt, Larry David and friends invite you to join Jackson Browne, Ed Asner, Ben Vereen and other stars on November 16, 6-8pm, at an intimate gathering in the home of Jodie Evans in Beverly Hills, California, to support the Palast Investigative Fund, a 501c3 educational foundation. For details and to request one or two of the limited number of invitations, go to http://www.palastinvestigativefund.org/november-16th-fundraiser

    JAXXE --- ---
    Framework for Tyranny

    The structure now is in place for turning America into the largest concentration camp since Mao Tse Tung ruled over China, with tracking and enforcement capabilities that once appeared only in Joe Stalin's wildest wet dreams.

    A few days ago, President Bush signed away the last vestige of the US Constitution with something called the "Military Commissions Act" (MCA). The MCA allows government officials to designate any American an "enemy combatant" on the flimsiest of excuses.

    Though touted as the next logical step in America's Orwellian "War Against Terrorism," let me simply cut to the chase for you. I have read the MCA and a variety of others' analyses of its provisions. Here's how it can be utilized: Simply for disagreeing with our government, we now can be designated enemy combatants and seized without warrants, held indefinitely without charges, tortured, sent to other countries, tried without juries on evidence we are not allowed to see and with witnesses we cannot hear or, even, know about, then sentenced to death. All without our families and friends ever being told what has happened to us.

    Furthermore, this can all take place with absolutely no appeal possible to any court. Thus the time-honored protection of habeas corpus (which in Latin literally means "show the body"), whereby anybody in custody used to be able to invoke a court hearing, finally has been overridden.

    I wish I were kidding. I wish I were exaggerating. For those who may not know, I am a lawyer, well experienced in statutory interpretation and usage. The foregoing is my legal opinion. And not just mine. More than one judge has expressed much the same opinion, in writing, of the MCA.

    The MCA takes care of people like myself. Now for people like you.

    Just signed into law: the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act, which allows the Administration to take direct control of any and all National Guard units, over even the objection of state and local officials to whom they report, through the simple expedient of declaring a "public emergency" - again, only the flimsiest of excuses is necessary. The stationing and use of troops within America for controlling Americans also is allowed for the first time. (Openly, that is - Waco proved that America's military has been used by recent Administrations in actions against American citizens.) Thus ends another time-honored protection of citizen rights: the Posse Comitatus Act, which America's founders crafted specifically to prevent the use of America's military troops against her own citizens.

    Why is Posse Comitatus important? Consider the difference in the objectives of traditional police officers (not the paramilitary shock troops now fielded by many police departments) and the military: Police officers are supposed to be trained to maintain order and assist civilians, while the military is trained to win, even at the expense of civilian life (collateral damage, in the Orwellian terminology of Donald Rumsfeld). For example, witness the huge loss of civilian life which continues to occur in Iraq at the hands of American military forces.

    And the screws tighten ever further on a daily basis. Just announced: Effective January 14, citizens will need clearance from the Department of Homeland Security to leave or enter their own country, regardless of whether we possess valid passports. What is the point of a passport? Why screen citizens going abroad?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Diebold pressured HBO to cancel the airing of this documentary just days before tomorrow's midterm elections...

    video: http://www.jonesreport.com/articles/061106_hacking_democracy.html
    JAXXE --- ---
    Prosecutors reject 87% of FBI's terror cases: report

    November 6, 2006

    WASHINGTON -- The Justice Department increasingly has refused to prosecute FBI cases targeting suspected terrorists over the past five years, according to researchers.

    The government says the findings are inaccurate and ''intellectually dishonest.''

    The report by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University raises questions about the quality of the FBI's investigations.

    Prosecutors declined to bring charges in 131 of 150, or 87 percent, of international terrorist case referrals from the FBI between October 2005 and June 2006, according to the report. The study was based on the most recent data available from the Justice Department.

    That number marks the peak of steady increases from the 2001 budget year, when prosecutors rejected 33 percent of such cases from the FBI, the report said.

    ''The question must be asked: What is the FBI doing?'' the report said.

    A Justice Department spokesman noted that terrorist hoax cases that were quickly dismissed may have been included in the data.

    And some cases are referred to prosecutors to obtain subpoenas in investigations that never result in criminal charges, the spokesman said.

    He said prosecutors rejected 67 percent of FBI international terrorist cases -- not 87 percent.




    Terror suspect 'could reveal CIA secrets if given civilian attorney'


    Washington: A suspected terrorist who spent years in a secret CIA prison should not be allowed to speak to a civilian attorney, the Bush administration argues, because he could reveal the agency's closely guarded interrogation techniques.


    KERRAY --- ---
    jj, ja to sem nedavam (navzdory titulku, kterej jsem proste prevzal) jako ukazku cenzury ale jako celkove vtipnej segment ,))
    FLU --- ---
    KERRAY: ale i po zasahu cenzury je tam tech narazek vic nez dost
    JAXXE --- ---
    Také máte pocit, že média hlavního proudu účelově vytváří jinou realitu? Že jsou úmyslně zamlčovány, překrucovány a vymýšleny informace? Máte pocit, že jste manipulováni skrytou propagandou, zahlcováním nepodstatnými informacemi a vytěsňováním podstatného? Potom jste na té správné adrese. Vítejte na nové verzi Nevhodných zpráv, kde budete i nadále nalézat zajímavé informace a komentáře, hlavně ze zahraničních zdrojů, které vám pomohou se o trochu lépe orientovat v záplavě propagandy.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Nový Pearl Harbor – 11. září a vláda George Bushe – Znepokojující otázky; David Ray Griffin;

    Z anglického originálu The New Pearl Harbor přeložila Mai Havrdová Fathi; Brožovaná, 245 stran, 199 Kč, ISBN 80-7207-591-8, První vydání v nakladatelství Volvox Globator.

    David Ray Griffin, profesor filosofie a teologie na vysoké škole Claremont School of Theology, nastoluje ve své publikaci „znepokojivé otázky“ a fantasticky znějící podezření, která byla vznesena v souvislosti s tragickými událostmi 11. září 2001. Griffin upozorňuje, že tyto události provází řada nejasností, které se stávají živnou půdou „spikleneckých teorií“ podezřívajících americkou vládu z podílu na aktivní „spoluúčasti“. Podle Griffína jde o podezření natolik závažná, že je věcí veřejného zájmu důkladně prozkoumat argumenty, o něž se opírají, a buď je vyvrátit, nebo z nich vyvodit příslušné závěry, ve své knize tyto argumenty shromažďuje ze zdrojů, které považuje za hodnověrné, a nabízí osm možných závěrů, odstíněných podle stupně závažnosti. Otázku platnosti argumentů však ponechává těm, kdo mají prostředky a pověření události z 11. září adekvátním způsobem vyšetřit, ale dosud tak neučinili, totiž investigativním novinářům a voleným zástupcům veřejnosti. Kniha je napínavým svědectvím zápasu o veřejnou informovanost, který je vnímán jako zápas o podstatu americké demokracie.



    ukázka z knihy http://www.prefer-statement.wz.cz/b0057.htm
    JAXXE --- ---
    MARSHUS --- ---
    MATT --- ---
    nevzpomenete si jaxe menovala ta latka co mela roztavit ty nosniky ve WTC? jednou tu brobehlo takovy video kde s tim roztavili motor od auta asi za 5 sekund..
    JAXXE --- ---
    Upozornění pro cestující: v USA mohou být cizinci zbaveni svých základních lidských práv

    Greg Evans

    Žádný důraz není dost velký, chceme-li mluvit o tom, jak nebezpečným útokem na lidská práva je nový americký zákon „Military Commissions Act". Podle toho zákona může být každý cizinec, který navštíví USA, zadržen na neomezeně dlouho dobu bez práva na soudní proces (tedy nejen člověk, který je v USA nelegálně, ale i ten, který má turistické vízum, nebo ten, který získal povolení k trvalému pobytu). Stačí, když americká vláda usoudí, že cizinec má nějaké „spojení s terorismem", a může být zatčen a vězněn do konce života, přičemž vláda nemusí předložit žádnému soudu ani jiskru důkazu, že její obvinění je oprávněné.

    Každý cizinec (a tedy také Čech), který cestuje do USA, nebo tam již bydlí, by tedy měl být s touto situací obeznámen. Zejména jde-li o muslima nebo Čecha arabského původu – pak totiž existuje sice malá, ale reálná možnost, že bude, třeba i kvůli nějaké chybě či omylu, zatčen. Třeba se bude jmenovat stejně jako někdo, koho CIA podezírá z terorismu. Jelikož nový zákon ruší právo habeas corpus (podle kterého musí vláda vznést obvinění před soudem), bude ovšem velmi těžké, ne-li vůbec nemožné, takovou chybu napravit. A co je ještě horší – takové věci se již dějí. Organizace amerických právníků The Center for Constitutional Rights nedávno poukázalo na to, že mnoho vězňů v Guantanamu pravděpodobně nemá žádné spojení s terorismem, tito vězeni však ještě neměli, a kvůli novému zákonu možná nikdy mít nebudou, příležitost svou nevinu dokázat.

    I nemuslimský Čech evropského původu by však měl mít z nového zákona strach. Americká vláda už před soudem tvrdila, že má právo zatknout někoho, kdo poskytl malý dar charitě, jestliže tato charita (dokonce bez vědomí dotyčného dárce) předala darovanou věc např. někomu z Al Kajdy, a nový zákon toto právo potvrzuje. Navíc by si měli dávat pozor také ekologičtí aktivisté a aktivisté bojující za práva zvířat. Podle FBI patří dvě z takových skupin mezi nejnebezpečnější teroristické skupiny v USA, třebaže jejich činnost nikdy nikoho o život nepřipravila. Je pravda, že toto nebezpečí je zatím jen teoretické – dosud byli bez práva habeas corpus zatčeni pouze muslimové a Arabové. Kdyby se však např. stalo, že by americký prezident propadl paranoie (jako svého času Stalin), neexistuje zákon, který by ho mohl zastavit – teoreticky by se mohl rozhodnout zatknout všechny cizince v USA.

    Ne-občany USA, které americká vláda podle nového zákona zatkne (nebo je už zatkla), může zajímat také další bod nově přijatého zákona – tento zákon dává americké vládě právo tyto vězně mučit. Tedy je-li slovo „mučení„ používáno v tom smyslu, v jakém je používá mezinárodní zákon, a nikoli tak, jak je definováno americkou vládou. Ta totiž změnila jeho význam. Co to znamená, je dlouhý příběh a téma pro jiný článek.

    JAXXE --- ---
    S blogery jako s teroristy

    Británie a EU si hodlají došlápnout na „šíření propagandy“, čímž kopírují útok USA na internetové svobody

    PETVAL --- ---

    Name....> The Illuminati Vol.2 - The Antichrist Conspiracy 2006-XviD-DEV.avi
    Runtime....> 01:54:34
    Video Bitrate....> 726 kb/s XviD
    Audio Bitrate....> 127 kb/s MP3 VBR LAME3.90
    Fps....> 29.970
    Resolution....> 640x352 (1.82:1) [=20:11]
    Size....> 706 Mb

    PETVAL --- ---
    Diebold slams HBO Hacking Democracy documentary
    By Gavin Clarke in San Francisco → More by this author
    Published Thursday 2nd November 2006 21:29 GMT

    A campaign by Diebold to torpedo a TV documentary investigating its controversial e-voting machines looks set to backfire.

    Diebold president David Byrd and CEO Chris Albrecht this week fired off press releases http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/10-31-2006/0004463570&EDATE= and angry letters to HBO demanding the US network pull the doc, Hacking Democracy, and that it airs disclaimers before, during and after presentation this week.

    Byrd cites "egregious" errors and misrepresentations, while Albrecht alleges some kind of pinko-liberal-Hollwood conspiracy against Diebold. Hacking Democracy "is directed by the directors of VoterGate, and contains much of the same material. VoterGate was produced with special thanks to Susan Sarandon and The Streisand Foundation," he writes.

    According to reports http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/news/e3iu1kJn0r6mbsE3T+LOOImOQ== , the Diebold duo have not seen Hacking Democracy, and they are also getting their documentaries mixed up.

    Confusingly, Votergate is the UK working title of Hacking Democracy. The documentary that Diebold is complaining about - the US Votergate, if you will - was produced and directed by a different bunch of people, HBO says.

    The storm comes a week before US citizens go the polls to vote in the bitter 2006 mid-term election campaign. The usual round of political debate and mud slinging has the added spice that there are unresolved questions over the reliability of machines from Dieblod to accurately count and securely record votes.

    It seems to be common practice for machines to record votes for Democrats as Republican http://www.engadget.com/2006/10/30/florida-diebold-machines-help-you-pick-the-right-candidate/ while machines have also been hacked http://www.wired.com/news/evote/0,2645,69893,00.html under tested conditions. Diebold has always maintained its machines are tested and secure.

    According to Diebold, 40 per cent of votes this November will be recorded electronically with its own machines accounting for 40 per cent of that market.

    That's enough to put the frighteners on a growing number of voters. Representatives of the NAACP http://www.naacp.org/ told the US radio broadcaster NP that the organization has counted an upsurge in people casting absentee votes, a paper- and postal-based approach that circumvents Diebold machines.

    GORG --- ---
    DAVID ICKE: The Lizards and the Jews

    Broadcaster and journalist Jon Ronson encounters one of Britain’s most infamous media figures as he continues his search to uncover the ... all » truth behind who – or what – is really controlling the world. Tonight Ronson joins David Icke on a lecture tour that takes the ex-sports broadcaster headlong into controversy as his extraordinary views dismay his detractors and inspire his audiences, providing a fascinating insight into extremists – and how the public responds to them
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