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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    WALKIE --- ---
    hm, Klaus mluvi o ohrozene svobode jednotlivce a orwellovske Evrope:
    BILLY_STYX --- ---
    Dec 27,
    Army Reservist Shot, Killed in Standoff

    LEONARDTOWN, Md. (AP) -- An Army Reservist despondent about being sent to Iraq was killed by police during a 14-hour standoff that began Christmas night when family members told authorities he was armed and threatening to kill himself.
    James Emerick Dean, 28, had barricaded himself inside his father's house with several weapons Monday night, family members told police. He later told officers he would shoot anyone who entered the house. His father was not home at the time.
    Around noon Tuesday, while police were preparing to use tear gas to force Dean out of the home, Dean came to the front door and pointed his weapon at an officer, St. Mary's County Sheriff Tim Cameron said. Another deputy shot Dean once, killing him.
    Dean had already served 18 months in Afghanistan and was despondent after learning recently that he would be deployed to Iraq, family members told police.
    During the standoff, Dean fired several shots at police, including one that struck a car where a deputy sat. The officer was not injured.
    Cameron did not know what reserve unit Dean served in.
    Wanda Matthews, who lives next door to Dean's father, told the Washington Post she knew the young man was depressed about heading to Iraq.
    "His dad told me that he didn't want to go to war," Matthews said. "He had already been out there and didn't want to go again."

    PETVAL --- ---
    A Platform for RFID Security and Privacy Administration

    Melanie R. Rieback
    Department of Computer Science
    Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

    Georgi N. Gaydadjiev
    Department of Computer Engineering
    Delft University of Technology

    Bruno Crispo, Rutger F.H. Hofman, Andrew S. Tanenbaum
    Department of Computer Science
    Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
    fcrispo, rutger, astg@cs.vu.nl

    This paper presents the design, implementation, and evaluation of the RFID Guardian, the first-ever unified platform for RFID security and privacy administration. The RFID Guardian resembles an “RFID firewall”, enabling individuals to monitor and control access to their RFID tags by combining a standard-issue RFID reader with unique RFID tag emulation capabilities. Our system provides a platform for coordinated usage of RFID security mechanisms, offering fine-grained control over RFID-based auditing, key management, access control, and authentication capabilities. We have prototyped the RFID Guardian using off-the-shelf components, and our experience has shown that active mobile devices are a valuable tool for managing the security of RFID tags in a variety of applications, including protecting low-cost tags that are unable to regulate their own usage.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Martin Rozumek: Přílepy - naše malé cizinecké Guantanámo

    Obyvatelé vesnice Velké Přílepy, kousek za Prahou, patrně nemají ani tušení, že se v jejich obci nachází "mezinárodní letiště". Pravda, žádné letadlo z něj nikdy nevzlétlo, v obci není žádná ranvej. "Letiště" existuje pouze jako právní fikce Ministerstva vnitra. Proč?
    Ministerstvo totiž tvrdí (a nyní chce také vložit do novely zákona o azylu), že tamní policejní cela je "tranzitním prostorem mezinárodního letiště". Díky tomu se Přílepy stávají takovým malým českým Guantanámem, v němž jsou cizinci, kteří nespáchali žádný trestný čin ani přestupek, drženi neomezeně dlouhou dobu. Dokud je český stát nezlomí, aby se "dobrovolně repatriovali" zpět do své země, kterou opustili často z důvodů politického či jiného pronásledování.

    Bezpráví na území nikoho
    Navrhovaná novela zákona o azylu neuvádí maximální dobu držení žadatele o mezinárodní ochranu na letišti. Ani nepočítá s urychleným soudním přezkumem, zda je žadatel o azyl zbaven osobní svobody zákonným způsobem, jak to požaduje článek 5 Evropské úmluvy o ochraně lidských práv a základních svobod.
    Přezkum zákonnosti zbavení svobody nemají české soudy za povinnost provádět ani pravidelně, ani přednostně, jak je tomu u většiny azylových a cizineckých věcí. Nelze se proto divit, že před několika lety žil palestinský uprchlík Ibrahim Zeid po bleskovém zamítnutí azylové žádosti déle než sedm měsíců v "zemi nikoho" na podlaze tranzitního prostoru v Ruzyni (získal pak během několika měsíců azyl v Německu), anebo že skupina zoufalých egyptských uprchlíků uprchne ze střediska násilím, jak se přihodilo v létě tohoto roku.

    Nasedněte, už vám to letí
    Podle současného zákona by každého uprchlíka mělo ministerstvo propustit, nerozhodne-li o jeho azylové žádosti do pěti dnů. Ministerstvo však provádí vědomé obstrukce: azylovou žádost úředně přijímá a pak předává po celé dny či týdny, ačkoli pracovníci vnitra sídlí ve stejné budově jako uprchlíci. Z pěti dnů je rázem dvacet.
    Kladné azylové rozhodnutí na letišti za několik posledních let nebylo ani jedno. Předání azylového rozhodnutí je právním úkonem, na který nelze zmocnit právního zástupce, takže zamítnutí je často předáno v návaznosti na odlet vhodného leteckého spoje, který uprchlíka ihned deportuje z českého území.
    Na celém postupu je nejvíce znepokojující, že vnitro ohýbá právní řád na úkor cizinců, kteří žádají Česko o pomoc před pronásledováním v často nedemokratických zemích typu Íránu, Egypta, Turecka nebo afrických režimů. Naše pomocná ruka by vzhledem ke zkušenostem bývalého Československa se statisíci našich vlastních uprchlíků měla být podána lépe a velkoryseji.
    Autor je ředitelem Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům
    JAXXE --- ---
    Yesterday on Fox News, talk radio host Mike Gallagher said the U.S. government should “round up” actor Matt Damon, “The View” host Joy Behar, and MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann and “put them in a detention camp until this war is over because they’re a bunch of traitors.”

    Gallagher was upset over Behar’s comment that Time magazine should have chosen a controversial “Hitler-type” like Donald Rumsfeld as its Person of the Year. Gallagher said Damon should also be incarcerated because he “attacked George Bush and Dick Cheney”; he didn’t explain why he wanted to imprison Olbermann. Watch it:



    GALLAGHER: You know, it’s a little bit ridiculous that we continue to watch these TV stars and movie stars who smear our leaders. I just wonder, Rob, if you’ll think for a moment what our enemies think of seeing TV personalities compare the outgoing defense secretary to Adolph Hitler. I mean, you know, conservatives never get a pass. Strom Thurmond is wished a happy birthday by Trent Lott and the sky falls in on Trent Lott. But Joy Behar goes on national TV and compares a good man like Rumsfeld to the evilest man in the world and nobody, you know, there’s no repercussions for Joy Behar. I think we should round up all of these folks. Round up Joy Behar. Round up Matt Damon, who last night on MSNBC attacked George Bush and Dick Cheney. Round up Olbermann. Take the whole bunch of them and put them in a detention camp until this war is over because they’re a bunch of traitors.

    THOMPSON: They’re not traitors, they’re Americans. And you know what the great thing about America is you get to say what you like and you don’t get thrown into detention camps.

    GALLAGHER: No, you don’t.

    THOMPSON: And that’s what the rest of the world sees. They see free Americans say what they like without having any fear of going to jail. So, if I wanted to compare someone to Hitler or anybody else, Pol Pot, whatever it might be, I have no fear of going to jail because that is what an America is.

    GALLAGHER: There’s such a thing as treason, Rob.

    THOMPSON: That’s not treason. That’s just political talk and satire and it might be funny at the best, at the least.
    PUEBLO --- ---
    OTÁZKA (Element)
    Co je zodpovědno za globální oteplování na Marsu? Není toto pravou příčinou oteplování na Zemi? Proč se neustále přetřásá CO2, když mnohem silnějším skleníkovým plynem je metan a vodní pára?
    ODPOVĚĎ( 20.12.2006 10:28 )

    O Marsu toho vím málo, pokud se v posledních letech otepluje, pak by za tím mohl být jev zvaný solární oteplování - dnes je největší aktivita Slunce nejméně od roku 870 a možná až za posledních 8,2 tisíce let. Vodní pára je sice nejsilnější skleníkový plyn, lae její "okno" (část IČ spektra) je v podstatě obsazeno. Vliv metanu je menší, ale podstatný. O oxidu uhličitém se mluví tak často i proto, že ostatní plyny je možné přepočítat na CO2 ekvivalent.
    PUEBLO --- ---
    BEEJBI --- ---
    CHARION: hele a ked banky vlastnia akcionari, tak je to sukromne alebo statne vlastnictvo? sa nad tym trochu zamysli... + akcionar tiez moze byt len jeden, alebo dvaja, zeano...co sa tyka CO2, no ano, nie to "splodina" ale je to kazdopadne jedovaty plyn, o slovicka tu teraz fakt nejde...no aked uz sas teda ohanas tym jak sledujeme len mainstream, tak sem aspon hod nejake zdroje mimo mainstreamu, ked uz o to ide...a este by ma zaujimalo, ked si taky mudry, ze aku mas zaruku, ze tie "nemainstreamove" vyskumy su pravdive a spravne?
    JAXXE --- ---
    Illuminati Confessions

    by Leo Lyon Zagami

    All you always wanted to know about the Real Story of the Illuminati

    Leo Lyon Zagami, ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico - Masonic Executive Committee (MEC) of Monte Carlo. He was, until recently, a high level member of the Italian Illuminati, a 33rd degree freemason, a true insider and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 Lodge. He was the "prince", prepared to take over after the older Illuminati "king", Licio Gelli. He is of Illuminati aristocrat bloodline and therefore involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood.

    However, Leo decided he'd had enough of all the evil he was exposed to, and a part of, and the horrifying Satanic, black magic rituals, mind control and torture that was going on inside the lodges, behind closed doors. So he left everything and fled to Norway, where he is currently residing. Since he left, he's been harassed and tortured and had his life threatened. He realized that the only way to hopefully stay alive is to expose to the world what he knows and make himself known. History shows that this is one of the best ways to survive, although nothing is for certain. Leo quickly started this website, Illuminati Confessions, where he reveals the secrets to the world, one by one. I strongly advise you to check it out and download it to your computer, in case they decide to silence him for good, and this website will be shut down. There is a lot of extremely important information here, and much of it can't be found anywhere else. Leo has also been a guest several times at Greg Szymanski's radio show.

    MARNEYY --- ---
    CHARION: Cimz jsi chtel rict, ze je na hovno, kdyz nekdo vystuduje vysokou skolu? ;-)
    JAXXE --- ---
    In an even greater affront to Russia, and its supposed Middle Eastern ally Egypt, these reports also accuse the United States of operating a CIA/French Intelligence backed terror ring on Egyptian territory for the recruitment of foreign fighters to be deployed in the Iraqi and Afghanistan wars, but which Egyptian authorities had infiltrated and arrested the American and French Ringleaders, and as we can read as reported by the Forbes News Service in their article titled "Egypt Releases Details on American Man", and which says:

    "Security officials in Egypt released new details Monday about an American man in their custody on suspicion of links to a terror network which allegedly recruits Muslims to fight the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq. In Washington, the administration said Monday it expected an American detained in Egypt as a suspected terrorist to be freed.

    The American was arrested late last month along with 11 Europeans and an unknown number of Egyptians and Arabs from other countries who were accused of belonging to an Islamist terror cell plotting attacks. Egyptian authorities expelled eight French citizens and two Belgians on Thursday. Another French citizen was in custody along with the American.

    The State Department has criticized Egypt for refusing to grant U.S. officials timely access to the arrested American."

    Egyptian authorities became further outraged when the French Intelligence Agents plotting with the CIA, and who were deported to France with the understanding that they would be prosecuted, were released by French Authorities, and as we can read as reported by the International Herald Tribune in their article titled "French police release 8 terror suspects expelled from Egypt", and which says:

    "French anti-terrorist police have freed eight Frenchmen accused by Egyptian authorities of plotting attacks in the Middle East and expelled from Egypt, judicial officials said Sunday. The eight Frenchmen were arrested upon their arrival in France on Friday. The DSAT anti-terrorist agency released four Saturday, and four more Sunday, the judicial officials said."


    PETVAL --- ---
    UK ditches single ID database
    Swaps Big Brother for fraternal triumvirate
    UK ditches single ID database
    Swaps Big Brother for fraternal triumvirate
    By Lucy Sherriff → More by this author
    Published Tuesday 19th December 2006 19:09 GMT

    The UK government has ditched plans to put all our identities on one big database, saying that sticking with existing systems will help cut fraud and save money.
    Reid has already said that as of 2008 all new visitors to the UK will have to register their biometric information with the government. But now this will be extended to all non-EU foreign nationals in the UK. The scheme will start for those reapplying for visas.

    "We want to count everybody in and count everybody out," said Reid.

    He also conceded that the system will not prevent people having fake IDs, but argues that it will put a stop to multiple identities, the BBC reports.
    "You can go around claiming the first time you are John Reid, but you can not then come round a second time claiming you are Liam Byrne", he said.

    We are mystified as to why anyone would want to pass themselves off as either, but that may be beside the point.
    PETVAL --- ---
    anglicky clanek reaguje na Sternovu zpravu zminenou v tom ceskem, popisuje, jak OSN manipuluje data atd.

    Britové vyzvali k radikální ekologické reformě
    Britové představili plán akce, která má radikálně zamezit změnám globálního klimatu. Zpráva varovala, že pokud svět nezasáhne, přijde každé země přibližně o desetinu svého hrubého domácího produktu.

    Přitom účinný zásah by přišel asi na procento HDP ročně.

    Zprávou, kterou připravil tým vedený hlavním ekonomem britské vlády a bývalým hlavním ekonomem Světové banky sirem Nicholasem Sternem, se Londýn v této oblasti dostává do nového otevřeného střetu s vládou amerického prezidenta George Bushe. Ta zastává stanovisko, že ekologická opatření jsou příliš drahá a zpomalují hospodářský růst. Stern vypočítal pravý opak a jeho zpráva, která pronikla na veřejnost už v neděli, proto už vyvolala v
    USA první negativní reakce.

    Climate chaos? Don't believe it
    By Christopher Monckton, Sunday Telegraph
    Last Updated: 12:14am GMT 05/11/2006

    The Stern report last week predicted dire economic and social effects of unchecked global warming. In what many will see as a highly controversial polemic, Christopher Monckton disputes the 'facts' of this impending apocalypse and accuses the UN and its scientists of distorting the truth


    Monckton has been in the news in recent months due to his skepticism of global warming. After U.S. Senators Rockefeller and Snowe wrote a letter to the Chief Executive Officer of ExxonMobil asking him to stop funding scientists who reject global warming, Lord Monckton wrote a letter to the senators reminding them of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and calling for them to reverse their position or resign. [1]

    KERRAY --- ---
    // kliknete si kdyztak, je tam obrazek, formatovani a tak


    by Dr. Chris Martenson
    The End of Money
    December 17, 2006

    Prepare to be shocked.

    The US is insolvent. There is simply no way for our national bills to be paid under current levels of taxation and promised benefits. Our federal deficits alone now total more than 400% of GDP.

    That is the conclusion of a recent Treasury/OMB report entitled Financial Report of the United States Government that was quietly slipped out on a Friday (12/15/06), deep in the holiday season, with little fanfare. Sometimes I wonder why the Treasury Department doesn’t just pay somebody to come in at 4:30 am Christmas morning to release the report. Additionally, I’ve yet to read a single account of this report in any of the major news media outlets but that is another matter.

    But, hey, I understand. A report this bad requires all the muffling it can get.

    In his accompanying statement to the report, David Walker, Comptroller of the US, warmed up his audience by stating that the GAO had found so many significant material deficiencies in the government’s accounting systems that the GAO was “unable to express an opinion” on the financial statements. Ha ha! He really knows how to play an audience!

    In accounting parlance, that’s the same as telling your spouse “Our checkbook is such an out of control mess I can’t tell if we’re broke or rich!” The next time you have an unexplained rash of checking withdrawals from that fishing trip with your buddies, just tell her that you are “unable to express an opinion” and see how that flies. Let us know how it goes!

    Then Walker went on to deliver the really bad news:

    Despite improvement in both the fiscal year 2006 reported net operating cost and the cash-based budget deficit, the U.S. government’s total reported liabilities, net social insurance commitments, and other fiscal exposures continue to grow and now total approximately $50 trillion, representing approximately four times the Nation’s total output (GDP) in fiscal year 2006, up from about $20 trillion, or two times GDP in fiscal year 2000.

    As this long-term fiscal imbalance continues to grow, the retirement of the “baby boom” generation is closer to becoming a reality with the first wave of boomers eligible for early retirement under Social Security in 2008.

    Given these and other factors, it seems clear that the nation’s current fiscal path is unsustainable and that tough choices by the President and the Congress are necessary in order to address the nation’s large and growing long-term fiscal imbalance.

    Wow! I know David Walker’s been vocal lately about his concern over our economic future but it seems almost impossible to ignore the implications of his statements above. From $20 trillion in fiscal exposures in 2000 to over $50 trillion in only six years? What shall we do for an encore…shoot for $100 trillion?

    And how about the fact that boomers begin retiring in 2008…that always seemed to be waaaay out in the future. However, beginning January 1st we can start referring to 2008 as ‘next year’ instead of ‘some point in the future too distant to get concerned about now’. Our economic problems need to be classified as growing, imminent, and unsustainable.

    And let me clarify something. The $53 trillion shortfall is expressed as a ‘net present value’. That means that in order to make the shortfall disappear we’d have to have that amount of cash in the bank – today - earning interest (the GAO uses 5.7% & 5.8% as the assumed long-term rate of return). I’ll say it again - $53 trillion, in the bank, today. Heck, I don’t even know how much a trillion is let alone fifty-three of ‘em.

    And next year we’d have to put even more into this mythical interest bearing account simply because we didn’t collect any interest on money we didn’t put in the bank account this year. For the record, 5.7% on $53 trillion is a bit more than $3 trillion dollars so you can see how the math is working against us here. This means the deficit will swell by at least another $3 trillion plus whatever other shortfalls the government can rack up in the meantime. So call it another $4 trillion as an early guess for next year.

    Given how studiously our nation is avoiding this topic both in the major media outlets and during our last election cycle, I sometimes feel as if I live in a small mountain town that has decided to ignore an avalanche that has already let loose above in favor of holding the annual kindergarten ski sale.

    The Treasury department soft-pedaled the whole unsustainable gigantic deficit thingy in last year’s report but they have taken a quite different approach this year. From page 10 of the report:

    The net social insurance responsibilities scheduled benefits in excess of estimated revenues) indicate that those programs are on an unsustainable fiscal path and difficult choices will be necessary in order to address their large and growing long-term fiscal imbalance.

    Delay is costly and choices will be more difficult as the retirement of the ‘baby boom’ gets closer to becoming a reality with the first wave of boomers eligible for retirement under Social Security in 2008

    I don’t know how that could be any clearer. The US Treasury department has issued a public report warning that we are on an unsustainable path and that we face difficult choices that will only become more costly the longer we delay.

    Perhaps the reason US bonds and the dollar have held up so well is that we are far from alone in our predicament. In a recent article detailing why the UK Pound Sterling may fall, we read this horrifying evidence:

    Officially, [UK] public sector net debt stands at £486.7bn. That's equal to US$953.9bn and represents a little under 38% of annual GDP. Add the state's "off balance sheet" debt, however – including its pension promises to state-paid employees – and the total shoots nearly three times higher. Research by the Centre for Policy Studies in London says it would put UK government deficits at a staggering 103% of GDP.

    If we perform the same calculations for the US, however, we find that the official debt stands at $8.507 trillion or 65% of (nominal) GDP but when we add in our “off balance sheet” items the national debt stands at $53 trillion or 403% of GDP.

    Now that’s horrifying. Staggering. Whatever you wish to call it. More than four hundred percent of GDP(!). And that’s just at the federal level. We could easily make this story a bit more ominous by including state, municipal and corporate shortfalls. But let’s not do that.

    Here’s what the federal shortfall means in the simplest terms.


    There is no way to ‘grow out of this problem’. What really jumps out is that the US financial position has deteriorated by over $22 trillion in only 4 years and $4.5 trillion in the last 12 months (see table below, from page 10 of the report). The problem did not ‘get better’ as a result of the excellent economic growth over the past 3 years but rather got worse and is apparently accelerating to the downside.

    Any economic weakness will only exacerbate the problem. You should be aware that the budgetary assumptions of the US government are for greater than 5% nominal GDP growth through at least 2011. In other words, because no economic weakness is included in the deficit projections below, $53 trillion could be on the low side. Further, none of the long-term costs associated with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are factored in any of the numbers presented (thought to be upwards of $2 trillion more).


    The future will be defined by lowered standards of living. As Lawrence Kotlikoff pointed out in his paper titled “Is the US Bankrupt?” posted to the St. Louis Federal Reserve website, the insolvency of the US will minimally require some combination of lowered entitlement payouts and higher taxes. Both of those represent less money in the taxpayer’s pockets and, last time I checked, less money meant a lower standard of living.

    Every government facing this position has opted to “print its way out of trouble”. That’s an historical fact and our country shows no indications, unfortunately, of possessing the unique brand of political courage required to take a different route. In the simplest terms this means you & I will face a future of uncomfortably high inflation, possibly hyperinflation if the US dollar loses its reserve currency status somewhere along the way.

    Of course, it is impossible to print our way out of this particular pickle because printing money is inflationary and therefore a ‘hidden tax’ on everyone. Consider, what’s the difference between having half of your money directly taken (taxed) by the government and having half of its value disappear due to inflation? Nothing. Except that the former is political suicide while the second is conveniently never discussed by the US financial mainstream press (for some reason) and therefore goes undetected by a majority of people as the thoroughly predictable outcome of deficit spending. All printing can realistically accomplish is the preservation of some DC jobs and the decimation of the middle and lower classes.

    In summary, I am wondering how long we can pretend this problem does not exist. How long can we continue to buy stocks and flip houses, forget to save, pile up debt, import Chinese made goods, and export debt? Are these useful activities to perform while there’s an economic avalanche bearing down upon us?

    Unfortunately, I am not smart enough to know the answer. I only know that hoping a significant and mounting problem will go away is not a winning strategy.

    I know that we, as a nation, owe it to ourselves to have the hard conversation about our financial future sooner rather than later. And I suspect that conversation will have to begin right here, between you and me because I cannot detect even the faintest glimmer that our current crop of leaders can distinguish between urgent and expedient.

    What we need is a good, old-fashioned grassroots campaign.

    In the meantime, I simply do not know of any way to fully protect oneself against the economic ravages resulting from poorly managed monetary and fiscal institutions. For what it’s worth, I am heavily invested in gold and silver and will remain that way until the aforementioned institutions choose to confront “what is” rather than “what’s expedient”. This could be a very long-term investment.

    Are you shocked?

    All the best.

    KERRAY --- ---
    CHARION: jo, v poho, jeste ze tu je Charion aby uvedl veci na pravou miru :)
    KERRAY --- ---
    No, kazdopadne, odkaz na to video [ KERRAY @ world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 ] jsem sem nedaval proto, abychom se zabyvali emisemi CO2, ale proto, ze mne zaujalo, jak se v podobnych kauzach prave ten mainstreamovy nazor tvori. Ze ti stejni vedci, kteri tvrdili, ze spojitost mezi kourenim cigaret a rakovinou plic je nejasna, pricemz jejich vyzkumy byly pres par klicek placene tabakovymi koncerny, dnes tvrdi, ze spojitost mezi lidskou cinnosti a oteplovanim je prinejlepsim neprokazana. A diky tomu, ze se malokdo pidi po hlubsich informacich, lidem staci ze "vedci" nebo "odbornici" neco rekli (a par novinaru to po sobe prevzalo a preinterpretovalo), muzou tihleti "vedci" (pry vetsinou lide z jinych oboru, od kterych na dane tema neproslo peer-reviewed magaziny ani pismenko) svymi nazory pusobit na mainstream. Zvou se navzajem na konference, cituji navzajem svoje clanky... a kdyz jim nekdo prinese pod nos dukazy, a zepta se jich co to jako ma znamenat, tak budou prohlasovat, ze "to neni jejich business" (ten chlapik v tom videu je doopravdy ukazkovy exemplar :)
    MARNEYY --- ---
    CAIDEL: Aniz bych se chtel zastavat tady, kriminalniho zivla Chariona, tak jsem nedavno slysel velmi zajimavou hypotezu o tom, ze nase vypousteni splodin do ovzdusi je jistou prirozenou kompenzaci toho, ze prakticky zcela vymizeli obrovske prirodni pozary. Tim, ze takove pozary byvaly driv zcela bezne, se podle odborniku uvolnovalo do ovzdusi obrovske mnozstvi popilku, co2 atd... Uvadim to jenom jako zajimavej nazor. IMHO si taky myslim, ze omezovat exhalace je potreba, minimalne kvuli "cistote" ovzdusi.
    JAXXE --- ---
    The War on Shampoo

    "More propaganda than plot". Liquid bomb scare was a Home Office sponsored hoax

    by Craig Murray Global Research, December 18, 2006

    Google "Rashid Rauf - mastermind". On the first page of results you will find CBS, the BBC, the Times, Guardian and Mail all describing Rauf last summer, on security service or police briefing, as the "Mastermind" behind the "Liquid terror bomb plot". So the fact that a Pakistani court has found there is no evidence of terrorism against him cannot be lightly dismissed by the cheerleaders of the plot story.

    Rashid Rauf still faces other charges, including forgery, and what is touted as possession of explosives, although what he actually possessed was hydrogen peroxide, which is not explosive. As hydrogen peroxide is readily obtainable without limitation from any chemist or hardware store in the UK, why you would source it in Pakistan to blow up jets in Britain was never very convincing. The Pakistani court perhaps felt so too.

    Rashid Rauf has much to answer. He is still wanted in the UK over the murder of his uncle some years ago - a crime which, like the alleged forgery, had no apparent terrorist link. None of which adds to the credibility of the evidence he allegedly gave the Pakistani intelligence services about the liquid bomb plot in the UK.

    A second and simultaneous development is even more compelling evidence that this massive scare was, as I said at the time, "More propaganda than plot". Thames Valley police have given up after five months scouring the woods near High Wycombe where the bomb materials were allegedly hidden. They told the Home Office on 12 December that they would only continue if the government were prepared to meet the costs; they wished to get back to devoting their resources to real crimes, like armed robbery and burglary.

    Remember this was a plot described by the authorities as "Mass murder on an unimaginable scale" and "Bigger than 9/11". There have been instances in the UK of hundreds of police officers deployed for years to find an individual murderer. If the police really believed they were dealing with an effort at "Mass murder on an unimaginable scale", would they be calling off the search after five months? No.

    Which brings us to the lies that have been told - one of which concerns this search. An anonymous police source tipped off the media early on that they had discovered a "Suitcase" containing "bomb-making materials". This has recently been described to me by a security service source as "A lot of rubbish from someone's garage dumped in the woods". You could indeed cannibalise bits of old wire, clocks and car parts to form part of a bomb - perhaps you could enclose it in the old suitcase. But have they found stuff that is exclusively concerned with causing explosions, like detonators, explosives or those famous liquid chemicals? No, they haven't found any.


    Five British newspapers had to pay damages to a Birmingham man they accused, on security service briefing, of being part of the plot. Only the Guardian had the grace to publish the fact and print a retraction.

    A final fact to ponder. Despite naming him as the "mastermind" behind somethng "bigger than 9/11", the British government made no attempt to extradite Rashid Rauf on charges of terrorism.


    PETVAL --- ---
    "The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover

    JAXXE --- ---
    CHARION: dekujeme za psychologicky rozbor osobnosti ;) radsi to nebudu komentovat, mysli si co chces, mne je to fuk... kazdopadne proti tvemu bidne argumentovanemu tvrzeni, ze tobe pripada neco zrejme, je tu nekolik tisic clanku, casto z mainstream medii, nejen z ickeho webu...

    jeste pripomenu motto klubu:

    vse, co tu je, muze byt pravda, nebo uplna kravina. ukaze cas. klub slouzi spise jako sberna "oficialnich" i "neoficialnich" informaci. zaver necht si udela kazdy sam... diky za pochopeni. osobni utoky nejsou vitany

    co se FEDu tyce, koukni se na ten novy film "america - from freedom to fascism" nebo se treba podivej do obycejne wikipedie:

    The Federal Reserve System (also the Federal Reserve; informally The Fed) is the central banking system of the United States.

    The Federal Reserve System is a quasi-governmental banking system composed of (1) a presidentially-appointed Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C.; (2) the Federal Open Market Committee; (3) 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks located in major cities throughout the nation; and (4) numerous private member banks, which own varying amounts of stock in the regional Federal Reserve Banks.

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