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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
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    2015 Extraterrestrial artificial intelligences and humanity’s cosmic future: Answering the Fermi paradox through the construction of a Bracewell-Von Neumann AGI

    A probable solution of the Fermi paradox, and a necessary step in humanity’s cosmic development, is the construction of a Bracewell-Von Neumann (BN) Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). The use of BN probes is the most plausible method of initial galactic exploration and communication for advanced ET civilizations, and our own cosmic evolution lies firmly in the utilization of, and cooperation with, AGI agents. To establish these claims, I explore the most credible developmental path from carbon-based life forms to planetary civilizations and AI creation. I consider the likely physical characteristics of extraterrestrial AI probes and propose ways to predict their behavior. Lastly, I ponder the possible trajectories for humanity’s cosmic future
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    2008 Implications of an Anthropic Model of Evolution for Emergence of Complex Life and Intelligence


    Structurally complex life and intelligence evolved late on Earth; models for the evolution of global temperature suggest that, due to the increasing solar luminosity, the future life span of the (eukaryote) biosphere will be “only” about another billion years, a short time compared to the ∼4 Ga since life began. A simple stochastic model (Carter, 1983) suggests that this timing might be governed by the necessity to pass a small number, n, of very difficult evolutionary steps, with n < 10 and a best guess of n = 4, in order for intelligent observers like ourselves to evolve. Here I extend the model analysis to derive probability distributions for each step. Past steps should tend to be evenly spaced through Earth's history, and this is consistent with identification of the steps with some of the major transitions in the evolution of life on Earth. A complementary approach, identifying the critical steps with major reorganizations in Earth's biogeochemical cycles, suggests that the Archean-Proterozoic and Proterozoic-Phanerozoic transitions might be identified with critical steps. The success of the model lends support to a “Rare Earth” hypothesis (Ward and Brownlee, 2000): structurally complex life is separated from prokaryotes by several very unlikely steps and, hence, will be much less common than prokaryotes. Intelligence is one further unlikely step, so it is much less common still
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    pojem inteligence jako jednotici motiv pro planetaritu - zive, nezive, umele inteligence, spektrum inteligenci

    Astrovirology, Astrobiology, Artificial Intelligence: Extra-Solar System Investigations | SpringerLink

    Coming to an understanding of the plurality of extraterrestrial intelligence is an optimal objective, in order to avoid causing harm on exoplanets, as well as avoiding conflict and possible human devastation. This is especially the case if we encounter greatly advanced galactic-level civilizations, compared to terrestrial civilizations. Their machine and bionic technologies on the Dyson engineering civilization scale may be prominently superior to ours; their biological expertise may be similarly critically radical.
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    2016 Imagining Planetarity: Toward a Postcolonial Franciscan Theology of Creation

    The proliferation in recent decades of “stewardship model” approaches for developing a theology of creation, which places human beings at the center of the cosmos as caretakers or managers of the divine oikos, is the result of an intentional effort to correct overtly problematic “dominion model” approaches that have contributed both to reifying a sense of human sovereignty and the resulting environmental degradation.

    However, the first part of this dissertation argues that the stewardship model of creation actually operates under many of the same problematic presuppositions as the dominion model, and therefore does not offer a correction but rather a tacit re-inscription of the very same pitfalls.

    After close consideration and analysis of the stewardship model, this dissertation identifies scriptural, theological, and philosophical sources to support the adoption of a “kinship” or “community of creation” model. Drawing on postcolonial theorists and theologians as key critical and constructive interlocutors, this project then proposes the concept of “planetarity” as a framework for conceiving of the relationship between human and other-than-human creation, as well as the relationship between the whole of creation and the Creator, in a new way.

    This theoretical framework invites a theological supplément, which, this dissertation argues, is found best in the writings of the medieval Franciscan tradition. Several distinctive characteristics of the Franciscan theological tradition offer key constructive contributions. Among these themes are the foundational sense of the interrelatedness, mutuality, and intended harmony of creation within the early spiritual texts and later Franciscan theological and philosophical writings; John Duns Scotus’s distinctive principle of individuation; the alternative appropriation of Peter John Olivi’s category of usus pauper for use in navigating the tension between creation’s intrinsic and instrumental value; and the application of a Franciscan understanding of the virtue of pietas as a proposal for environmental praxis.

    The result is what can be called a postcolonial Franciscan theology of creation imagined in terms of planetarity as reconceived in a theological key. It is a constructive and non-anthropocentric response to the need for a new conceptualization of the doctrine of creation.
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    The Anthropocene as Planetarity in Deep Time | Living with Tiny Aliens: The Image of God for the Anthropocene | Fordham Scholarship Online | Oxford Academic

    In light of contemporary accounts of the Anthropocene, this chapter re-figures the relationship between human being and nature, such that nature is not the dialectical antithesis to human being and our reflexivity with nature is not easily marginalized. It proposes a simple definition for this relationship: human beings are planetary creatures in deep time. This definition indicates how the Anthropocene disorients us both in terms of the spatial (i.e., planetary) and temporal (i.e., deep time) boundedness of our subjectivity. Building on supporting ideas—‘planetarity’ and a ‘Sapiezoic’ eon—that help us imagine the implications of the Anthropocene’s disorientation of our subjectivity, this chapter articulates the potential symbolic power of the Anthropocene to imagine human beings as intra-active agents.
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    The History and Philosophy of Astrobiology: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life and the Human Mind - Cambridge Scholars Publishing

    Library Genesis: David Duner, David Duner, Gustav Holmberg, Joel Parthemore, Erik Persson - The History and Philosophy of Astrobiology: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life and the Human Mind

    This book traces the history of the science of this area and the development of new schools in philosophy. Its essays seek to establish the history and philosophy of astrobiology as research fields in their own right by addressing cognitive, linguistic, epistemological, ethical, cultural, societal, and historical perspectives on astrobiology.

    The book is divided into three sections. The first (Cognition) focuses on the human mind and what it contributes to the search for life. It explores the emergence and evolution of terrestrial life and cognition and the challenges humans face as they reach to the stars. The essays raise philosophical questions, pose ethical dilemmas, and offer a variety of approaches, including one from cognitive zoology, in formulating a theory of the universal principles of intelligence, the limits of human conceptual abilities, and the human mind’s encounter with the unknown.

    The second section (Communication) examines the linguistic and semiotic requirements for interstellar communication. What is needed for successful communication? Are there universal rules for success? What are the possible features – and limitations – of exolanguages? What is required for recognizing a message as a message?

    The third section (Culture) considers cultural and societal issues. It explores astrobiology’s organization as a scientific discipline, its responsibilities to the public sphere, and its theological implications. It reviews the historically important panspermia hypothesis, along with the popularization of astrobiology and its ongoing institutionalisation.
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    Three explanations for extraterrestrials: sensible, unlikely, mad | International Journal of Astrobiology | Cambridge Core

    The Fermi Paradox (or Question) has moved back into central focus. This is for a number of reasons, not least the evidence for both the abundance and antiquity of many extra-solar systems, the extrapolation of current technological trends to suggest that even inter-galactic colonization (by self-replicating machines) is plausible (if not desirable), and the recurrence of evolutionary solutions (convergence) in the terrestrial biosphere suggesting that features such as intelligence and tool-making are not fortuitous outcomes, but frequent if not universal. Here I review the three possible solutions to the Fermi Paradox. First, extraterrestrials certainly exist (and may be abundant), but for one reason or another (probably mundane) we have not yet met them, or at least found evidence for their existence. Second, against all expectations, we are alone. Third, we have entirely misunderstood the sort of universe we live in and have become unwitting hostages to a strict materialist explanandum that in refusing to acknowledge the other realities of our Universe has derailed any prospect of explaining the apparent absence of extraterrestrials.
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    Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Academic and Societal Implications - Cambridge Scholars Publishing

    What are the implications for human society, and for our institutions of higher learning, of the discovery of a sophisticated extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) operating on and around Earth? This book explores this timely question from a multidisciplinary perspective. It considers scientific, philosophical, theological, and interdisciplinary ways of thinking about the question, and it represents all viewpoints on how likely it is that an ETI is already operating here on Earth. The book’s contributors represent a wide range of academic disciplines in their formal training and later vocations, and, upon reflection on the book’s topic, they articulate a diverse range of insights into how ETI will impact humankind. It is safe to say that any contact or communication with ETI will not merely be a game changer for human society, but will also be a paradigm changer. This means that it makes sense for human beings to prepare themselves now for this important transition.

    In her introductory chapter, co-editor Jensine Andresen states that the acknowledgment that unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) are real “provides impetus for academics to start thinking cogently about the topic of human knowledge in the context of a broader discussion of extraterrestrial intelligence. How will widespread Contact impact so-called core disciplines, such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, history, etc.? Will such core disciplines begin to merge? How will widespread Contact impact the organizational map of academic disciplines as a whole? Will boundaries between academic disciplines become more fluid? Will the categorization of disciplines into the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities be replaced by something new? Even further, will entire categories of knowledge, e.g., religion and science, find a common ontological ground?”

    Discussing their motivations for the book, the editors state that the project “was motived by the intention to support intellectual and scholarly discussion of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) by highlighting the different approaches brought by an international group of academics with expertise in many different disciplines. The project was also driven by the desire to frame the ETI/UAP issue in a scholarly manner rather than permitting academic passivity to relegate the topic to a reductionist, militaristic, and governmental framework.”

    As NASA prepares to move forward with its plans to set up an independent study on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), along with the Preliminary Assessment on UAP published in June 2021 by the US Director of National Intelligence and the May 2022 Open C3 House Intelligence Subcommittee Hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, the contributors in this volume offer timely perspectives as humankind assimilates a more expansive understanding of its place in the Cosmos.




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    The great filter | Robin Hanson | TEDxLimassol
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    Our Founders | The Planetary Society

    Founded in 1980 by Carl Sagan, Bruce Murray, and Louis Friedman, The Planetary Society has inspired the people of Earth to explore other worlds, understand our own, and seek life elsewhere for over 40 years.

    Our three founders formed The Planetary Society to demonstrate—simply by its existence—that the public strongly supported planetary exploration and the search for extraterrestrial life and to wave that fact in the faces of politicians and policy makers around the world.
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    Carl Sagan - Who Speaks for Earth?
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    UFOs diffusing Nukes and The Pais Patents
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    Planetary Defense – Scientific and Technology Background | Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting | Cambridge Core

    Near-Earth Objects: There are many objects in space that come close to earth's orbit. The velocities of asteroids or other near-earth objects (NEOs) that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and other in the international community are examining are about seventeen kilometers a second—the energy releases are equivalent to the detonation of a nuclear weapon. NEOs that are of concern, “potentially hazardous objects,” are ones where their orbits bring them into five million miles of Earth's orbit. NASA and other observatories around the world are constantly scanning the skies for potentially hazardous “near-Earth objects,” and thousands have already been found. At the start of 2019, the number of discovered near-Earth asteroids totaled more than 19,000. An average of thirty new discoveries are added each week. NASA estimates that at least 17,000 big near-Earth asteroids have yet to be discovered.
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    UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites
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    valecna aplikace jaderna technologie nako misto stretu s mimoplanetarnim

    Former Air Force chief claims he once saw UFO firing at nuke missiles launched from secret base

    Dr. Jacobs continued: “We could see the bottom three stages of that rocket filling the frame from 160 miles away.”

    “It was amazing, the clarity was beautiful and we watched it go through all three stages of powered flight.”

    “The nose cone opened up and radar chaff, aluminum foil, spread out.

    “We were testing to see if we could launch a nuclear warhead into orbit, slightly above the nuclear chaff, so the Russians would aim their anti-missile missiles at the chaff, and our little warhead would fly over and obliterate Moscow.

    “That was the game we were playing. Horrifying to think about it in retrospect.”

    But suddenly, from in the frame, he claimed they saw an object following the test missile, which was traveling at 8,000mph.

    The UFO was said to have homed in and fired four beams at the warhead.

    Dr. Jacobs said: “Then it flew out of the frame the same way it had come in. At that point, the warhead tumbled out of space.”

    “The light came on and Major Mansmann and the two guys in grey suits looked at me, and the major said ‘were you guys screwing around up there (at camera site) I said ‘no sir’.

    “And he said ‘what was that?’ and I said it looks to me like we have a UFO.”
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    nuklearni valka jako planetarni udalost

    Nuclear Winter War Carl Sagan
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    RADIQAL: co bys chtel od epochy bio-geo-psychedelicke :) ... aneb ktera marginalni subkultura pohne s planetarni dysregulaci?
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    TADEAS: To zni az fanaticky. Děsivé vyhlídky, demokraticky CTA a obligatni odkaz na “psychologii přijetí mojí pravdy”.
    líbivé cíle řízlé apokalyptickými motivy, kdo z fandů cyber-eko-bio-punku by to nežral.
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    TADEAS: pokud kazda technologie ma nad sebou nejaky management, tj. management je oznacebi oro tu systemickou regulacni uroven, pak "prisoners of our technologies" je uvaha jdouci sejdrem. jsme prisoners of our role, pricemz tou roli je v rovine planety souhra roli civilizator-hyperpredator, civilizace je vyvoj&management technologii, hyperpredace je management (planetarniho) ekosystemu. management je vyraz pro systemickou regulaci a v teto vrstve je problem - regulace technologii&ekosystemu. aneb stav planety je momentalbe vyrazem stavu nasi schopnosti systemove regulace
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    TADEAS: neni to ale "controlled by human technologies, ale by human management&technologies, pricemz rozliseni je klicove, pokud se zohlednuje dimenze ekosystemu
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