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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
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    for the first time, we will measurably change the orbit of a celestial body in the universe


    Planetary defense test: NASA's DART spacecraft crashes into asteroid | DW News
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    Watch a Live Feed from NASA’s DART Spacecraft on Approach to Asteroid Dimorphos
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    Nasa to crash spacecraft into asteroid in planetary defense test | Nasa | The Guardian
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    Water found in asteroid dust may offer clues to origins of life on Earth | Space | The Guardian
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    NASA’s Perseverance Rover Investigates Geologically Rich Mars Terrain | NASA

    “The presence of these molecules is considered to be a potential biosignature–a substance or structure that could be evidence of past life but may also have been produced without the presence of life.”
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    Scientists Debate Gaia: The Next Century

    Scientists Debate Gaia is a multidisciplinary reexamination of the Gaia hypothesis, which was introduced by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis in the early 1970s. The Gaia hypothesis holds that Earth's physical and biological processes are linked to form a complex, self-regulating system and that life has affected this system over time. Until a few decades ago, most of the earth sciences viewed the planet through disciplinary lenses: biology, chemistry, geology, atmospheric and ocean studies. The Gaia hypothesis, on the other hand, takes a very broad interdisciplinary approach. Its most controversial aspect suggests that life actively participates in shaping the physical and chemical environment on which it depends in a way that optimizes the conditions for life. Despite intial dismissal of the Gaian approach as New Age philosophy, it has today been incorporated into mainstream interdisciplinary scientific theory, as seen in its strong influence on the field of Earth System Science. Scientists Debate Gaia provides a fascinating, multi-faceted examination of Gaia as science and addresses significant criticism of, and changes in, the hypothesis since its introduction. In the book, 53 contributors explore the scientific, philosophical, and theoretical foundations of Gaia. They address such topics as the compatibility of natural selection and Gaian processes, Gaia and the "thermodynamics of life," the role of computer models in Gaian science (from James Lovelock's famous but controversial "Daisyworld" to more sophisticated models that use the techniques of artificial life), pre-Socratic precedents for the idea of a "Living Earth," and the climate of the Amazon Basin as a Gaian system.

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    TADEAS: 29:20 vyklad vzniku zivota z planetarni perspektivy
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    elon musk reading pale blue dot: "there is nowhere else at least in the near future to where our species could migrate. this is wrong"


    Elon Musk: Pale Blue Dot and Beyond
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    Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot
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    Carl Sagan: Christmas Lectures 1 - The Earth as a Planet
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    What Kind of Extraterrestrial Life Should We Be Searching For? - The Atlantic

    The Case for Technosignatures: Why They May Be Abundant, Long-lived, Highly Detectable, and Unambiguous - IOPscience

    A new study, led by Jason Wright of Penn State University and to which I contributed as part of a NASA-funded technosignature-research group, has laid out the argument that astronomy is overlooking the value of technosignatures. The problem with biosignatures is that they’re forever tied to their biospheres—their planets. Biosignatures have no way to leave their biosphere of origin. And, for that matter, if all life were to disappear from Earth tomorrow, most of Earth’s biosignatures would disappear quickly too. For example, the oxygen in our atmosphere comes from the planet’s life. If that life went extinct, atmospheric oxygen would react back into rocks and disappear quickly on the scale of deep time.

    To detect a biosignature, in other words, we have to find a fully functional biosphere. But we don’t really know how long biospheres generally last. Ours has, thankfully, persisted for more than 3 billion years. But there are many ways a biosphere might die, including the loss of the planet’s atmosphere from solar winds or a really big asteroid impact. Once the biosphere goes, the biosignatures likely go with it.

    Technosignatures have no such constraint. Consider the fact that the solar system is already full of Earth’s technosignatures. More than 10 spacecraft are orbiting Mars or on its surface right now. And that’s just one planet. Hundreds of other spacecraft are out there traversing the sun’s spaceways. We have even blasted five craft entirely out of the solar system and into the interstellar domain. Every one of these machines we’ve sent into space constitutes a material technosignature—an artifact—in its own right. More important, all of the active ones are sending radio signals into space. These signals are weak, but each still constitutes a technosignature that some other species conceivably could detect.
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    Energy and matter at the origin of life | Royal Society of Biology East Midlands branch
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    pohled z "vesmiru" (30 km) pro chudsi

    Travel to Space | Space Perspective

    Passengers will soon be able to travel to space in a giant, floating balloon | Euronews
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    jadrove cykly zivota planety

    Transformer: The Deep Chemistry of Life and Death — Nick Lane

    Lane is among the vanguard of researchers asking why the Krebs cycle, the "perfect circle" at the heart of metabolism, remains so elusive more than eighty years after its discovery. Transformer is Lane's voyage, as a biochemist, to find the inner meaning of the Krebs cycle-why it is still spinning at the heart of life and death today.

    Transformer unites the story of our planet with the story of our cells-what makes us the way we are, and how it connects us to the origin of life. Enlivened by Lane's talent for distilling and humanizing complex research, Transformer is a must-listen for anyone fascinated by biology's great mysteries. Life is at root a chemical phenomenon: this is its deep logic.
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    Oxygen: The Molecule that made the World — Nick Lane

    Oxygen takes the reader on an enthralling journey, as gripping as a thriller, as it unravels the unexpected ways in which oxygen spurred the evolution of life and death. The book explains far more than the size of ancient insects: it shows how oxygen underpins the origin of biological complexity, the birth of photosynthesis, the sudden evolution of animals, the need for two sexes, the accelerated ageing of cloned animals like Dolly the sheep, and the surprisingly long lives of bats and birds.

    Drawing on this grand evolutionary canvas, Oxygen offers fresh perspectives on our own lives and deaths, explaining modern killer diseases, why we age, and what we can do about it. Advancing revelatory new ideas, following chains of evidence, the book ranges through many disciplines, from environmental sciences to molecular medicine. The result is a captivating vision of contemporary science and a humane synthesis of our place in nature. This remarkable book will redefine the way we think about the world.
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    Nick Lane: Origin of Life, Evolution, Aliens, Biology, and Consciousness | Lex Fridman Podcast #318
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    You might know that NASA plans to bring Mars samples to Earth. But you might not know that it must first build a facility like this planet has never seen: a combo BSL-4 lab / clean room, just in case Mars has alien life and that life is pathogenic.

    To Prevent a Martian Plague, NASA Needs to Build a Very Special Lab - The New York Times
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