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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
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    Carl Sagan - Cosmos - Drake Equation
    YEETKA --- ---
    Elezier Y. o AI, konci lidstva a různých možnostech kam to všechno může snadno vést..
    prvních deset minut se dá přeskočit..

    159 - We’re All Gonna Die with Eliezer Yudkowsky
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    Blue Alchemist Technology Powers our Lunar Future | Blue Origin

    To make long-term presence on the Moon viable, we need abundant electrical power. We can make power systems on the Moon directly from materials that exist everywhere on the surface, without special substances brought from Earth. We have pioneered the technology and demonstrated all the steps. Our approach, Blue Alchemist, can scale indefinitely, eliminating power as a constraint anywhere on the Moon.

    We assembled, in one laboratory, the people and facilities needed to transform regolith into solar cells and wires:

    - People: Our team encompasses all disciplines needed to solve this unprecedented technical challenge: geologists, geochemists, electrochemists, metallurgists, materials and photovoltaic scientists, fluid dynamicists, mechanical and electrical engineers, roboticists, and instrument, space flight, and systems engineers.

    - Facilities: Our laboratory is purpose-equipped for every step of the end-to-end process of transforming regolith into solar cells and aluminum wire, including quality and longevity testing.

    Although our vision is technically ambitious, our technology is real now. Blue Origin’s goal of producing solar power using only lunar resources is aligned with NASA’s highest priority Moon-to-Mars infrastructure development objective.
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    James Webb Space Telescope images shatter understanding of age of the universe
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    2021 Call for a framework for reporting evidence for life beyond Earth

    Are We Alone in the Universe? NASA Calls for New Framework | NASA Are We Alone in the Universe? NASA Calls for New Framework

    NASA scientists are encouraging the scientific community to establish a new framework that provides context for findings related to the search for life. Writing in the journal Nature, they propose creating a scale for evaluating and combining different lines of evidence that would ultimately lead to answering the ultimate question: Are we alone in the universe?

    In the new article led by Jim Green, the agency's chief scientist, a NASA group offers a sample scale to use as a starting point for discussions among anyone who would use it, such as scientists and communicators. They envision a scale informed by decades of experience in astrobiology, a field that probes the origins of life on Earth and possibilities of life elsewhere.

    “Having a scale like this will help us understand where we are in terms of the search for life in particular locations, and in terms of the capabilities of missions and technologies that help us in that quest,” Green said.

    The scale contains seven levels, reflective of the winding, complicated staircase of steps that would lead to scientists declaring they’ve found life beyond Earth. As an analogy, Green and colleagues point to the Technology Readiness Level scale, a system used inside NASA to rate how ready a spacecraft or technology is to fly. Along this spectrum, cutting-edge technologies such as the Mars helicopter Ingenuity begin as ideas and develop into rigorously tested components of history-making space missions.

    The authors hope that in the future, scientists will note in published studies how their new astrobiology results fit into such a scale. Journalists could also refer to this kind of framework to set expectations for the public in stories about new scientific results, so that small steps don’t appear to be giant leaps.
    TADEAS --- ---
    How NASA Could Determine Aliens Are Real and Tell the World

    Needless to say, any discovery of alien life would likely lead to chaos — at least in public discourse.

    Glaze said NASA's goal is to be a trusted, transparent source of clear scientific information. It could be the agency's biggest challenge yet.

    "I'm not sure we even have words to describe it," she said. "The confirmation that we're not alone in the universe is, I think, going to be akin to realizing that the universe doesn't rotate around Earth. It's a very different way of thinking about who we are, where we came from."
    TUHO --- ---
    Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses.[9]

    Living at the limits of our ordinary perception, mosses are a common but largely unnoticed element of the natural world. Gathering Moss is a beautifully written mix of science and personal reflection that invites readers to explore and learn from the elegantly simple lives of mosses.
    Robin Wall Kimmerer's book is not an identification guide, nor is it a scientific treatise. Rather, it is a series of linked personal essays that will lead general readers and scientists alike to an understanding of how mosses live and how their lives are intertwined with the lives of countless other beings, from salmon and hummingbirds to redwoods and rednecks. Kimmerer clearly and artfully explains the biology of mosses, while at the same time reflecting on what these fascinating organisms have to teach us.
    Drawing on her diverse experiences as a scientist, mother, teacher, and writer of Native American heritage, Kimmerer explains the stories of mosses in scientific terms as well as in the framework of indigenous ways of knowing. In her book, the natural history and cultural relationships of mosses become a powerful metaphor for ways of living in the world.
    Gathering Moss will appeal to a wide range of readers, from bryologists to those interested in natural history and the environment, Native Americans, and contemporary nature and science writing.

    TADEAS --- ---

    a planetary social science would also have to engage with the interplanetary. One aspect of this concerns interplanetary mobilities – the study of the multiple ways in which the stories of individual planets can become intertwined through the exchange of entities and materials of different kinds. Here the critical social sciences can help avoid the unreflective projection of ‘globalisation’ narratives of imperialism and neoliberalism onto an extra-terrestrial canvas. But another aspect of the interplanetary, at least as important, is the comparative. The deepening understanding of our own solar system and the continuing discovery of diverse exoplanets orbiting other stars can help us to construct a far more expansive theoretical ‘phase space’ for planetary development, one that can accommodate diverse possible developmental trajectories of planets. For the social sciences this is an opportunity to counter the dominant geocentric ‘observer bias’ that takes the specific story of the Earth to be the template for any planet that might develop complex organised matter. Drawing on empirical astronomy, but also the more speculative practices of astrobiology and science fiction, a planetary social science can explore how the complex forms of matter, meaning and motion that we associate with society might have emerged through very different developmental processes and take profoundly different forms - TADEAS
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    Expanding Our Understanding On UAP Technology - with Scientist Garry Nolan | Merged Podcast EP 1
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    Tim Dodd: SpaceX, Starship, Rocket Engines, and Future of Space Travel | Lex Fridman Podcast #356
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    TADEAS: to je skvelej typek.prej kdyz do https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuiper_belt umistime nejaky nase zarizeni, muzeme vyuzit toho, ze v nejakym presnym umisteni lze vyuzit cely slunce jako cocku, a to by nam umoznilo skenovat exoplanety s rozlisenim ve stovkach metru, takze treste se alieni, precteme si skoro vase noviny ,)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Amri Wandel - The Singularity, Drake Equation & Extraterrestrial Intelligence

    Is the "Technological Singularity" a natural evolutionary process for every intelligent species, and is SETI missing extraterrestrial technosignatures for machine intelligence? Dr. Amri Wandel provides new estimates on the Drake Equation and discusses artificial intelligence, astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

    Dr. Amri Wandel is a senior scientist in Astrophysics at the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Wandel is an expert in astrobiology and chairman of the Israeli Association of Astrobiology and Early Life. He is also president of the International Academy of Sciences San Marino.

    His main research topics are high-energy astrophysics, black holes, active galaxies, quasars, and astrobiology. He has published over 100 professional articles in the world's leading journals in the field of astrophysics.
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    Will an AI be the first to discover alien life?
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    YMLADRIS: jo, tenhle druh šoku asi prozivaj jen vedci v primym datovym, intelektualnim, senzorickym kontaktu s klimatickou zmenou, nebo primy svedci tech UAP&spol fenomenu, kde jim to primo a nejak zasadne do jejich konkretni zivotni drahy vstoupi.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: to jo.
    Pod pojmem kognitivní šok si představuju, že se lidi zastaví, budou zírat a nevědět, co dál.

    A to se nestane, dokud UAP nebudou mít přímý vliv na jejich život. To jsem chtěla říct.
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: tak planetarita je taky paradigma, rekneme dejinna epocha. to ze lidi maj vliv na ozonovou vrstvu, nebo ze lidi nemaj vliv na extra/ultraterrestrials/UAPs, jak se popasovame s timto na socialni, kognitivni, a s digitalitou hyper-kognitivni urovni, to vsechno do toho patri... ty epochy jsou nejaky deje casove v rozmerech staleti, takze siroce 'prozivana' je ta epocha v nejakym svym kulminujicim stadiu, kde se konsoliduje vyklad, pridavaji se late-adopters .]
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: a vykazuji ty fenomeny nejakou interakci, komunikaci?

    ja to beru tak, ze např. kvantova fyzika je šok, neurovědní průkazy toho, že není svobodná vůle je šok, ale protože to s lidma "nekomunikuje" tak to lidem žádnou změnu paradigmatu nedělá. srovnala bych to s ozonovou dírou, kde lidi pár let měli naprosto hmotnou a konkrétní rakovinu kůže, tudíž se okamžitě zakázaly freony. fosil zjevně a viditelně rakovinu nezpůsobuje, takže nic. Natožpak UAP, nemá to přímý důsledky na lidské prožívání, rakovinu to nezpůsobuje ani neléčí, takže nic.
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    Breakthrough Listen: Deep Learning Search for Technosignatures

    Machine learning algorithms applied to Breakthrough Listen data from the Green Bank Telescope have been used to find signals of interest, while filtering out radio frequency interference, as reported in a new paper accepted for publication in Nature Astronomy. Follow-up observations did not re-detect the signals, so they do not pass the criteria required for bona fide technosignature candidates. However, the technique represents a promising new way to look for anomalies in data from our searches, while efficiently filtering out millions of signals from our own technology.

    A paper describing these results (see also shareable PDF link) has been accepted for publication in the journal Nature Astronomy and a preprint is also available.

    Will Machine Learning Help Us Find Extraterrestrial Life?

    This study re-examined data taken with the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia as part of a Breakthrough Listen campaign that initially indicated no targets of interest. The goal was to apply new deep learning techniques to a classical search algorithm to yield faster, more accurate results. After running the new algorithm and manually re-examining the data to confirm the results, newly detected signals had several key characteristics:

    The signals were narrow band, meaning they had narrow spectral width, on the order of just a few Hz. Signals caused by natural phenomena tend to be broadband.

    - The signals had non-zero drift rates, which means the signals had a slope. Such slopes could indicate a signal’s origin had some relative acceleration with our receivers, hence not local to the radio observatory.

    - The signals appeared in ON-source observations and not in OFF-source observations. If a signal originates from a specific celestial source, it appears when we point our telescope toward the target and disappears when we look away. Human radio interference usually occurs in ON and OFF observations due to the source being close by.

    - Cherry Ng, another of Ma’s research advisors and an astronomer at both the SETI Institute and the French National Center for Scientific Research said, “These results dramatically illustrate the power of applying modern machine learning and computer vision methods to data challenges in astronomy, resulting in both new detections and higher performance. Application of these techniques at scale will be transformational for radio technosignature science.”

    While re-examinations of these new targets of interest have yet to result in re-detections of these signals, this new approach to analyzing data can enable researchers to more effectively understand the data they collect and act quickly to re-examine targets.
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    jako je velkej pribeh lidstva jeho pusobnost v rovine planety a s tim souvisejici klimaticka zmena, ktera ma svoji intelektualni historii, pribeh o velky informacni synteze, tak ufo/uap, extra/ultra terrestrials bude nejakej podobnej velkej pribeh, kterej zatim zdaleka neni tak jasnej a mainstreamovej jako klimaticka zmena, ale podobne to bude urcitej kognitivni šok, zmena paradigmatu. tak jako byly a jsou aktivni tendence dezinformovat ve vztahu ke klimatu, stejne, ne li vyhrocenejsi to je i v ufologii. pritom pro interplanetaritu, tesne souvisejici s planetaritou a pro pribeh lidstva je to zasadni :)

    Bombshell Documents Explain UFO Coverup
    TADEAS --- ---
    David Kipping: Alien Civilizations and Habitable Worlds | Lex Fridman Podcast #355
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