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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
    TUHO --- ---
    Abstract: »Infrastructuring als planetarisches Phänomen: Zeitskalentrennung und kausale Schließung in mehr-als-menschlichen Systemen«. Building on recent work identifying how the infrastructures of human social and economic life themselves depend on the “natural infrastructure” of biogeochemical systems, I explore the idea that infrastructuring – involving causal relations between subsystems operating at different timescales – might be a strategy widely adopted by matter undergoing self-organization under planetary conditions. I analyze the concept of infrastructure as it is used to describe features of the human “technosphere” and identify the importance of a difference in timescales between supporting and supported structures and processes. I explore some examples of how the wider planet might be said to engage in timescale-distancing and infrastructuring, focusing in particular on examples from the hydrosphere and biosphere. I then turn to the question of how to explain infrastructuring, developing a neocybernetic account of infrastructuring as involving the separation of a system into subsystems at different timescales in mutual but asymmetrical causal relations. I conclude by exploring the implications of this approach for the way we think about planets
    in general and the human technosphere.

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    Listening to the Earth: the problem of geosemiotics [Cosmic Convesations 2022] - YouTube
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    The deepest question: Who designed life on Earth? | Neil Gershenfeld and Lex Fridman

    full: https://youtu.be/YDjOS0VHEr4
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    We’ve pumped so much groundwater that we’ve nudged the Earth's spin - AGU Newsroom

    By pumping water out of the ground and moving it elsewhere, humans have shifted such a large mass of water that the Earth tilted nearly 80 centimeters (31.5 inches) east between 1993 and 2010 alone, according to a new study published in Geophysical Research Letters, AGU’s journal for short-format, high-impact research with implications spanning the Earth and space sciences.

    Based on climate models, scientists previously estimated humans pumped 2,150 gigatons of groundwater, equivalent to more than 6 millimeters (0.24 inches) of sea level rise, from 1993 to 2010. But validating that estimate is difficult.

    TADEAS --- ---

    The U.S. Senate today (July 27, 2023) passed a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), 86-11, that contains multiple and far-reaching provisions related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena

    Included in the Senate-passed package is the Schumer-Rounds "UAP Disclosure Act," to establish an agency to gather UAP records from throughout the government, with a "presumption of immediate disclosure,"

    The Schumer-Rounds legislation also states, "The
    Federal Government shall exercise eminent domain [ownership] over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities..."
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    How many alien civilizations are out there? | Yuval Noah Harari and Lex Fridman
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    Interstellar: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Our Future in the Stars
    By Avi Loeb
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    [TUHO @ planetarita - 'making life planetary']
    [TADEAS @ planetarita - 'making life planetary']
    [TADEAS @ planetarita - 'making life planetary']

    filosoficka antropologie:
    - pta se, kdo/co je clovek (lidska bytost), v ruznych pojetich, epochach

    z hlediska planetarity:

    - clovek jako bytost vystupuje do popredi jakozto budovatel civilizace a jakozto hyperpredator, zaroven se v rozvijeni techchle roli dostava k limitum situace, tj. k limitum planety

    - pak je otazka: je planeta "jen" mistem, prostredim deni planetarniho, nebo planeta graduje v bytost?

    odpoved na tohle je klicova v tom, do jake miry se jednani v rovine planety da prisoudit lidske bytosti nebo do jake miry to jednani muze delat prave planeta jakozto bytost

    pokud je planeta spis mistem deni, pak clovek, pripadne nejake jine srovnatelne nebo mocnejsi bytosti, jsou tim klicovym prvkem regulace planetarniho deni

    anebo: neni dulezitym regulacnim prvkem clovek jakozto bytost, resp spolecenstvi lidskych bytosti, ale dochazi k remixu inteligenci operujicich v ruznych vrstvach/skalach existence v novou bytost planety

    tzn: planeta je mistem pro inteligence opticke, elektromagneticke, biochemicke, neuralni, hyperneuralni, at uz je jejich "puvod" extra-planetarni nebo jsou teto planete vlastni.

    tyto inteligence jsou integrovany ruznorodymi bytostmi planety, tzn bytost je vertikalou/provazanosti napric vrstvami sveta, v nichz operuji ruznorode inteligence.

    "planeta" pak muze byt bytosti, nakolik se stane provazanou integraci (syntezou) inteligenci operujicich v ramci planety - inteligenci.utvarejicich lidskou bytost, digitalnich inteligenci a.jinych nelidskych inteligenci, at uz mimozemskych nebo ne.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Kevin Knuth - UAP & ET Civilizations

    Dr. Kevin Knuth discusses his upcoming paper, "Evidence Suggesting that Some UAPs are Advanced Non-Human Craft" and his recent Max Planck Institute presentation modeling the characteristics of ET civilizations.

    Dr. Kevin Knuth, a Professor of Physics at the University of Albany with over two decades of experience in machine learning algorithms for Astrophysics, Bayesian Probability Theory, Information Theory, Robotics, Signal Processing, Neuroscience, Nonlinear Dynamics, Quantum Mechanics, and many other areas.

    Kevin is the editor of the peer-review open-access journal “Entropy”, as well as being a member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies and co-investigator on a NASA-funded grant to study exoplanets.

    In September 2019 he published the landmark paper, “Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous Unidentified Aerial Vehicles” co-authored by Robert M. Powell and Peter Reali. In that paper, he described UAPs as reportedly being “structured craft that exhibit ‘impossible flight characteristics’
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    Avi Loeb | Unexplained Anomalies: Examining Possible Extraterrestrial Origins
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    Beyond the Stigma; a UAP (UFO) Call to Action - with David Fravor | Merged Podcast EP 11
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    Scientists Select Canadian Lake to Mark Onset of the Anthropocene - Yale E360
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    NYU Space Talks

    The Future in the Stars: European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century
    TUHO --- ---
    // bronislava sledovat ,)) mi blbne mobil eeakra
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: tyjo, jako jel bych rad. ale to se zrovna budu po dvou tejdnech pryc a asdi uplne nebudu moct dalsi vylet dat. ale btw doporucuju sledovat toho super veci
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: zajedem? ,)
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: sakra, to vypada supe
    TADEAS --- ---
    Soil Grown Tall: The Epic Saga of Life from Earth | SpringerLink

    "Soil Grown Tall" looks at the role of life in buffering the global carbon cycle, using evidence captured in paleosoils - fossil soils - over periods stretching back right to the beginning of the solar system..

    Gregory is a pretty rare creature - a geologist and paelobiologist specialised in paleosoils, which he has analysed and studied way more than anyone else. He's always expressed surprise at how few colleagues made paleosoils their life's calling and, reading this masterpiece, you cannot but agree with him. More knowledge about our planet's history is hidden in fossil soils than anywhere else.

    Retallack shows how paleosoils contain plenty of evidence towards what he calls the Proserpina Principle, or the way the planet achieved homeostasis - long-term stability - without falling either into a runaway greenhouse, like Venus, or an unchanging snowball, like Mars. The secret? A never-ending evolutionary arms race between producers (plants) and consumers (animals).

    For example, when trees evolved they precipitated a serious ice age, as lignin is so, so hard to digest. When termites evolved the ability to digest wood a hundred million years later or so, they tipped the planet into a greenhouse world, as they put all the carbon trees had captured back in the air.

    Similar producer-precipitated ice ages came earlier (with the evolution of lichens) and later (with the evolution of grasses), interrupted by consumer-precipated greenhouse worlds.

    That dance goes back to the very dawn of life: the microbial mats that covered the world three thousand million years ago also drew down vast amounts of carbon dioxide, both directly through photosynthesis, and by enhancing weathering through the acids they produced. They, as much as lichens and trees, were responsible for planetary deep freezes.

    The Proserpina Principle kept the planet liveable through mile-wide asteroid impacts and continent-sized volcanic eruptions (see the Siberian or Deccan traps). The huge amounts of carbon that spewed into the air heated the world up, which encouraged plant growth even into polar regions, which soon drew that carbon back into seas and soils.

    What this long view leaves you with is, first, that as far as the planet is concerned, we're just the latest consumers tipping the world into a greenhouse (two hundred million years before termites, millipedes did a great job too), and second, that whether we fine-tune the system to keep Holocene-like stability (through all our favourite nature-based solutions, from agroforestry and holistic grazing to ocean iron fertilization and kelp forests) or not, matters little to the world: a hotter one will see less ice and deserts and more forests and grasslands, and they'll do the job of getting carbon back out of the atmosphere whether we like it or not.

    Of course, something that matters little to the world may still matter a lot to us. Sea levels 90m higher and crocodile-infested rainforests in Antarctica may be business as usual for the planet, but most definitely not for us.
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