KULHY: nezbyva nez souhlasit, estetika bude asi jeste hodne dlouho prace pro lidi
whitepapery co na me vypadly vypadaji, ze pracuji hlavne s posbiranim dat od uzivatelu a zpracovani modelu pro neuronovou sit, nez ze by automatizovaly geometrii/estetiku
...ale jak rikam, jsem BFU, takze bych urcite nerekl, ze z nich "cerpam"
Optimizing User Interface Layouts via Gradient Descent https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.10702
We present an automated technique for optimizing the layouts of mobile UIs. Our method uses gradient descent on a neural network model of task performance with respect to the model’s inputs to make layout modifications that result in improved predicted error rates and task completion times.Layout placement optimization methods using repeated user interface sequence patterns https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1473871618825334
method for automatically optimizing the layout placement of user interfaces in commercial applications
We used the Apriori algorithm and a genetic algorithm efficiently to optimize user interface component placement based on the evaluation of a keystroke-level model.
Optimizing Visual Element Placement via Visual Attention Analysis. https://rawanmg.github.io/research/vr19.html
we propose a novel data-driven optimization approach for automatically analyzing visual attention and placing visual elements in 3D virtual environments.