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    ztracené heslo?
    PRAASHEKDALL·E mini je mrtvé, Dejve, ať žije Craiyon, mage.space, Stable Diffusion atd. - having sex with AI since [date format unknown]
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    TEKKET: to, na co odkazuju níže, jsou webové "playgroundy", tam nepotřebuješ žádný výkonný hardware, protože nic nepočítáš na své straně, klidně to můžeš používat na mobilu. Pokud chceš zprovoznit nějaký stable diffusion gui u sebe doma, tak záleží hlavně na velikosti RAM, co máš na grafické kartě. Zkus třeba https://nmkd.itch.io/t2i-gui - ale je toho hromada. Vozka tu doporučoval možná trochu lepší GUI, ale zatím jsem se nepřinutil to zkusit ;)


    text2image-gui/README.md at main · n00mkrad/text2image-gui · GitHub

    System Requirements

    OS: Windows 10/11 64-bit

    GPU: Nvidia GPU with 4 GB VRAM, Maxwell Architecture (2014) or newer
    Alternatively, with limited feature support: Any DirectML-capable GPU with 8 GB of VRAM

    RAM: 8 GB RAM (Note: Pagefile must be enabled as swapping will occur with only 8 GB!)

    Disk: 10 GB (another free 5 GB for temporary files recommended)


    GPU: Nvidia GPU with 8 GB VRAM, Pascal Architecture (2016) or newer
    RAM: 16 GB RAM
    Disk: 12 GB on SSD (another free 5 GB for temporary files recommended)


    GPU: Nvidia GPU with 24GB VRAM, Turing Architecture (2018) or newer
    RAM: 32 GB RAM
    Disk: 12 GB on NVME SSD (another free 25 GB for temporary files recommended), system-managed paging file enabled

    Features and How to Use Them
    Prompt Input

    Multiple prompts at once: Enter each prompt on a new line (newline-separated). Word wrapping does not count towards this.

    Negative Prompt: Put words or phrases into this box to tell the AI to exclude those things when generating images.
    Alternatively, you can also put the negative prompt into the regular prompt box by wrapping it in [brackets].

    Emphasis: Use + after a word/phrase to make it more impactful, or - to do the opposite. You can also use to increase the effect. Wrap your phrase in parentheses if you want to apply it to more than one word.
    Each plus/minus applies a multiplier of 1.1. So two +++ would be 1.1^3 = 1.331, and so on.
    You can also type the strength manually after parentheses, e.g. a (huge)1.33 dog instead of a huge+++ dog
    Syntax Examples: a green++ tree, a (big green)+ tree with orange- leaves (in the woods)++

    Wildcards: Fill in words or phrases from a list into the prompt.
    Inline: photo of a ~car,tree,dog~.
    From File: photo of a ~objects for loading texts from objects.txt in your Wildcards folder in the SD GUI root folder.
    Order: Use ~ for random/shuffled, ~~ for unchanged order, or ~~~ for sorted (A-Z) mode.

    Additional Inputs

    Load Image(s): Load an initialization image that will be used together with your text prompt ("img2img")
    Loading multiple images means that each image will be processed separately.

    Load Concept: Load a Textual Inversion concept to apply a style or use a specific character

    Stable Diffusion Settings

    Steps: More steps can increase detail, but only to a certain extent. Depending on the sampler, 20-60 is a good range.
    Has a linear performance impact: Doubling the step count means each image takes twice as long to generate.

    Prompt Guidance (CFG Scale): Lower values are closer to the raw output of the AI, higher values try to respect your prompt more accurately.
    Use low values if you are happy with the AI's representation of your prompt. Use higher values if not - but going too high will degrade quality.
    No performance impact, no matter the value.

    Seed: Starting value for the image generation. Allows you to create the exact same image again by using the same seed.
    When using the same seed, the image will only be identical if you also use the same sampler and resolution (and other settings).
    Lock Seed Option: Disable incrementing the seed by 1 for each image. Only useful in combination with wildcards.

    Resolution: Adjust image size. Only values that are divisible by 64 are possible. Sizes above 512x512 can lead to repeated patterns.
    Higher resolution images require more VRAM and are slower to generate.
    High-Resolution Fix: Enable this to avoid getting repeated patterns at high resolutions (~768px+). Can reduce fidelity though.

    Sampler: Changes the way images are sampled. Euler Ancestral is the default because it's fast and tends to look good even with few steps.

    Generate Seamless Images: Generates seamless/tileable images, very useful for making game textures or repeating backgrounds.

    Image Viewer

    Review current images: Use the scroll wheel while hovering over the image to go to the previous/next image.
    Slideshow: The image viewer always shows the newest generated image if you haven't manually changed it in the last 3 seconds.
    Context Menu: Right-click into the image area to show more options.
    Pop-Up Viewer: Click into the image area to open the current image in a floating window.
    Use the mouse wheel to change the window's size (zoom), right-click for more options, double-click to toggle fullscreen.
    TEKKET --- ---
    PRAASHEK: jak je to nyní s náročností? Vím, že se obecně doporučuje rtx 30x0, byť jsem zaregistroval patch, se kterým se má údajně stable diffusion jakž takž provozovat i na kartách od 1650S. Hraje roli Linux, či Windows?
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    //dyžtak uvítám tipy na další kompletně free alternatives!
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    BLAHOVEJ: např.


    Text-to-image AI Image Generator (free / freemium) - Dezgo

    AI Art Generator, AI Image Generator - Hotpot.ai

    Stable Diffusion Online
    BLAHOVEJ --- ---
    SMOKY: to by šlo. Nějaký tip na specifickou verzi?
    SMOKY --- ---
    BLAHOVEJ: Rozbehej si stable diffusion na vlastním stroji
    BLAHOVEJ --- ---
    Ahoj, nějak jsem nesledoval vývoj. S čím si můžu hrát a testovat bez placení kreditů? Poradíte? Zkouším night-cafe, ale než se mi podaří dosáhnout přibližně toho, co si představuju tak vyčerpám kredity.
    MATT --- ---
    MATT --- ---
    MATT: jeste tuto



    Visualizing deep convolutional neural networks using natural pre-images
    SUBTITLES017 --- ---
    snad ne offtopic, kdyztak sry :)

    JayZ v tomhle songu není JayZ, ale AI vytvořený hlas, který zní přesně jako on

    AllttA - Savages
    OMN --- ---
    MICHIGAN --- ---
    JARDABEREZA: ale existuje:

    GitHub - hukenovs/hagrid: HAnd Gesture Recognition Image Dataset

    jen to zatim nikdo nevyuzil.
    VOZKA --- ---
    MATT: Naštěstí máme ChatGPT aby ho vstřebal za nás! Píše se tam víc ne úplně relevantních věcí, tak jsem se ho zeptal co tam je konkrétně o rukách:

    "The article explains that AI image generators have trouble with hands because they lack the understanding of the three-dimensional geometry of hands. These models can create generic images of hands, but they struggle with more complex scenarios involving context, holding objects, or specific hand gestures. Since the models don't understand the 3D nature of hands or the geometric shapes of objects they interact with, they often produce inaccurate or bizarre results."

    Takže vlastně nic moc.
    MATT --- ---
    tady je o tom celej clanek, ale nak aktualne nemam silu ho vstrebat..

    Why AI-generated hands are the stuff of nightmares, explained by a scientist | BBC Science Focus Magazine

    YARIN: imho ne, je to jen prace s maticema a statistika.
    JARDABEREZA --- ---
    YARIN: Problém s prsty je ten, že není příliš mnoho správně otagovaných dat, kde by stroje učili co je, který prst, kde je, kolik atd. Myslím, že až nasbírají dostatek správně popsaných vstupních dat, tak se to zlepší :-)
    MATT --- ---
    neco na tenhle zpusob.. ale je to jen intuice zalozena na fetovani psychedelik, budu rad, pokud to me nekdo usmerni do matematickejch rovin ;))


    Tour of an Activation Atlas

    Exploring Neural Networks with Activation Atlases – Google AI Blog

    YARIN --- ---
    MATT: zeptam se mozna uplne blbe, ale to neumi ai pocitat do peti?
    MATT --- ---
    YARIN: si myslim, ze to je tim, ze pokazdy jeden prst ma vedle sebe dalsi prst a AI proste nevi, jestli to je prostredni prst nebo krajni, tak ma tendenci tam vzdycky pridat jeste nakej dalsi... vychazim ze vzpominek, jak vypadaly ty rozpoznávací patterny v drivejsich neuronovejch sitich. bohuzel se mi podobnou vizualizaci nedari najit.. podobnej duvod proc v nekterejch modelech pri zadani vyssiho rozliseni zacnou objekty fraktalovitet
    YARIN --- ---
    MATT: ty prsty jsou porad solidni vostuda, jak douho jim to bude trvat, nez se to naucej / proc je to tak narocny?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam