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    DWAYSTAR WARS seriály - Spoilery povoleny!
    Otevřená diskuse o nove vychazejicích STAR WARS seriálech.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    CLUMP --- ---
    CLUMP: Jak mohli vypustit toto?

    Jar-Jar Binks canonically bangs the force wielding queen of a planet

    Viz https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/h0gjlj/jarjar_binks_canonically_bangs_the_force_wielding/
    CLUMP --- ---
    CLUMP --- ---
    CLUMP: Aha, jsem idiot, vzdyt se muzu kouknout na Disney+. V titulcich je zhusteni Sily, v dabingu soustredeni.

    Puvodni slovo je fikanejsi a nejde jednoslovne prelozit:

    Vergence - Wikipedia

    A vergence is the simultaneous movement of both eyes in opposite directions to obtain or maintain single binocular vision.
    CLUMP --- ---
    SEJDA: Headland rikala, ze by 1. rada mela skoncit jaks takz uzavrene, ze nema rada cliffhangerovy konce. Ale s otevrenyma dverma pro potencialni dalsi rady. Puvodne snad pracovala s ideou tri sezon. Uvidime, jak to Disney vyhodnoti, ale zda se, ze navzdory shitstormu to neni z hlediska sledovanosti propadak, ale tezko rict. Minimalne je to velmi diskutovany i diky hejtu, tak mozna hlasity odpurci delaj sami sobe medvedi sluzbu.))
    SEJDA --- ---
    CLUMP: objasni nam, ze bude Acolyte 2 ;)
    Osha zabije Sola, anebo May, protoze Osha nevi co se stalo. No jakoze je stale mozne, ze May zabije Sitha .. ale tomu davam 0,1 %, pak by nemohl byt Acolyte 2 :)
    CLUMP --- ---
    Tohle jsem si u predchoziho dilu rikal taky. A chci serial z prostredi senatni vysetrovaci komise, politickych, byrokratickych, mocenskych utrob Republiky nebo tak neco. Ale mozna je to jen moje uchylka.)) V Andorovi intriky fungovaly na jednicku s hvezdickou, proc ne i v jiny dobe…

    This Scene in The Acolyte is WAY More Important Than People Think
    CLUMP --- ---
    ARAON: Aha, good point. Uvidime, co stihnou objasnit v jediny zbyvajici epizode (ktera ma snad mit taky cca 43 minut vcetne titulku asi).
    CLUMP --- ---
    Jak prekladal Fuka ve Skryty hrozbe vergence in The Force? Zahusteni Sily to myslim nebylo.
    ARAON --- ---
    CLUMP: A to bych pak čekal, že se budou snažit alespoň někoho zachránit. Ale mě přišlo, že nebylo koho.
    CLUMP --- ---
    ARAON: Treba je to jen omracilo, coz ale v horici kolabujici budove je skoro rozsudek smrti.
    ARAON --- ---
    Tak to byl solidní fuckup co Sol předvedl. Se člověk ani nemůže Mae divit, že ho chtěla zapíchnout. Ale moc jsem nepochopil, co se stalo těm witches, když Trinity přerušila to spojení s Jedi-Chewbaccou. To vypadalo, že je to zabilo? Jo a Beige Maul se teda vypařila jak Deatheater. Takže ta se nám ještě někde vyskytne.
    CLUMP --- ---
    IKARI: I to je mozny, klidne bych veril, ze epizody 4 a 5 mely byt jedna, mozna i 1 a 2 (mely stejny osoby na rezisersky zidli), ale sefove chteli, aby to melo osm dilu, tak to nejak nakouskujte.
    SEJDA --- ---
    IKARI: jop, sem tam mi chybi trosku vice patosu, ale jako Jedi ho tam nemuze dat, pro ten svuj vnitrni strach z dark side. Hraje to fakt dobre.
    IKARI --- ---
    jinak bych chtel vypichnout, ze highlight tyhle show je rozhodne Lee Jung-jae, herec Sola - jeho herecke umeni me bavi, a kdyz se k tomu prida, ze se ucil anglicky pro tuhre roli, tak to fakt klobouk dolu :)
    IKARI --- ---
    CLUMP: na me to spis pusobi dojmem, ze to melo byt kratsi, ze to spis natahovali ... ale kdo vi
    SEJDA --- ---
    Osha musi videt cestu, kde zabije/zajme Sitha .. ted uz jenom vzit popcorn a cekat, jestli ji tu cestu jenom ukazal Sith anebo jestli zvitezi .. Sila? Pokud ma byt Sila v kterykoli okamzik v rovnovaze .. Osha vyhraje az po tom co sama udela nejake Sithoviny, a uz se nebude mit kam vratit .. zabije May?
    CLUMP --- ---
    Ted to nemuzu najit, ale nekde jsem zahlidl info, ze puvodni plan pro pribeh nebo pojeti Akolytky byl temnejsi, ale Dave Filoni nebo kdo to trochu odlehcili. Neni mozny, ze i trvali na tom, aby epizody byly kratsi nez byl treba puvodni plan? A proto to obcas pusobi zvlastne strihany? Jen cira spekulace.
    CLUMP --- ---
    Zajimavej rozhovor, prirozene velmi spoileroidni pro ty, co nevideli vsechny zatim publikovany epizody, i s nejakymy naznaky ohledne nezodpovezenych otazek. Plus neco z behind the scenes a postoji k review bombingu atd.

    Leslye Headland Says It's "So Clear" What's Going On Between Osha and Qimir in 'The Acolyte'
    IKARI --- ---
    XCHAOS: nope, porad to je scenar
    CLUMP --- ---
    ARAON: Protoze Osha posloucha Aphexe Twina! Viz tenhle rozhovor:

    The Acolyte’s Amandla Stenberg - Interview | StarWars.com

    The sisters may look alike, but Stenberg’s approach to the roles treated them as their own unique characters. “They're twins that are energetically very different from each other,” Stenberg tells StarWars.com. “I like to think of them as yin and yang. They've had very different life experiences that have taken them on different journeys."

    Watch closely and you’ll see the nuance of Stenberg’s performance as her mannerisms shift to embody Mae and Osha. Behind the scenes, Stenberg worked to craft the twinned personas, writing up their own headcanon for the young women and identifying different scents, different songs, and different gaits to help her drop into each character. “Scent is really connected to memory, so that was a shortcut to remind me where I was. The first thing that I focused on was their walk,” Stenberg says. “Yang is masculine and bright, and that's Osha in my mind. Yin is feminine, dark and mysterious, and that's Mae.”

    While Headland and her writing team were working on Mae and Osha’s story in the series, Stenberg created her own PowerPoint presentation on what they thought the sisters had endured. “I did a lot of backstory work,” she says. “I have [character] bibles with me on set because things move so fast and you're always shooting out of order. I always have this packet of information to ground me back into the characters.”

    For Mae, Erykah Badu’s “The Healer” played on repeat to get Stenberg ready to embody the warrior. For Osha, it was a playlist featuring Aphex Twin. “There's something mathematical about it,” Stenberg says of the latter. “Osha is a very practical person and her relationship to things is very tactile. She loves droids, she loves ships, she loves things she can touch and fix. She loves technology. She's very rooted in the world of math and science.”
    ARAON --- ---
    Je zvlastni, ze prestoze obe hraje stejna herecka, Osha me bavi sledovat, Mae me tak trochu otravuje. :)
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