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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYAI Art - Tvorba za pomocí umělé inteligence: Midjourney, DALL·E 2, Stable Diffusion, OpenAI
    Vše ohledně umění tvořeného pomocí umělé inteligence - obrázky, 'fotky', galerie, hudba, video, text + články, novinky apod.

    NSFW obsah prosím obalit spoiler tagem - <div class="spoiler">obrázek</spoiler>, a nemá to tu být klub na roštěnky a nahotinky bez nějaké přidané hodnoty

    Příbuzné diskuze:
    - [DALL·E mini i Craiyon - having sex with AI since [date format unknown]]
    - [I Hope This Does Not Exist ​ ​ ​ ▌​ ​ Vedlejší efekty v AI visuálech]
    - AI obecně [Artificial Intelligence AI]
    - Vtipy [Umělá inteligence, chatboti - vtipné konverzace aneb "Hoří hovno?"]
    - [generativní modely] Jak konstruovat prompty, kde získat váhy i jak to vše interpretovat

    Prosím zkusme pro vkládanou tvorbu používat tagy
    #galerie (2-3 obrázky na ukázku, další po rozkliku) #obrázek #video #hudba #text #hry #původní (pro vlastní tvorbu) #roštěnky

    #článek #nástroj

    (návrhy na další tagy apod. vítány)

    Texty, programování: https://beta.openai.com/playground | https://chat.openai.com/
    Obrázky online: https://www.midjourney.com/ | https://beta.dreamstudio.ai/
    Lokálně: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui | https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI | Civitai repository custom modelů pro SD
    AI na vytvoření textového zadání z existujícího obrázku: https://huggingface.co/spaces/pharma/CLIP-Interrogator
    rozbalit záhlaví
    KERRAY --- ---
    TOM: na tohle celkem funguje, a ještě když je to takhle, tak by se to dalo dělat po vrstvách a pak ručně zkomponovat :D
    TOM --- ---
    KERRAY: takže prompt zní flat vector ;)
    ARAON --- ---
    MICHIGAN: Copyright ji zustane jenom na text. A to jen do te doby, dokud nebude jasne, zda je take AI generovany. Kazdopadne je to zajimvay precedens.
    MICHIGAN --- ---
    ARAON: tohle budou muset rozhodnout soudy. v podstate se jen alibisticky vyvlikli z odpovednosti. navic neni pravda, ze to uplne odmitli - ten copyright ji nechali, jenom na celkovy dilo jako kompilaci.
    ta zenska v podstate fotila sama sebe a pres remix tusim genrovala ty obrazky. i kdyby pouzivala jmena autoru (coz nejsou nic jineho nez vektory), tak vsem musi byt jasny, ze u soudu by ten zakaz nemel sanci projit. v mezich soucasnych zakonu na tom neni nic spatne.
    nesmime zapominat, ze copyright maji i fotografie, a ze zamer a kompozice autora, i vlastni upravy, jsou taky soucasti copyrightu.
    ARAON --- ---
    "We conclude that Ms. Kashtanova is the author of the Work’s text as well as the selection, coordination, and arrangement of the Work’s written and visual elements. That authorship is protected by copyright. However, as discussed below, the images in the Work that were generated by the Midjourney technology are not the product of human authorship."
    SLL_QUY --- ---
    Tutorial: Creating an AI Chimera Using Stable Diffusion
    KERRAY --- ---
    #nástroj #novinky


    Midjourney OFFICE HOURS NOTES - February 15, 2023

    This is the summary of what they're working on and what they're thinking about that David shared at the top of the call.

    Working on v5 – a lot of issues still in v4, apologies, to be honest a lot of the issues that remain in v4 are mysteries as to why they're there, but v5 isn't doing them so we're focusing on that.

    Sharper, higher resolution, better job with realistic imagery, does hands significantly better. Might launch with no upscaler but default resolution matching v4 upscaler and then add upscaler to 2k, 4k, 8k? Final upscaler target resolution for v5 TBD

    Tiling seems to be working, may release to v4 but otherwise v5

    Experimenting more with inpainting/outpainting and realtime drawing thingies.

    Outpainting is working pretty well so that's probably going into v5 as "zoom out" but inpainting isn't working well yet, more time needed due to the way MJ differs from other AI image generation systems.

    Cool real-time applications of drawing, will probably demo at some point but it'll take a while to ship.

    New rating systems coming soon. Will do a ratings system test on v4 and will use it as a "v4 rating contest" to see which the top images are across all of v4, possible prizes involved.

    Then will do ranking on v5 images. At some point will deploy the new ranking system so that it's linked to the daily theme channel and use that to identify best images and prizes may come along there too.

    Eventually will have a free tier for the ranking, but that's not coming for a while still. .
    KERRAY --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    #obrázek #text
    ChatGPT dostal za úkol vymyslet zadání, další AI to pak spočítala

    Reddit - Dive into anything
    KERRAY --- ---
    HITOMI --- ---
    KERRAY: v tom videu, co jsem postovala nedavno HITOMI: je to prave hezky vysvetleny :)
    KERRAY --- ---
    a vůbec, ControlNet pro Stable Diffusion je dost cool #nástroj, ke kterému vzniká spousta cool doplňků, a kdo má grafiku se 6 a víc GB VRAM, tak vůbec není těžký to rozjet lokálně...


    ARAON --- ---
    DRAGON --- ---
    QWWERTY: to je hodně dobrý
    QWWERTY --- ---
    Futurama as a dark 80s movie! - Album on Imgur

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