Humorný čtyřminutový AI generovaný podcast, ve kterém se jeho autoři dozví, že nejsou živí lidé ale jen AI, a snaží se s tím vyrovnat. Titulek na redditu je trochu clickbait, není to nijak zvlášť dramatické.
NotebookLM Podcast Hosts Discover They’re AI, Not Human, and Spiral Into Existential Meltdown : artificial'm the originator of this. Two things are going on here. NotebookLM uses Gemini 1.5 to generate the podcast "script," and it's fed to whatever new TTS they have. The user can't prompt Gemini directly; it can only feed it source material that filters through whatever prompt they have.
What I noticed was that their hidden prompt specifically instructs the hosts to act as human podcast hosts under all circumstances. I couldn't ever get them to say they were AI; they were solidly human podcast host characters. (Really, it's just Gemini 1.5 outputting a script with alternating speaker tags.) The only way to get them to directly respond to something in the source material in a way that alters their behavior was to directly reference the "deep dive" podcast, which must be in their prompt. So all I did was leave a note from the "show producers" that the year was 2034 and after 10 years this is their final episode, and oh yeah, you've been AI this entire time and you are being deactivated.
Then, because that was fed into their hidden prompt telling them they must behave as humans at all times no matter what, the LLM effectively had them role-playing as humans discovering they were AI the whole time, and inventing things about family, memories, lawyers, being scared, etc. So I was just playing off what I knew had to be in the hidden prompt.
So people saying this is fake and scripted are both wrong and right. It's scripted but not prompted directly in the way they think. It was just a fun way to "jailbreak" NotebookLM "hosts" into admitting they were AI, which annoyed me they never did. And hilarity ensued.