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    ztracené heslo?
    KAJJAKVyvracení konspiračních teorií

    Přistáli někdy lidé na měsíci?

    35 hlasy od 35 respondentů

    1.) Pokud chcete rozebrat nejake tema, dejte mu nejaky uvod do diskuze jiny nez jen odkaz na dlouhy clanek nebo video...
    2.) odkaz na clanek nebo video by mel byt jen jako zdroj ze ktereho cerpate, obsah prispevku musi vzdy obsahovat popis v cestine jako jakysi vytah o co v clanku nebo videu jde
    3.) priklad spravne vlozeneho tematu k diskuzi zde GORG:
    rozbalit záhlaví
    KAJJAK --- ---

    ja tvrdim, ze na to aby ses na namesti mohl sejit, musis se nekde domluvit na kterem a v kolik hodin :-) A to jaksi neudelas telefonicky nebo osobni domluvou ci tichou postou
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: ty tvrdis , ze se neslo ani sejit na namesti, coz je ale v rozporu, co jsem linkoval nize
    RIVA --- ---
    Mám návrh na jednoduchou anketu. Žádná politika, jen průzkum veřejného mínění. Jen tak pro zajímavost.

    Přistáli někdy lidé na měsíci? Ano, ne? Jedna osoba, jeden hlas.
    KAJJAK --- ---
    tos mi ale neodpovedel na otazku nize, jak jinak to udelat nez takto? kdyz ted budou chtit svrhnout putina ty zbytky kritiku co jeste nebyli vyhozeni z okna nebo neutekli, bude to zase nejakym maidanem, jinak to proste nejde, jednotlivec co neco rekne nebo udela je zatcen drive nez se o tom kdokoliv dalsi dozvi...

    Porad tam nevidim zadnou konspiraci, je to spis jedina moznost...
    GORG --- ---
    Ukraine protesters hold firm, defy riot police | Reuters
    Hundreds of thousands of people marched on Sunday, the second weekend in a row that such huge crowds have vented fury at a government they accuse of returning the country to Kremlin control. In a potent symbol, they tore down and smashed the capital’s main statue of Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union.

    A week earlier, baton-wielding police injured scores of people at similar demonstrations. The police have since held back from using force to dislodge the protesters, but gave them five days from last Thursday to leave the streets.

    The protesters say they will not go.


    In Kiev, liberals and nationalists have taken to the streets for demonstrations that have at times drawn hundreds of thousands. Thousands have also maintained an around-the-clock protest camp in the city centre, blocked roads, besieged government buildings and occupied the capital’s city hall.


    Ukraine’s dire finances have both provoked the crisis and been worsened by it. EU leaders say their trade pact would have brought investment. But Ukraine’s Soviet-era industry relies on Russian natural gas, giving the Kremlin enormous leverage.


    Yanukovich met Russian President Vladimir Putin last week. Little was revealed of the details of an agreement between them, raising opposition suspicions that Yanukovich had agreed to join a Russian-dominated customs union of ex-Soviet states, which would bury prospects for trade deals with Europe.

    The crisis has divided Ukraine’s 46 million people between its mainly Russian-speaking East, where many view Moscow as a source of stability, and its West, where mostly Ukrainian-speakers tend to prefer integration into the European mainstream.

    - Vsechno to tedy zacalo kvuli odmitnuti Yanukovice integrovat se s EU, ktery dal prednost obchodnimu dealu s Ruskem.

    - Demonstranti okupovali vladni budovy a pozadovali okamzite odstoupeni prezidenta a nove volby.

    - Namisto tradicni demokraticke cesty se rozhodli za to bojovat v ulicich, aby okamzite byly znovu volby.

    Neco jako ted vyhrozuji demonstranti Cesko proti bide, kde je to ale malovano jako dezolatstvi, a nedemokraticke neco takoveho pozadovat takhle na ulici.

    - Propaganda a bias umoznuje dvojake vnimani toho sameho... akorat v pripade Ukrajiny tam ty protesty byly drsnejsi nez Rajchl jugen... nicili sochu, zapalovali pneumatiky, a okupovali primo i statni budovy (porovnej zdejsi poboureni, kdyz nejaci nadsenci chteli sundat ukrajinskou vlajku z Muzea)

    - Neprekvapive doslo v nekterych pripadech i k vaznym potyckam s policii

    - Incidenty s policii tu byly casto podavany , ze tam je jakysi boj proti totalitni policejni represi.

    - Nedelam si iluze, ze by tam tehdy meli nejakou slunickovou vladu nebo slunickovejsi nez ted, ale udelat takovejhle brajgl (nebo rajchl ? ,) ) tady v CR nebo jinde v Evrope, tak ty strety s policii budou taky. A uz jsme slusny videli kolem COVIDu. Vodni dela, slznej plyn.. jedna zena zemrela nebo byla vazne zranena, kdyz ji vodni delo strhlo hlavu na nejakou sochu ci co.

    - Tedy se ziniciovaly na Facebookach a Twitterech a tykaly se hlavne a pocatecne obchodnich veci (nepridruzeni se do EU, naopak mit lepsi obchodni vztahy s Ruskem) v casech ekonomicke krize. Proste ze si od EU nekteri Ukrajinci slibovali, ze se budou mit lip a ze bude i min korupce.

    Na tyhle veci se pak uz zapomnelo.. i ze velka cast Ukrajincu, prevazne rusky mluvivcich, by preferovala naopak k Rusku orientovanou politiku.

    Srovnani s revoluci 1989 v mych ocich dost pokulhava. (stejne jako u revoluci v Syrii, kde slo zas spis o to, ze se jina klika chtela dostat k moci, a mladi lidi vybicovani pres Facebooky a Twittery pohanely ty protesty jako boj za demokratizaci Syrie, potycky s policii byly opet ukazovany jako opravnenost jejich protestu proti diktatorovi, "reznikovi Basharovi".... dnes je Syrie v rozkladu, stejne tak v Libyi)
    KAJJAK --- ---

    hele a jak jinak bys to chtel ted treba v Rusku udelat, nez se se domluvis online treba na nejake socialni siti? Mas rezim co posila lidi na smrt po stovkach tisic protoze tvemu vudci strelilo v palici a chce obnovit slavu sovetu, jak jinak ho sesadit nez tak, ze se masa domluvi? A i po tom co se domluvis a sejdes na nejakem namesti tak jsi krvave potlacen?

    Nechapu co v tom vidis za spiknuti, to je jediny mozny scenar jak zmenit vedeni autokraticke zeme...
    GORG --- ---
    Ukrainian activists, local and international news media, as well as political scientists, have pointed out the importance of social media in the recent “Euromaidan” protests in Ukraine. Many reports have credited initial tweets by journalists and activists as the key mechanism that brought hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians out into the streets. Other reports have focused on the “Millennials” as the drivers of and main participants of the protest-events. Yet, a recent British Academy funded survey of protest participants, by Tamara Martsenyuk and myself, launched on Nov. 27, points to a more complex picture.


    3) Social media are important, but not simply as a provider of information about existence of protests. 4) Social-networks – both within and outside of social media – seem to be highly influential in bring people out into the streets. 5) Social media and Internet news sites seem to have been successfully used as key framing devices for protest themes.


    5. Social Media and Protester Demands

    Although our analysis of demands (as reflected in slogans and signage), is still very preliminary, it does seem to follow certain patterns of words mentioned on Twitter, Facebook, chain e-mails and internet news sites. We have noticed a pattern whereby a sign or slogan first goes viral on Facebook, and then seems to show up more often in protester signs. While making any serious conclusions from this method is complicated, first impressions point to an “Internet-to-the-streets” directionality of claims and framing of demands. In interviews protesters admitted to seeing signs and statements on Facebook, which inspired their own version (such as the famous UKRAINEUKRAINE sign). Thus, activists, journalists and politicians should note that while these new technologies alone may not be able to give the feeling of safety needed to join the protests, social media and Internet sites seem to be crucial in providing new information about, as well as the language of, protest, which protest participants can employ and make their own once they join their friends and family members in the streets

    // tady to doklada moje slova, ze socialni site jako Facebook hraly ustredni roli ve vzniku demonstraci a nasledne nasilneho prevratu
    vznikly tam i slogany a samotne pozadavky
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    VOYAGER: tebe někdo přepnul na generátor náhodnejch citátů?
    KAJJAK --- ---
    VOYAGER: v rusku na sibiri bude hromada drsnych nezdolnych rusu, neplacou trochu, ale hodne...
    VOYAGER --- ---
    Člověk se vydává v nebezpečí, že bude trochu plakat, když se nechal ochočit.
    KAJJAK --- ---

    to je nejaka personifikace? V Rusku je vsechno na hovno, roste tam jediny druh ruze ( jediny typ vyrobku) a srdickem si vyberes prave ten... Na zapade mas tisice druhu vyrobku (ruzi) ale je to tam nahovno protoze jsou tam stejne lidi nespokojeni.. :-)

    Volte svym esoterickym srdickem dycky Rusko! :-)
    VOYAGER --- ---
    U vás lidé pěstují pět tisíc růží v jedné zahradě, a přece nenalézají to, co hledají. A přesto by mohli, najít, co hledají v jediné růži nebo kapce vody. Ale oči jsou slepé. Musíme hledat srdcem.
    GORG --- ---
    WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive


    From: Cheryl Mills
    To: Hillary Clinton
    Date: 2012-10-08 22:35

    UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05792554 Date: 11/30/2015


    From: Mills, Cheryl D

    Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 5:35 AM


    Great read

    From: Ross, Alec 3

    Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 12:50 PM
    To: Mills, Cheryl D

    Angela Baker + Katie Dowd did this.

    Alec 'Ross
    Senior Advisor for Innovation

    Office of the Secretary of State

    From: SMART Core
    Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 12:46 PM

    To: Evans, Arthur T
    Cc: Mailbox' KYIV-SMARTS; Ross, Alec 3; Dickover, Noel T; Dowd, Katie W; Buravkina, Svetlana; Milentey, Alexandra A
    (Minsk); Sofia-SMARTS; Abisellan, Ernest 3; Conway, Craig M; Horton, Wilma L; Hunt, Baxter; Mack-Wilson, Joslyn G;

    Pirnot, Anthony V; Veron-Reville, Claude


    MRN: 12 KYIV 2100
    DatelDTG: Oct 09, 2012 / 091645Z OCT 12


    E.O.: 13526

    Captions: SIPDIS


    1. (U )Summary. Over one hundred civil society leaders from across Ukraine and Belarus received hands-on
    training from U.S. as well as international technology experts as part of TechCamp Kyiv held September 12-

    13, 2012. Participants focused first on identifying the major problems that they face in their work and then

    UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05792554 Date: 11/30/2015

    creating concrete proposals using technology to solve them. Ukrainian media positively covered both the
    overall goals and concrete results of the event. We hope that TechCamp Kyiv will be just the start of a
    movement connecting technology with civil society activists. Ambassador Tefft and Alec Ross, Senior Advisor
    for Innovation, opened the TechCamp on the morning of September 12. End Summary.

    Creating a Global Citizen: Building Schools Without Walls

    2. (U) TechCamp Kyiv was built around the theme of "Creating a Global Citizen: Building Schools without
    Walls." During the two-day training session, the State Department paired leaders in the technology
    community with civil society organizations to provide training, resources and assistance to enable these
    organizations to harness the latest technologies in order to build their capacity and advance their missions.

    TechCamp Kyiv brought together over 100 educators, librarians, youth advocates, and community organizers
    who are interested in education and capacity building among the next generation of Ukrainians and Belarusians
    so that they can help them become true global citizens.

    3. (U) Technology experts from companies such as Frontline SMS, Ushahidi, Facebook and the BBC were
    joined by Ukrainian and Belarusian technology trainers and offered interactive small-group training on low-

    cost, easy-to-implement technology based tools and approaches. Civil society leaders received hands-on
    training in a variety of areas including using Facebook for social media engagement, increasing outreach
    through online collaborative learning, filming low cost video for outreach and engagement, creating effective
    websites for NG0s, making use of mapping data to advocate for change, and encouraging transparent
    governance to improve education.

    4. (U) Most importantly, TechCamp participants created new communication tools and social media networks
    as they discussed their shared challenges face-to-face such as problems with the current educational system,
    lack of development programs for youth, implementation of unconventional approaches to education, and
    equal access to information. Working with technology experts, TechCamp participants first brainstormed and
    then identified the specific problems that they faced and wanted to tackle. The formulations of these problems
    included such questions as: "How do you generate public interest in the activities of NGOs in Ukraine and
    Belarus?" and "How can you use a simple online interface to help people understand where to invest their

    resources or limited funds, and then show them the results of these projects?" After identifying their problems,
    participants split into small groups to develop solutions. Each small group created a concrete action plan to
    solve their problem using technology and then presented their proposal — or problem solution — in front of all
    the participants on the final day.

    Journalism Without Borders

    5.(U) One group noted that neither Ukraine nor Belarus currently has a unified online space or platform where
    journalists and citizen journalists can share information and network with one another. They also complained
    of an absence of transparent news and information in both countries. (Embassy Minsk Comment: The
    Lukashenka regime completely monopolizes electronic media, which has become nothing more than a
    propaganda arm of his rule as is the state-subsidized print media. While there are some independent print

    outlets which challenge official policies and ideology, they face serious obstacles such as: denial of
    accreditation; seizure of computer and other office equipment; lack of access to official press conferences;
    officials who refuse to talk to them; and even detentions and arrests. End Comment.) This Ukrainian-
    Belarusian group proposed creating an online forum called "Journalism Without Borders." Their proposal
    called for the creation of an online space which independent and citizen journalists could use to network with
    each other, share and source content, as well publish reports for distribution to the general public.

    6.(U) This citizen journalist group developed a concrete action plan comprised of four main steps making use
    of existing low cost and easily accessible technologies. First, they plan to create a Facebook page for all

    UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05792554 Date: 11/30/2015

    TechCamp participants from their breakout group in order to communicate and coordinate the creation of a
    network of citizen journalists. Second, using email, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Vkontakte and Google +, they
    will contact journalists all across Belarns and Ukraine informing them of the initiative and asking them to
    contribute. Third, they will build a "Journalism Without Borders" website using Wordpress.com in order to
    give them the ability to create a multi-page website with tabbed content from journalists and other contributors.
    This site would become the main host for the "Journalism Without Borders" online project. However, their

    plans also call for a complimentary "Journalism Without Borders" Facebook page and a "Journalism Without
    Borders" Twitter page. Finally, they plan to use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media in order to promote
    their "Journalism Without Borders" project, asking journalists to get involved in promoting the website and
    spreading its message. The group has already completed the first step, creating a Facebook page where the six
    journalists from the six different regions that attended TechCamp can fine tune their plans and continue to

    implement their proposal. "Journalism Without Borders" is just one of 17 participant-created proposals to
    come out of TechCamp Kyiv.

    Ukrainian Media Offers Positive Coverage

    7. (U) Media outlets in Ukraine offered wide and positive coverage of TechCamp Kyiv. Embassy Kyiv's Press

    Office organized press coverage of the TechCamp opening, including remarks by —
    and interviews with — Ambassador John F. Tefft and Senior Advisor for Innovation to the Secretary of State,
    Alec Ross. All told, nineteen (19) different media outlets — including the television stations ICTV/FAKTY,
    Channel 24, UBR, and UTR; radio stations National Radio Ukraina, Radio Svoboda, and Radio Era; and online
    and wire services Forbes.ua, Gazeta.ua, Golos.ua, Liga, RBK Ukraina, Ukrainskie Novosti, Ukrainsky
    Natsionalny Novyny, Ukrinform, and Ekonomichiskie Izvestia — covered the event.

    8. (U) Several TV and radio outlets quoted Ambassador Tefft as he expressed the U.S. Government's
    commitment to youth outreach as well as the support and development of civil society. Many of the wire
    services and newspapers subsequently ran stories on Ambassador Tefft stating that he had been impressed by
    the work of Ukrainian NG0s, particularly those that are engaged in the fight against HIV/AIDS and those who
    are fighting against trafficking in persons (TIP). The Ambassador was quoted as stating that: "Our focus is to
    ensure that their work is effective."

    Turning TechCamp Kyiv Into a Sustainable Movement

    9.(U) TechCamp Kyiv was not just a two-day event. It was also an opportunity to bring together civil society
    leaders from Ukraine and Belarus connecting them with each other while building bridges to U.S. technology
    experts. Our follow-up mission will be to transform TechCamp into a sustainable movement that brings civil
    society together with the technology that they need. Embassy Kyiv has already reached beyond the technology

    and civil society sectors by inviting private corporations and philanthropic foundations to interact with
    participants at TechCamp and share information about the resources that they have available for
    NG0s. Representatives from Microsoft Ukraine, Intel Ukraine Microelectronics, Coca Cola, the Pinchuk
    Foundation, Hot Source LLC, Softjourn Inc, Soft-Rating Consult, WorldAPP Inc, and MediaNext attended
    parts of TechCamp Kyiv. Microsoft, in particular, was very generous in their support of civil society
    organizations offering free software and interacting with TechCamp participants via social media platforms.

    10. (U) Embassy Kyiv also conducted follow-on events in order to put the expertise of visiting U.S. technology
    experts to use in order to expand our audience beyond the 100 civil society leaders that we were able to invite
    to Kyiv. Thanks to IREX' Bibliomist program which offered free use of their technology training centers in the
    cities of Donetsk and Kharkiv, TechCamp trainers were able to provide hands-on training for 40 additional
    NGO activists and librarians the following weekend. Three TechCamp trainers joined us "on the road" to

    share their ideas on using online games for social causes; made presentations on FrontlineSMS as a way to

    UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05792554 Date: 11/30/2015

    conduct two-way communication without the use of an intemet connection; and discussed new advocacy
    techniques for expanding the impact and reach of each participant's program and message.

    11. (U) The TechCamp Kyiv Facebook group is another good example of how we are using technology and
    social media platforms in order to engage TechCamp participants, giving them a platform to engage in ongoing
    communication. This Facebook group now has 151 members including nearly all of the participants from

    Techcamp Kyiv, our local private sector partners, and participants from our follow-on events in the
    regions. New people continue to join our group each day. In the two weeks since TechCamp, participants
    have posted over 40 announcements about different programs — including opportunities for NGOs — with links
    to concrete and useful information, as well as sharing their success stories, experiences or opinions. For

    example, one participant posted his new digital map project inspired by his time at TechCamp and asked other
    participants to contribute information. This post received 43 comments and 119 views, an astonishing level of
    interaction for a group of just 151. Embassy Kyiv continues to actively encourage, engage, and contribute to
    these conversations.

    12. (U) Embassy Kyiv plans to use these new technologies and social media to further the development of
    NGOs and promote sustainability. We also plan to host an event in Kyiv in three to six months where civil
    society organizers can come together to share their best practices, success stories and progress working on the
    proposals that they developed at TechCamp. We are also in contact with Microsoft Ukraine about this

    proposed event and hope to involve other private sector partners. We also plan to bring in U.S. technology
    experts in order to share their expertise, specifically pertaining to the funding and implementation of new


    13. (U) TechCamp Kyiv's 100 participants built new networks with like-minded civil society leaders,
    developed new skills, and most importantly, drafted proposals to combat real social problems. These leaders
    and organizations are now poised to use new technologies and social media in order to increase their reach,

    grow their organizations, communicate their messages more efficiently and tackle some of today's most vexing
    social challenges. At the end of TechCamp Kyiv, each participant was empowered to put technology to work
    for the benefit of civil society in Ukraine and Belarus. Participants also left with a better understanding of the
    role that the U.S. Government can play. As Ambassador Tefft said: "We all are working towards the same
    goal. I hope that you look to the United States as your partner as you educate the next generation." As part of

    our follow-on efforts, Embassy Kyiv will keep in contact with our TechCamp participants and encourage them
    to apply to our grant programs designed to promote democracy, media freedom, and social networking.

    Signature: TEFFT

    . Drafted By: KYIV:Schtele, Luke A

    Cleared By: PAS:Johnson, Eric A (Kyiv)
    PAS:Wolfe, James A

    EXEC:Schultz, Eric T
    Approved By: EXEC:Tefft, John F

    UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05792554 Date: 11/30/2015

    Released By: KYIV:Evans, Arthur T
    Info: Ross, Alec J ROUTINE; Dickover, Noel TROUTINE; Dowd, Katie W ROUTINE;
    Svetlana ROUTINE; Milentey, Alexandra A (Minsk) ROUTINE; KYIV, AMEMBASSY ROUTINE;

    SOFIA, AMEMBASSY ROUTINE; Abisellan, Ernest JROUTINE; Conway, Craig M ROUTINE;
    Horton, Wilma L ROUTINE; Hunt, Baxter ROUTINE; Mack-Wilson, Joslyn G ROUTINE; Pimot,

    Anthony V ROUTINE; Veron-Reville, Claude ROUTINE

    Action Post:

    Dissemination Rule: Released Copy


    // jo tohle neni nejae jen uceni se IT.. to je politicky cileny projekt... na "demokratizaci Ukrajiny"
    GORG --- ---
    TechCamp Kyiv 2.0 – The Next Step: Building Civil Society Using Technology | Flickr
    Popis alba
    V pátek 1. března 2013 se v Kyjevě konal první TechCamp 2.0. Zúčastnilo se jí přes 60 vysoce motivovaných účastníků z celé Ukrajiny. Tato interaktivní akce svedla dohromady americké a ukrajinské odborníky na technologie, kteří spolupracovali s pedagogy, pracovníky nevládních organizací a nadšenci pro sociální média, aby společně našli efektivní a levné způsoby řešení skutečných sociálních problémů pomocí technologií.

    TechCamp Kyiv 2.0 je workshop, na kterém se organizace občanské společnosti podělí o aktuální problémy, kterým čelí, se svými kolegy a technologickými odborníky a proberou, jakou roli mohou technologie při řešení těchto problémů sehrát. Naším cílem je, aby se organizátoři občanské společnosti sešli v malých regionálních pracovních skupinách a podělili se o své osvědčené postupy, úspěchy a pokroky v práci na návrzích, které vypracovali na TechCamp Kyiv v září 2012.

    U.S. Department of State Hosts TechCamp Kyiv to Build Digital Literacy of Civil Society
    Více než 80 vedoucích představitelů občanské společnosti z celé Ukrajiny a okolních zemí se sejde, aby absolvovali praktické školení v různých oblastech, od používání sociálních médií, organizování online, digitální bezpečnosti, tvorby webových stránek, digitální občanské žurnalistiky a dalších. Tyto organizace občanské společnosti budou připraveny využívat technologie připojení k rozvoji svých sítí, efektivnější komunikaci a schopnosti držet krok s měnícím se světem.

    Jak řekla ministryně Clintonová při oznámení iniciativy Občanská společnost 2.0: "Toto organizované úsilí poskytne organizacím občanské společnosti nové technologie. Pošleme odborníky na digitální technologie a komunikaci, aby pomohli budovat kapacity."

    O tomhle si ukrajinskej poslanec myslel, ze tam buduje podhoubi smerujici k obcanske valce, ktera tam pak 2014 byla. Doslo k prevratu.

    Rozhodlo se, ze budou nove volby, ale rozliceny dav nebyl spokojen. Pochybovali, ze k tomu nnakonec dojde, a byli odhodlani prezidenta Ukrajiny zabit. Ten vcas radeji uprchl do Ruska do bezpeci.

    Tyhle TechCampy apod. se nedejou jen na Ukrajine. Na blizkem vychode jsme videli celou radu revoluci tzv. arabskeho jara.. v postsovetskych republikach barevne revoluce.

    Myslenka je, a USA se tim ani moc netaji, ze tam vsude tahaji americkou propagandu a jak jdou pomahat pomoci technologii socialnich siti a podpory novinaru, cimz ale logicky stepi spolecnost k nespokojenosti a k prozapadni inklinaci.

    Je mozne si myslet, ze nekteri chapou dobrre lidskou povahu a mistni elementy, ktere jde relativne snadno stimulovat k akci. Revoluci.

    Tohle se nesnadno prokazuje, ze je cilem nejaky chaos, ale deje se to tak.
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: no hned první věta "Aktivita žákům na příkladu pádu malajsijského letadla MH17 odhaluje jednu ze strategií ruské propagandy" :-)
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: to je luxusní hodina!
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    KAJJAK: oni jsou nefunkční společnost, pokud teda považujem feudaismus za nefunkční. a protože si sami pořádek udělat neumí, tak musí všude dělat bordel a rozvracet fungující věci, aby tak měli ostatní k rusku o něco blíž
    KAJJAK --- ---
    ARRAKIS: taky prosim, oboji to jsou konspiracni teorie, ocekavam argumenty proc v tom rusove prsty mit nemohli, zatim to vypada ze meli 😀😀👍
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    netflix + dokument = blame russia.

    prosim o vyvraceni konspiracni teorie :)
    KAJJAK --- ---
    a svym esoterickym deckym srdickem citim, ze kde je nejaka spinavost za tim potkas rusa tahajiciho za nitky...

    ted sem na netflixu videl dokument o skandalu s wirecard a hrozne dlouho to mafiani a politici zametali pod koberec a ke konci dokumentu se i pro mne prekvapive opet objevila vazba na ruskou ambasadu a rusko...

    jedez z reditelu obri banky lobuje v syrii za ruske zajmy, i kdyz byl zjevne v tu chvili financne za vodou, je tedy jasne kdo ho tam dostrcil a kam pak zdrhl...

    pri dokumentu o hledani ztraceneho letadla z malaisie opet taky clovek co desitky let zil v rusku zazracne jako jediny zacne objevovat trosky vsude po pobrezi, pruser je, ze pouze on a nikdo dalsi

    proste neni nahoda ze kdekoliv je nejake svinstvo je za bukem i nejaky rusak
    KAJJAK --- ---
    GORG: za mne nezbyva, nez tomu zatleskat. Presne takto sem si to predstavoval... vlastne nevim, co ti na tom vadi, samo se to letadlo nesestrelilo prece a v tom textu nikde nevidim explicitne napsano, ze ho sestrelili rusi... takze pri vyzkumu a overovani vsech informaci zaci maji sanci prijit na to, ze to byli treba portugalci 😀😀😀
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