Ukraine protesters hold firm, defy riot police | Reuters of thousands of people marched on Sunday, the second weekend in a row that such huge crowds have vented fury at a government they accuse of returning the country to Kremlin control. In a potent symbol, they tore down and smashed the capital’s main statue of Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union.
A week earlier, baton-wielding police injured scores of people at similar demonstrations. The police have since held back from using force to dislodge the protesters, but gave them five days from last Thursday to leave the streets.
The protesters say they will not go.
In Kiev, liberals and nationalists have taken to the streets for demonstrations that have at times drawn hundreds of thousands. Thousands have also maintained an around-the-clock protest camp in the city centre, blocked roads, besieged government buildings and occupied the capital’s city hall.
Ukraine’s dire finances have both provoked the crisis and been worsened by it. EU leaders say their trade pact would have brought investment. But Ukraine’s Soviet-era industry relies on Russian natural gas, giving the Kremlin enormous leverage.
Yanukovich met Russian President Vladimir Putin last week. Little was revealed of the details of an agreement between them, raising opposition suspicions that Yanukovich had agreed to join a Russian-dominated customs union of ex-Soviet states, which would bury prospects for trade deals with Europe.
The crisis has divided Ukraine’s 46 million people between its mainly Russian-speaking East, where many view Moscow as a source of stability, and its West, where mostly Ukrainian-speakers tend to prefer integration into the European mainstream.
- Vsechno to tedy zacalo kvuli odmitnuti Yanukovice integrovat se s EU, ktery dal prednost obchodnimu dealu s Ruskem.
- Demonstranti okupovali vladni budovy a pozadovali okamzite odstoupeni prezidenta a nove volby.
- Namisto tradicni demokraticke cesty se rozhodli za to bojovat v ulicich, aby okamzite byly znovu volby.
Neco jako ted vyhrozuji demonstranti Cesko proti bide, kde je to ale malovano jako dezolatstvi, a nedemokraticke neco takoveho pozadovat takhle na ulici.
- Propaganda a bias umoznuje dvojake vnimani toho sameho... akorat v pripade Ukrajiny tam ty protesty byly drsnejsi nez Rajchl jugen... nicili sochu, zapalovali pneumatiky, a okupovali primo i statni budovy (porovnej zdejsi poboureni, kdyz nejaci nadsenci chteli sundat ukrajinskou vlajku z Muzea)
- Neprekvapive doslo v nekterych pripadech i k vaznym potyckam s policii
- Incidenty s policii tu byly casto podavany , ze tam je jakysi boj proti totalitni policejni represi.
- Nedelam si iluze, ze by tam tehdy meli nejakou slunickovou vladu nebo slunickovejsi nez ted, ale udelat takovejhle brajgl (nebo rajchl ? ,) ) tady v CR nebo jinde v Evrope, tak ty strety s policii budou taky. A uz jsme slusny videli kolem COVIDu. Vodni dela, slznej plyn.. jedna zena zemrela nebo byla vazne zranena, kdyz ji vodni delo strhlo hlavu na nejakou sochu ci co.
- Tedy se ziniciovaly na Facebookach a Twitterech a tykaly se hlavne a pocatecne obchodnich veci (nepridruzeni se do EU, naopak mit lepsi obchodni vztahy s Ruskem) v casech ekonomicke krize. Proste ze si od EU nekteri Ukrajinci slibovali, ze se budou mit lip a ze bude i min korupce.
Na tyhle veci se pak uz zapomnelo.. i ze velka cast Ukrajincu, prevazne rusky mluvivcich, by preferovala naopak k Rusku orientovanou politiku.
Srovnani s revoluci 1989 v mych ocich dost pokulhava. (stejne jako u revoluci v Syrii, kde slo zas spis o to, ze se jina klika chtela dostat k moci, a mladi lidi vybicovani pres Facebooky a Twittery pohanely ty protesty jako boj za demokratizaci Syrie, potycky s policii byly opet ukazovany jako opravnenost jejich protestu proti diktatorovi, "reznikovi Basharovi".... dnes je Syrie v rozkladu, stejne tak v Libyi)