tak to dementní hýbání fyzickou veličinou, aby se ušetřilo na žárovkách, má zjevně samozřejmě negativní vliv na zdraví. nevím, čemu se tady pánové hihňají
7 Things to Know About Daylight Saving Time | Johns Hopkins | Bloomberg School of Public Healthhttps://publichealth.jhu.edu/2023/7-things-to-know-about-daylight-saving-time“The scientific evidence points to acute increases in adverse health consequences from changing the clocks, including in heart attack and stroke,” says sleep expert Adam Spira, PhD, MA, a professor in Mental Health.
The change is also associated with a heightened risk of mood disturbances and hospital admissions, as well as elevated production of inflammatory markers in response to stress. The potential for car crashes also spikes just after the spring forward, Spira says; a 2020 study found that the switch raises the risk of fatal traffic accidents by 6%.
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