no je to Convert Word to Doubleword.
dokumentace netwide assembleru rika:
B.4.19 CBW, CWD, CDQ, CWDE: Sign Extensions
CBW ; o16 98 [8086]
CWDE ; o32 98 [386]
CWD ; o16 99 [8086]
CDQ ; o32 99 [386]
All these instructions sign-extend a short value into a longer one, by replicating the top bit of the original value to fill the extended one.
CBW extends AL into AX by repeating the top bit of AL in every bit of AH. CWDE extends AX into EAX. CWD extends AX into DX:AX by repeating the top bit of AX throughout DX, and CDQ extends EAX into EDX:EAX.
pokud chces expandovat maly registr na 32bitovy tak muzes pouzit:
movzx pro beznamenkove rozsireni nebo
movsx pro znamenkove podle predpisu:
MOVSX reg16,r/m8 ; o16 0F BE /r [386]
MOVSX reg32,r/m8 ; o32 0F BE /r [386]
MOVSX reg32,r/m16 ; o32 0F BF /r [386]
MOVZX reg16,r/m8 ; o16 0F B6 /r [386]
MOVZX reg32,r/m8 ; o32 0F B6 /r [386]
MOVZX reg32,r/m16 ; o32 0F B7 /r [386]