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    ztracené heslo?
    PREVITAntikomunisticky klub - Antikomunisticky a antitotalitni klub
    DIVER --- ---
    DRZEEF: "Jinak ta akce v 50.tych letech, se hodnoti jako "teroristicky" zpusob boje v ramci odboje (spis neco jako Taliban, akorat anti totalitni antikomunismus v ramci tridni valky)."

    dost silný tvrzení. "ta akce se hodnotí" ve spektru od vraždy po zabití při (od)boji - podle toho, kdo si ji jak vykládá. dokonce ani nejde jen o jednu akci.

    brzdil bych s takovými výroky. anebo bych se vzápětí zeptal: jaká akce? kdo hodnotí? jaké jsou tvé zdroje? a WTF - Taliban???

    jinak tady prostě jenom plácáš.

    DRZEEF --- ---
    NJAL: doporucuji patecni Reflex, je tam rozhovor s panem Masinem.

    Jinak ta akce v 50.tych letech, se hodnoti jako "teroristicky" zpusob boje v ramci odboje (spis neco jako Taliban, akorat anti totalitni antikomunismus v ramci tridni valky)
    NJAL --- ---
    HAROLD: Mysli "bolsevici stareho strihu" ? ;-)
    HAROLD --- ---
    Průzkum: Komunisté by se poprvé v historii České republiky nedostali do sněmovny | Domov | Lidovky.cz
    DRZEEF --- ---
    FIN: zla doba s stbakama vic nez zla, lamani charakteru 2 generace
    FIN --- ---
    DRZEEF: dík za odkaz, bylo zajímavé si to přečíst. musím říci, že z pana bartončíka díky tomuto rozhovoru udělalo se mi blivno. tak slizkej charakter, páni, to se jen tak nevidí.
    DRZEEF --- ---
    Stříleli na vlastní občany. Nestydí se. Dokument o pohraničnících uvede ČT - Novinky.cz
    DRZEEF --- ---
    Bartončík: Žijeme si jako prasata v žitě, ale... Z Havla dělali boha a měl vachrlatý charakter | Blesk.cz
    DRZEEF --- ---
    Představa komunistické strany o tom, jak by měla vypadat společnost, je obludně technokratická. Je to společnost, kde lidé mají jasně vymezenou úlohu naplňovat cíle „čínského snu“ – jinými slovy snu komunistické strany o silném státu a světové velmoci. Tomu musí přizpůsobit všechny své individuální zájmy a přání. Ve svém myšlení, v každodenním jednání mají všichni být uniformními jednotkami státu řízeného politickou stranou založenou na přesvědčení, že jako nositelka učení marxismu-leninismu a Mao Ce-tungova učení zná jediný správný vědecký názor na řízení státu.

    To je naprosto nelidská představa. Člověk přece není uniformní. Každý má své slabosti, jiné zájmy, v něčem mohou být lidé konformní a nebouřit se proti poměrům, ale zároveň potřebují mít svůj prostor a svou důstojnost. S tím spojená představa, že technologiemi se docílí toho, že lidé budou dělat přesně to, co se po nich chce, a o každém se bude všechno vědět, prostě není k žití. Ignoruje přirozenou spontaneitu lidského bytí a nepředvídatelnost lidského jednání.

    Nebezpečím takového systému je v případě úspěchů militantní nacionalismus, který nikdy žádnému státu neprospěl, a z historie víme, co všechno se v takových situacích děje. Na druhou stranu se lidé můžou proti extrémním formám nesvobody vzbouřit – i za tu cenu, že riskují svůj život. A z toho mohou vzniknout velké konflikty, vlastně cokoliv, od občanské války po rozpad celé společnosti. Harmonická společnost, o které mluví čínští ideologové, nemůže vzniknout násilím.

    Čína směřuje k nelidskému systému. Hongkong to ví, proto protestuje, vysvětluje sinoložka Lomová — ČT24 — Česká televize
    DRZEEF --- ---
    22 metrů od hranice na něj pustili psy a nechali ho umřít. Případ, kvůli němuž začnou vyšetřovat české komunisty - Seznam Zprávy
    DRZEEF --- ---
    Extinction Rebellion: Former members warn of ‘Marxist tinge’ that could see group implode

    EXTINCTION Rebellion is led by extreme Marxists whose aim is to “bring down the Government”, a leader warned of the rebel group before adding that people “may die” in the process.

    Extinction Rebellion: Former members warn of ‘Marxist tinge’ that could see group implode | UK | News | Express.co.uk
    DRZEEF --- ---
    nejsou ,)

    Pink Leninist:

    I dislike them.

    They seem incredibly petty bourgeois and have shady relationships as another commentor pointed out.

    I dislike how their whole strategy is to be a pain in the arse to ordinary working class people and they seem to let big business’ of very lightly. I know their goal is to get in the way of people’s lives to make them think about climate change. But climate change is a near universally accepted fact at this point - I’m not sure many people are happy with how the environment is going. In this regard they are threatening the entirely wrong group of people.

    The whole strategy is to simply get as many people arrested as they can - which I find so mind numbing to the point I wouldn’t be surprised if it were a psy op to get activists on the police register lol. Also found that little stunt they did in Parliament cringey as fuck, makes environmentalists look like a joke. The whole thing is incredibly proformative with little substance. I find them quite naive.

    This is not a tac tic that will work. Peaceful protests will not change anything (remember Occupy Wall Street?) It alienates masses of people from the moment and I find it frustrating the picture they are painting of “the left”. The whole thing seems to be ran as if it were a business.

    For communists, the most we can do is try and bring some of these people over to realise capitalism is bad. But having briefly been down to their London event it was overwhelmingly liberal. I think many people went down simply to enjoy the festivities - not that activism can’t be fun, but it just felt like I was surrounded by middle class art students.

    What I imagine will happen is the government will say yes to most of their demands and just not do them per usual. Best case scenario that drives more people away from capitalism. But in reality is more likely to drive them into ye Labour Party.

    That being said nice to see people willing to break the law, unfortunately just in the least productive way.

    Thoughts on Extinction Rebellion? : communism
    DRZEEF --- ---
    XR who

    The faces behind the Extinction Rebellion climate change chaos | Daily Mail Online
    DRZEEF --- ---
    Slavomir Benes

    Jeden z monstrprocesů, které mě nejvíce zlobí i po tolika desítkách let, je odsouzení našich hokejistů v roce 1950 na dlouholeté tresty. Ale i to je stejný případ. Patří jim rehabilitace, patří jim finanční odškodnění, možná jim patří vyznamenání za jejich sportovní činnost, ale též by jim nepatřilo vyznamenání za hrdinství nebo statečnost.

    Rovněž můj dědeček byl odsouzen na 15 let a za mřížemi zemřel. rehabilitován byl až po smrti v roce 1960. Ale ani jemu nepatří posmrtné vyznamenání. Dodnes nevíme, proč ho sebrali a odsoudili. Proč si v noci přišli pro naprostos řadového zedníka a proč mi přišili nesmyslná obvinění. I případ mého dědečka patří do knih dějin komunistické zvůle, babičce jako jeho vdově patřilo finanční odškodnění, ale k posmrtným vyznamenáním nebyl sebemenší důvod.

    Kalandra byl marxistou, komunistické procesy mu však přinesly smrt - iDNES.cz
    DRZEEF --- ---
    Treat Extinction Rebellion as an extremist anarchist group, former anti-terror chief tells police

    Treat Extinction Rebellion as an extremist anarchist group, former anti-terror chief tells police
    DRZEEF --- ---
    The Zinoviev Letter by Gill Bennett — a mystery of revolution and attribution

    Identifying the source of an incendiary 1924 letter from Russia makes an absorbing tale

    Tony Barber October 19, 2018

    On October 30 1924, the Soviet Communist party newspaper Pravda published a contemptuous attack by Leon Trotsky on Britain’s handling of the so-called Zinoviev Letter. “How a document so nonsensical, so politically meaningless, a document which cries aloud that it is a forgery, could become the focus of attention of the leading political parties of the oldest civilised country in the world, a country of centuries of world supremacy and of a parliamentary regime — that is what is truly incomprehensible,” he wrote.

    After reading Gill Bennett’s authoritative study of one of Britain’s greatest 20th-century political controversies, it is hard to disagree with the leading Bolshevik revolutionary. The letter was an inflammatory document supposedly sent to the British Communist party in September 1924 by Grigory Zinoviev, head of the Comintern, the Soviet organ that promoted worldwide revolution by means of propaganda and subversion. As Bennett emphasises in her absorbing, scrupulously researched book, The Zinoviev Letter, no original of the letter has ever been found.

    British intelligence agents in Riga transmitted the text of the letter — in English — to their London superiors on October 9. It was forwarded to the Foreign Office and Ramsay MacDonald, prime minister and foreign secretary in the UK’s first Labour government. Without the explicit approval of MacDonald, who had demanded indisputable proof of the letter’s authenticity, the Foreign Office delivered a formal protest to the Soviet mission in London.

    Soviet officials, including Zinoviev, were taken aback by the outcry in Britain’s ruling circles. Like Trotsky, they denounced the letter as a forgery. Bennett says her archival research in Russia dug up no evidence to suggest the Bolsheviks were faking indignation and surprise. Meanwhile, Britain’s Communist party — feeble and incapable of fomenting a revolution — denied having received such a missive from Zinoviev.

    Within two weeks of the letter’s arrival in London, copies had found their way to the opposition Conservative party and the Tory press, including the Daily Mail, which published the letter on October 25. Understanding the timing is crucial: MacDonald’s minority government had fallen in a parliamentary vote on October 8, and a general election was to be held on October 29. Rightwing circles were out to discredit Labour and return the Tories to power.

    Labour lost the election, but few modern historians think the Zinoviev letter played a significant role in that defeat. Bennett concurs with this verdict. Labour polled over 1m more votes than in the previous election. A collapse in the Liberal vote, and Tory success in overcoming internal squabbles, were larger factors behind the 1924 result.

    This leaves two questions. Assuming that the letter was a fake, who wrote it? And did those who distributed and made use of it do so for political or personal gain? As a former chief historian of the Foreign Office, whom a Labour government in 1998 commissioned to investigate the case, Bennett probably understands its murky complexities better than anyone. She was the first scholar to be permitted unrestricted access to the relevant British sources, notably the intelligence agencies’ archives. Her book is an expanded version of a well-judged report that she published in 1999.

    Bennett’s conclusion is that “a likely suspect” as the letter’s author is Ivan Pokrovsky, an anti-Bolshevik, former tsarist officer. He had connections to a forgery syndicate in Berlin and was probably in contact with British spies in Riga. In 1929 Pokrovsky was named as the author by the Daily Herald, whose editor had ties to Soviet intelligence. Likewise the author Nigel West (aka Rupert Allason, a former Tory MP) and Oleg Tsarev, a retired KGB colonel, identified Pokrovsky as the letter’s author in their 1998 book, The Crown Jewels.

    Bennett is satisfied that there was no organised anti-Labour conspiracy inside Britain’s organs of government. Still, she writes, “there were a hundred ways in which the letter could have reached the press, Conservative Central Office or other interested parties. Military officers, current and former intelligence chiefs and officers, civil servants, politicians and newspaper proprietors of a Conservative persuasion — that is, nearly all of them — had motive and opportunity to get hold of the letter and make sure it was publicised.”

    In Bennett’s view, two key suspects are Desmond Morton, co-ordinatorof UK overseas intelligence, and Joseph Ball, head of domestic counter-espionage. Ball joined Conservative Central Office in 1927 and later strenuously tried to “control the narrative of the Zinoviev Letter”. Another mysterious figure is Rafael Farina, the overseas intelligence head of station in Riga, who may have known that the letter was a forgery but sent it to London anyway.

    As Bennett says, the full truth may never be known. But the letter still resonates in British politics — less because of who wrote it than because, for the left, it embodies ever-present suspicions of an anti-Labour establishment and media conspiracy.

    The Zinoviev Letter: The Conspiracy that Never Dies, by Gill Bennett, RRPOUP, RRP£25/$34.95, 340 pages

    Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2019. All rights reserved.

    DRZEEF --- ---
    Full text of "Red Symphony"

    Full text of "Red Symphony"
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