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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    KUKIDE --- ---
    9/11 Father Seeks Justice | The Bobby McIlvaine Act
    GIOMIKY --- ---
    As I recently chronicled, the very bottom of the terrestrial and oceanic food pyramids are being knocked out. This is an existential threat to our species, but it's hardly addressed in the mainstream media. It should front page news in a sustained and complete call for action. But it never is.

    Next Stop: Recession! | Zero Hedge
    STARSIGN --- ---
    DETESTABLE - FilmFreeway
    MTO --- ---
    Yuri Bezmenov - Umění rozvratu a demoralizace

    Sestříhané svědectví bývalého agenta KGB Yuriho Bezmenova z roku 1983 o postupu rozvratu státu zevnitř a nastolení nové vlády. Bezmenov utekl na Západ v roce 1970.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Face of Pre-Crime: China's Shockingly Accurate A.I.
    GORG --- ---
    'Supernatural' events terrify police interrogating celebrity medium over sexual abuse claims | Daily Mail Online

    Detectives questioning a celebrity medium in Brazil, accused of sexually abusing more than 300 women, have reported spooky goings-on during their two hour interrogation.

    Unexplained incidents ranging from a 'bizarre' computer crash to wiring on electrical appliances suddenly 'short circuiting' appears to suggest supernatural forces were at play during the interview.


    John of God became famous for performing 'miracle surgeries' on hundreds of thousands of people from all over the globe. He has been practising since 1976 and is revered as a 'powerful' spiritual force. He has been interviewed by Oprah and has treated Bill Clinton.

    ‘John of God’ cult leader allegedly ran child sex slave farm

    “Hundreds of girls were enslaved over years, lived on farms in Goias, served as wombs to get pregnant, for their babies to be sold.

    “These girls were murdered after 10 years of giving birth. We have got a number of testimonies.

    “We have received reports from the adoptive mothers of their children that we sold for between $20,000 and $50,000 in Europe, USA and Australia, as well as testimony from ex-workers and local people who are tired of being complicit with John of God’s gang.”
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Columbia Engineers Translate Brain Signals Directly into Speech | Zuckerman Institute
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Finally Admitted! "New" Tech Can Beam Voices Directly into Your Head
    STARSIGN --- ---
    AC24.cz - Guaido byl odhalen jako zednář. Evropský parlament jej mezitím uznal za „legitimní“ hlavu Venezuely
    STARSIGN --- ---
    Pád Dvojičiek očami špičkového fyzika - ZEM & VEK
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Lobster Phones, Honey Stealing and The Place they Called ‘Pineal.’ | Upon The Face Of The Waters
    STARSIGN --- ---
    just as planned
    Africký ekonóm: " Rozvojová pomoc zo západu Afriku ničí, prosím prestaňte s ňou." - Svetlo Sveta
    KUKIDE --- ---
    WALKIE: stím už tady chodí bitcoinový nadšenci z paralelní polis nějakej pátek :)
    Microchips hand implant pays Bitcoin coffee in Prague

    WALKIE --- ---
    nepatrna info z mainstreamu
    Rusové testují mikročipy implantované pod kůži – Novinky.cz
    GIOMIKY --- ---
    "Something Biblical Is Approaching" - Here Are The Scenarios Of The Collapse | Zero Hedge

    Scenario I: Global Depression

    In a depression, everything that has been driven the economic expansion goes into reverse. Asset markets experience severe contraction (in excess of 50 percent), credit becomes restricted, corporations and households de-lever fiercely, and global trade flows stall (for more details see Q-review 2/2018). GDP falls dramatically, between 10 to 25 percent. Unemployment skyrockets. The standard means of stimulus by central banks and governments are exhausted without any notable improvement in the economic environment.

    The implosion of the current asset bubble will start a relentless unwinding of leverage and risk in the global financial system. Because major central banks are still “all-in” with rates pinned at or near historic lows, and balance sheets bloated to extreme levels, their ability to respond will be highly restricted. Governments are also highly-indebted, and when interest rates rise, some sovereigns are likely to default, aggravating the global banking crisis, which will probably be in motion already. Combined with the zombified global business sector and a hard landing in China, these factors will lead the world economy into a depression. However, a possibility of something even more ominous is lurking in the background.
    Scenario II: Systemic Meltdown

    Systemic crisis would mean that the global financial melts down due to an existential deficit of trust between counterparties within the system. Before 2008, a systemic meltdown was mostly a theoretical construct. However, in mid-October in 2008, global leaders were faced with the possibility that banks would not open on Monday. The interbank markets had frozen, because no one knew the amount of the losses banks carried on their books. The global financial system was grinding to a halt. Politicians and central bankers saved the day by guaranteeing bank deposits and by providing capital and extraordinary guarantees to keep the important financial institutions standing and credit flowing.
    Now the problem is that many of these measures are already in play and when the next crisis hits, the solvency of governments and central banks will also be in question. This creates a perilous situation because, for example, the shares of the global systemically important banks, G-SIBs, have been falling since the beginning of last year, which was also the time when the balance sheet normalization (QT) program of the Fed kicked into full gear. This is no coincidence and it implies that troubles are, once again, brewing in the banking sector.

    Because a crash in the asset values would affect the collateral of banks and because global depression would lead to a massive increase in loan losses, the already-impaired banking sector could, again, face collapse. However, this time around, there is very little authorities can do to stem the panic. These factors make the systemic meltdown an ominously-likely scenario.

    Systemic meltdown would mean that all banking actions, distribution of money, loans, swaps, banking services, etc., through the banking sector would stop. Credit cards would cease to function, ATMs would not give out money and loans could not be originated or rolled-over. Following the likely collapse of global trade, the world economy would also collapse. This would imply that the global GDP would experience a harrowing fall of 20 to 40 percent. Modern societies would cease to exist in their current form.

    Scenario III: The fairy tale

    Could this all be averted somehow? We’ve been pondering this for two years now, and our resounding answer is no. The leverage in the system usually results in a crash at some point, and asset bubbles very rarely deflate in a controlled manner. However, CBs can probably still postpone the inevitable, if they could re-start QE programs or find some other way to push artificial central bank liquidity into the financial markets.
    MTO --- ---
    kdyz tu byla rec o UFO, tak kdo tam nechodi dejte si to. za ty 2 a 1/4 hodiny zivota to stoji :-)

    [ MTO @ UFO ]
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    GORG: jj, jsou tady ...Medvěděv to ví, protože má s nimi každé úterý jednání....a nebo britský princ Harry, to je dobrý příklad...ještěrčí alien Annunaki!!
    ...jen vypadá jak člověk...dal bych si na něj pozor...ten je jasnej.
    A určitě tu budou mezi námi i další...ještěro-alieni, reptiliáni..internet je toho plnej, musí to bejt pravda!

    Meghan Markle and Prince Harry show their reptilian side in front of cameras? 2018
    GORG --- ---
    Aliens amongst us - Medvedev talks about aliens on Earth & Men in Black

    Dmitry Medvedev muses on aliens and Vladimir Putin's lateness - Telegraph
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