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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RIVA --- ---
    H.G Wells: The New World Order (Final Chapter)

    Poslech pro fajnsmekry. Muj oblibeny severoanglicky konzervativec Morgoth analyzuje posledni kapitolu knihy Novy Svetovy Rad (New World Order) od H. G Wellse.

    Morgoth ma velice silny prizvuk mimochodem. Takze pokud nejste zvykli tak dopurucuju titulky!
    GORG --- ---
    RIVA: On 6 January a group of 46 psychologists and therapists, including several HART members, signed a letter to the British Psychological Society (BPS) raising ethical questions about the role of Government-employed psychologists in shaping the coronavirus communication campaign. In particular, they were concerned about their promotion of covert psychological ‘nudges’ — including ratcheting up fear levels — as a means of achieving widespread conformity with unprecedented lockdowns and mask mandates.
    RIVA --- ---
    A Scientist Claims It's Possible Novel Corona Virus Has A Space Connection | Latest UFO sightings
    RIVA --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    Behaviorální psychologie jako zbraň

    "Zaměstnanec SAGE o rouškách: přinášejí více škody než užitku a rozhodnutí nařídit je zdravým lidem v komunitě bylo zavedeno spíše jako metoda psychologické kontroly než jako prostředek ke snížení přenosu viru."

    Jde jen o kontrolu!
    RIVA --- ---
    Some seriously scary shit...

    Big Tech Botnets - The Fearsome New Technology - YouTube

    A new wave of technology is something to fear. These are the Botnets controlled centrally by the Big Tech behemoths: Apple, Google and Amazon. These companies now have supercomputer powers to control the world, but they didn't spend a dime on it. They are using your own devices to expand their capabilities.

    They have turned your devices into bots. Slaves to their centralized masters. The potential uses of these are extremely scary and this is a warning to you that the world of SkyNet is here.

    Nové vlny technologií je třeba se obávat. Jedná se o botnety centrálně řízené velkými technologickými giganty: Apple, Google a Amazon. Tyto společnosti nyní disponují superpočítačovými schopnostmi, které jim umožňují ovládat svět, ale neutratily za ně ani korunu. K rozšíření svých možností využívají vaše vlastní zařízení.

    Z vašich zařízení udělaly roboty. Otroky svých centralizovaných pánů. Jejich potenciální využití je nesmírně děsivé a toto je pro vás varování, že svět SkyNetu je tady

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
    RIVA --- ---
    Zdravím vespolek. Trochu tady zalobuju o nové chatroom na Telegramu, kterou jsem založil z důvodu narůstající cenzury a společenského útlaku na sociálních sítích. Může se tam svobodně diskutovat o problematice nemoci, kterou přežije více než 99% nakažených, cílené likvidaci ekonomiky a našich živobytí a ostatních nesmyslných vládních opatřeních.

    Nikdo Vás tam nebude shazovat za to že si dovolíte pochybovat o nutnosti podstoupení experimentální genové terapie, či nemáte zájem si nádale ničit zdraví nošením zbytečného kusu hadru přes obličej.

    Zájemci o link prosím do pošty.
    RIVA --- ---
    ARRAKIS: Evoluce Davidovy Hvezdy...
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    pure evil.

    Vaccination Certification & Verification, powered by Zebra Technologies
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    Two Months After Biden Blasted "Neanderthal Thinking", Texas Reports Zero COVID Deaths | ZeroHedge
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    I have run out of conspiracy teories, they all became reality
    RIVA --- ---

    Get your COVID-19 jab - or you could face consequences from your employer https://wef.ch/2RtnFxs #COVID19 #JobsReset21

    A pak že konspirace neexistují... :D
    GORG --- ---
    KDHE quietly reduced cycle threshold on COVID tests - The Sentinel

    Earlier this month — and without fanfare — the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s Health and Environmental Laboratories reduced the cycle threshold for its real-time COVID-19 test from 42 to 35 cycles. (The screengrab below shows KDHE mistakenly dated the change January 2020, but the link address is dated 2021 and KDHE wasn’t running COVID tests a year ago.)

    This comes after months of warnings by health professionals — including Dr. Anthony Fauci and the World Health Organization — that high cycle thresholds in the most commonly used tests were producing false positives.

    The cycle threshold is — roughly — the number of times a bit of genetic matter must be copied by the testing equipment to determine how infectious a given individual is. The higher the cycle threshold needed to identify COVID, the less viral load a person has; some virologists say results above 35 cycles are “false positives” because they are only detecting dead nucleotides and are not contagious.

    In October of 2020, KHEL said their most commonly-used test “has a Ct cutoff of 42 and is the most sensitive assay [test] currently available.”

    On January 7, the Ct cutoff was changed to 35, and the last half of that sentence omitted.

    The Sentinel reached out to KDHE spokeswoman Kristi Zears, to ask if private laboratories being used by local governments like Wyandotte County had also reduced their cycle threshold, but received no response.

    Fauci has stated that the cycle threshold should be 34 or below.

    “If you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more, the chances of it being replication-competent are minuscule,” Fauci said at roughly the four-minute mark of this video. ‘Replication competent’ means particles capable of infecting cells and replicating to produce additional infectious particles.

    Meanwhile, rising case-counts have been continually used by Governor Laura Kelly to justify continued restrictions, largely ineffective mask mandates, and lockdowns.

    The problem is, the WHO has now warned against over-sensitive tests, and recently issued guidance that “careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed (1). The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load. Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.”

    Downward trend in Kansas
    While there is no proof that the lowered Ct has led to a sudden reduction in “cases” — and thanks to KDHE’s silence it is unclear if private labs have followed suit — it is notable that, while case-counts have actually been dropping since Thanksgiving, there has been a noticeable drop in average daily positive results since Jan. 7, from 2,752 on the 7th to 1,795 between the 19th and 20th of January.

    KDHE doesn’t publish daily case updates; the daily numbers in the chart above represent the daily average between reporting points.

    Proper cycle threshold
    As national outlet PJ Media points out, the so-called “case” numbers should more accurately be called positive tests, and as PJ’s Stacey Lennox writes, “The New York Times and several experts admitted in late August that up to 90% of positive PCR tests were not indicative of the active illness that could be transmitted to others.”

    As the Sentinel previously reported, Dr. Michael Mina, an assistant professor of epidemiology at both Harvard Medical School and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, told Harvard Magazine that reporting people positive on tests with a high cycle threshold are “false positives.”

    “Tests with thresholds so high may detect not just live virus but also genetic fragments, leftovers from infection that pose no particular risk,” Mina said. “Akin to finding a hair in a room long after a person has left.”

    One maker of the COVID PCR test, Bioningentech, offers guidance quite similar to those in a New York Times article, which points to oversensitive tests nationwide. Cycle thresholds between 12 and 36 are considered positive; results between 36 and 40 cycles are considered marginally positive, and anything over 40 cycles is considered negative.

    “Any test with a cycle threshold above 35 is too sensitive, agreed Juliet Morrison, a virologist at the University of California, Riverside. “I’m shocked that people would think that 40 could represent a positive,” she said.

    “A more reasonable cutoff would be 30 to 35, she added.

    Dr. Mina said he would set the figure at 30, or even less.

    “Those changes would mean the amount of genetic material in a patient’s sample would have to be 100-fold to 1,000-fold that of the current standard for the test to return a positive result — at least, one worth acting on.”
    GORG --- ---
    retro 2020... do dnesniho dne stale ignorovane tema Ct cyklu

    Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be. - The New York Times
    GORG --- ---
    TL;DR .. to je způsob jak uměle "prokázat", že jsou ty vakcíny efektivní proti COVIDu
    imho že taková manipulace s Ct je už za hranicí omylu.. to už je zřejmě prokazatelný záměr dělat podvod
    GORG --- ---
    Výzkum infekčnosti vakcinovaných lidí se má podle guidelines CDC provádět s max 28 Ct cykly.
    To je už je tak do očí bijící podvod. Běžně se testoval COVID s neuvěřitelným počtem nad 40 Ct cyklů, což řada vědců odsoudila, že je naprosto nevěrohodný postup, který pan nemá vypovídající hodnotu.
    Nu a CDC rozhodne, že vakcinované budou zkoumat s 28 cykly.

    To tedy znamená, že u normální testované populace je vysoká pravděpodobnost pozitivity pro ten kvalitní data neumožňující počet 40 Ct cyklů (ani není moc jasné, jestli ten počet cyklů nemění i v čase, čímž jde uměle vytvářet dojem jakýchsi vln). Každopádně u tohodle testování vakcinovaných je ta změna počtu Ct do očí bijící. Těch 28 je asi tak normální maximum, jak se používaly PCR testy v minulosti. Do 30 Ct.
    Také platí, že čím méně Ct je potřeba pro získání pozitivního výsledku, tím je hledané části viru v těle člověka víc.


    CDC: maximum 28 CT for post-vaccine COVID PCR tests - The Sentinel

    As reported by Daniel Horowitz at Blaze Media, the new CDC guidance for “COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough case investigation” – meaning people who tested positive after getting vaccinated – says PCR tests should be set at 28 CT or lower. The stated reason for the 28 CT maximum is to avoid false positives on people who have been vaccinated, which would discourage acceptance of the vaccines.

    This is another example of ‘following the science’ only when it suits a political purpose; to wit, CDC is not recommending the lower threshold for anyone else being tested. False positives must be avoided to encourage vaccinations, but false positives to prevent children from attending school or maintain other government restrictions seem OK with CDC.

    Last summer, the New York Times reported that CTs above 34 almost never detect live virus but most often, dead nucleotides that are not contagious. The Sentinel found that many private labs in Kansas used thresholds of 38 and 40, and another one in Lenexa potentially at 45. The state lab at the Kansas Department of Health initially used a 42 CT on its most commonly performed test; on January 7, they reduced it to 35.

    Questions posed to KDHE about their current CT level have not been answered at press time.

    Horowitz quotes former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson as saying a standard of 28 CT applied to the general testing regime would preclude as many as 90% of cases from being recorded.

    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, the most commonly used tests to diagnose COVID, amplify tiny strands of virus in cycles. There’s an inverse relationship to viral load and contagion and the number of cycles necessary to detect the virus. So a lower number of cycles necessary to detect the virus indicates a higher viral load and infectiousness. A higher number of cycles indicates less viral load, and in some cases, it may indicate dead virus from an infection that is not currently contagious.

    A 28 CT means the tested material has been amplified, or doubled, 28 times.

    Horowitz puts the situation into perspective.

    “We’ve watched throughout the country as entire families are forced into quarantine because one classmate of a child tests positive for the virus without exhibiting any symptoms. Lives destroyed without any due process or evidentiary standards that they are even infected.”

    Now “the CDC has suddenly discovered the power of cycle thresholds on PCR testing in determining whether the positive results are real or meaningful. But here’s the problem: Where is this guidance when it comes to non-vaccinated people?”

    The Sentinel will continue to press KDHE and county health departments to ask if they will voluntarily reduce their thresholds to 28 CT for all tests.
    GORG --- ---
    COVID Charts Quiz

    Welcome to the COVID Charts Quiz!

    In 2020 people were told that business closures, stay-at-home orders, lockdowns, and mask mandates were necessary to slow the spread of Sars-Cov-2.

    Some people expected that places where these measures were absent or implemented half-heartedly would have drastically worse results.

    With more than a year of these measures behind us, it's time to evaluate the results.

    Preliminary academic studies have already been published, and they deserve our attention. This quiz is intended for the layman, because if these radical measures were truly justified the results should be clear and unambiguous in the data.

    So let's take a look.
    RIVA --- ---

    "...I když je zásadní pokračovat v informování o faktech a sdílet je s co největším počtem lidí - což je kvůli cenzuře alternativních a sociálních médií stále obtížnější -, je důležité přijmout, proti čemu stojíme. To, proti čemu stojíme, není nedorozumění nebo racionální spor o vědecká fakta. Je to fanatické ideologické hnutí. Globální totalitní hnutí ... první svého druhu v dějinách lidstva.

    Není to národní totalita, protože žijeme v globálním kapitalistickém impériu, kterému nevládnou národní státy, ale spíše nadnárodní subjekty a samotný globální kapitalistický systém. A tak se paradigma kultu/kultury obrátilo. Namísto toho, aby kult existoval jako ostrov v rámci dominantní kultury, se kult stal dominantní kulturou a ti z nás, kteří se ke kultu nepřipojili, se stali izolovanými ostrovy uvnitř ní.

    Rád bych byl optimističtější a možná nabídl nějaký akční plán, ale jediná historická paralela, která mě napadá, je, jak křesťanství "obrátilo" pohanský svět ... což pro nás nevěstí nic dobrého. Až budete sedět doma během výluk "druhé vlny", možná byste si měli oprášit tu historii...
    RIVA --- ---
    The Covidian Cult – Consent Factory, Inc.

    The Covidian Cult (Part II) – OffGuardian
    GORG --- ---
    Implanted Microchip, Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum and The Great Reset

    Zakladatel Světového ekonomického fóra Klaus Schwab vyzval k povinnému celosvětovému zdravotnímu průkazu v podobě implantabilních mikročipů do 10 let.

    V rozhovoru z roku 2016, který si nyní získává celonárodní pozornost, Schwab, také zakladatel globalistické agendy Velkého Resetu, vysvětlil, že do deseti let bude lidstvo muset mít implantabilní mikročipy, které budou sloužit jako průkaz globálního zdraví.

    Reportér se Schwaba zeptal francouzsky: „Mluvíme o čipech, které lze implantovat. Kdy to bude?“

    „Určitě v příštích deseti letech,“ odpověděl Schwab. „A nejdřív si je implantujeme do šatů. A pak si můžeme představit, že si je implantujeme do mozku nebo do kůže.“

    Schwab šel ještě dál a popsal transhumanistický sen globalistů o přímé „fúzi“ vědomí s „digitálním světem“.

    „A nakonec možná dojde k přímé komunikaci mezi naším mozkem a digitálním světem,“ řekl. „To, co vidíme, je jakási fúze fyzického, digitálního a biologického světa.

    Trval na tom, že lidé budou brzy moci jednoduše říci „chci být s kýmkoliv teď“ a přímo tak propojit svou mysl s myslí jiného člověka.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam