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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RIVA --- ---
    KUKIDE: Naprosto skvele! To video se mnou hodne rezonovalo.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Mass Psychosis Is the Most Viable Explanation for What We're Seeing in America Today
    GEN_IO --- ---
    RIVA: :)) přesně v tomto kontextu jsem je to pár let zpátky a asi zde v tom klubu přesně to šíření poplašné zprávy zmiňoval.. Aspoň teda +1 k tvému příspěvku. Mně už to takovou dobu připadá tak převrácené celé to přemýšlení, že už v různých pokročilých hodinách, debatách v různých kruzích raději jen sedím a mlčím.. A když už je mi z toho fakt divně, co lidi řeší, tak jdu spát 🤦‍♂️ ;) ani už sem do toho auditka nechodím, jen tak občas během roku nakuknu, protože ten běh věcí je tak evidentní a předvídatelný,... (no further comment/s)..

    Ale jsem rád, že to tu furt funguje. To je možná jediné auditko, které nikdy neodbookuju
    RIVA --- ---
    KUKIDE: Jasny, je lepsi nad timhle vsim premyslet z chladnou hlavou. Jakmile do toho clovek zapoji emoce, tak prestava uvazovat racionalne.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    RIVA: no víš to je těžký tohle přebýt, já jsme to vystudoval :) a přitom nesouhlasím s velkou částí co momentálně tenhle "enviromentální obor hlásá" ale to musíš jít do každýho detailu, přečíst tuny prací udělat rešerže atd... je to k hov.. na to nemá nikdo vlasně čas... přetlačit ten hromadnej narativ je opravdu těžký...

    třeba dost těch věcí podle mě ti lidé dělají z dobrého úmyslu aniž by je někdo manipuloval nebo je používal k šíření té zprávy, ale je to jen výsledek toho že to jednoduché vysvětlení sedí na jejich vnímanou realitu a proč hledat tedy jiné a nebo složitější :)

    já třeba u pandemie nepatřím ani k antirouškařům a ani k podporovatelům vakcín - tak je pak těžký se bavit o těhle tématech skoro s kýmkoliv páč většina lidí pak při diskusy se od jisté vrstvy informací cítí ohrožena a začne obhajovat svoji realitu a tím pádem jsi nepřítel... :)
    RIVA --- ---
    KUKIDE: Kdyz se zamyslim nad vyznamem slova konspirace, ci "konspirovat," tak mi prave pride, ze zmanipulovane environmentalni bludy jsou prave tim.

    Viz. "spiknutí, komplot, tajná dohoda"

    konspirace - slovník cizích slov online

    Mnohaletou medialni masazi se Malthusianskym technokratum, kteri plati bogus vyzkum jako je MIT - Club of Rome, podarilo presvedcit valnou cast populace, ze pokud se jako zivocisnej druh neomezime (rozumej lidi jako ty a ja, ne ti co tomu sefujou), tak vsichni brzo vychcipame.

    Sireni poplasne zpravy je leckde trestnej cin, ne?
    KUKIDE --- ---
    RIVA: jo cober je fakt super :) ale po pravdě já jedu spíše více psycho věci....

    jo hele ono je to celý jinak, ale to je složitější, ten enviromentalizmus je založenej na zmanipulovanejch bludech a jo dějese to děje se rozpad to je fakt a stím se moc dát dělat nedá... ale to myslím do konspirací nepatří :)
    RIVA --- ---
    KUKIDE: Rikal jsem si ze je to takova prijemna odbocka od serioznosti zivota. Jako si po roce stravovani v menze skocit na hambace a nudle s tatarkou :D
    RIVA --- ---
    Velice obsahla, detailni analyza envirnmentalistickeho "doomsday scenario" dokumentu MIT - Club of Rome "Limits to Growth." Jak me irituje Corbettuv podivnej smich, tak musim uznat ze ten chlap je fakt kapacita na overovani a dohledavani zdroju. Video ma sice 90+ minut, ale stalo to za to.

    Are There Limits to Growth? - Questions For Corbett

    SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/limitstogrowth/

    Be afraid! Be very afraid! A "startling" "new" "scientific" report that "totally confirms" all of The Club of Rome's fearmongering over The Limits to Growth! . . . But does it really confirm what it's reported to confirm? And what are the limits to growth, anyway? Join James for the longest and most in-depth edition of Questions For Corbett yet as he does a deeeeeeep dive on The Club of Rome's infamous reports, its celebrated "vindication," the truth about overpopulation, and the future of life on earth.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    RIVA: riva hele oni jsou natvrdlý nechápou dualitu :D hihihi...
    RIVA --- ---
    Tak to zas jednou trochu rozjedem! :D

    The New Age of Aquarius World Order
    Thread by @JamesPa74499104 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

    Discussed in this thread;

    •The imminent mass culling of humanity

    •Why the Elites want 'Truthers' to survive this cull for the main event in 2025

    •The coming Luciferian One World Religion
    RIVA --- ---
    Prof Desmet - failure of science today - July 30 2021

    In this short extract from a one hour session, Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, discusses with the German Corona Committee why most scientific conclusions of today cannot be trusted. More on www.corona-ausschuss.de
    RIVA --- ---

    Noosphere, Part II: Atheistic Mythologies

    In spite of their great diversity, the myths that serve as the foundational elements of the noosphere can all be sorted into categories identified by a member of the following set: {NULL, 0, 1, 2, 3}. These identifiers indicate atheistic, polytheistic, monistic, dualistic and trinitarian mythologies. These numbers do not obey the laws of arithmetic but behave in the following counterintuitive and non-obvious ways:

    Atheistic: NULL is NULL
    Polytheistic: 0 = ∞
    Monistic: 1≠1
    Dualistic: 1+1=1
    Trinitarian: 1+1+1=1

    As promised, we shall now look at each one of these. This week's installment will address atheistic mythologies.

    Atheistic mythologies

    NULL is NULL is NULL. NULL is different from zero: zero means that there is nothing there; NULL means that we neither know or care what's there. NULL is not equal to anything—not even to itself, since there are no grounds for comparison; therefore, all that can be said about it is that it is NULL—a tautology. There is an almost limitless variety of adherents of NULL, just as there is an almost limitless variety of broken pottery in the world's landfills, dumps and middens, but a particularly pervasive example is Homo trivialis: the degenerate case of a non-sapient Homo sapiens, a man unconcerned with anything more lofty than a full belly, a satisfied libido and a warm, dry place to sleep. The typical Homo trivialis specimen is a satisfied consumer of sudsy beer, starchy and fatty foods and television sports. Or it might be a woman, her concerns laser-focused on her hair, nails and shoes, with surgically enhanced breasts, lips and buttocks as added extras.

    Also among the adherents of NULL are the technosphere's eager minions. These are the technophiles who see anything beyond a purely mechanistic conception of the universe as base superstition to be ridiculed, whereas his own idolizing and fetishizing of technology is not ridiculous at all, mind you! Several generations of science fiction writers have constructed an entire technospherical universe which you can traverse aboard the good little spaceship Spinal Tap which goes Warp 11 (but only in your juvenile imagination). In reality humans have never so much as poked their heads outside of low Earth orbit, all of the Apollo mission nonsense notwithstanding, and probably never will. It now turns out that Americans can't go back to the moon because they don't have the spacesuits. Those wonderful spacesuits they used to romp around on the Moon were gnawed to pieces by some space rats and they can't make new ones because they lost the blueprint and then their dog ate it. This is all highly believable, of course, but only if you are gullible as a child.

    Among the adult population, there is also some number of philosophical rationalists. They are convinced that an entity whose existence cannot be proved (documented, attested, weighed, measured, made to pee into a cup, interviewed on camera, dragged into court to testify, etc.) does not exist. This stance is particularly humorous if approached from the point of view of a deity: if I were God (which, by the way, I am not; this is purely a thought experiment) then why would I condescend to being trifled with in this manner? As God, I would be well-disposed toward those who believe in Me and worship Me, perhaps even showing Myself to them, but only in purely mystical, ethereal ways so as not to trivialize my godlike nature. But I would mostly ignore those who don't believe in Me and don't worship Me as long as they leave My true believers alone. But I would strike down with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. That part Ezekiel [25:17] got right. But they would not know that My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon them; rather, they would not know what hit them and simply call it an "act of God" (in Whom they don't believe). I am done speaking as God now, fun though that is.

    From the point of view of the technosphere, these are all ideal clients: either they are indifferent, obedient and easy to manipulate, with no agenda of their own, or they are zealous guardians of the technosphere who wish to technologize everything and would eagerly climb into a space capsule and be shot off into the endless emptiness of space just for the greater glory of it.

    Passionate, zealous adherents of NULL are the technosphere's most faithful servants. Their insistence that everything must have a rational basis is very helpful in enlarging the technosphere's scope and enhancing its ability to achieve total control over humanity. A rational approach is, of course, often helpful, especially when deciding how much water to put in a nuclear reactor to keep it from melting down. But it is neither necessary nor sufficient in finding life's meaning; quite the opposite, it is quite helpful in destroying it. The technosphere's long-term goal, then, is to drive all of humanity toward the NULL state.
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    Australia Rethinks Covid Strategy After Cases Hit Record Despite Draconian Lockdowns | ZeroHedge

    RIVA --- ---
    The Role of Central Banks in the COVID Crisis - Prof. Richard Werner & Catherine Austin Fitts
    RIVA --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    Švajčiarski policajti už nechcú mlčky presadzovať obmedzujúce covidové opatrenia

    Vo Švajčiarsku sa policajti zo všetkých kantónov spojili do združenia „My pre vás“ a napísali list Policajnému zväzu. Nie sú už ochotní mlčky a bez odporu presadzovať covidové opatrenia.

    Über uns | wirfuereuch.ch

    We are an association of police officers from all cantons in Switzerland. In addition, we have committed ourselves to the democratic constitutional state to protect and uphold the fundamental rights of everyone to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, we are increasingly observing negative developments within society, especially in direct contact with the population. We are also affected as private individuals, as fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. We see the restrictions on fundamental rights to this extent and over the previous period in contradiction to proportionality and the greatest good of a democracy: freedom. The question arises as to what justifies these restrictions. These questions need to be answered.

    The need to express one's opinion freely is very great among our professional colleagues. We offer a platform where you as a police officer can report without fear of exclusion or consequences.

    Letter to the VSPB
    MTO --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    7 lies about Afghanistan, by Thierry Meyssan
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