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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    MTO --- ---
    Fabiánská společnost, eugenika a historické síly stojící za kolapsem současného systému – Nepřikrášlená realita islamizované Evropy

    George Bernard Shaw: There are an extraordinary number of people whom I want to kill

    George Bernard Shaw: I object to all punishment whatsoever. I don't want to punish anybody, but there are an extraordinary number of people who I want to kill. Not in any unkind or personal spirit. But it must be evident to all of you, you must all know half a dozen people at least, who are no use in this world; who are more trouble than they are worth. And I think it would be a good thing to make everybody come before a properly appointed board just as he might come before the income tax commissioners and say every 5 years or every 7 years, just put them there, and say, sir or madam, now will you be kind enough to justify your existence? If you can’t justify your existence; if you’re not pulling your weight in the social boat; if you are not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little more, then clearly we cannot use the big organization of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us, and it can’t be of very much use to yourself.

    “George Bernard Shaw reopens capital punishment controversy”, March 5, 1931
    MATT --- ---
    GORG: Vycházim z toho, že je tu velká disproporce ve znalostech a možnostech velkejch entit (států a firem) oproti jednotlivcum (občanum). Souběžně si myslim, že bez fungující společnosti by se jedinec neměl tak dobře. V tomhle postavení by stát mohl a měl být na straně občana a občani na straně státu.
    tvl, a je ze mě nácek :D :D
    Ale je tu třetí bod, že je entita, která konkrétně říká, že jsme její nepřítel a systematicky se nás snaží rozložit ze vnitř. Kdyby sem posílala otrávenej chleba, tak předpokládám nikomu nebude vadit, že ho hygienici na hranicích zachytávaj. A pokud jsou takhle systematicky otravovány informace? Pokud byse jednalo o soutěž ideí, tak jsem pro, ale pokud se opravdu jedná o lži s jediným cílem zmást naše lidi?
    A já opravdu nechci nikomu nic diktovat a sám mam problém zaujmout stanovisko k aktuálně nastalý cenzůře, ale souběžně si uvědomuju, že jako politik na státní úrovni nemůžeš vždycky vyhovět všem a často máš na výběr jen ze špatnejch možností.

    Lidská psyché je komplikovaná, gaussovka inteligence v populaci nekompromisní a masa lidí se chová jinak než součet jednotlivců.
    GORG --- ---

    Lviv Diagnostic Laboratory
    Lviv Oblast Laboratory Center
    27, Krupyarskaya Str. Lviv
    Fact Sheet
    Technical Assistance Project - Technical Assistance Plan for Designated Recipients of the Ministry of
    Health of Ukraine. Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012.
    Donor – the Department of Defense of the United States of America
    Beneficiary/Executive Agent – the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
    Recipient – Lviv Oblast Laboratory Center (former Oblast SES)
    Address: 27, Krupyarskaya Str. Lviv
    POC: Dr. Lubamira Evgenivna Shepelenko, Acting Director of Laboratory Center

    Contractor Team - Integrating Contractor: Black & Veatch. Ukrainian Subcontractors: Central Design
    Institute - Lviv (Designer) & RK-Center (Construction) & Mediamax (equipment supply).
    Design Oversight (Avtonadzor) – Central Design Institute, Lviv - Evgeni Vasiliovich Svetlichniy
    Construction Oversight (Technadzor) - Bogdan Ivanovich Ostrovskiy
    Expert Examination of Design Approval - The Conceptual Design was approved by MoH Central
    Regime Commission on August 11, 2011. The Working Design was approved by Lviv
    “Ukrbudderzhexpertise” on August 12, 2011.
    Construction permit - The Declaration for start to construction was signed by the Chief Doctor of Lviv
    Oblast SES (Dr. Roman Mikhailovich Pavliv) and registered at GASK (State Architectural Construction
    Inspection in Lviv oblast) on July 13, 2010
    State Acceptance - “Construction Ready for Operation Declaration” was signed by the Acting Chief
    Doctor, Dr. Mikola Vasilievich Urbanvoich, and registered at GASK (State Architectural Construction
    Inspection in Lviv oblast) on December 25, 2012
    Transfer of Custody and Sustainment Memorandum of Understanding - The TOC and S&T MoU
    were signed by the Chief Doctor of Lviv Oblast SES, Dr. Roman Mikhailovich Pavliv, on July 24, 2012.
    EDPs Permit - The permit for working with Pathogens was issued by Regime Commission of MoH on
    July 2, 2012.
    USG Investment - Total cost of laboratory: USD$1,927,158 (USD$1,523,080 for Design &
    Construction; USD$404,078 for lab equipment, furniture, and installation)

    // bylo nicmene fakt chekovano, ze jde o dezinformaci - USA udajne zadny biolaby v Ukrajine nefinancovali.

    Fact check: Claim of 'US biolabs' in Ukraine is disinformation

    Our rating: False
    Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that there are U.S. biolabs in Ukraine funded by the U.S. government. The posts misrepresent a treaty between the United States and Ukraine aimed at preventing biological threats.

    The labs are owned and funded by the Ukrainian government.The Security Service of Ukraine and the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine have said the claim is false. Reports indicate the claim is tied to a years-long Russian disinformation campaign aimed at discrediting the United States.
    GORG --- ---
    Náčelník RF obvinil USA, že na Ukrajině vyvíjely biologické zbraně!

    ⁣Náčelník chemicko-biologické ochrany RF obvinil USA, že na Ukrajině vyvíjely biologické zbraně!

    ⁣GenPor. Igor Kirillov předložil výčet důkazů o provozu ukrajinských laboratoří na vývoj biologických zbraní.
    GORG --- ---

    tady je link na tu petici

    Биолаборатории США на Украине - это ФАБРИКИ СМЕРТИ, немедленно их ЗАКРЫТЬ Електронні петиції — Офіційне інтернет-представництво Президента України

    №22 / 118694-ep
    US biolaboratories in Ukraine are DEATH FACTORIES, CLOSE them immediately
    Author (initiator): Isayev Mykola Vsesovych
    Date of publication: June 24, 2021

    From foreign media:
    - 333 news. US biolabs. About American death factories (video):
    “About 13,000 scientists in the US and abroad are busy creating new strains of combat killer microbes that are resistant to vaccines

    ... biolaboratories in the post-Soviet space”, which was attended by representatives of public organizations from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, the USA and Israel.

    The conference was opened by Ivan Kopyl, a journalist and expert of the public organization Fair Defense. “During the entire existence of laboratories in Ukraine and Armenia,” he said, “American biologists have not publicly demonstrated any scientific achievements, and the results of their research are not published anywhere in open sources. Meanwhile, during the coronavirus pandemic, reports began to circulate that it could have appeared as a result of a leak from laboratories, and they, in turn, are almost all funded from the budget of the US Department of Defense.

    Co-chairman of the Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan, journalist Ainur Kurmanov said that now “the efforts of American military biologists and Kazakh scientists and specialists who are actually mobilized to work in the American military industry are aimed at finalizing the results already achieved in order to create military substances and ways to deliver them through infected animals from the local fauna to enemy territory…”.

    The United States has established biolabs in 25 countries around the world: in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the former Soviet Union. Only in Ukraine there are a dozen of them: in Odessa, Vinnitsa, Uzhgorod, Lvov (three), Kharkov, Kyiv (also three), Kherson, Ternopil.

    In late 1991, the US Congress approved the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program, known by the names of its initiators, US Senators Nunn and Lugar, which is implemented by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) at the Pentagon. Russia was surrounded by dozens of reference laboratories (CDL), controlled by the Pentagon. In addition to Ukraine, such laboratories are located in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Uzbekistan.

    American scientists themselves say that biological weapons are being developed in the Pentagon's biolaboratories. The author of the law against biological terrorism (Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, BWATA), professor of international law at the University of Illinois at Champaign (USA) Francis Boyle said that about 13 thousand scientists in 400 laboratories in the US and abroad are busy creating new strains of combat microbes -killers (offensive killer germs), resistant to vaccines.

    American biological military laboratories are a direct threat to the countries in which they are located. For example, in 2013, in the advanced echelon of DTRA, the Lugar Center in Georgia, trials of an anthrax vaccine were started. And in the same year, an epidemic outbreak of this infection occurred in Georgia. Since then, cases of anthrax have not stopped in the republic.

    In 2014, a special insect breeding plant was built in the Lugar Center and the Sandfly project (sand fly) was launched. In 2015, sand flies attacked Tbilisi and neighboring Dagestan.

    After DTRA began investigating at the Lugar Center the spread of ticks and tropical mosquitoes Aedes Albopictus and Aedes Aegypt of dangerous infections, in particular Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), such mosquitoes appeared in western Georgia, Russian Krasnodar and northern Turkey.

    In Kharkiv, where one of the Pentagon's reference laboratories is located, 20 Ukrainian soldiers died of swine flu in January 2016, and another 200 were hospitalized. By March of the same year, 364 people had died from swine flu in Ukraine ...

    In 2017, a measles epidemic broke out in Ukraine. In 2019, an outbreak of a disease "similar in symptoms to the plague" was recorded. So similar that Russia has sharply increased border control. As soon as American biological laboratories appeared in Ukraine, outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) became regular.

    The first American reference laboratory in Uzbekistan appeared in 2007 in Tashkent. Currently, DTRA has more than a dozen such laboratories in Uzbekistan. In 2019, unexplained outbreaks of measles (500 people in the Samarkand region) and chickenpox were recorded in Uzbekistan.

    The Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia Anna Popova, speaking to the participants of the meeting of the heads of the Security Councils of the CIS countries, drew attention to outbreaks of previously unknown infections in places where US military laboratories had opened. Demonstrating the maps, she emphasized: “The first map is the location of the DTRA laboratories around the world. The second map shows the zones of emergence of new epidemiological threats.” The cards matched. This observation was made back in 2019.

    At a conference on May 28 in Bishkek, attention was drawn to the fact that the Pentagon has recently begun projects in its biolaboratories in Central Asia to move “animals from the local fauna” infected with deadly viruses to neighboring countries. We are talking about the number of camels. Earlier, the Echo of Kazakhstan portal reported that the project “Camels as sentry bio-observers: the risk of transmission of viruses from a camel to a person” will be launched in the Central Asian biolaboratories of the Pentagon; Now the project is being implemented on the territory of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan with the involvement of local specialists. Supervises and supervises all DTRA activities. The Kazakh Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems, the Central Reference Laboratory (CRL) in Alma-Ata, the Institute of Biosafety Problems of Tajikistan,

    Of particular danger is the infection of camels with coronaviruses. Studies by British scientists from the University of Liverpool have shown that the coronavirus can recombine in camels with other viruses and new types of infections may appear that are not affected by the COVID-19 vaccine.

    The coordinating center for research on camel pathogens is the US National Center for Biotechnology Information, which, as we wrote, plays a prominent role in monitoring and organizing social protests around the world as part of the Pentagon's EMBERS (“Embers”) project. The very fact of combining research in the field of biological weapons and the organization of social protests in one center is noteworthy.

    At the conference in Bishkek, demands were made to allow representatives of the international community, as well as WHO, to the central reference laboratory in Alma-Ata and the Scientific Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems of Kazakhstan "to conduct an audit of the activities of these institutions."

    On April 7, 2021, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, in an interview with Kommersant, admitted that biological weapons could be developed in US military laboratories scattered around the world, but mainly near the borders of Russia and China. Patrushev noted: "The authorities of those countries where these facilities are located have no real idea of ​​what is happening within their walls."

    And the very next day, on April 8, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said: “The US government should provide the international community with comprehensive information about the experiments that they are carrying out in the US military biolaboratories in Ukraine and in Fort Detrick ... The US has created 16 biological laboratories only in Ukraine. Why are the US creating so many laboratories around the world and what are they doing there…?". That

    is, in the bio-laboratories created by the US on the territory of Ukraine, SECRET and UNCONTROLLED by the Ukrainian state EXPERIMENTS and PROGRAMS funded by the Pentagon (US military department) are being conducted.

    This is also reported in Petition No. 22/091370-ep on the website of the President of Ukraine:

    Dear Volodymyr Oleksandrovych, we ask you to immediately initiate an investigation into the activities of the Transcarpathian Regional Laboratory Center, Ternopil Regional Laboratory Center, Odessa Subregional Laboratory of the Central Research Laboratory, and the National Research Center "Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine". until November 2019.

    Medical institutions studied the coronavirus under the supervision of experts from the US Joint Biological Research Program, without notifying the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Ukraine and the Presidential Administration of Ukraine. According to our information, the leaders of the above organizations (Stegniy BT, Chaichuk OT, Sitnik G.Ya., etc.) agreed to participate in the study of new strains of coronavirus, hoping to increase the chances of receiving grants for 2020 from the US Agency for international development and technical assistance from the US government.

    We, as representatives of the epidemiological community of Ukraine, believe that despite the importance of international cooperation in health care, such activities endangered the health of citizens and could lead to an internal outbreak of coronavirus in Ukraine, which is confirmed in Ternopil region.

    We hope that your intervention in the situation will help to prosecute certain persons involved in the organization of illegal research and prevent similar violations in the future. "

    In connection with the above, I ASK the President of Ukraine and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine:

    1. IMMEDIATELY CLOSE American bio-laboratories on the territory of Ukraine;

    2. PROVIDE an investigation into the activities of American bio-laboratories on the territory of Ukraine;

    3. PROVIDE VERIFICATION of the possible PARTICIPATION of Ukrainian scientists and Ukrainian medical organizations in the creation of coronavirus, as reported in Petition No. 22/091370-ep on the website of the President of Ukraine
    GORG --- ---
    Corona Investigative Committee on GETTR : This is the complete English stream. This way to the complete German stream: gettr.com/user/coronaausschuss A group of intern. attorneys and a judge are conducting a criminal investigation modeled on the grand jury proceedings to present to the public all available evidence of past crimes against humanity related to Covid-19 of the leaders, organizers, instigators, and accomplices who assisted in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic. This investigation is of the people, by the people, and for the people, so YOU can be part of the jury. Livestream links more: grand-jury.net

    Corona Investigative Committee
    Grand Jury Proceeding Day 6: Eugenics & Outlook
    GORG --- ---
    BOMBSHELL: Docs Leaked From Top-Secret Ukraine Biolab Show U.S. Was Performing Deadly Biological Experiments On Ukrainian Soldiers – enVolve

    Oficiální dokumenty dokazují, že biolaboratoře na Ukrajině financoval Pentagon – Nepřikrášlená realita islamizované Evropy
    RIVA --- ---
    Branch Covidians zase něco pečou! Za posledních 24 hodin jsou zprávy plný "new variant to KEEP AN EYE ON!"

    UK and Ireland MEDIA Blitz (Last 24 hours) / Hugo Talks
    RIVA --- ---
    The Ugly Truth of US Biowarfare in the Ukraine and Beyond (CP Podcast with Jeff J. Brown)

    In this Canadian Patriot Podcast, Matt and Cynthia talk to Jeff J. Brown, author, co-founder of the Bioweapon Truth Commission and the curator of the Global Online Library (BWTC-GOL). During this interview Jeff provides an overview of biowarfare in the 20th century from the dark days of WWI to the Pentagon's acquisition of Unit 731 Japanese biological warfare specialists in the wake of WWII. Examples of US/UK abuses of biological warfare in defiance of international laws is also discussed leading us into the heated topic of today's 13+ Pentagon-managed biolabs in Ukraine which have been a cause of major concern for Russian leadership for years. Jeff additionally takes us through China's similar concerns with US biolabs littered throughout Asia and much of Africa.
    GORG --- ---
    Connecting The Dots: Economic Collapse Edition
    GORG --- ---
    MATT: Já se do nikoho srát nechci. Vycházíš z perspektivy "potřebuješ občany chránit" jako axiom. Ty chceš někoho "chránit" :-)

    Já si vzpomínám někdy ve svých 20 týs , jak jsem si napůl žertovně myslel, že by maturita měla být tím, že si v 18 lidi dají LSD. A že by věznice měly být, jako mají teď v Norsku. Pak po letech vidím, že tam sedí Brejvik, co se soudil za mučení za to, že mu vězení nekoupili Playstation 5 nýbrž Playstation 4, a zakázali hrát GTA.

    Postupem let jsem měl čím dál menší chuť diktovat jiným lidem, co mají dělat. A nechtěl bych být politikem, který něco zavádí pro celou zemi.
    Takže se ani vzdáleně neumím vctítit do toho, co řešíš.. a nejen ty, ale obecně řekněme tzv. progresivisti, kteří se obzvlášť rádi pletou jiným lidem do života.

    Já třeba nevím, proč bychom měli cenzurovat ruskou propagandu? Docela zajímavé ne, že jsou věci, co jako nemůžeš vidět? Tím pádem pak nevidím šanci na žádný dialog, pokud ani nemůžeme vidět, co říká ta druhá strana. I pokud je to propaganda.

    Znepokojuje mě snaha kádrovat a kontrolovat ruské občany. Říká Petr Drulák

    tohodle typka uz si asi taky do televize znovu nepozvou :) nedostatecny fanatismus. neni to zadny putinovec ale proste on veci prilis relativizuje. a malo nenavisti projevuje. takove hodnoty se nenosi
    MATT --- ---
    GORG: GORG: tohle je hrozně těžký. máme např. zákony proti pomluvě, když říkáš neco co není pravda a uškodíš tim, tak za to můžeš zodpovídat. na úrovni státu asi nic takovýho nemáme. ale přesto potřebuješ svoje občany a společnost nějak chránit. a protistrana tahá za delší konec provazu. jak to řešit? vzdělávání je na hrozně dlouho a ani to není stopro recept. jak bys to z dlouhodobý perspektivy řešil?
    GORG --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    Facebook povolí výzvy k zabití Putina a Lukašenka - Novinky.cz

    Výzvy k násilí budou na sociálních sítích jako Facebook a Instagram dočasně povoleny. Pokud žádáte smrt ruského prezidenta Vladimira Putina nebo jeho běloruského spojence Alexandra Lukašenka, zřejmě to projde. Podle agentury Reuters to vyplývá z interních e-mailů.

    „Kvůli ruské invazi na Ukrajinu jsme dočasně povolili formy politického vyjádření, které by normálně porušovaly naše pravidla,“ uvedla společnost Meta, pod kterou Facebook a Instagram spadají.

    Týká se to zvolání jako „smrt ruským útočníkům“. Výzvy k násilí proti Rusům ale nejsou povoleny plošně. Musí se jednoznačně týkat invaze na Ukrajinu a nesmí jít o výzvy k zabíjení válečných zajatců.
    RIVA --- ---
    The Great Reset And Your Car (You'll Own Nothing. . .)

    V teto epizode Matthew analyzuje celosvetovy spolecensky dopad noveho "Infrastructure Bill(u)" (zakona) ve Spojenych Statech. Zameruje se na detaily o "backdoors" a "kill switches," ktere timto americka vlada oficialne vyzaduje u vsech novych modelu aut. Napriklad takova Tesla uz "kill switche" ve svych autech vesele instaluje nejakou dobu a ted se mluvi o doslovnem vypnuti vsech jejich (s durazem na slovo JEJICH) aut na uzemi ruske federace. Velmi se k tomuto hodi parafraze Mattheova oblibeneho "Not your keys, not your coin" (tj. pokud svoje krypto prechovavas na exchange nebo u custodian(a), tak ho vlastne doopravdy nevlastnis. Takze "Not your keys, not your car." Great Reset v praxi. Ty sice zaplatis ruku a nohu za to ze si muzes vozit prdel v nalestene Tesle, ale pokud nekde udelas krok spatnym smerem, tak jsi dojezdil(a).
    LACIF --- ---
    RIVA: Jako jasne…
    Asi když chceš něco propagovat (stát vlajkou / očko kampani), tak asi nevyberes tmavě hnědou nebo khaki…
    Modrá a žlutá jsou fajn kombo, to ví i malej prcek, co si kreslí na základce.. vedej to třeba i Švédové se svoji vlajkou..
    Behavioráni.. to už hraničí s arteterapii… nejsem psycholog.. ale asi má nejakej důvod, ze informační cedule bejvaj modrý..
    Jinak google mi teda na picture dotazy “vaccinatuon great Britain” atd vyhazuje spis modro-bílé obrázky (typicky nemocničně doktorský), žlutá žádná..
    Jo a do toho videa mi skočila reklama…. Na modrozlutej Lidl!
    RIVA --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN: Nene kámo, to je 100% "nudging" Velka Británie je velmocí aplikované behaviorální psychologie. Ty barevne kombinace rozhodně nejsou náhoda.
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    RIVA: fascinující a určitě by to bylo funkční. jen když dám do googlu --images vaccination, tak ty barevný kombinace jsou tam daleko bohatší. takže spíš sbírka "kdo hledá najde" imho
    RIVA --- ---
    Modrá (a žlutá) je dobrá...?

    MASS FORMATION COLOUR PROGRAMMING 🟦🟨 / Hugo Talks #blue #yellow
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    //starsi :)

    Bill Gates warns of smallpox terror attacks and urges leaders to use ‘germ games’ to prepare
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam